Ann Coulter: Demography Is Destiny


I don’t recall her ever saying it before …

“Liberals brag about having won the hearts and minds of America, as if, through logic and argument, they’ve persuaded people to accept their bankrupt European socialist ideas. Democrats haven’t changed anyone’s mind. They changed the people.

More white people voted for Mitt Romney this year than voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980. Barack Obama lost white voters by 20 points —the widest margin since 1984.

But in 1980, whites were 88 percent of the electorate. In 2012, they were 72 percent of the electorate. Not only that, but the non-white electorate is far more Democratic than it was in 1980.

If the same country that voted in 1980 had voted in 2012, Romney would have won a bigger landslide than Reagan did.

Most Americans don’t realize that, decades ago, the Democrats instituted a long-term plan to gradually turn the United States into a Third World nation. The country would become poorer and less free, but Democrats would have an unbeatable majority!…”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ann Coulter is a bellwether of mainstream conservative opinion. She makes it her business to repeat things the red staters like to here. In that regard this is a positive development for her to be saying this.

  2. Why does this cnut keep attacking European style anything? The Problem is Africanization and Hispanicization. Not pasty Scots and generous Swedes.

  3. Is she in ovulating herself from racism charges by talking about naughty naughty Europeans? Who themselves are very much like white Americans?

  4. lol@ ‘in ovulating’ herself.

    Ann looks good,very good in fact, for her age (almost 51), but I am pretty sure her ‘ovulating’ days are behind her now 😉

  5. “The country would become poorer and less free, but Democrats would have an unbeatable majority!…”

    What she should have said was ‘but Democrats would have absolute and permanent power’. That is how the left sees themselves- and how they *have* seen themselves since the 2006 election. (Just listen to Nancy Pelosi.)

  6. This is funny.
    Innoculating herself turned into Ovulating herself.

    Well, in iPhone veritas.

    The most productive thing she coulda done with her life, would have been to pump out 5 or 6 kids.

  7. Coulter is part of the trifecta of hot conservative archetypical waspy sexpot commentators from the Ivies.

    Laura Ingraham and S.E. Cupp round it out, but don’t let Cupp open her dumb mouth.

  8. Now they tell us! It’s not like nationalists haven’t been screaming this for decades now! The rage I have against these pukes and their Marxist, leftist drinking buddies nobody can imagine. I never cease to hear about the browning of America, like it’s some accident of nature, inevitable.

  9. When you hear them calling for policies that would please working class whites ACROSS THE BOARD, then you know they are serious about creating a whites-centric political party.

    No more wars, guaranteed jobs / middle class lifestyle, physical separation from other races.

    If we cant attract the “soccer moms”, we aren’t serious about real world change.

    Who here thinks they can make a case that a Partitioned country would mean more wealth and economic security for whites? Longer life, a more responsive healthcare system and government, better roads, more inner peace and happiness?

    I know for sure that I can! But if we all aren’t painting a consistent picture to normal whites, we are just blowing smoke.

    As Adam Smith said “We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.”

  10. “Democrats”?? She sez?? AND Republicrats, w their ongoing mania for cheap brown/black labor.
    This aside, Coulter’s a noxious Foxtard, working for the Zionist warmonger wing of the DemoncratRepublicrap party. Just look at that Adam’s Apple. I’m not even sure it’s a woman.

  11. Obviously shes been influenced by the Mantra, but while BUGS throw rocks, like a typical Respectable Conservative, she throws wet sponges.

    The first Respectable Conservative with the balls to charge the left of White GENOCIDE, will push this over the top.

  12. When the first Respectible Conservative talks about white genocide, Chris Matthews will show a bunch of Nazi Holocaust pictures and say “here’s what a real genocide looks like.” Won’t that be beautiful when we globalists learn of who more of the closet pro-white whites are.

  13. But now the line will be “it’s too late, move on”. Wait and see….

    And lots of press about the electoral college—- the cry for “one man, one vote,” and no education about why it was not that way.

    Already, MANY “right wingers” were going on about that this week. Had Romney won the popular vote—- what you all call “the left” (the same party, in reality)— would have won that, too.

    That needs to be accomplished before it is really ‘in the bag.’

  14. Proud Globalist Race Traitor—-

    Why do you support a world where the ‘human subject’ (how we have to “be in the world” as Sartre might have said, must become a fascio-communist human subject, unable to think or feel, more fully, the spewing masses with their “two minute hates?”

    Do you just think the masses are “too stupid” to attempt to try to give them more of a full life, than just being a “consumer,” or “dumbed down,” and so on?

    Does the INTERNAL life of the masses matter to you at all? Or do you really believe that the material world, and getting material goods, is all that should matter to humans— redefined as the Americans have become now, as “Consumers of goods.”

    And having no more potential connection to their Elites than material goods distributions?

    Does that feel like enough for you? OR do you simply see yourself, personally, having an elevated role in the system (like being an administrator of material goods, rather than just “consuming” human subject?)

  15. Sorry, OT— but I’d like to know in more depth what “global race traitor” really thinks and feels, why an “economic human subject” is his only ideal.

  16. When the first Respectible Conservative talks about white genocide

    If that happens, then some kind of replay of 1990s ex-Yugoslavia is in the cards. (Secessionary movements, state entities fighting with ethnic militias, which are fighting with other ethnic militias)…

    It seemed like a fantasy just a few years ago, and still does seem like a fantasy, “out with a whimper” and all that, but the odds have gone up a lot since the Nonwhite vote surge ‘reelected’ Barack Hussein Obama.

  17. The “Democrats unbeatable majority” is what happens in the Kosher Republic when an Israeli company oversees the elections.

    Gotta keep dem Black oberseers on Whitey’s back whuppin dem down an payin de tab. Gotta keep dose Browns comin ober de line in de san squeezin Whitey into dey place.

  18. Dixiegirl, I am not nearly as materialist as you think. Don’t you see a lot of the pro-white community as materialist, when many of their justifications for racism are fear of crime, neighborhoods not looking as good, and fears about the economy? Isn’t that materialistic? To some extent I do see myself having an elevated roll in the system. But on the other hand, I see the growth of multiculturalism as a spiritual end in itself, just as you see the protection of your heritage as an important way of life, and I want the masses to be able to feel the attachment to multiculturalism and the great project which is the social globalization of the world, the mixing of the races, and the brotherhood and sisterhood of all races.

  19. Proud globalist,

    When you get down to it, what you’re saying is you have to destroy the world in order to save it, ie in the sense that the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY to prevent us all hating and killing each other is for us to racially mix to up to kingdom come. I very much doubt it’s the only way (or even a way), but supposing it actually is, I must admit, I find it hard to work up much spiritual enthusiasm about the prospects of my kind being wiped off the face of the planet. I’m genuinely curious: How do you do it?

  20. Silver, excellent question. It is important to understand that God intended for the races to mix and to disappear one day. Recognizing this, you have to disassociate yourself from any idea that you are part of something called the White Race. By reading white nationalist materials, and praying to God and harnessing the power of your mind to become exactly what the white nationalists are not, you build spiritual power to continue to become a servant of the multicult. It may also be helpful to have visual imagery such as statues of 19th century heroes like Franz Boaz and Frederick Douglass.

  21. Proud globalist,

    Okay, that’s some quite subtle trolling you’re doing. I didn’t pick up on it earlier.

    Just want to mention this something else, though (and on the off chance that you’re actually serious, I suppose). Recognizing this, you have to disassociate yourself from any idea that you are part of something called the White Race. I’ve got you beat there, pal: I never associated with that idea in the first place. Race still matters though, and racism is an obviously better way to live than loopy race-blindness; that will be true no matter how vile and disgusting certain WNs are.

  22. that will be true no matter how vile and disgusting certain WNs are.

    First of all, it’s doubtful they’re “vile and disgusting.” Second, can you blame them? Look around. The vile and disgusting ones are the parties responsible for this mess. Usually, the more “vile and disgusting” the perspective relative to the mainstream, the closer it is to the truth. Your largely correct perspective on blacks is considered vile by most people.

  23. I didn’t say all WNs are. But many certainly are. They disgust me, anyway. Look at the way they pretend to have all the answers to every important life issue. They learn a few factoids about race and think they know everything worth knowing (at least in the negative sense of “race is wrong, therefore everything is wrong”). And on the strength of this knowledge they see fit to subject every other group on earth to endless withering critique, to the point where you start feeling they don’t believe any non-white can possess any positive attribute at all. To them, non-white=inferior (totally inferior) and inferior=hateworthy (totally hateworthy). It’s total, total bullshit.

    All that said, no I don’t really blame them for being upset. (How could they not be?) Vile or not, they too deserve someone who will champion their cause, because their cause is the cause of all peoples who insist on the right to be able to remain themselves.

    As for my views on blacks, I often feel guilty about some of the ways I’ve expressed them. But when you get down to it, blacks in big numbers is where the rubber meets the road. You have to be either insane or the vilest lying pig to pretend race doesn’t matter in that situation.

  24. Lew, look at your hero Greg Johnson. By his own admission he floated around in a daze for most of his life. Then he got a flash of racial clarity and that’s it, he was off to the races: VNN, Hitler worship, Hyperborea, elf-man hybrids and so on.

    Okay, that’s partly forgivable, because when you’ve been denied knowledge and identity for so long I suppose the tendency would be to overshoot in the opposite direction. But what a massive disconnect between the worldview and values explicated by the articles and books on (and general “feel” of) his site and the real world political realities as discussed in the recent round tables he’s hosted. It becomes immediately apparent that the confident (even cocksure) “traditionalism” he espouses is an act; nothing but his own tentative answer to how you “do” racism rather than some sort of wisdom passed on from the ancients that he has successfully and fully assimilated into his own life. I was never fooled by it but you can bet more than a few of the hapless lapdogs there that it initially charmed are completely in thrall to it. It’s very irresponsible for someone operating in the same fog of ignorance as the rest of us to claim the mantle of leadership when he himself is only midway through putting together all the pieces.

    This sounds harsh, and I’ll probably regret posting it, because, our differences aside, I actually kinda like the guy, and in another world I could even see us having become friends. But I’m using him as an example because this type of thing is so common among “awakened whites” of an intellectual bent.

  25. Silver says:
    November 16, 2012 at 8:08 pm

    “I didn’t say all WNs are. But many certainly are. They disgust me, anyway. ”

    Anti-white, no matter how “disgusting” you find Pro Whites, Pro Whites aren’t trying to GENOCIDE an entire race, like you anti-whites are doing ONLY to White people.

    There are no anti-blacks in Africa trying to mix and blend black people out of existence and calling it “anti-racism”.

    There are no anti-Asians in Asia trying to blend all Asians out of existence and calling it “anti-racism”.

    Anti-whites like yourself are in all White countries and only White countries, trying to blend the White RACE out of existence and calling it “anti-racism”.

    No anti-Whites, its not “anti-racism” its GENOCIDE.

    Where is your moral high ground, anti-Whites?

  26. Lew says:
    November 16, 2012 at 3:10 pm

    “Globalist is probably a WNist doing parody.”

    You might think that, if you hadn’t been out using the Mantra against real anti-Whites.

    Rule 1:
    Anti-whites can only create arguments, that will put us in a world without White children.

    PGRT like many anti-whites, is willing to BLASPHEME to get rid of White people.

    They aren’t in Africa trying to blend only Black people out of existence, using BLASPHEMY as justification.

    He isn’t in Asia trying to blend only Asians out of existence, using BLASPHEMY as justification.

    “Anti-racists” are not in Africa or Asia, calling only Black or Asian nationalists names, threatening them with violence, getting them fired from their jobs and putting them in jail.

    “Anti-racists” are not in Africa or Asia, putting Black GENOCIDE or Asian GENOCIDE propaganda on the mainstream media 24/7, as well as the education system and not allowing alternative viewpoints without first calling the dissenters “evil”.

    They are doing this in all White countries and only White countries.

    No vote or discussion has ever been allowed on this issue.

    They want White GENOCIDE.

  27. Most people don’t think realistic views on negroes are vile, at least when they’re alone. It’s the anti-semites and other conspiracy cranks that creep people out.

    But I’m not an esoteric hitlerite or WN. Just a racist

  28. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    November 15, 2012 at 9:32 am

    “When the first Respectible Conservative talks about white genocide, Chris Matthews will show a bunch of Nazi Holocaust pictures and say “here’s what a real genocide looks like.” Won’t that be beautiful when we globalists learn of who more of the closet pro-white whites are”

    Anti-white, in your opinion some GENOCIDES are real while other GENOCIDES are “not real”. UN Law doesn’t care if Jews or White people are made to disappear and it doesn’t care HOW they are made to disappear.

    As for Chris Mathews, he is one of your people. He hates Whites!

    So of course Chris Mathews, will call any White person that objects to the GENOCIDE of our RACE:


    He will use one GENOCIDE to justify another GENOCIDE.

    You anti-Whites really are nasty disgusting people.

    Of course when a Respectable Conservative grows a pair and the anti-Whites start calling White people naziwanttokillsixmillionjews, as JUSTIFICATION for White GENOCIDE.

    We will just reply over and over:

    In your OPINION we are “naziwanttokillsixmillionjews”. You are just saying that because we are White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  29. Tamer of Savages says:
    November 16, 2012 at 9:44 pm

    “But I’m not an esoteric hitlerite or WN. Just a racist”

    There are no “racists” here, promoting the GENOCIDE of an entire RACE, like these so called “anti-racists” are. So you are a huge moral step up from the anti-Whites.

  30. Anti-white, no matter how “disgusting” you find Pro Whites, Pro Whites aren’t trying to GENOCIDE an entire race, like you anti-whites are doing ONLY to White people.

    Lol. You’ve got the wrong guy here, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. There’s more than one way to practice the art of take-no-shit but even a blanket approach can keep you in shape, I guess.

    There are no anti-blacks in Africa trying to mix and blend black people out of existence and calling it “anti-racism”.

    There are no anti-Asians in Asia trying to blend all Asians out of existence and calling it “anti-racism”.

    Actually, there are such people. As Hadding Scott points out (and that’s one bastard I definitely do not like) this line of reasoning will eventually result in a more consistent application of liberal values, i.e., blacks and asians will be required to submit to mixing themselves out in their own homelands. The limiting factor there is most likely to be numbers of willing partners than resistance on blacks’ and asians’ part. Of the two, though, I would guess asians would be vastly more likely to resist, so this this argument is better used towards asians; blacks are most likely to consider admixture an improvement so this argument will fall rather flat with them — and that’s assuming they can even comprehend its logic, which is something vast numbers of whites don’t appear to be able to do (“nah, that’ll never happen…”).

    Now keep reading. You might learn a few things that even Bob Whitaker himself — racial genius though the man is — doesn’t know.

  31. I don’t think so. If i had my way I’d re-enslave all Negroes with IQs below 115. I also advocate colonizing black Africa. So I’d say I’m morally equivalent to those you describe.

  32. Tamer of Savages says:
    November 16, 2012 at 10:05 pm

    “I don’t think so. If i had my way I’d re-enslave all Negroes with IQs below 115. I also advocate colonizing black Africa. So I’d say I’m morally equivalent to those you describe.”

    Enslavement is not in the same moral realm as GENOCIDE. Blacks are enslaving Blacks in Africa right now and no one is screaming naziwantstokillsixmillionjews.

    If you are the moral equivalent of the anti-Whites, as you claim, you would be advocating GENOCIDE right now.

    So tell us Savage,

    Which RACIAL group would you like to EXTERMINATE and what practical methods are you using against them right now?

  33. @Silver
    Anti-White, I searched the Internet and can find no news reports of Asians or Africans, complaining they are being blended out of existence, in their own countries, against their will, by so called “anti-racists”.

    I can find no headlines saying, “Asian Minority is Coming”, “African Minority is Coming” calculated to the EXACT YEAR, in African or Asian countries.

    Non-Whites have immigration at their leisure and can send foreigners home when they have no use for them…

    And we never hear a peep from so called “anti-racist” groups.

    “Anti-racists” are hardly making a dent in non-White countries as you well know. Any effort to GENOCIDE non-Whites, is Token. Done for the sake of appearances only.

    It just to give passive aggressive anti-Whites like yourself, something to argue about, when White people raise the issue of our GENOCIDE.

  34. I can find no headlines saying, “Asian Minority is Coming”, “African Minority is Coming” calculated to the EXACT YEAR, in African or Asian countries.

    It’s true that they’re not going about it with nearly as much gusto in those countries, but your claim was that no such effort exists at all. That’s simply not true. And the radio waves weren’t exactly blaring with news of imminent white demise in 1970 either. Obviously signalling your intent so early would be extremely stupid.

    There is no greater crime than GENOCIDE.

    So again I ask, where is your moral high ground, anti-Whites?

    You’ve really got me on the run now, Jamie! Lol.

    Now look here, you squawking little gasbag, if I’m your enemy, goodness gracious, I would love to know just who the hell your supporters are.

  35. @Silver
    “It’s true that they’re not going about it with nearly as much gusto in those countries, but your claim was that no such effort exists at all. ”

    Anti-white, White minority is predicted in all White countries where this is happening and it is DEMANDED of all White countries and only White countries, as you well know.

    This immigration and forced integration is DEMANDED of Eastern Europe, regular as clockwork. Why? Because they are White.

    And no one is screeching naziwantstokillsixmillionjews at the Japanese or Koreans…
    And no one is screeching naziwantstokillsixmillionjews at the Africans…

    They have a FREE CHOICE.

    “Now look here, you squawking little gasbag, if I’m your enemy, goodness gracious, I would love to know just who the hell your supporters are.”

    Anti-white, when we raise the ISSUE of White GENOCIDE…

    1) You defend the anti-Whites.

    2) You make their arguments for them.

    With “friends” like you, who needs enemies???


  36. Anti-whites say, Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, then DEMAND White countries for Everyone.

    Well DUH…. That is GENOCIDE for White people.

    So simple, even a dunce like Silver, might get it one day.

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