Ann Coulter: Demography Is Destiny


I don’t recall her ever saying it before …

“Liberals brag about having won the hearts and minds of America, as if, through logic and argument, they’ve persuaded people to accept their bankrupt European socialist ideas. Democrats haven’t changed anyone’s mind. They changed the people.

More white people voted for Mitt Romney this year than voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980. Barack Obama lost white voters by 20 points —the widest margin since 1984.

But in 1980, whites were 88 percent of the electorate. In 2012, they were 72 percent of the electorate. Not only that, but the non-white electorate is far more Democratic than it was in 1980.

If the same country that voted in 1980 had voted in 2012, Romney would have won a bigger landslide than Reagan did.

Most Americans don’t realize that, decades ago, the Democrats instituted a long-term plan to gradually turn the United States into a Third World nation. The country would become poorer and less free, but Democrats would have an unbeatable majority!…”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Anti-white, when we raise the ISSUE of White GENOCIDE…

    No, I don’t. I agree that it’s occurring and that it needs to be stopped (and, in a sense, ‘reversed’).

    That doesn’t mean I’m going to agree with everything that pro-whites say, especially not when you consider how much incredible (and extraneous) rubbish they speak.


  2. Africa could do with a Euro-EuroAmerica boot up its arse.
    They are sitting on too much wealth for dumb blacks to do anything with.

  3. @Silver
    “No, I don’t. I agree that it’s occurring and that it needs to be stopped (and, in a sense, ‘reversed’). ”

    1) You made the anti-White’s arguments for them.

    2) You defended their behavior saying, they are not targeting White countries when they ARE.

    Then you said, you are a friend of White people?

    With friends like you….

  4. John says:
    November 16, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    “Africa could do with a Euro-EuroAmerica boot up its arse.
    They are sitting on too much wealth for dumb blacks to do anything with.”

    Soon it will be THEM giving YOU the boot up your arse, because you don’t have a country of your own, any more.

    As far as your government is concerned, your country belongs to the Africans and Asians and White people have no future.

  5. @Silverman says…
    “Now look here, you squawking little gasbag,”

    Silver can’t deal with the REALITY of what I am pointing out, so he blocks his ears and resorts to childish, personal insults.

    Just like the anti-Whites do…

  6. Yes, Jamie, you nailed me again, man. Boy I just can’t win a trick can I, lol.

    You know, it’s great that you go about your task with so much enthusiasm, but it’s almost as if you don’t believe anyone can ever actually be moved by your arguments. Don’t you think you should make some room somewhere there for the possibility of success? That way you won’t be so shocked when you encounter it (and proceed into overkill, as you’re doing with me).

  7. (and proceed into overkill, as you’re doing with me).

    Mind you, I’m somewhat glad you’re doing that. I’ve always believed you people would reveal yourselves for what you really are. It goes way beyond merely resisting genocide, doesn’t it? It’s always been motivated by hatred and belligerence. I’m hardly the first to take note of that, I’m sure. So keep at it. The sooner people like you are discredited the sooner a genuine pro-white, anti-race-replacement movement can gain traction.

  8. Silver,

    I think you’re too hard on WNists over things that really aren’t that important. They have every reason to be outraged. You’re talking about people that are basically on your side. They’re about the only ones who would do something about the blacks if they could. Meanwhile, most white folks everywhere else in the world would cross the street to avoid the likes you (and me, Tamer, Chris and everyone else here).

  9. Lew,

    I’m not sure you’ll see this reply but I’ll post it anyway.

    I think you’re too hard on WNists over things that really aren’t that important. They have every reason to be outraged.

    In all my disputations with the WNs I’ve come to know and love (heh) one thing I will readily concede is their right to be outraged. I concede it here, I concede it in real life (face-to-face race talk), I concede it in my more prescriptive posts (not just heckling WNs, but suggesting possible courses of action), I’d concede it as a politician (fat chance of getting there, but still), I’d concede it in church, at the beach, at a bar, and on live television should that opportunity ever arise; I’d concede it anywhere and everywhere. It’s simply beyond dispute that whites (not just WNs) have a right to be outraged.

    But what are the ‘little things’ to you are very big things to me. There’s a certain ‘path dependance’ in all political ideas and this is particularly true of racial politics. WNs have been paying a tremendous price for following in the footsteps of militant ‘fuck ’em all’ racialists like AH and WLP who have set the tone for what race ‘means’ (or for what it ‘really’ means, all else being preliminary fluff in their minds). Nothing but nothing stokes fear, retribution and anti-white racial resentment as much the concept ‘race, therefore war,’ which is what militant racialism of the WLP disciples invariably boils down to.

    Perhaps I’m wrong to see this in Jamie’s posts, but I just can’t shake the feeling that that’s what his intransigence towards me is based on. Here he is, he’s been given this fantastic tool — ‘anti-white,’ and ‘anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white’ — that does a better job of establishing the moral rectitude of racialism than anything yet developed (without it you end up like Kelso at CPAC), and he’s making a complete hash of it because he just can’t bring himself to believe that not everyone out there is hellbent on eliminating the white man or constitutionally incapable of acknowledging that race-replacement (or “genocide”) is occurring and should be stopped.

    You’re talking about people that are basically on your side.

    WN is your baby. It’s the trends that are in place that have pushed me to see things through a WN’s-eye-view. Absent these trends I doubt that I would have come within a country mile of the positions I’ve assumed today. So it’s more accurate to say I’m on your side rather than you being on mine.

  10. Silver says:
    ‘It goes way beyond merely resisting genocide, doesn’t it? It’s always been motivated by hatred and belligerence.’

    It hasn’t always been motivated by hatred, but it is time to whip up a lot of hatred for what has happened to us. We White people have never had a problem hating each other for various reasons. If we could join together and direct that extremely powerful emotion towards our enemies we could accomplish something.

    We’ve been lighting candles, singing ‘Kum ba Ya’ and loving our enemies long enough.

    Blacks and Mexican invaders in particular do not respect our goodness, kindness, decency and sense of fair play. They laughed at our stupidity and have become our overlords.

  11. Excellent commentary – but AC is bordering on racial heresy – she’s treading in to John Derbyshire territory and could get purged from Conservative Inc., the MSM.

    I got banned from making comments on The Atlantic Magazine comments section for expressing doubt about the Trayvon Martin hate crime narative.

  12. I’d happily exterminate the Black population I southern Africa and resettle the millions of square miles with whites. Why not? They don’t deserve the riches in their territories.

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