Mitt Romney Earns My Respect


If he had campaigned like this in the general election, I would have voted for him:

“A week after losing the election to President Obama, Mitt Romney blamed his overwhelming electoral loss on what he said were big “gifts” that the president had bestowed on loyal Democratic constituencies — including young voters, African-Americans and Hispanics. . . .”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. BTW, the iPhone has a patent on it, that will allow it to be ‘turned off’ by Government Agents, should said apparatus be used in a ‘confrontational situation’ deemed dangerous…. by whom?

    The FEDGOV when they don’t want you to use your smartphone to record anti-white muggings of feral niggers in mass assemblies, or when cops/SWAT teams come to bludgeon white protesters against an Obamanation.

    Apple is a FEDGOV tool.

    (but a darn good phone- but that’s what happens when you allow a mixed-breed bastard like Jobs to be a Buddhist, and see nothing but impersonal ‘karma,’ instead of making truly moral decisions for his compatriots.)

  2. “The USA is a regulatory hellhole, makes starting a business very expensive. Much easier to contract out. Even simple things like opening a corner store come with huge local fees and taxes in most places where there are any people. Unions full of lazy degenerates. Land impact studies. Water rights.Traffic impact studies.”

    Yes, and most of that legislation has been pushed through by corporations in order to destroy competition and/or reduce their overall financial burden. Mergers and acquisitions are NOT for the greater good. A large number of Americans buy into everything they’re told. They need to think for themselves!

    Look at the medical industry. Malpractice claims and the resulting high insurance premiums, as well as other regulations, have destroyed the individual medical practice. Insurane companies have far more to say how we get treated than we do. We are NOT in control of our medical care. The American Medical Association dictates most of what the medical industry does. Ditto with the World Health Organization. Follow the money…. corporations control the food supply and are in the process of buying up all the water sources. Does anyone stop to think about the implications?

    – Education gets its marching orders from the National Education Association (Rockefellers et al)
    – Medicine (including education in medicine) gets its marching orders from the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization (Rockefellers et al)
    – Food supply by National Dairy Association, Beef Council, Sugar Association, etc. by Rockefeller-funded, etc., foundations and organizations

    No politician addresses these issues which should be at the top of every voter’s list.

  3. We need massive changes within the political structure.

    They have created a mindset where we police each other – and often report each other. Like John from Philly above. Or, in another case where you might say something pro-white and everyone calls you a racist. It’s mind control in its purest form. They couldn’t possibly police all of us so they use the population to control the population.

    My points made above is these things were done to destroy American production slowly, over time, so that Americans would not know what hit them. And, they don’t. Do you really believe the people doing these things don’t know what they’re doing? That this legislation will stiffle business? Of course they do. It’s intentional. That’s my point. They know what they are doing but the average American will justify in their head all this damage over all these decades.

    I am probably older (and yes, Dixie Girl, I eat organic but I am younger than the age group you mention) and I see what has gone on over the decades. Americans are not happy. Materialism has created a false sense of happiness. Most Americans are miserable. At least, most white Americans.

    Sam, technology might run your life but I have very little in mine. If my computer was removed tomorrow, it would not be deemed life threatening to me. And, I wish my car wasn’t run by computer. Now, if they don’t like me, they can shut my car off anywhere and at any time. These things give you the illusion of happiness and safety through convenience and wonder. They control us.

    When, I repeat when, the shtf, I’ll discard my iPhone because it is a tracking device. I will wish I hard an old vehicle, and that my neighbor was on the same page as me.

    “Well, whether we like it or not this is the world today.”

    You can like it, I have learned what it really means. I want to restore America for Americans. Get rid of its corporatist-facist present.

    “If they relied on selling their products and services only in the USA, they would go belly up, laying off then firing their workers.”

    Who says so? American companies used to operate this way. They exported products which was good for us. That’s what made us a wealthy and productive society. When did this practice go obsolete? In fact, American companies were at their greatest when they were controlled by Main Street and not Wall Street. You think globally.

    “No jobs, no tax base, no nothing. More people eligible to suck off the government.”

    We’re the tax base. You’ve lost most middle class jobs anyway. The economy is running on empty – debt and credit runs our economy. Yes, done intentionally to make people dependent on government. And, who controls our government? We certainly don’t!

    “China or Germany would pick up the slack eventually.”

    What used to happen? Do you only think 1990+ forward? Not in US if we still had a patriotic public who understood the ramifications of this and we had tariff controls. I only worry about America and Europe. Do you have any idea how this country operated before you were born?

    “Rockwell’s ex-workers would be greeting Mexicans and jigs at Wal-Mart or doling out fries at Mickey D’s if they were lucky enough to get any jobs in this climate.”

    I hate to tell you but a lot of white Americans are doing this. Eventually, Rockwell will pack its bags, too. You apparently live for Rockwell. That’s the mentality of a union worker. Like I said, Rockwell controls you.

    How did this country evolve before all this nonsense you believe in? These companies were started locally. When they became global, the trouble began. Let the people outside of America buy imports, we should be buying domestic products. We’ve also shipped a lot of our technology to China. How do you think that works for us? They can’t build those iPhones without the technology that was created here.

  4. Thanks, Stonelifter. As Bob Chapman and many others have said, the hardest part is convincing others you are trying to help them. I care if my neighbor has a good job or not. It does effect me. It effects my community and its effects my nation. We need to think together and come together.

  5. One more thing to ponder… who pays your doctor? Most of the money comes from your insurance company so guess who makes the real decisions? They set the price for you AND for the doctor. Is there anything wrong with this picture? They give you the illusion that they are getting you a discount. They’re getting themselves a discount.

    And, government does nothing about it for you or the doctor. Nothing! You’re both slaves to the insurance company. And now, the federal government will be helping – guess who – the insurance companies. Putting the smaller ones out of business and creating another conglomerate. Because the large insurance companies wrote the legislation for Obamacare.

  6. After the election, Romney should know better than anyone that money just can’t buy everything. Despite all odds, our President prevailed. He still has an uphill battle fighting a Red House which has blocked his every move in an attempt to squash his goals of bringing the Middle Class equal pay, women’s rights, gay rights and affordable healthcare. The Bush Administration drove our economy into a swift nose dive and Obama is still the patsy. Watch conservative hands paint him in Blackface with a visual commentary of how Barack has been bamboozled at

  7. ‘Sam, technology might run your life but I have very little in mine.’

    Technology does not run my life. I use technology as you do also. We all do.

    Snowhitey says: ‘If my computer was removed tomorrow, it would not be deemed life threatening to me. ‘

    No, but you wouldn’t be able to communicate your thoughts on this message board either.

    Snowhitey says: ‘And, I wish my car wasn’t run by computer.’

    Computers in autos are great. Our cars are function beautifully well. Every aspect of the auto industry has been improved because of technology, computers.

    Snowhitey says: ‘Now, if they don’t like me, they can shut my car off anywhere and at any time. These things give you the illusion of happiness and safety through convenience and wonder. They control us.’

    No one is forcing you to drive a car. Ditch it, buy a bicycle, then you needn’t worry about being controlled.

    Sam: “If they relied on selling their products and services only in the USA they would go belly up, laying off then firing their workers.”

    Snowhitey says: ‘Who says so?’

    Sam : Oh brother! Most companies rely on international customers because the lions share of the market is NOT here. Caterpillar Tractors produces mining equipment. Obama and lefty groups for years have been trying to shut down mining in this country–with great success.

    Of course they sell their inventory to overseas buyers. What is the alternative?

    Snowhitey says: American companies used to operate this way. They exported products which was good for us. That’s what made us a wealthy and productive society.

    That was beofore the unions gained the upper hand. Let’s not forget the decades Detroit turned out piles of JUNK! The Japs gained a foothold, Americans and the rest of the world flocked to buy their cars. Why? Were we unpatriotic? NO. Toyota made damn good, reliable, dependable cars. We built – shit – for a long time.

    Snowhitey says: ‘When did this practice go obsolete? In fact, American companies were at their greatest when they were controlled by Main Street and not Wall Street. ‘

    The big auto makers were never controlled by Wall Street. Stocks were bought and sold forever, but the rules , regulations, lax quality control , and ridiculous workers demands were instigated by government bureaucrats.

    Oh, and let’s not forget the commie union slugs who never ceased from stirring up strife, causing discontent. American Motors in Wisconsin was at one time a large employer. It was difficult enough to compete with the big three, but the stupid ass union pea brains didn’t help the situation by going on strike every other month over some BS issues. They closed the doors.

    We’ll shut those effers down if they don’t give in to our demands. This happens far too often.

    Sam: “No jobs, no tax base, no nothing. More people eligible to suck off the government.”

    Snowhitey says: ‘We’re the tax base. You’ve lost most middle class jobs anyway.’

    People without jobs are not the tax base. No businesses, no corporations = no employess to be taxed.

    Snowhitey says: ‘The economy is running on empty – debt and credit runs our economy. Yes, done intentionally to make people dependent on government.’

    Credit cards are very good if used by intelligent people. Too many dumb bells buying things on credit they cannot afford. Vacations, bling, tattoo sleeves, drugs, high priced autos, diamond studs in their faces, dining in fancy restaurants too often, designer clothes etc. They want it all now. Scraping, saving and doing without until enough money is saved is a thing of the past.

    Snowhitey says: Do you have any idea how this country operated before you were born?

    I won’t reply to that condescending comment.

    Sam: “Rockwell’s ex-workers would be greeting Mexicans and jigs at Wal-Mart or doling out fries at Mickey D’s if they were lucky enough to get any jobs in this climate.”

    Snowhitey says: ‘I hate to tell you but a lot of white Americans are doing this.’

    Thanks for informing me. I didn’t know.

    Sam: ‘Eventually, Rockwell will pack its bags, too. You apparently live for Rockwell. That’s the mentality of a union worker. Like I said, Rockwell controls you.’

    Rockwell isn’t going anywhere soon. They are getting stronger. Rockwell has been very, very good to it’s employees. How are the workers controlled? People beat down the doors to get a job there. No one forces them.

    They make a good living and are happy to work there.

    Rockwell does not have a union. Those days are long past. You know nothing about the company, empoyees or the history. It bought out the Allen-Bradley Co. which was in operation in Milwaukee. for approx. 100 years. A Godsend to the citizens.

    Snowhitey says: ‘ we should be buying domestic products. ‘

    Good luck with that. Try that approach for all the necessities in your life and see how far you get if you don’t live in a cave.

    Snowhitey says: ‘ We’ve also shipped a lot of our technology to China. How do you think that works for us? They can’t build those iPhones without the technology that was created here.’

    Someone had a remedy for that. I’ll post about it later.

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