The Awakening


OD’s very own Gregory Hood is cited in Foreign Policy:

“The politics of race moved from the fringes to the front page last week in the wake of Mitt Romney’s eggshell exit poll results — whites made up a remarkable 88 percent of his votes, versus 56 percent of the president’s. The New York Times dissected the Republican Party’s demographics problem, and Fox News pundit Bill O’Reilly bluntly bemoaned the end of “traditional America” and “the white establishment.” And, well outside the mainstream media, a deafening clatter arose across the land in the furious keystrokes of America’s white nationalists. . ..”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The greatest benefit of this election is maybe white American’s will stop looking to the the professional plutocrats who run the loser party, aka the GOP, to help “take back America”.

  2. Funniest comment yet:

    “your supply of cheap Mexican labor will disappear, most of the educated liberals in Austin will leave for any where else”

    Oh God, what will we ever do without those educated liberals??? LMAO. I’ll tell you what we’ll do, we’ll get back to living our lives instead of following the dictates of a bunch of aliens who hate us. OMG, they really think they are God’s gift, the hell-spawn who think themselves angels.

  3. Foreign Policy.. I betcha this blog sure doesn’t mind young whites being used as cannon fodder for the racist Jew apartheid state in the middle east.

  4. Good for Greg Hood. Sharpen your talking points Hunter. Sooner or later, you’ll get a call from the press asking for comment.

  5. I haves novel. Bear me out.

    All Saint’s Day

    D-Day 2.0

    After France goes Arab it starts a war with The Spanish. At some point the English amass an army and re-liberate France. This time not from Germans but from Musselmen. This time the emplacements in Normandy are guarded by Algerians, Moroccans, Egyptians and sundry Arab scum.

    Might be a good laugh.

  6. Let’s see how much northern white REALLY love their BRA. They’ll vote for it, they willing to fight and maybe DIE for it? I can imagine the Vermont 2nd Gay Infantry crossing the Ohio River, the Obama “O” flag and rainbow colors fluttering in the breeze…

  7. The 20th LGBT and the Hoodrat Scout Cavalry. You could drop a sprinkling of Airforce Ones on them and they would shoot each other for the crappy shoes.

  8. A lot of similarities between now and 1860. Two separate nations, flood of newcomers changing the nation, a bunch of mostly southern vets return from a war of foreign conquest from which they gain nothing but war-fighting experience.

  9. Louisiana will join Texas before “Morning Joe” and the NPR commute!

    The key here? These states are contiguous! It has the pastiche of viability to the untutored mind!

  10. WTF am I saying: Louisiana has ALREADY passed the magic number of 25 thousand!

    Time to hit the hay:

    One last observation, do you notice that the very INSTANT the neocon controllers were discredited all of this took off?


    Let’s think ahead: this secession thing will go for about a week or so more, what is the next thing? Billboards? Demonstrations? Let’s compound our momentum!

  11. “A lot of similarities between now and 1860”

    Yeah, and how did THAT turn out for “y’all” in 1860, ya feckin retards? Ya might wanna plan it all out a bit more carefully this time, you bunch of palsied gorillas.

    I’m not wishing you ill, I’m playing the role of a proper coach or DI.

    DON’T BE A BUNCH OF FUCKING MORONS! You will be up against the people who were smart enough, and devious enough, and cunning enough, and hate-filled enough, to bring you to this very pass!

    If you don’t want it to end in tears (don’t ask me for my forecast based on the simian antics I see here now), well then y’all better have a good hard think.

    That is, if you can.

    Fucking apes.

  12. I for one can’t wait for that “holiday” we all celebrate in and around the 25th of December to once and again be known as CHRISTmas.

  13. @Stonelifter

    What’s that supposed to mean? You plan on a starting another war and getting your loudmouthed crybaby asses kicked all over again? LOL

  14. Who’s gonna kick their ass? You gonna kick their ass? Chris, I’m born and bred in the north, but I’m smart enough to know I don’t have a country anymore, I didn’t leave it, it left me. The America I was loved has been dead for at least 80 years. I’m done pretending, I was off fighting, risking my life while the fags an degenerates who run this shit hole were busy selling my and my people out. They are the traitors, not me. Do you want to throw in your lot with traitors? I was raised to be God fearing, honest, moral, all the things that are mocked 24-7 in this “great” country. I’m done being a sucker, a chump.

  15. @Jim

    “Who’s gonna kick their ass?”

    – Anybody they start any shit with. They couldn’t even stop the National Guard from marching some little nigger girl into one of their schools. They’re no different than other region of this country.

    “You gonna kick their ass.”

    – Stonelifter’s, yes. If ever shows up.

    “..I’m smart enough to know I don’t have a country anymore…”

    – Same here. Only a city that has always been my true home.

    “The America that I loved has been dead for at least 80 years.”

    – Really it died on 9/11, but was leading a reckless, junky-like existence for a few decades before that.

    “I’m done pretending.”

    – After last Tuesday night, so did I.

    “I was off fighting, risking my life while the fags and degenerates who run this shit hole were busy selling me and my people out.”

    – You joined their war-machine and served their agenda out of your own free will. Then you came home. When I was growing up, we were forced by law to live in this city, because my parents were policemen and thus city employees. There were arson gangs, shootings literally in the street out in front of my house, murders, serial rapes, and narcotic activity in my neighborhood. My everyday life was as potentially fatal as participation in that misadventure in Iraq. I didn’t get to “go home” from it, because it WAS home. You aren’t the only one who was used and shitted on by America.

    “Do you want to throw in your lot with traitors?”

    – If individuals like Stonelifter plan to come up here, like he seems to be suggesting, and try and make war on my family and friends for whatever imagined grievence is stuck up his punk ass, then he and his inbred cretin “nation” will get a war. And they. Will Lose. That said, I have no personal desire to have anything to do with “Dixie” or any other region outside of Detroit or Michigan’s lower penninsula, after the physical dissolution of America becomes official. And if Washington DC or the Northeast were to make war on the South, then they’ll have to do so without me.

  16. There was no need for the slavish “peacefully grant” rhetoric in any of the petitions. They should all have read “we demand” instead. I signed them anyway. The White House will issue its response in 30 days just in time for the football playoffs and this whole secession flap will be categorized as sour grapes and will blow over and be forgotten.

    The leftists and anarchists have been the only ones with the balls to raise any sort of real ruckus via the Occupy movement anyway. The “conservatives” are all a bunch of pussies.

  17. Well, you fools probably thought I was gone for good. Not so fast; I have been busy with real-life activities in service to the multicult, such as tutoring African-American children, campaigning for Obama with my Korean girlfriend, and leading Catholic Church activities for Mexican and Filipino immigrant college students. Now the election is over and I am here to gloat and laugh at all of your tortured writings, as BRA extends its beautiful grip over the whole country. These secession cries are the last gasps of a dying identity.

    313Chris, my condolences on such a hard month. The Tigers lost the World Series, and Obama not only won reelection, but swept the north. I’m thinking of coming to Detroit soon; maybe we can burn a Confederate flag together.

    Oh and Confederate people here, will you let Alan West into your country if it actually happened?

  18. PGRT is a Dead Man Walking. The day the EBT cards stop working…the Golden Horde will have him for lunch…or the ‘bangers for dinner. And this isn’t only about the Olde South, HW: it’s White HardRight vs. the FreeShitArmy (Blacks, browns, yellows, White Cosmics [PGRT], and their Jew officers) all over the country. THERE ARE NO BLUE STATES ONLY BLUE CITIES. Try to keep that in mind. And when the balloon goes up, it won’t be at all like the relatively civilized exchange that took place 1860-61. Think Spain, 1936-39. Prisoners (on both sides) will be briefly interrogated, and the last question will be:

    “Turn around…or do you want it in the face?”

    Time presses. Weapon up.

  19. @…Well, you fools probably thought I was gone for good. Not so fast; I have been busy with real-life activities in service to the multicult, such as tutoring African-American children, campaigning for Obama with my Korean girlfriend, and leading Catholic Church activities for Mexican and Filipino immigrant college students. Now the election is over and I am here to gloat and laugh at all of your tortured writings, as BRA extends its beautiful grip over the whole country. These secession cries are the last gasps of a dying identity….”

    Is this a real person? His bio reads like a SNL skit. If you’re a real person and not just a regular poster doing satire—– why are you for White Genocide, as you state?

    Really curious about it. Why do you support so many ethno-identities in your work (like mexican-korean-catholicism-african-american….etc) and yet are only for the genocide of europeans?

    Was your catholicism involved? Either being Jesuit trained in liberation theology, or identifying yourself as a “out group” (like how so many Irish hated “anglos” for trying to rule them in Europe, then transferred their “revenge” impulses onto other groups.

    Are you Irish descent? Just curious. It would be interesting if you could share the origins of what brought you to being for the Genocide of Europeans. (I’m not offended but seriously curious—if you wouldn’t mind)

  20. Hypothetical.

    Gore elected president in 200o. By some fluke the 9/11 bombers are captured. Then there is a freak storm in New York with mass damage inflicted on Staten Island. Gore announces the construction of a massive tidal barrier to be built in front of New York and New Orleans to be completed by 2011.

    Obama remains an obscure hack in Chicago politics.

  21. Hunter, the white nationalist movement is a dead-end. You’ll be crushed. You hang around with people like Andrew Hamiltion of Counter Currents. In a recent article about the Gerber baby, Hamiltion referred to a lesbian wimmin’s studies prof named “Heidenreich” as a Jew. Of course she had to be a Jew, she was a dyke wimmin’s studies prof. I don’t think so.

    The name Heidenreich is as Aryan as they come. Is the wrestler a Jew, do you think?


    You guys stink to high heaven, which is a pity because some of your insights are on the mark.

    This is a movement with no future. You reveal yourselves as insane every so often, and normal people, esp. women, go in the opposite direction.

  22. “his is a movement with no future. You reveal yourselves as insane every so often, and normal people, esp. women, go in the opposite direction.”

    “Let the dead bury the dead,” Christ said of the doubters of His Day.

    My wife married me, twenty some years ago, and promised then to love, cherish, and OBEY. In all that time, she has done just that. I am homeschooling my white daughters to be obedient, demure, and not listen to the siren song of the Bitches and Whores that pass for women today.

    Go dig your own grave, and lie down in it, jim. That’s all you’re good for, unless you want to be some nigger’s or jews’ slave.

    For the rest of us, We choose life, liberty, and the future of our people.

  23. PGRT is just doing a shtick routine. I like his posts.

    Tough month?? Please. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  24. Dixiegirl, apologies for the delay. I am not of Irish descent; I am Croatian and Italian on my father’s side, and German, French, English, Scottish and Danish on my mother’s side. So my mother’s family is mostly Protestant. I was trained by the Lassallian order (somewhat similar to the Jesuits) and in liberation theology. Many people think I am a troll, but in fact, here is the place where I feel that I can represent my true opinions. I support white genocide because I truly believe it is in the best interest of myself, my family (which includes mixed-raced people) and my friends (who are from a variety of different races) to live in a world where the colonialist imperialist culture of whiteness is weakened in favor of mixed-raced people with some white ancestry but with a variety of different other races. I believe I am likely to be an elite in this culture. Learning about white nationalism actually encouraged me in this idea; the black crime statistics are disturbing and that’s the one thing which really bothers me. But I know that the destruction of the racial paradigm is not expected to be easy. White nationalism has taught me what a revolutionary and beautiful thing it is to betry my race, and to be fully awake in my opposition to it.

  25. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    November 14, 2012 at 5:26 am
    ”I support white genocide”

    Yes folks, you are not dreaming… They are now using the word GENOCIDE in regards to our RACE.

  26. Even the most obsessive Jewaholics, on their own websites, surrounded and egged on by fellow Jewaholics and ADL trolls say, they want the GENOCIDE of all Jews on the planet. At “worst”, they want complete and permanent separation from them.

    Yet these assholes regularly make arguments and justification for the GENOCIDE of White people everywhere. They say it to our face and they call it “anti-racism”.

    “Anti-racism” was always about WHITE GENOCIDE.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

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