Jim Goad on The Jews


See here.

I will be discussing the Jewish Question with Alex Linder on Radio Free Mississippi tomorrow. Feel free to ask me any question about the Jews in this thread. I consider myself a “moderate” on the Jewish Question.

I agree that Jewish influence is one of the main drivers of White racial and cultural decline, but I am not sold on a genetic cause. I agree that the situation would dramatically improve if all the Jews in the universities and the news and entertainment media moved to Israel tomorrow.

I don’t see how anyone can dispute the fact that the sheer number of leftwing Jews in culturally sensitive institutions has the effect of pushing America to the Left. Certainly, all that Jewish money that flows into the Democratic and Republican Party has the effect of tilting the mainstream political spectrum toward the Left.

I’m not one of these people who have “Jews on the brain” though. I don’t blame them for all our problems. I don’t expect those problems would really go away – for example, see the Yankee Question below – if the Jews were raptured tomorrow.

The surest way to create a more conservative nation-state out of the wreckage of the United States would be to 1.) dissolve the Union with the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast, 2.) secure the border, 3.) shutdown the welfare state, and 4.) hang a big cross and a Confederate flag out front.

As soon as you raise that cross and Confederate flag in the “Republic of Dixie,” the Jewish Question would solve itself. The Jews and the Yankee carpetbaggers and the illegal aliens and the blacks would STAMPEDE toward the nearest interstate exit ramp.

Just the sight of the Confederate flag and the cross being raised over Dixie would be sufficient to solve any problem with that group. Observe:

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. AFIK, the Jew is a White that is separated from the white mainstream by religion, nothing more,nothing less.

    In the past having been denied to own property, the Jew switched to buying and selling. You must remember that the Jew Judah P. Benjamin, as the one that was the Confederate secretary of state and America’s first openly Jewish senator.

    So what are you going to do about that, rewrite history?

    Personally, I’ve never trusted Jews, and so-called poor whites. both are my enemies.

    I find humor in the ranting that goes on this board, poor misinformed POOR whites, and wannabees that form their lives around a myth!

  2. It’s interesting that myths about Vampires correllate to fear of flags with crosses in them and that crucifixes scare the shit out of niggers and Jews alike.

    I have an annecdote. An artist I know is also a devout christian, not a bible thumper but sincere. My female Jewish friend back in the UK was looking at her website helping on some research and said:

    “But she’s a christian! You can’t work with her!”

    I was like “so? The art is good.”

    Performance art, yeah yeah I know. Denise might understand anyway.

    I couldnt help but chuckle at the idea that my Jewish friend was recoiling like a
    vampire. Hilarious internal monologue. Fugging laughing my ass off at the Jewish girl’s reaction.

  3. Jews saw the trajectory America was on, they’ve seen it before for millennia. Why are some people mad they refused to buy in to what turned out to be a rotten deal. This country is falling harder than ancient Rome, the only people left that are proud are nigger-barbarians.

    Jews preferred their real nation over a cruddy propositional nation and suffered greatly when they dared be so impolite to point out what a joke it was.

    The way we look at yankee flag-wavers right now is the way Jews have seen them since 1776. Playing catchup sucks, but pick a religion and stay as endogamous as possible. You might have grandkids that look like you.

  4. The very notion of Christianity is extremely useful if you know how to manipulate the signs and signifiers. It’s obviously born from a period of peak Jew in the 100’s.
    Hadrian and Trajan etc sorted out the attempt at Jewish Supremacy in the Eastern Med thank you very much.

  5. Well said Hunter.

    I would be honored if you referred to my OD article on this subject:

    Yes Virginia The Jews Really Suck On Immigration


    My main point in this article is to just recognize the unpleasant fact that American Jewish elected officials are overwhelmingly committed to open borders immigration to the USA and the race replacement of White Americans, with 3rd world immigrants of color, including Arab and other Muslim immigrants.

    That’s just an unpleasant fact of life – American Jews from our perspective are terrible on immigration (to the USA/the West, not of course to Israel, as American Jews want Israel reserved as a Jewish ethno state).

    My other point is that other types of people are good and bad at different things and Jews are not bad in everything, just bad in politics, bad on immigration. We can’t blame Jews for all our problems as White Gentile political leaders like LBJ, Ted Kennedy, George W Bush were equally bad on immigration and other racial live or die issues.

    Yeah, we need to know racial realities, political realities including unpleasant Jewish political realities, but I agree with Hunter we can’t obsess on this subject.

    Look at AH and the movie Triumph of the Will.

    There are exactly ZERO references to Jews in the definitive NSDAP movie. If AH and the NSDAP weren’t obsessed with “THE JEWS” – why should we?

  6. Tamer,

    Jews made fools out of the Anglo elite. Not everyone is a masochist who enjoys being spit by Jews the way you do.

  7. Israel was founded solely to serve as a jewish/jewish supremacist state.

    The USA came about after some whites dressed as indians threw tea off a boat and thought taxes were too high. The narrative came during and after the rebellion.

    Whereas the MODERN zionist narrative galvanized Jews on three continents for hundreds of years and they offered their blood and treasure to secure a homeland.

    To compare the immigration policy of a romantic nationalist state with a marketplace of ideas and citizens such as the USA id the height of intellectual dishonesty.

  8. “… if the Jews were raptured tomorrow.”

    HW- first off, the ‘Rapture’ as it’s taught in Dispie circles, isn’t biblical.
    Secondly, even if it were, ‘Die Juden’ (as Denise likes to call them) would be the LAST people to be raptured.

    They’re about as likely to see the Rapture, as men from Mars…. eatin’ cars.
    If you know what I mean…..

  9. I understand you have some jews you like tamer, there’s no reason you need to hate them, but they aren’t us. They aren’t. And they never will be. Any and all major jewish run organizations run counter to the interests of whites in whatever state they reside. You have to examine the evidence and be honest with yourself. You don’t have to hate anybody, just be honest about them. They can be a pretty nasty bunch when you decide to do something with YOUR country that upsets their apple cart.

  10. @Hunter

    Judah Benjamin tried to wreck Jefferson Davis’s ante-bellum political career by the usual Jew method of lying & exaggeration. It got so bad, that Davis challenged Benjamin to a duel—and you can be sure the Jew pissed his pants and had a big attitude change after that.

    Even worse after the Civil War, using his Jew tribal connections Benjamin managed to get out of the country, with what many believe was the last gold & silver in the Confederate treasury.

    Someday, some historian will find that Benjamin was selling Southern secrets to the Yankess.

    Don’t be a Jew whore.

  11. Bad Jews usually do more damage than bad whites because they’re smarter.
    That dumb white woman that wrote “What’s He Matter With White People” is intellectually incapable of inflicting the harm that say, Boas did.

    By the way, Boas didn’t make a splash in this country until Niggers had already been voting for more than fifty years. Nigger savages had already cost the country a Horatio Seymour presidency, the last president to campaign on a white power platform. Subhuman Niggers had been voting for 100 years before the 1965 immigration act. What footing did a restrictionist have to argue against third world immigration when he was turning a blind eye to the lowest race participating in his political system?

    Yeah, Jews don’t like it when countries mess with their applecart. Fair enough, that earns my respect. Whites don’t have a country, we don’t even have an applecart. Tribalism, shared religio-cultural customs and supremacism are the path forward and why a solid south is so important.

  12. There is individual behavior, and there is group behavior. Even the negro is tolerable if he is a strict minority within a racially aware white group. In that case he will even begin to “act white” to the extent that it is possible for him. Take the same negro, put him in his natural environment, and he will quickly revert to type.

    Granted, the guy down the street making your pastrami on rye is probably not your enemy. And that tends to be the Jew most whites come into contact with. But the “elites,” the ones with the money, are different. And because of the awful power of Jews, it is difficult to separate the individual from the group, once one understands. Jewish power often makes whites who know the score tremble with fear.

    Observe the pro-Zionist Rupert Murdoch. He has more money and more power than 99% of whites, but even he grovels to Abe Foxman. And Murdoch was making a pro-Israel statement, for crying out loud.

    Jews have convinced whites that the so-called anti-semitism is an irrational white psychopathology. I was always told when growing up that if everyone dislikes you, it is best to look in the mirror in order to determine the reason. On the other hand, I’ve got to hand it to Jews. Whatever it is they have, they are professionals at wielding it.

  13. “Even worse after the Civil War, using his Jew tribal connections Benjamin managed to get out of the country, with what many believe was the last gold & silver in the Confederate treasury.”

    Good for him, less booty for the Yankees.

  14. “In the past having been denied to own property, the Jew switched to buying and selling.”

    Utter nonsense. The diaspora was and is a lie. They didn’t adapt their modus operandi because they were denied property, they did so because they prefer it. And why wouldn’t they? They live as parasites by acting as a group against their hosts interests, typically (as in America) bribing the thugs at the top for a concession to rob (and often murder: see the Iraq war) the people below. I mean, get real, the poor little darlings were forced out of farming, hewing wood etc., that they REALLY wanted to do and into banking and usury? It is to laugh. You have to start with the basic reality that they had and have no right to be in any European country, that sometimes driven out at spear point from various countries these poor, poor, victims could never wait to bribe their way back in. The blood was too rich and too tempting. Had they been an ordinary people who just happened to have a different religion, they would have just set up shop somewhere in the big and then empty world. They didn’t because they prefer being parasites, it’s profitable. By now they might have been a great and powerful nation, but you can’t get a habitual con man to do honest work. (Despite their constant whining about being “poisecuted” they also benefited from the swords of their hosts, getting physical protection from marauders without having to wield those swords themselves. If they got the occasional [and generally well earned] slap it has to be balanced against that constant protection.)

    To be sure, don’t hate Jews for being born Jews, but you can hate them for what they do, hate them as the chief funders, ideologues, and leaders of a racial extermination policy against your people. They certainly hate you, even though you’ve been nothing but good for them.

  15. As soon as you raise that cross and Confederate flag in the “Republic of Dixie,” the Jewish Question would solve itself.

    Oh, yes–I can see the Jews trembling already.

  16. Tamer,

    No subset of Euro civilization has lost more power and influence under the rise of Jewry than the Anglo elite on both sides of the Atlantic. Jews know fools when they see them. There is no doubt about that.

  17. JohntheSecond says:
    ‘ I mean, get real, the poor little darlings were forced out of farming, hewing wood etc., that they REALLY wanted to do and into banking and usury? It is to laugh. ‘

    Good post! When are people going to wake up?

  18. Goad creates a strawman to make himself look reasonable. A cheap technique, but he doesn’t name the wackos, so no one gets hurt. Of course, the wackos ask the same questions he does . Which means Goad’s a wacko too, or they aren’t.

  19. Lew,
    You should have shot-up your high school and killed yourself when you had the chance.

    Well isn’t that lovely!

    Looks like you have a new fan Lew, lol 😉

  20. Jews made fools out of the Anglo elite.

    They’ve made fools out of everyone. What else but a fool could you call a person who convinces himself that there is a group of people out there who must never, ever under any circumstances be subjected to critique but that that same group is as free as the birds to criticize you to kingdom come?

    On the other hand, Lew, the anglo elites weren’t nearly as stupid as you think. They had a vision for the future that Jews were very eager to agree with and support and the anglo elites were happy to receive that support. They must have known that plenty of Jews had no intention whatsoever of abandoning their group identity the way the anglos themselves had but they were content to ignore that as long as Jewish organizations took public stances consistent with anti-racist and liberal positions.

    They certainly hate you, even though you’ve been nothing but good for them.

    It’s a defensive sort of hatred though. They’re quite happy to pretend to like you as long as you believe or a willing to pretend you believe the lies about race, diversity etc. But if you refuse to pretend to believe that stuff they think you’ve seen through them and they get very worried about what you might be planning to do to them. They’ll definitely hate you then.

    You have to start with the basic reality that they had and have no right to be in any European country

    It’s just not that straightforward though. What is a “European country”? What “right” did northern Europeans have to make their way into southern Europe thousands of years ago, which was populated by a different racial stock (not necessarily racially worlds apart, but noticeably different nonetheless)? It’s very difficult to speak about “rights” with respect to various peoples’ wanderings so far in the past because ways of life back then had so little in common with what life has been like the past 100-150 years. The point should be to get things right from this point forward, not to correct historical “injustices” from hundreds or thousands of years ago. This really is the dividing line between racial moderates who just want to secure racial existence and reap the benefits of a solid group identity, and racial extremists who insist on punitively righting historical wrongs and eternally warring on every other group.

  21. @ Tamer By all reports Judah Benjamin lived the good life in England & France after the Civil War on what was left of the Confederate treasury. He was the only high-ranking Confederate politician to flee the country!

    Typical Jew.

  22. Good post John II.

    Yeah Bernie was forced to not farm…

    Mo was forced to not chop wood…

    Becca was forced to not be a cotton mill worker.

  23. “I’ve seen the best minds of my generation lost to anti-semitism, the socialism of fools.”

    Who gives a shit what you’ve “seen?”

    What we have seen is you admitting you shit your pants and had to be taken care of and rushed away by a Muslim when some nigger so much as spoke to you. It would be bad enough to see a grown man admit this on some site like Gawker, but here it is totally pathetic and an embarrassment.

    You are so lost to manhood that niggers really are your superiors.

  24. “Good post John II.

    Yeah Bernie was forced to not farm…

    Mo was forced to not chop wood…

    Becca was forced to not be a cotton mill worker.”

    See the evil our forefathers wrought? They even cheated the poor jews out of their chances to build character.

  25. 🙂

    When a cracked-out nig approached me at 2am in nyc, i shoved him and ran into a cab that a helpful dothead hailed me. Good man was a regular Gungadin.

    Embarassment? Admittance?

    I related an encounter with a beast of burden. And it turns out i was supposed to brand the Nigger’s face or something. I do carry brass knuckles now ahem “paper weights”.

  26. When they came up babbling to me about some shit I normally would speak really really loudly at that I couldn’t understand them. Or avoid eye contact and ignore them while keeping them in your peripherals as you walk off.

  27. BTW, folks, Griffin deserves credit for not censoring. I’ve posted a couple brief, witty pertinent remarks on Goad’s article at Takimag and gotten censored.

    “[I]t was all a game; a way of making a living.” –late Joe Sobran on professional conservatism

    They titter around the edges of our stuff to get eyeballs.

    Then they shriek “tee-hee!” like Taylor Swift filching a canape at a Kennedy potluck and retreat behind the moneybush giggling to beat the band.

  28. I’ve seen the best minds of my generation lost to anti-semitism, the socialism of fools.

    Wtf is “anti-semitism”, LOL?????

    Yer one confused dude.

  29. I’ve seen the best minds of my generation lost to anti-semitism, the socialism of fools.

    Well, I have seen the best minds of my generation groveling before Jews for scraps from their table.

    I’d much rather them be radical anti-Semites instead.

  30. Well, I have seen the best minds of my generation groveling before Jews for scraps from their table.

    Isn’t that the awful truth?

  31. Tamed by a nigger savage is a White guy that lives in Harlem (NYC) and looks up to jews as his superiors.

    Yeah, I’d say he’s a bit confused.

  32. Linder, your comments were posted.

    I don’t how “witty” I’d call this one: Yes, lugubrious yid, you guys have tried everything but leaving us alone. Well, that probably wouldn’t work, so, uh, speaking for myself only, uh, yeah – go ahead with that ‘collective death’ thing, thanks!

    Oh my, what priceless wit!

    They titter around the edges of our stuff to get eyeballs.

    Then they shriek “tee-hee!” like Taylor Swift filching a canape at a Kennedy potluck and retreat behind the moneybush giggling to beat the band.

    The great irony is that that one Goad piece is likely to have more influence than your entire twelve years of shrieking at VNN.

    Most people encounter Jew-crit and they look for the measliest excuse to denounce it because they’re either convinced there could not possibly be a shred of substance to any of it or they think there is some substance but recoil at the supposed implications. You make it simplicity itself to opt out for either of those reasons.

    Goad gets the tone just right and focuses on the contradictions.

  33. “AFIK, the Jew is a White that is separated from the white mainstream by religion, nothing more,nothing less.”

    So how about them Ethopian jews? What about Jewish converts like Sammy Davis Jr?

  34. The “AFAIK” is the operative consideration in that poster’s comment. As far as I know, injecting a solution of concentrated arsenic directly into a person’s spinal fluid might be good for you. No doubt a medical doctor or any number of persons who are better informed and have studied such matters would give a different comment.

  35. Jim: Or avoid eye contact and ignore them while keeping them in your peripherals as you walk off.

    Far be it from me to instruct anyone how to interact with the negro, but my advice is to never look away, or rely only on side vision. Look them straight in the eye, don’t smile or joke around, speak with a loud forceful voice it is required, and if you are in a place where CC is legal, keep your hand inside your pocket, griped on your pistol, or otherwise be ready to draw from your waistband.

    When walking in the city I occasionally see these young punks approaching, and if I can, I cross the street while looking at them. They know I’m being “racist” to avoid them, and they despise me for it. I laugh.

    If I can’t cross the street I look them straight in the eye as I approach, with a grim, stern look on my face. They know I mean business and they usually lower their heads and look away. Never cower to the negro, or seem meek. They sense this kind of thing, like the pack animals they are. Always avoid coming within about 3 to 4 feet from them. Negroes are the master of the sucker punch. Frequently look behind you to see who is following. Always look behind you after a negro passes, since they have been known to run up from the rear and attack. Practice the quick draw, and like Tuco, if you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.

  36. I’m not one of these people who have “Jews on the brain” though. I don’t blame them for all our problems.

    Neither do I. Unfortunately, your average white does. He thinks Jews are G-d’s Chosen, beyond all criticism. So, I inevitably find myself clashing with these slave-minded stooges at every turn.

    I don’t expect those problems would really go away – for example, see the Yankee Question below – if the Jews were raptured tomorrow.

    I think they’d become surmountable. 90% of the brain power and money behind our opposition would be gone overnight.

    AFIK, the Jew is a White that is separated from the white mainstream by religion, nothing more,nothing less.

    Nonsense. Most of the Jewish officer corps of white genocide are secular, irreligious Jews. The Soviet gulags were run by atheist Jews.

    It’s an ethnicity; Judaism is their traditional ethnic religion.

    In the past having been denied to own property, the Jew switched to buying and selling.

    Horseshit. The Jews were less denied property than whites. Learn some history. Jews’ traditional affinity for trade has to do with their cognitive and cultural profile. They’re smart and they hate everyone outside their tribe (the only question is one of degree; otherwise, they wouldn’t be Jews). Thus, they’re natural wanderers.

    What Jews mean when they say “Jews were forbidden from buying land” is that the Jews were forbidden from displacing the native elite as (worse) overlords over the native serfs. P-e-r-i-o-d.

    You must remember that the Jew Judah P. Benjamin, as the one that was the Confederate secretary of state and America’s first openly Jewish senator.

    Nobody gives a shit.

    Granted, the guy down the street making your pastrami on rye is probably not your enemy. And that tends to be the Jew most whites come into contact with. But the “elites,” the ones with the money, are different.

    I disagree. The Jew with the money is just your average Jew down the street who made it big making pastramis on rye. If he wins the lotto he spends the money on putting your kids in a shallow grave.

    All big Jews were little Jews at some point. They don’t spring from the eye of Zeus.

    They’re quite happy to pretend to like you as long as you believe or a willing to pretend you believe the lies about race, diversity etc. But if you refuse to pretend to believe that stuff they think you’ve seen through them and they get very worried about what you might be planning to do to them. They’ll definitely hate you then.

    Precisely. The hatred in the Jew is ever only a scratch away. Your smiling, happy, pastrami-on-rye slinging Jew down the street will become a slit-eyed Kaganovitch the moment you wander off the plantation, 90% of the time. The 10% exceptions will not have Jews for grandkids.

    It’s just not that straightforward though.

    While I agree with that paragraph, keep in mind that you have to separate historical analysis from modern policy; keeping track of grievances is good for leverage at the negotiating table, and in propaganda wars.

    If I can’t cross the street I look them straight in the eye as I approach, with a grim, stern look on my face. They know I mean business and they usually lower their heads and look away. Never cower to the negro, or seem meek.

    This is bad advice, IMO. It comes from not having much contact with niggers, and so not knowing how to deal with them. To niggers, staring with hard looks is a challenge; you’re basically encouraging a fight or flight decision. Not exactly a surprise to anyone who’s dealt with their sort.

    The best thing to do is be prepared to deal violence to them. Not fake preparedness. Being prepared (but not eager) at all times to dispense violence to the men around you has a lot of knock-on effects in terms of body language and demeanor. That said, you don’t have to act like you’re around an escaped zoo animal.

    Always avoid coming within about 3 to 4 feet from them.

    There is a lot of truth to this, in essence. Control your own space. Be aware of your surroundings. Keep your mind in the present, not in the clouds. Etc. I just don’t cotton to the “give them the eye-daggers of death” or “stern looks” thing. But then, I’ve always got a fairly stern look when I’m about my business in public anyway. I think the “eye-daggers” thing is counter productive. Eye contact is overrated in general. Better to be looking all over the place, sizing everything up casually. What’s in this dude’s hands, what is his general posture, what kind of look does he have on his face, etc. That includes making eye contact and maybe a quick expression or word of greeting/acknowledgement of existence, but not “eye-daggers of death.”

  37. Extended eye-contact before engagement is a bad idea, generally speaking. It encourages “fight or flight” responses. I.e., it says you’re looking for a fight. I mean, why are you eyeballing the dude, anyway?

  38. Eye contact is overrated in general.

    I used to think so, but my own experience has shown that if I look them right in the eye when approaching, they almost invariably look away, flustered. When someone looks away their ability to attack is further minimized. But whatever the case, I believe the lone negro is an intrinsic coward. In a group, they are different. That is why I cross the street when I encounter a pack of them coming.

    One thing to remember, if one has to shoot, in some states, it is incumbent upon the shooter to demonstrate that he had no viable option of retreating, or otherwise avoiding direct conflict. If you cross the street, but are followed and then confronted, one’s argument for shooting is bolstered.

    In the South, in such a scenario, I believe a jury would acquit, as long as the majority of members were white. In fact, it is doubtful that a prosecutor or grand jury would ever bring such a the thing to trial in the first place. That was, of course, the initial situation with punk thug, Trayvon. But you cannot count on not having corrupt officials in any jurisdiction, and because of it, for political reasons, the state found a “special prosecutor” who was a liberal white woman (I believe), and she filed the indictment.

    Anent Jews and all of this–my impression is that, in general, Jews are afraid of guns. At least the ones in the US. In Israel I suppose it is different.

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