Mitt Romney Earns My Respect


If he had campaigned like this in the general election, I would have voted for him:

“A week after losing the election to President Obama, Mitt Romney blamed his overwhelming electoral loss on what he said were big “gifts” that the president had bestowed on loyal Democratic constituencies — including young voters, African-Americans and Hispanics. . . .”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Perhaps Mitt Romney should have tried bestowing some gifts on his core support group? By core support group I obviously mean non-feminist, non-single mother, non-homosexual white people. What do normal white people like? Maybe we could prepare him a list. I’ll start.

    1. Normal white people like secure borders.

  2. 2. Balanced budgets.

    Again, another thing only white people care about. These are things that appeal to normal white people, and white people only.

  3. 3. Strictly European immigration
    4. High tariffs on all imported goods
    5. A safe, updated, and maintained infrastructure
    6. Organic food
    7. Stop chemtrails
    8. Dismantle corporate America
    9. Strict Constitutional adherence
    10. Bring home the troops
    11. No more lobbying

  4. Organic food is more SWPL than NWP (normal white people). And the chemtrail thing is a hoax. Other than that, I’d say your list is spot on. Especially number 3.

  5. At least he didn’t buy into the meme that the reason he lost is because republicans don’t support amnesty. He knows better than that, even if he IS for it.

  6. Romney,

    Assumed that you were smart enough to figure out that he was on your side perhaps? He couldn’t have said what he just said without generating a debacle.
    All the evidence was there that his attitude was to cut off the cash to the groids.

  7. 12. End of EITC.
    13. End of welfare payments being anything more than subsistence level.
    14. End of Affirmative Action and race based quotes.
    15. Repeal of all Amendments after the 10th.
    16. Return of the restrictive covenant.
    17. End of the “Executive Order”.
    18. Right of free association.

  8. Like Romney, McCain is sounding a lot more ‘with it’ concerning the corrupt Obama admin these days too. He appears to have had some kind of spine implant of late, he is being pretty aggressive on the Benghazi cover up.

    Again, so little, so late.

  9. Snowhitey says:
    ‘8. Dismantle corporate America’

    What in the world does that mean?

    Just about every business is a corporation. A fast food reataurant chain owned by a relative has 4oo employees. What are you going to do – depose them? Who would run it? Government bureaucrats? Union officials? Ha! The laziest, know nothing group of slugs are Union big-wheels.

    Or would you shut them down?

    Most likely everthing you own came to you via corporations.

    There is a large international corporation headquartered in Milwaukee called Rockwell. They employ thousands and thousands of people worldwide. Emloyees are paid well paid well and have had excellent benfits and pension plans.

    Would you dsmantle Rockwell? And then what?

  10. Free expression of faith.

    None of the arbitrary “equal rights”/ affirmative action type stuff- or simply just
    a return to ‘freedom of association’.

    “Public assistance” restricted to the elderly or disabled to the point of genuine inability to work, but preferably, charity would be handled by churches and charitable organizations.

  11. “All the evidence was there that his attitude was to cut off the cash to the groids.”

    He GOT the anti-groid vote, he didn’t get the white vote. He should have came down hard against immigration, especially in this economy. It wouldn’t have cost him a single vote, would have gained him plenty. He should have attacked Obama as Uncle Sugar. Again, wouldn’t have cost him a single vote. He played nicey-nice and got his ass kicked for it.

  12. RJP, #18 is a big one, I don’t think people are aware of how much freedom they lost so black people won’t feel left out.

    As to the corporate thing, I saw that too but I gave Snow the benefit of the doubt and figured what he really meant by “corporate America” was the corporate cronyism, regulation fixing, and corporate welfare, not actual corporations themselves.

  13. Jim says:
    ‘He should have came down hard against immigration, especially in this economy. It wouldn’t have cost him a single vote, would have gained him plenty.’

    Absolutely, Jim!

    If he had hammered this point home with a barrage of statistics detailing the damage to blue collar workers and their families he definitely would have gained plenty.

    You know of course, he would have been pilloried as being a hateful bigot bent on destroying the poor, brown, men, women, and children who have come here only to work and chase the American dream.

    White Americans are terrified of being called racists.

  14. 4. High tariffs on all imported goods

    Because we all like to pay more for things?

    13. End of welfare payments being anything more than subsistence level.

    “Public assistance” restricted to the elderly or disabled to the point of genuine inability to work ….

    “Subsistence level.” “Genuine” inability to work. So we can spend the remainder of infinity arguing over and trying to outvote each other over the definitions of those things. Do you guys not get it? If you want to help others, go help them on your own; quit putting other persons’ wallets up for a vote. Why is it so difficult for so many whites to grasp the concept of leaving other persons and their property alone?

  15. Chemtrails are not a hoax.

    Who wouldn’t want organic food? Geez, keep eating that crap they’re peddling and you’ll keep Big Pharma in business indefinitely. I can’t wait until we start seeing the side effects of massive consumption of Aspartame. You are what you eat.

    Corporations need to be dismantled because they control almost everything about our society. All these conglomerates own you whether you know it or not. The Founding Fathers believed a charter should not be given for more than 2 years at a time. You are at the mercy of corporate America. You know, the ones that send your jobs overseas, get big tax breaks and bailouts from your government, and sell you cheap Chinese crap. I don’t want them. You can keep them. I’ll take a mom & pop who I look in the eye when I buy over a corporate honcho any day of the week. And, that’s my opinion.

  16. “John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia

    4. High tariffs on all imported goods

    Because we all like to pay more for things?”

    Buy American. And, my Lord, you know nothing about why our jobs are being sent overseas?

  17. I’ll take a mom & pop who I look in the eye when I buy over a corporate honcho any day of the week.

    That’s because you’re “real,” no doubt. Go buy an iPhone from mom & pop. It’s over near the crocheted potholders.

    Buy American.


    And, my Lord, you know nothing about why our jobs are being sent overseas?

    No, I don’t. Enlighten me.

  18. Snowhitey says:
    ‘You are at the mercy of corporate America. You know, the ones that send your jobs overseas, get big tax breaks and bailouts from your government, and sell you cheap Chinese crap. I don’t want them. You can keep them. I’ll take a mom & pop who I look in the eye when I buy over a corporate honcho any day of the week. And, that’s my opinion.’

    Take a look at this Rockwell page and tell me how a mom and pop outifit could provide these services and products?

    Check out the videos.

    My guess is the people working there are grateful they have a great place to work.

    Or would they rather push a taco cart down the street or toss burgers in a mom and pop hash house.

    I’m sure the corporate honchos running this company are all crooks and schemers.

  19. Romney is lying again. Romney didn’t say a word that warrants respect.

    Don’t be roped in by that sociopath. This is the man who said he would secure the border during the primaries and pass amnesty his first year in the general.

    Obama didn’t win because of “gifts.” That’s ridiculous. He won because the GOP economic program doesn’t appeal to anyone but DOLTS and DUPES.

    I hate that 58 million White Americans including millions in my beloved South are nothing but dolts and dupes when it comes to GOP “free market” economics.

    Romney is peddling this bullshit to keep what white republicans are left on the reservation supporting free trade, tax cuts for the wealth, deregulation for banks and big business, wars for Israel and the rest of the plutocratic / neocon agenda.

    It’s the oldest trick in the GOP playbook.

    Blame the spics and niggers so the rubes don’t notice who never does anything about the spics and niggers when Republicans get elected.

  20. “Sam

    What in the world does that mean?

    Just about every business is a corporation. A fast food reataurant chain owned by a relative has 4oo employees. What are you going to do – depose them? Who would run it? Government bureaucrats? Union officials? Ha! The laziest, know nothing group of slugs are Union big-wheels.

    Or would you shut them down?

    Most likely everthing you own came to you via corporations.

    There is a large international corporation headquartered in Milwaukee called Rockwell. They employ thousands and thousands of people worldwide. Emloyees are paid well paid well and have had excellent benfits and pension plans.

    Would you dsmantle Rockwell? And then what?”

    Obviously, some do not understand the machine. People control this country through corporations. Corporations control us through jobs and forced legislation. American companies of the past no longer exist in any sizeable number today. It’s a different animal today and we are at the bottom of the foodchain. There are some small companies in America worth defending and keeping but most corporations are parasites.

    I am basically focused on the once American and now global corporations who don’t give a damn about us or our country. Let’s take Monsanto. It started out as an American company but is now a global company with global interests. Do you have any idea what the hell Monsanto does? Some people call it the most evil company in the world. I would have to agree.

    You cannot complain about white dispossession and the state of affairs of this nation and not truly understand the role corporate America plays in it.

    I said dismantle them. I did not say eliminate them. As they are now, they are destructive to the greater good.

  21. I oppose European immigration. It’s part of why we are in this mess and they would only drive things leftward faster

  22. “John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia No, I don’t. Enlighten me.”

    Free trade agreements removed most of the tariffs on imported goods. So now the products sold in this country can be produced outside of the US and imported with little to no taxes for the manufacturer. Since corporate America doesn’t give a damn about whether it employs Americans or not and wants maximum profits, they set up shop overseas in cheap labor countries. The quality isn’t the same but Americans are materialistic and quality no longer matters. It’s quantity over quality. We’re now a consumer nation, not a manufacturing nation like we used to be. The corporations import the products paying virtually nothing in taxes. They keep the money overseas. So that that money is also not invested in the US economy.

    Now the Cadillac is made in China. You pay the same price for one, your neighbor lost his assembly line job, GM pays much, much less to build them in China even taking into account shipping costs. Who is the loser here?

    I find most Americans don’t really care about this unless it is their job being outsourced. It also happens with services. That’s why the customer service rep is in India. Cheap labor over there and the cost to bring those services here is tax free. And, they don’t have those costly benefits packages to deal with either. And, unions. And, discrimination lawsuits.

  23. Regarding corporations, they are NoT citizens or even people, I don’t give a fig about what the perverts in black robes say!

  24. “Sam
    Check out the videos.”

    There are hundreds of companies in America like Rockwell. I hate to tell you but when the shtf, technology will be meaningless. I see an awful lot of globalization references on that website. They’re all wonderful when they’re giving you a paycheck.

    And, an iPhone is a convenience not a necessity. Apple is a globalist corporation.

    John from Philly doesn’t see a reason to buy American. Sad.

  25. Rudel says:
    “He won because the GOP economic program doesn’t appeal to anyone but DOLTS and DUPES.”

    Fred Reed, the race traitor who moved to Mexico, married a chicita, fathered a brown child or two, sits in the sun all day, smokes dope and collects government checks from Uncle Sam.

    He writes on every topic imaginable yet he has no real world experience at doing anything other than being a cop for a time in L.A.

    Another blowhard authority on everything.

    The drunks at the local bar are just as knowledgeable. I can listen to their ramblings for free.

    He has a way with words and can write me under the table. I’ll give him that.

  26. This is the deal: 60% of white votes turned out for Romney despite him being a terrible candidate.

    40% remain: half of whom we can and must get, half of whom can never be reached.

    With 80% of whites on board, they world is our oyster.

    What must be sacrificed? The wealthy, for one. Warmongering, for another. And finally, the multicult.

    Future elections will be even more racially polarized as Hispanics continue their migration to the Democrats, and more and more white awaken to white genocide. The trouble with elections as a pathway is that more anti-whites are born each day than whites, and immigration is lopsidedly anti-white.

    Attract 80% of whites, dumping the current elite if we must, and Partition America.

    Your other option is oblivion.

  27. Who is the loser here?

    Nothing you say indicates anyone’s a loser at all.

    And, an iPhone is a convenience not a necessity.

    Which means what?

  28. Snowhitey says:

    ‘There are hundreds of companies in America like Rockwell. I hate to tell you but when the shtf, technology will be meaningless.’

    Well, at the moment technology is not meaningless. Consider your day from rising in the morning to retiring at night. Just about everything that comes in contact with your life, making it worthwile and enjoyable is produced by corporations.

    If the – shtf – you will will wish you had all the items you depend upon all day.

    Snowhitey says: ‘I see an awful lot of globalization references on that website. They’re all wonderful when they’re giving you a paycheck.’

    Well, whether we like it or not this is the world today.

    If they relied on selling their products and services only in the USA, they would go belly up, laying off then firing their workers.

    No jobs, no tax base, no nothing. More people eligible to suck off the government.

    China or Germany would pick up the slack eventually.

    Rockwell’s ex-workers would be greeting Mexicans and jigs at Wal-Mart or doling out fries at Mickey D’s if they were lucky enough to get any jobs in this climate.

  29. I could care a less what Romney has to say. My only interest in him and the Republcan party is using them in any way (namely showing them as totally discredited) so I can to push for secession.

  30. Romney lied. Obama, down 10 million votes from ’08, did not win. Mittinz lost. Got 2 million fewer than McCain. Why? Millions of HardRight Whites went to the gun store instead of the voting booth. Adios, Republicrats. Hello secession and Civil War. Several months ago, under various avatars and on multiple sites, I predicted a Fort Sumter-type event w/in 90 days of Abe’s, I mean Barack’s inauguration. Now it looks like I was somewhat pessimistic. HW?He just wants to resurrect the Olde Confederacy. This is going to go way, way beyond that. For instance, I live deep in enemy territory, SoCal. Yet still plan on doing substantial damage to the local ZOG before I go under.

  31. … I live deep in enemy territory, SoCal. Yet still plan on doing substantial damage to the local ZOG before I go under.

    I know nothing about the running of a blog, Mr. W.; but if I were you, I’d report that post to the FBI.

  32. Perhaps he means metaphorical damage?

    I mean, it’s not like you can exactly pinpoint which “zog” installation was threatened, lol.

  33. Perhaps he means metaphorical damage?

    I mean, it’s not like you can exactly pinpoint which “zog” installation was threatened, lol.

    I have no idea what perhaps he means, fool. Keep laughing.

  34. Snowwhitey,

    Many older people —people you would not suspect— eat as much organic food as possible, as you say. Mostly b/c they’re from rural roots— ad know what pesticides do to the human body. The 60-70 yo’s are closer to mortality, so the gmo labeling issue seems one they know about.

    Romeny’s real downfall is sentences like “close isn’t good enough in this business.”

    He sees the country as a business (is openly fascist).

    The corporate revolving door between things s/a medicine, pharma,” the dsm, the humanities program” generated narratives about “health” (to sell drugging to the public, etc.) really is an issue for most americans.

    Most “wn” seem so dumbed down and conditioned by t.v. that they totally accepted the Hitler movies and believe fascism=race, and that, somehow, fascist are for white people.

  35. The “left” (anti-fascist) who are genuinely thinking people, and they exist, do concentrate on the real problems with configuring man’s relation to government as being bound up with the business model, with people being reduced to “consumers” by “elites,” with the money made by a handful of people in the statist business model.

    What no one discusses is HOW MUCH so many Americans who DID VOTE for Reagan and Romney really despised what they represent— how much, what they did get, what a “lesser of evils” vote.

  36. The Mormon option is over and done. All of this blather is nothing more than this- let the dead bury the dead.

    HW, I would suspect ANYONE that utters statements like this:
    “I know nothing about the running of a blog, Mr. W.; but if I were you, I’d report that post to the FBI. – Bone of Contention” of clearly being ‘controlled opposition’, and nothing less. HW, I am beginning to believe that there are so many ‘trolls’ on this website (including Jewdel, and PigRot, Unadmirable, etc.) working as operatives for FEDGOV, as to make most cogent discussion here among fellow Whites, utterly useless.

    Either that, or they’re all the very people mentioned in this quote:
    “Inferior people hate the very idea of superiority.” ~ Otto Scott

    But, to put all that cant aside- The question above and beyond all attempts at Dixie 2.0, secession, and a ‘future for our White Race and children,’ comes down to this simple fact:

    “Do you want a Nigger to rule over you, or do you want a White Society?”

    The next question (logically to be asked) is, ‘How badly do you want to avenge yourselves from the WBTS, and the ENTIRE MULTICULTURAL SATANIC EMPIRE?’

    Do you want to go to war? Do you want to die for this IDEA? Do you want to suffer the loss of friends, family, and those race-traitors that will call you ‘bad names’ and think themselves justified in their pseudo-moral superiority? In other words: “Do you give a Damn what some effing YANKEE thinks?”

    I’ve mentioned it in passing, but the reality is this- foolish White men gave our greatest gifts away- literacy, the development of intellect, and our culture (including our religion, literature, and, most of all, science and technology) to the ‘undserving races’. It is the greatest treachery, and the most enduring treason we have to face, should we garner to ourselves a homeland, after this struggle.

    IF we are EVER to be the ‘head, and not the tail’ again (to quote our own Holy Book) we need to think of the utter end of all things, and whether or not we should ‘count the cost’ before ‘plowing ahead’ with our White Nation plans, and schemes.

    For, if we ‘look back’, we are not fit for the Kingdom, “on EARTH (now, here, in this life) as it IS (present tense, co-terminous with the present era) in Heaven.”

    That much is crystal clear. Our own parents are this century’s version of the “Israelites wandering in the [multicultural] desert,” never to enter the Promised (on earth, earthly) Land. But we might be, if we have the fortitude, and the cojones to say, ‘Never again!’ -using the Caucophobe’s very words against them.

    Or, to put it another way, that ANY Nigger should have the wherewithal to write, let alone think, things such as this –

    and their annihilation, would be our first step toward restoration of God’s Israel -i.e., White Hegemony (call that CI, if you will, I don’t much care anymore!) from the ‘goyim’ of the world. Four years of O’Buckwheat have taught me to hate, and that with a ‘perfect hatred’ the racial enemies of my people. [ Ps. 139:22]

    I fully believe that the Superior gifts and graces of the White Man deserve to be saved from being sullied by dark hands of whatever melanin content, at whatever price, in whatever land they pose a threat, ever again; for I consider Multiculturalism to be utterly Satanic, and damnable for all Adamic Men.

    Bomb them back to the stone age if one has to, but easier said (and done) is to remove all memory from our books and collective minds of any of their achievements, claims to parity, deny them equality in jobs, pews, offices and marriage, and, most importantly, NEVER spend a dime or the time, to TEACH AN INFERIOR TO READ, ever again. Anyone caught doing so, death penalty.

    THAT is how severe this problem is, and THAT is what gave us the antichrist Obama in the first place. Had he remained a poor nigger in the South, and his mother ostracized and reduced to alcoholism for her sin, we would NOT be shackled with this spawn of Hell. And y’all wouldn’t be jackdawing about Romney, after the fact.

  37. Buy American. And, my Lord, you know nothing about why our jobs are being sent overseas?

    The USA is a regulatory hellhole, makes starting a business very expensive. Much easier to contract out. Even simple things like opening a corner store come with huge local fees and taxes in most places where there are any people. Unions full of lazy degenerates. Land impact studies. Water rights.Traffic impact studies.

  38. Or, (in other words) to show how ‘disparate’ SWB and I are (cough, cough) I pose the question that SWB posed:

    “As Jared Taylor often points out, until 1965, official immigration policy was designed to keep the country majority-white. Though this is now called hateful and bigoted and racist, how much worse would Homo Americanus consider a full-bodied Anglo-Saxon ethnic policy?”

    Isn’t that what we would HAVE to do, with a Dixie 2.0? Isn’t that what we SHOULD do, with a Dixie 2.0?

    And to think, SWB and I are agreed on this point, Unadmirable……

  39. “John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says:
    November 15, 2012 at 3:55 am
    Who is the loser here?
    Nothing you say indicates anyone’s a loser at all.
    And, an iPhone is a convenience not a necessity.”

    Your unemployed neighbor is the loser and so are you. You now have a cheap Chinese Cadillac sitting in your driveway instead of a well-built, long lasting, American-made Cadillac of yesteryear. Your neighbor no longer has a great job and sound future. And that Cadillac plant no longer pumps tax dollars into your local economy thereby reducing your tax burden.

    Can’t give up that iPhone, can you? That’s control. When the economy clapses and your iPhone doesn’t work, what will be important to you? I know, getting that iPhone to work again. It’s all a matter of priorities.

  40. Actually, I don’t have an iPhone or a Cadillac, Snowhitey. What I have is an empty spot, in my bank account, where the money that Obama took to pay off the United Auto Workers pension obligations used to be.

    As for your curious notions of economic reality, the countless components of the trucks and refrigerators and plastic containers and, yes, iPhones and countless other items that result in the existence of food on the shelves of my local supermarket and yours were made by corporations, too. Your understanding, of course, might be that food is a convenience, not a necessity, but that’s a minority view.

  41. Snowhitey says:
    November 15, 2012 at 5:16 pm
    Your unemployed neighbor is the loser and so are you. You now have a cheap Chinese Cadillac sitting in your driveway instead of a well-built, long lasting, American-made Cadillac of yesteryear. Your neighbor no longer has a great job and sound future. And that Cadillac plant no longer pumps tax dollars into your local economy thereby reducing your tax burden.’

    You may not lneed or desire and I-Phone, but what about your automobile?
    All of us would be walking if we applied your standards.

    Is Your Car Made in America?

    It used to be pretty obvious which cars were built in the U.S. (Detroit’s Big Three of Ford, GM and Chrysler) and which weren’t (everything else). Then in the 1980’s the Japanese started building cars here, which made for some interesting arguments about what constituted an “American” car. But in today’s global economy, it’s even harder to answer the question: Is your car made in America?

    Many consumers looking to buy an American-built vehicle are having a hard time finding one that’s assembled here with 100-percent American-built components. That’s because it’s actually impossible, at least if you’re talking about buying a car from the major carmakers.

    Made In U.S.A. (Partly)

    For example, while Jeep’s Patriot may be built in Belvedere, Ill., its transmissions originate in Mexico, Japan and Germany. Similarly Ford’s Michigan-assembled Mustang may be as American as mom, Marines, and apple pie, but its transmissions come from China, France, the U.K., and Mexico. Chrysler’s PT Cruiser isn’t even built in the U.S. – it’s assembled in Toluca, Mexico, though its transmission is U.S.-sourced. GM, meanwhile, builds its Chevy Camaro in Canada and its GMC Sierra pickup in Mexico.

    Confusing? Yes. But that’s not the start of it. BMWs are now built in the U.S. and so are some Mercedes vehicles (in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and Vance, Alabama, respectively). With Japanese carmakers having established multiple assembly plants across the U.S. and American car companies operating plants in Canada and Mexico lines are blurred further.

    Who Builds What Where?

    Ford’s Fusion, Fiesta, and Lincoln MKZ models are built in Mexico, while the Edge, Flex, Lincoln MKX, and Lincoln MKT are built in Canada. Other North American models are built in the U.S.

    According to NHTSA documents provided to AOL Autos, Ford’s compact Focus is assembled in Wayne, Mich., with 90 percent of its parts sourced from the U.S. and Canada, but its transmission originates in Germany. While the Taurus is assembled in Chicago, Ill., about 65 percent of its parts are of U.S. origin. But its engine and transmission are both built in the U.S.

    The F-Series pickup truck, that most iconic of domestic vehicles, is assembled in Kansas City, Missouri, and Dearborn, Michigan, but with just 55 percent of parts made in the U.S. or Canada. More than 15 percent of its parts come from Mexico, although all of its engines and both transmission systems are built in the U.S. Some transmissions for the Mustang (assembled in Flat Rock, Michigan) come from China.

    GM vehicles assembled in Canada include Chevrolet’s Camaro, Equinox and Impala and the GMC Terrain, while vehicles built in Mexico include Cadillac’s SRX and Escalade EXT, Chevrolet’s Aveo, HHR, Silverado, and GMC’s Sierra. GM vehicles built in the U.S. include Buick’s LaCrosse, Lucerne and Enclave, Cadillac’s CTS, DTS and STS-V, Chevrolet’s Cruze, Corvette, Malibu and Tahoe, and GMC’s Yukon.

    According to figures from IHS Global Insight, of the GM vehicles assembled domestically, several Corvette engines are built in Canada, with several transmission variants originating in Mexico. Its Chevrolet Silverado (assembled in Fort Wayne, Indiana) carries U.S.-built engines across all models, but several transmissions are built in Mexico. For the Cadillac CTS assembled in Lansing, Mich., several engines originate in Canada and Mexico, and the transmissions for various models in the CTS range come from Japan, France, Mexico, and the U.S. Some engines for GM’s Chevrolet Cruze, assembled in Lordstown, Ohio, come from Szentgotthard, Hungary.

    Chrysler says about 61 percent of the components it uses for its Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep lines come from the U.S., while about 20 percent come from Mexico and Latin America, about 10 percent from Canada and just under 10 percent from the rest of the world. It maintains large production facilities across the U.S., but also builds its 300 and Dodge Challenger and Charger, in Canada, and the PT Cruiser in Mexico.

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