LA Times: Let’s Mutually Secede


H/T Kevin MacDonald

Let’s make a deal: the resurrected Confederacy will happily take Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, the Dakotas and the rest of the Far West, which should give us all of those dirty “brown energy” states, and the Breadbasket states which gives us all of the food. Blue Staters don’t need food, gas, and electricity anyway.

We should dump the Beltway counties in NOVA (the only loss would be Conservatism, Inc.) and the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. South Florida would cease to be a problem after the elderly Jews die out, the Yankee transplants evacuate, and the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans can no longer live off the welfare state.

BTW, the newly restored Union can have Harvard, Sean Penn, Hollywood, and ALL of the African-Americans, who will undoubtedly evacuate on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working:

“We wish you the best of luck with this. We feel your pain. If we can speak frankly, it’s been coming for a long, long time. The question now is: What’s next?

First, we’re happy to report that most people here in Oregon, Washington and California think you’re really on to something. This marriage has run its course. Too many niggling little things built up over time, driving us all crazy. So let’s just stop. It’s time to divvy up the china and draft a property settlement. In the spirit of fairness and goodwill, we propose the following as a starting point.

We’ll keep the West Coast, Nevada and Hawaii, New York, the rest of the Northeast and all the other states that turned blue on election night. You guys get Texas, Mississippi, the rest of the Confederacy and all the other states that turned red on election night. Alaska can do whatever it wants. It does what it wants anyway.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. actually there is a book written on the topic backing up Johns claim that the German immigrants were the tipping point adding the weight the yankee’s needed. Read it some years back and their is another book making the claim German radicals did the trick for the gop going national. Might be the same book, but either way it’s not as far fetched an idea as the German worshipers claim

  2. Please forgive me, folks. I’m still laughing my ass off about Ann Douglas. I had previously given Linder more credit than to use a reference like that.


  3. Not preposterous at all. They certainly tipped the balance. It’s no accident that the civil war broke about soon after an influx of Irish and German migrants flooded into the Midwest.

  4. Jim says:
    WASP “culture” has lots of ways of making the spirit die it’s children before it can be made manifest. Any young child who refuses to sit still and accept programming is dubbed anti-social and medicated….”

    didn’t get any further than that. Northest Euro culture —LEFT TO ITS OWN DEVICES— without the fascists (Militarist-Corporatist-Medicalist) who hijacked their country— COULD NOT HAVE CONCEIVED of what the Pelosi-Biden non-wasp, anti-wasp, coalition government is doing. Get real!

  5. Jim, you really are crazy.

    THE MAIN ATTACKS made on “wasp” culture by the Jews WAS THAT IT WAS too authoritarian, too male oriented. This is highly documented. ALSO, they were not “individualist enough”—- as they did not allow the poor “ethnics and jews” into their CLUBS, and “white shoe law firms” (K. Mac’s biggest pet peeve, lol).

    They were happy and clubby, with opportunities for their young, and the best schools in the world, and so on. THE NEWCOMERS hated them for that (i.e., envy). And in their minority coalition, they did all they could to harm them, which they did.

    What lies. The haters of the Generational Americans (overlap with Dixie) will argue ANY WHICH WAY, depending on what suits them, moment by moment, no matter how contradictory (ironically, exactly what they always accuse the jews of, lol)

  6. Regarding the upper midwest early desegregation laws— they occur after the influx of Europeans. The 1830s brought TONS of commie organizers, also from Germany (obviously) and Ireland. Lincoln’s “Red Republicans.” When some of the commie skirmishes there didn’t go well, they came to u.s. and organized, prefiguring the WBTS.

    That’s where Romney’s running mate Ryan was from.

    When it was said he was “fifth generation Irish” from that area—- many would simply assume his forebears were communist organizers from the 1830s who came to stir up the euro shit.

  7. I’m not going to restate a case I’ve made on here repeatedly and in great detail.

    Locally to St Louis the Union militias were almost exclusively German. The Confederates were almost exclusively Anglo or French. You can see the deeds to the land around here switch hands as a result of the civil war, from Mc’s, Son, Ley, Ton to Berg, Meier… It’s all written down in public records. The land exchanged hands during the civil war.

  8. First things first, free speech for whites, and then you can plan your Plato’s Republics. If you don’t then some little dweeb lefty will shout “racist” at you and scare the masses and then you will get depressed that your fine, fine plans came to naught.

    Sound familiar?

  9. “THE MAIN ATTACKS made on “wasp” culture by the Jews WAS THAT IT WAS too authoritarian, too male oriented. This is highly documented. ALSO, they were not “individualist enough”—- as they did not allow the poor “ethnics and jews” into their CLUBS, and “white shoe law firms” (K. Mac’s biggest pet peeve, lol). ”

    Lady, I’m talking about the last 30-40 years, the period that shapes our today. What makes you think I’m referring to wasps from the 1920s? I’m talking about the status of our institutions today, not “way back when”. Quit living in the past.

  10. “Btw Linder, American women are domineering. British women are submissive. Like French or Spanish women. This is very well known to European men who
    Migrate. American women are for most part very similar to German females in this regard. German women are also inveterate mud sharks.”

    British women have a terrible attitude according to most people I’ve talked to. I’ve heard them compared to American women, only more drunk and sluttier.

    Your right about German women, Scandinavians are worse though, every single exchange student from there when I went to college was screwing one form of mud or another, the darker the better for them. Despite all their faults, American white women, especially upper middle to upper class ones, aren’t nearly as mud-sharky as many people think they are. They actually deserve more credit than we give them.

  11. In South Africa, Protestant Christianity and racialism had coexisted for three centuries, not unlike how Protestant Christianity and racialism had coexisted in the American South for three centuries.

    The most successful and enduring race based societies in world history are 1.) the American South and 2.) South Africa. Both societies were content with their way of life in the 1960s and the 1990s. Both societies had repressed the blacks and imprisoned their leaders (MLK and Mandela).

    Were it not for outside interference, that would have been the end of the matter. In the 1960s, the American South had not changed; the rest of America had changed, and through its collective power in Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which destroyed the Jim Crow South.

    In the 1990s, South Africa had not changed either. It had endured the international boycott throughout the 1980s. It had fought the communists in Angola and Namibia. It had banned the ANC and imprisoned Mandela for 30 years. It had killed Steve Biko. It had repressed the Soweto Uprising. It had remained committed to white supremacy longer than any country in the entire Western world!

    So what changed in the early 1990s? The answer is that the Soviet Union collapsed. In that instant, America changed its whole foreign policy toward Africa and began to relentlessly promote “democracy” in the region, even at the expense of longtime allies like South Africa or the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    The Western powers forced South Africa to release Mandela from prison and enter into talks with the ANC to dismantle apartheid. This was not an isolated example. A number of regimes fell in Africa around the same time for the same reason.

  12. “It’s no accident that the civil war broke about soon after an influx of Irish and German migrants flooded into the Midwest.” It’s not a surprise when a Brit blames Irish and Germans.

  13. It’s no surprise at all. Although my actual name is about as Irish as it gets. I don’t loath Irish or Germans btw. I have a lot of respect for what the Germans represent in world history.

    But it’s there, written in the public records the land was clearly prized from the hands of identifiably Anglo and French elites in Missouri and expropriated by Germans at the time of the civil war. All politics are local afterall. The Union troops were clearly invasive and an army of occupation.

  14. Women are genetically programmed to seek out new novel men. So it’s no surprise that German and Scandinavians seek this stuff out. It’s about as different as it gets. With the Brits there is a legacy of trampling on the subhumans in Africa. For some reason white Englush girls do like North American blacks though. Africans per se not so much. Perhaps the result of propaganda?

  15. @Stone
    “actually there is a book written on the topic backing up Johns claim that the German immigrants were the tipping point adding the weight the yankee’s needed. Read it some years back and their is another book making the claim German radicals did the trick for the gop going national. Might be the same book, but either way it’s not as far fetched an idea as the German worshipers claim”

    Looks like Missouri was fairly well split among Bell, Breckinridge, and Douglas. Hardly any counties went for Lincoln:

  16. 1)
    “If ZOG let white states go, who pays the taxes and gets hectored in the schools? ZOG would no more let American states depart than a farmer would let his cattle run off.”

    There’s total power and the percentage of that power a particular group controls. YKW’s method of increasing their percentage of power involves disintegrating the ethnic and social cohesion that is the foundation of the actual power. They destroy what they seek to control in the course of gaining control.

    In a nutshell the sequence goes something like
    %age of power/ total power/ usable power
    1 /100 /1
    50 /50 /25
    100/1 /1

    Symobolically speaking they’re about 60/40/24 at the moment i.e. in terms of usable power they’ve already peaked. The more white people secede whether mentally, economically or politically the weaker their total power becomes because *the active consent of the white population* makes up the bulk of that total power.

    Secession is good – at every level.

    nb. There’s a lot of pre-secessionary things that can be a part of this as well e.g. state banks that sidestep the central banking fraud run out of New York.

    The more one reads these comment threads the more obvious it is that WNs (for want of a better word) in the US need separate region-based strategies: southern, midwest, great lakes, corner states etc. The separate nations that hopefully emerge from that could then have a NATO type deal for mutual defence.

  17. “Red Republicans” should be read by every Southron White man

    The Germans, Swedes etc are good people but that doesn’t mean we should have allowed them into the nation or that they see the world as we do

    True enough Rudel. MO is interesting to me, same as Kansas as every White man I’ve meet from there seems to be a Confederate yet history doesn’t seem to lay that out. I love that map by the way. In my mind it shows how lincoln and his ways were really forced on us by a small number of yankee White men. Reminds me of what’s going on now. As the good book says, nothing new under the sun

    test has the right of it, but we cannot get to that point until we are separate nations because we are separate people and have different world views encoded into our DNA.

    I’ve heard the same negative info on British chicks, yet expect for one old bird, I have nothing but positive experiences with them and my littlest brother might end up marrying one. Not relevant but also very interesting to me because #1 I find it interesting people have such different experiences with the same group of people and the thing I think we are most at risk from is what the typical american woman has become

  18. Every commentor here knows of the 1863 NYC Draft Riots of all the newly immigrated Paddies swashbuckling their famous Feistiness killing lots of local NY Niggers as more of an inhuman threat than Confederates yonder South hundreds of miles away.

    So why should we assume the typical Euro immigrant of then would be on near the same level as John Brown and The North Star newspaper?

    Especially as those Paddies massacred those local NY Niggers, being too busy just barely hindering off constant starvation while usually not making ends meet and the real thread of giving up their whole Atlantic Journey endeavour and American Dream promises to free obvious inferior sub-humans hundreds of miles South?

    A significantly large number of the Union Army didn’t speak English. Most of those immigrants couldn’t speak English and needed to rely on a few of their relatives or fellow emigrated countrymen in the same neighborhood for constant translation of American English into their native tongues.

    So therefore they couldn’t discern easily American politics and who was the best candidate for their interests. All most of the non English speaking Euro immigrants just got only bits-and-pieces of information, and that was more towards their most critical issues, such as unions and the labor movements.

    I’m surprised nobody brought up yet about the famous big city Northern tennament conditions the immigrants were forced to squish in. Here a good excerpt from here:

    Nowhere, however, did the tenement situation become as dire as it was in New York, particularly on the Lower East Side. A cholera epidemic in 1849 took some 5,000 lives, many of them poor people living in overcrowded housing. During the infamous “draft riots” that tore apart the city in 1863, rioters were not only protesting against the new military conscription policy; they were also reacting to the intolerable conditions in which many of them were living. The Tenement House Act of 1867 legally defined a tenement for the first time and set construction regulations; among these were the requirement of one toilet (or privy) per 20 people.

    They didn’t have the time or knowledge to conserve their racialist beliefs in those conditions.

  19. Another question must be brought into the light.

    Were the founding stock Pennsylvanian Germans since 1673 into egalitarian ideas compared to the mid 19th century mass Euro immigrants?

  20. “The Feminization of American Culture, by Ann Douglas (Random House, 1978)” – noted by Linder

    Bill Yancey-“Please forgive me, folks. I’m still laughing my ass off about Ann Douglas. I had previously given Linder more credit than to use a reference like that.”

    Yance- Please explain why. I remember RJ Rushdoony noting as well, in the early 1980’s more than once, that this book was a goldmine of information. Perhaps Linder got his reference from that superior writer/thinker.

    Anyway, I remember ordering and getting a copy of that book. Never read it, though, once I realized that Patriarchy is the model for all relationships in the Bible. Didn’t need a sociologist (esp. a FemiNAZI) to buttress that opinion.

    But I am curious as to why you denigrate it so…..

  21. Hunter Wallace says:
    In South Africa, Protestant Christianity and racialism had coexisted for three centuries, not unlike how Protestant Christianity and racialism had coexisted in the American South for three centuries…..

    Thank you, HW!

    Nothing could be more clear. AND THAT IS WHAT the most Generational Americans (just like S.A.) are ATTACKED for (and have been for decades, even a century). Now, the colonials are getting it, too, just like the southerners (they are indian genociders).

    BUT NOW… the whole idea is that the country BECAME multi-cult, multi-racial BECAUSE OF THE southerners and colonials, and now THAT’S why people want rid of them!!!

    The whole thing, in its endless contradictory-ness, makes your head spin.

    Bottom line: they hate those people, and will say whatever gets rid of them, (makes them look bad, demoralizes them, defames them, etc, etc.)

    And it does seem a “white coalition” would make that end!

  22. — I mean, first they are attacked for being “too clannish” (West Virginia incest jokes, being the lowest), too “clubby” (ye old new england wasp clubs), etc.

    THEN they turn around and say they are “too individualistic,” etc, etc.

    They say they are “too shut off” and “racialist.” THEN the whole country became multi-cult b/c they are protestant children of the “endarkenment.”

    —- you cannot please any of them!

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