Meet Alabama’s Leading Secessionist


No, it is not me, and it is not Michael Hill … it looks like the Tea Party types have gone over the falls:

“Derrick B.,” the man who started a petition seeking Alabama’s withdrawal from the U.S., is a truck driving, knife collecting former owner of a topless car wash who describes himself as “an absolute Libertarian.”

Derrick Belcher, 45, of Chunchula, said in an interview late Monday that secession may be the only way to save working Americans from crushing debt, burdensome federal regulations and rising taxes.….”

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Imposter! Usurper! Amateur!

    Highlights an important point. A free Dixie (or whatever) MUST have the right people in charge. Not ZOG-USA placemen. They will not let you go easily.

    They do this in the EU. ‘Freedom’ and ‘independence’ are allowed, but only under complete EU control. See who is leading Scottish Independence for example. They are fooling their supporters, freeing them from the UK only to put under the yoke of the commies at the EU.

  2. WVNEws is running Jew Auster’s 2005 column, here.

    But, like all kikes (marrano or otherwise) the lies are always interspersed with the truth. It’s genetic with them. (Granted, this piece is five years old now, and back then, [before O’Buckwheat, Trayvon Martin, Fag Holder, et. al.]) we still gave lip service to the ‘great’ [cough, hack] MLK, Jr. Even we ‘conservatives.’

    But when I read for the first time, that the night before he was legitimately killed as a terrorist, he was bedding not one, but Two whores, and saying, “I’m a WHITE MAN tonight,” I lost ALL feeling for that shifty nigger. Not only did MLK know, his entire life was that of a shiftless exemplar of his shiftless race. He was a USER, from day one. Just like they ALL are.

    Now, for some, this piece of Auster’s will come as a shock. That only shows us (who are in the know) HOW FAR WE HAVE TO GO, to RE-EDUCATE our White Brethren- at least those who are willing to learn.

    For those who are not, Let them live with the Yankees in Vermont.

    The Rubicon has been crossed. We are at war with FEDGOV, and demand our freedom from this bastard state, ruled by a bastard Mulatto metrosexual Marxist.
    The First Southernor that bombs the Chink ‘memorial’ to MLK in the District of Corruption, gets a badge of honor. If you think this is ‘offensive’ talk to those whose legitimate memorials to Southern gentlemen have been destroyed, defaced, graffitted, etc.

    Payback’s a bitch, Gentlemen. Lock and Load.

  3. Hunter,

    I appreciate your efforts, but you’re on the wrong track here.

    This whole internet-seccession movement is one big joke. Amateurish on the inside and surrealistic on the outside. First of all, Obama is NOT going to grant any state the right to secede unilaterally in any circumstance. And he’s not even going to bother looking at a petition with an outrageous demand signed by less than 1% of the total population of the state.

    My prediction is that the government won’t even comment on it. If pressed by the media, they will simply dismiss the proposal as unworthy of comment. Which it IS.

    I suspect that the anonymous loon who initially posted the petitions discredited himself by phrasing the demand in a nonsensical and ridiculous way. I really feel sick about this huge blunder. So many people wasting their time.

    Now, I’m not against the idea of a petition for secession. But it should have looked like something like this:

    “Grant the State of XYZ a popular referendum to withdraw from the United States of America.”

    That would AT LEAST have made the Obama government uncomfortable. Not responding would mean that they don’t really care about democracy. Now, all they have to do is laugh about the people who actually believed that if 25k people sign an online, anonymous petition, that is going to grant their state INDEPENDENCE from the UNION!

    I really feel bad about this.

  4. n/a,

    (1) The guy who started this initiated a public discussion of secession. That’s great.

    (2) The guy behind the Alabama petition isn’t a fool. He plans to take all the signatures and submit them to the governor.

    (3) I can’t see any downside to tens of thousands of people discussing secession among themselves.

    (4) This petition thing was a great idea. It allows people to circumvent the media and see that there are other people like themselves. It is easy to do and the guy who did this struck at exactly the right moment.

    (5) I would say this is an improvement on the “Take Back America” shit from the Tea Party.

    (6) I haven’t seen anything that suggests that the people who are signing the petitions believe that 25K will result in secession.

    (7) The important thing here is that this is an ingenious way for people to see that they are surrounded by other secessionists in their states and cities.

    (8) Finally, the only shot we have in the South is to rid ourselves of the Union. That has been my position for over a year now. I fully support the people who want to rid themselves of the Union for any reason!

    Let them secede over “big government.” Wonderful. Fine. Cut off SNAP EBT and you have an instant racial conflict.

  5. The tea party learned their lesson during the election, hopefully they use their organizational structures they already have in place to organize a more practical movement. They aren’t gonna take their country back, there’s really not a country even there to take back, they’re gonna have to build it from scratch.

  6. Cris, would you sign a petition to allow white Detroit to secede from black Detroit? You guys could take belle isle, and still have room to spare.

  7. Has Glenn Beck come out for amnesty yet? It’s only a matter of time. I await the “hispanic founding fathers” Beck special with bated breath.

  8. @Jim

    I don’t need some silly petition, because what I’m doing is legally re-claiming my homeland, by buying up vacant lots and destroyed, abandoned properties, starting with those next-door to me and on my own block. And I will continue to do this, slowly, one parcel at a time. And eventually the day will arrive wherein the responsibility of physically defending my territory will be mine alone. So in the meantime, I use legal means to prepare for that.

    Instead of impotently agitating a dying entity that hasn’t even the regard for you to so much as pretend to hear what you have to say, my strategy is to just quietly, steadily, get on with preparing for the future. In real-life.

    I have time, and a difficult future I must face. The federal government does not. A decade from now, I will still be here and so will the land I call home. The United States of America most likely will not. If you people truly are serious about this secession bullshit like you claim, then you better start physically doing it real-life.

  9. 313Chris says:

    ‘I don’t need some silly petition, because what I’m doing is legally re-claiming my homeland, by buying up vacant lots and destroyed, abandoned properties, starting with those next-door to me and on my own block. And I will continue to do this, slowly, one parcel at a time. And eventually the day will arrive wherein the responsibility of physically defending my territory will be mine alone.’

    Chris, I admire your gumption. But, I just don’t understand why you subject yourself to living among the ferals in Detroit. It’s one thing to reside on the periphery, but you’re smack dab in the middle of it!

    A few years ago I drove through the neighborhood I grew up in. Beaners and groidians. Looks like a war zone. Would never want to live there. Yes, I have memories of family, pets and friends…. so what?

    Are you married? Children? Too dangerous for them.

    I could buy real estate and empty lots for chump change. Why? If I built a new home what would it be worth? Location-location-location. The Golden Rule of real estate.

    Home to me is where the heart is. Not a plot of dirt that has become contaminated, unsuited for human habitation.

    As I was leaving the area a rock the size of a baseball zipped past my face crashing against interior moulding near the pssenger door. Bunch of Trayvons scurried away across the street.

    I’m sure if I lived there I’d go postal in no time at all.

  10. I think you miss the point of the whole thing. A lot of us are doing the best we can IRL to secure ourselves and our families, this “petition” business isn’t meant to actually get the Federal Government to pay attention, it’s marketing meant for our target demo, whites who are waking up.

  11. If some organizer was smart, he’d stage a “spontaneous” public demonstration, but plan it and cast it in advance, by invitation only. The first public protests should consist mostly of young, good-looking people with children, and they should not be launched unless and until they can deliver a decent-sized crowd of same. 200 or so at least. The face of the movement, at least at first, needs to be YOUNG. This is critical because
    a) it shows other young people, who are brainwashed into liberalism, that it’s OK to think these thoughts,
    b) it does an end-run around the typical Jew media propaganda tactic of claiming that “white equals old and done for”, which they used against the Tea Party so often; and
    c) it presents a more appealing invitation to those on the fence: “Look, we’re not crazy, we’re young and cool and worried about our future.”

    Besides, if secessionists can’t persuade the young, then essentially they don’t have a movement.

  12. A really cynical but effective Alinskyite operator would start going to strip clubs and chatting up all the good-looking white dancers who don’t seem strung out or crazy. Get them to speak their minds (a lot of them will agree) and invite them to the rallies. Do all this while spending a bit of dosh, btw. If you have a platoon of young hotties at the rallies, it’s good for image.

    Also, this time around, it is crucial to get all the protesters to refuse to speak to the MSM. The media rats were constantly baiting the Tea Party, trying to get them to say something that would make them seem ignorant or racist or crazy.

    This time around everyone should just say “I don’t speak to reporters.” When they ask why, give them a look and say “You know exactly why.”

  13. @Hunter

    I thought Michigan “renigged”? Now you suddenly believe it wants to join “the South” huh? LOL. The only secession movement that I know of in the state of Michigan, involves the upper penninsula becoming a separate state, and that goofy outfit has been around forever.

  14. @oscar the grinch

    “Chris, I admire your gumption. But, I just don’t understand why you subject yourself to living among the ferals in Detroit.”

    – If I moved to some suburb, I would be forced into a smaller house (mine is very old, and needs frequent repairs, but it’s tall and spacious) I would have little to space (my house sits on a deep triple lot — I have a huge yard on both sides) and worst of all, I would just be helplessly witnessing the same old cycle repeat itself — niggers move in, whites move away, more niggers move in to fill their void, area turns to shit. White-flight is pointless anymore. A band-aid on bullet-wound.

    “It’s one thing to reside on the periphery, but you’re smack dab in the middle of it!”

    – To be more clear, my area is mostly vacant now. It was at it’s worst in the late 1980’s through 1990’s. It’s much quieter now. There’s nowhere for any new niggers to live — most of the houses left are physically uninhabitable. Also, many of the niggers that were here, have since moved down South — Georgia, Mississippi & Florida. Detroit (and Michigan) is steadily losing niggers every year.

    “Are you married? Children? Too dangerous for them.”

    – No and no. But, I’ll admit, if I was, I’m sure my plans and current course of action would do a 180 over night. But as things stand, I have no intention of bringing children into this world in the aweful state that it’s in.

    “I could buy real estate and empty lots for chump change. Why? If I built a new home, what would it be worth?”

    – You misunderstand. I don’t intend to build anything. Just legally aquire a great deal of land in the area where I have a personal history, bulldoze the blight, and fence it off with chain-link and razor-wire, and wait for post-America situational dynamics to play out how they will. Establish my own swath of territitory. It’s already happening here. There are people from outlying suburbs who have already bought huge chunks of the city. We understand what lies ahead, and I’m sure these men see themselves as future land-barons. I personally don’t, and the idea is offensive to my American soul, but I gotta survive in this world.

    “Location-location-location. The Golden Rule of real estate.”

    – The stretch of land along the Detroit river, where the city now sits, is, I believe, the most valuable real-estate on the planet. It is strategically situated at a crossroads connecting the food-growing land of the Midwest, the Great Lakes, and an access point to the St. Lawrence Seaway. It’s simply too valuable to surrender.

    “I’m sure if I lived there I’d go postal in no time at all.”

    – I come from a tough, resiliant stock. All that Polish-Tatar blood from my mother. Besides, I’m armed, and I can fight with my bare hands and feet as well as I can with a gun.

  15. “I have no intention of bringing children into this world in the aweful state that it’s in.”

    Then unless your job is related to directly defending white families you may as well slit your throat for all the use you are.

  16. @Rudel

    Slit your own throat, coward. Your Northwest Republic will be full of welfare niggers and amnestied beaners soon enough. Where will Jewdel wander to next?

  17. “Slit your own throat, coward.”

    I’d rather go snowboarding with the grandkids! And I’d just as soon slit my own throat than end up like you, a lonely old fag with a shotgun sitting behind a chain link fence topped with razor wire wanking off to his failed dreams of being a cop.

  18. @Rudel

    “I’d rather go snowboarding with the grandkids!”

    – Huh, I never knew that nappy-headed, diarrhea-colored mulattos liked to play in the snow! Learn something new everyday, I guess.

    “And I’d just as soon slit my own throat than end up like you, a lonely old fag with a shotgun sitting behind a chain link fence topped with barbed wire wanking off to his failed dreams of being a cop.”

    – There’s no chain-link or barbed-wire around my house, I don’t own a shotgun, I never had the slightest interest in being a cop, and at least I still get to enjoy the feeling of a woman’s body — unlike your decrepit old self who probably couldn’t get an erection if you had an unlimited supply of viagra, the wife gone for a week, and your collection of interracial gay porn all to yourself.

    But do feel free to slit your own throat anyway.

  19. I have to admit, I day-dreamed of doing what Chris did the first time I saw one of those detroit ruin videos. The buying of property seemed straight forward enough but the one thing I never figured out was how you could keep it from eminent domain seizure or property tax increases or other shenanigans if the nigger-infested city council ever caught on.

    But then I got engaged within a few months of that and dropped the idea. I don’t live very close and wasn’t about to risk my current job looking for one in detroit at the onset of a recession.

    Cool that someone is doing it though. I don’t think I could resist playing sniper if I was single and wedded to the area however.

  20. There’s a petition drive ot strip citizenship of every-one who signed a secession petition.

    Life is getting better by the second!

    I Heart Civilizational Collapse!

  21. Denise, there is a Pennsylvania petition underway for days now, started by Karen from multicultural-invaded Hazleton, with thousands of signatures. But you can’t access it through the link on this site.

    All the other state petition links work through Hunter’s site, but not the Pennsylvania one.

  22. Sign up for your state, Denise. As Ben Franklin is said to have said, “We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately.”

  23. @YT

    As long as one has a legitimate reason to buy the land — in my case it will be physically attached to my existing property, and I actually RESIDE on it — then they can’t bother you if you keep your taxes paid. And I have a good lawyer, too.

  24. “The only secession movement that I know of in the state of Michigan, involves the upper penninsula becoming a separate state, and that goofy outfit has been around forever.”

    Hey now, if the yoop were a state it would at least be a red state. Hell, if the upper peninsula were a state it’d be the only red state in the entire north. It’s a whole different country up there.

  25. Location matters a little less for families that will send their kids to private school or homeschool (Salman Kahn is an honorary white man). Increasingly the aforementioned are being chosen by whites thanks to Graboids. Buy property in areas with cheap schools and vote the budget down further and further every year. Making the investment in good school districts is foolish as the browning/redistricting continues to spread like PB (poor blacks) on white bread school districts.

  26. At a young age, Rudel – in full fauntleroy suit – learned to give a good tongue-lashing; whenever his black wetnurse was too tired to take him out for ribbon candy and bassett’s ice cream.

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