LA Times: Let’s Mutually Secede


H/T Kevin MacDonald

Let’s make a deal: the resurrected Confederacy will happily take Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, the Dakotas and the rest of the Far West, which should give us all of those dirty “brown energy” states, and the Breadbasket states which gives us all of the food. Blue Staters don’t need food, gas, and electricity anyway.

We should dump the Beltway counties in NOVA (the only loss would be Conservatism, Inc.) and the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. South Florida would cease to be a problem after the elderly Jews die out, the Yankee transplants evacuate, and the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans can no longer live off the welfare state.

BTW, the newly restored Union can have Harvard, Sean Penn, Hollywood, and ALL of the African-Americans, who will undoubtedly evacuate on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working:

“We wish you the best of luck with this. We feel your pain. If we can speak frankly, it’s been coming for a long, long time. The question now is: What’s next?

First, we’re happy to report that most people here in Oregon, Washington and California think you’re really on to something. This marriage has run its course. Too many niggling little things built up over time, driving us all crazy. So let’s just stop. It’s time to divvy up the china and draft a property settlement. In the spirit of fairness and goodwill, we propose the following as a starting point.

We’ll keep the West Coast, Nevada and Hawaii, New York, the rest of the Northeast and all the other states that turned blue on election night. You guys get Texas, Mississippi, the rest of the Confederacy and all the other states that turned red on election night. Alaska can do whatever it wants. It does what it wants anyway.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No need for the Oregon Territory to be connected with California in any way. It is already separated by rugged mountains in a physical sense although I suppose if a few Northern California alpine logging, fishing and mining counties wanted to join us it would be OK but California is a corrupt and bankrupt place full of non-whites on the dole.

  2. If secession ever did come about, it would surely be only because ZOG was powerless to prevent it. In that case, the states of the west would most certainly want to go their own way and not associate with the bible boobery of the sweaty states.

    If ZOG let white states go, who pays the taxes and gets hectored in the schools? ZOG would no more let American states depart than a farmer would let his cattle run off.

    The people running ZOG aren’t stupid enough to believe their own bs, at least the jews around the African. For proof, look how they act in Israel: they treat ‘frics as pests, and deport them.

  3. This isn’t even serious. YKW conspired with traitorous white politicians in California to swamp white conservative voters with mexicans. Those mexicans are highly concentrated in cities along the coast. The mexican interlopers don’t want secession because they know the minimum amount of California will be jettisoned a la the Gaza strip, and they will lose access to Uncle Sam’s welfare payments. What these cockroaches want is a permanent situation where the mexican lower class standard of living is subsidized by the federal government. The remaining portions of California (probably greater than 60% of the state) will remain in the US. Rural Californians are still white and conservative and won’t vote for secession.

  4. “Those mexicans are highly concentrated in cities along the coast.”

    Not really. The Central Valley is chock full of poorly educated and criminal Mexicans who have turned the Sacramento Valley into a vast slum. And in Northern California it is rich whites for the most part who live along the coast.

    As for the remaining White rural Californians, they have always wanted to secede from Southern California.

  5. Posted in response to the MacDonald piece are two comments that might interest followers of Occidental Dissent:

    1 — Secession is indeed an exciting idea, but if I could contribute my 2 cents, I think it would be best if the South was its own region. My preference would be to have the Midwestern red states, which are primarily White, as a separate entity. The region is about the geographical size of Western Europe, which is an ideal size. Including most of the current U.S.’s population of African Americans in an ethnostate is a horror best left to the Southerners to cope with.

    A midwestern European nation would be a paradise, with an existing population that is not only overwhelmingly White, including very few Semitics, but has its own conservative Midwestern culture, plenty of resources and room to grow. Were this dream to become a reality, such a nation over time would have its pick of the cream of the European stock, as the West falls deeper into dystopia.

    (Posted by “Andrew” at 2:29 pm, November 19)

    2 — @Andrew, I agree, I love living in the south, but i wouldn’t want y’all to have to deal with our dreadful problems. We southerners are nothing if not polite. Also I think the Midwest probably has a purer Nordic core that should be protected, whereas we have our own Celtic and Latin (in Louisiana and Florida) heritage.

    (Posted by “Marcus” at 3:16 pm, November 19)

  6. A. Linder says:
    November 20, 2012 at 8:43 pm

    If secession ever did come about, it would surely be only because ZOG was powerless to prevent it. In that case, the states of the west would most certainly want to go their own way and not associate with the bible boobery of the sweaty states.

    Alex sounds too jealous to notice that his beloved empire is fixin’ to dive over the fiscal cliff, thanks to the suicidal states. When the US can no longer pay our boys they’ll come home and render the deal unsaleable. Unlike Linder’s Lincolnian gods, we’d be happy with any decision made by the western states and would respect their wishes. No problem there.

    If ZOG let white states go, who pays the taxes and gets hectored in the schools? ZOG would no more let American states depart than a farmer would let his cattle run off.

    I believe Linder answered his own question in the previous paragraph.

    It ain’t 2000 any more, Alex. Nor is it 1861. Your union is on the way out and lo to those like you who don’t welcome the diversified refugees to your wonderfully representative democracy. Our people, while still having some stark realizations to face, have always had better instincts and are now more informed of the state of affairs than are yours. Minus America’s racial pets, we out number you and out gun you now, as that 20th century black migration was nuthin’ compared to what you’re about to experience.

  7. LOL, Alex and those WN’s that hang around Stormfront and VNN remind me of that joke that always resurfaces after some devastating act of nature like Katrina.

    A man is trapped at his house while the flood water begins to rise. A roving party of rescuers comes to him and offers to take him with them. The man declines, telling them that everything is Ok; God is going to save him.

    The flood water continues to rise, now it is waist high throughout his home. A rescue crew comes along in a boat to take the man away. He declines again, saying once again that God will protect him and save his life.

    The flood water rises over the roof and the man is forced to take refuge at the very peak of his roof. A helicopter then comes along at the last minute and drops a rescue line for the man. Again, he refuses help, telling them God will save him.

    The man drowns.

    At the pearly gates the man sees God and demands to know why he was not saved. God looks at him and shakes his head, saying, “I sent you a rescue party, a boat and finally even a helicopter. What the hell more did you want?”

    That is about how Linder and most other WN’s are. There is something wrong with everything and they are going to wait until, well, something like they think is their salvation. Everything you mention they reply in the negative because it is not the Ideal thing they have in mind.

    Something doesn’t damn the church hard enough. Someone does not make enough hardcore anti-nigger soapbox speeches. A group doesn’t “name the jew” every other sentence. They don’t do this, they don’t do that. It’s ALWAYS something.

    These people will still be complaining no matter what, and holding out until The One shows up. They are really no different than Rapture bunnies. Whatever takes place, it will not be the doings of WN’s. They will still be holding out for their Eldorado.

  8. (1) The majority of the “White working class” in the Midwest voted for Obama. With the exception of Indiana, he won every state in the region, and in the 2008 election, Obama won Indiana.

    (2) The most Nordic of the Midwesterners – the Scandinavians in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin – are the most delusional White liberals in the area.

  9. Those mexicans are highly concentrated in cities along the coast.

    That’s far from the truth – mexes are all through the west, and increasingly through the midwest. I used to live in Salt Lake; the transformation has been remarkable since, say, 1983. Not just the low end either, the richer ‘benches’ have filled up with chinese and indians, believe it or not. The low-rent areas are loaded with mexicans.

    Eric Thompson used to send me papers from Yakima, he calls it ‘Brownest Yakima.’ This is central or eastern Washington, an area I’m not familiar with, but is hugely mexican these days. Basically mexico extends from mexico through the middle of california, more than the coast, straight up to Washington. I don’t know if mexes are in eastern Oregon, but they’re all over interior Washington; they might even be up in Canada.

    Nebraska is loaded with mexicans. Anywhere you stop on I-80 you’ll find them, maybe fewer in Wyoming, but that’s about it. Mexicans have completely polluted northern illinois, stretching farther than you would believe out into the cornfields.

    The economic drought has perhaps slowed the influx, but not reversed it.

    Some of you, particularly the proprietor this blog, seriously need to travel; this country is very far from your imagination of it. Only an ideological bubble boy could believe northerners love niggers.

    I know the WASP elite from schooling with it; they love themselves, and that’s it. They hate everyone else, including most of their relatives. They are in love with a conceptions of themselves as high-minded do-gooding citizens of the world, this sicko WASP elite. Beyond themselves, they love animals and money, not in that order. They have a sick globalist vision that goes fairly well with the jews. It’s fun for Southern bitters (most of whom seem to work for ZOG as their principal occupation) to denounce Yankees, but beyond a pretty narrow group, the term is meaningless. Average northerners feel about niggers the way EVERYONE feels about niggers, even other niggers. They don’t want to be around them. ‘Liberal’ Californians voted against alien benefits. Judge tosses it out. Michigan rules or votes against anti-White discrimination – court tosses it out. Ordinary whites have pretty much the same attitudes towards nigs wherever you go. But a transnational elite, started by whites, but run by jews, is hard at work creating one world, with all the nations districts, and all the races mixed. Secession for the South doesn’t figure in their plans. There are comparatively few Southern elites that can’t be bought off, and the same goes for Southern commoners – most of whom lack the wits to figure out what is happening, let alone do anything about it.

    Would anyone here truly be surprised if “Hunter Wallace” announced tomorrow he was off to Tulane Law School to become a civil rights lawyer.

    No…I’m sure that won’t happen.

    Anyway, celebrate “Hunter’s” coming out party as Brad Griffin, for our debate tomorrow. We’ll make a man of the li’l bugger yet.

  10. Some of you, particularly the proprietor this blog, seriously need to travel; this country is very far from your imagination of it. Only an ideological bubble boy could believe northerners love niggers.

    In four elections, the White majority in Massachusetts has voted to live under a negro government: in 2006 and 2010, they voted for Deval Patrick as governor; in 2008 and 2012, every county in Massachusetts voted for Barack Obama.

    How is “worse is better” working out in Massachusetts? The state has trended in one direction for the past 180 years: it has become less racialist, more anti-White, and more pro-black.

    Alex tells us that White people in Massachusetts are just like White people in Mississippi. Yet in Mississippi, the Democrat candidate for governor, Johnny DuPree, was soundly defeated in 2011 because White people in Mississippi overwhelmingly voted against him.

  11. Average northerners feel about niggers the way EVERYONE feels about niggers, even other niggers. They don’t want to be around them.

    Is there any empirical evidence that would justify this assumption? When was the last time that Yankees and “African-Americans” were on opposite sides of a national election?

  12. A. Linder says:
    November 20, 2012 at 11:05 pm

    I know the WASP elite from schooling with it; they love themselves, and that’s it. They hate everyone else, including most of their relatives. They are in love with a conceptions of themselves as high-minded do-gooding citizens of the world, this sicko WASP elite. Beyond themselves, they love animals and money, not in that order. They have a sick globalist vision that goes fairly well with the jews. ….

    This sounds like you, Alex. Why would a “White Nationalist” so hate the most ‘white-centric’ people in the USA, Southerners? That is, unless there is merit to the argument that we differ in relevant aspects? And if we do, is disunion not the best available answer (minus the unavoidable minority infusion your diversity-loving states love)?

  13. Are “White people” pretty much the same everywhere?

    How can anyone in the South believe this? Everyone who lives in Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina, not to mention in South Carolina and Georgia, has seen with their own eyes what happens when Yankees move here.

    You can see them driving around Arlington and Alexandria and Raleigh and Asheville and Charleston and Tampa and Orlando and Nashville with their New Jersey and New York license plates and their Obama bumper stickers.

  14. Bill Yancey blusters:

    “Minus America’s racial pets, we out number you and out gun you now, as that 20th centruy black migration was nuthin’ compared to what you’re about to experience.”

    – I’m sorry, but what exactly are you suggesting? That in the near future, the South is somehow going to drive out the whole of it’s black population to the supposedly welcoming arms of the Upper Midwest? And that if the Upper Midwest or some other part of the North were to resist, “ya’ll” would make a fight out of it? Maybe I’m reading you wrong, but it sure sounds like that. I’m sure you don’t (well, maybe you do) need me to tell you how tragically delusional that sounds. Whites in the South in no way outnumber whites in the North, and considering the physical shape and condition of the average modern white Southerner, you wouldn’t last a month, if that even, in a shooting war with the North.

    So Bill, how about putting down the beer, and, along with the rest of “yall’s kin”, learn to manage that famous Southern combativeness before you people find yourselves once again in a fight you can’t finish.

  15. Chris, you delusional ….. , when the Southern states secede there will be an avalanche of wonderful diversity beautifying your areas because the EBT cards will no longer be backed up by white tax-paying dollars in the South.

    As I’ve reminded Alex Linder, we are the numerical majority now. And we are the majority in the military. And we possess all of that industrialization you off-shored (less that you sent to China). IOW, you are sitting in puke.

    Bring on your LGBT army against our volunteers!

  16. The most Nordic of the Midwesterners – the Scandinavians in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin – are the most delusional White liberals in the area

    According to Steve Sailer, 60% of white Lutherans voted for Romney.

    When was the last time that Yankees and “African-Americans” were on opposite sides of a national election?

    Assuming that “Yankee” means “white Northerner”, that would be 2 weeks ago when Yankees voted 53-45 for Romney.

  17. @Bill Yancey

    – Well if you’ve got all that going for you (or so you believe), then do feel free to make your boast into reality, you pitiful, sexagenarian loudmouth. Anytime. I’ll leave the television on CNN so I won’t miss the start of your glorious secession.

  18. “(1) The majority of the “White working class” in the Midwest voted for Obama. With the exception of Indiana, he won every state in the region, and in the 2008 election, Obama won Indiana.”

    If by white working class you mean the white dem union dupes, than yeah. Other than Iowa, Romney won the majority white vote in every Midwestern state. Whites in the north are becoming LESS racially tolerant. Significantly so in the last decade. As for whites in New England, I have no idea, perhaps there’s something in the water.

  19. Obama won the White vote in New England, Iowa, and Washington and Oregon. He split the White vote about 50/50 in New York and Minnesota. Elsewhere, he lost the White vote in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

  20. Jeff Davis’s revenge. The liberal whites, who would otherwise be marginalized, allying themselves with the diaspora nig vote has doomed the midwest.

  21. Are “White people” pretty much the same everywhere?

    Oh my. It’s like the spirit of Richard Barrett, the great barrator of Mississippi, has returned to the living world.

    I said they were alike in their view of nigs – what nigs ARE. Not what use could be made of them. And certainly not that whites generally are all alike.

    My goodness. I would never let someone call me a Southerner! Them’s fighting words.

    I’m a Southern sympathizer. There’s a lot to feel sympathy for, I feel the unprejudiced will agree.

  22. I would love to see the midwest suffer it’s own miniature Camp of the Saints moment after the South shuts of the bennies. It would be great. I say this as a Midwesterner, the liberal shithead mommy professors who live on every block in every nice white town and suburb here wouldn’t have anywhere else to run. Me and mine? We’d be fine.

    Please, South, do it. Be the punishment of God and smite my enemies with a plague of savage negro malcontents.

  23. Browse the NY Times election map:

    (1) In Iowa, the same mysterious divide that we always see between Eastern Iowa and Western Iowa is on display again.

    (2) In Minnesota, the southeastern counties and the northeastern counties voted for Obama.

    (3) In Wisconsin, there is the same familiar big splotch of blue in the southwestern corner of the state.

    (4) In Illinois, North Illinois voted one way, and South Illinois voted like Kentucky.

    (5) In Indiana, the northwestern corner of the state voted for Obama.

    (5) In Ohio, the Western Reserve and the northern rim around the Great Lakes voted for Obama

    (6) In Pennsylvania, Erie, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and the eastern counties voted for Obama, and as Mosin points out, Pennsyltucky voted like Alabama.

    (7) All the Yankees who live adjacent to New England in upstate New York voted like New England.

    (8) In New England, it was a landslide for Obama and the Democrats.

  24. Northern blacks living above the Atlantic Fall Line are like a whole different…eh, I’ll just substitute “caste”, from all other American blacks. NYC metro blacks and Bostonian ones are so many notches up from the American Nigger median outcomes in all measurable traits that so many of their voices sound equally comparable on the White voice tone scale. I think they are this way due to the undeniable, enormous pressure that everyone feels growing up in NYC, Boston, or Hartford, CT to attain and socially mobilize towards a strong intellectual environment which is not really existent below the New Jersey/NY border. It’s so strong that even the majority of blacks in those cities can’t avoid even if a vibrant aggressively competing Hip Hop/gangsta culture is there. Then yes they probably have more white in them ratio wise, like 50/50 or 60/40. The whites in those cities have therefore an even more extreme detached experience with niggers elsewhere in the nation to only super reinforce their anti-racist views. Crime in Boston by Nigs isn’t nearly 1/7th as bad in any large city in the American South. Crime in the NYC metro area by Nigs is very bad but with a larger proportion of Whites committing crimes there in equal measure while not necessarily needing for Whites to vastly outnumber in population to produce the same number in proportion as to the whole crime rate by blacks alone is an even grander illustion of criminal inclination by race.

  25. This sounds like you, Alex.

    It’s the jewish disease, Herr Yancey, to reduce all criticism to ‘hate.’

    I do belong, in some part, to the class I mentioned, despise it though I do. Fact remains, these are high-IQ, dedicated, morally regular people…with crazy views and more blind spots than a bat-whacked Stevie Wonder. The South is going to stop them without reading books or stamping timecards or all that other regular, predictable, hard-driving stuff y’all despise. Yeah, not seeing it. You guys are too nice and non-fanatical to beat that WASP class, let alone the jews they seem to work pretty well with.

    Why would a “White Nationalist” so hate the most ‘white-centric’ people in the USA, Southerners?

    He wouldn’t. Not really sure what white-centric means.

    That is, unless there is merit to the argument that we differ in relevant aspects? And if we do, is disunion not the best available answer (minus the unavoidable minority infusion your diversity-loving states love)?

    Of course splitting up — and far more than just North / South — would be desirable. But surely the point is the powers that be won’t allow that. Everything past that point is silly escapism.

    They won’t let you go. What are you going to do about it?

    Answer: wait. Since you don’t read, don’t respects books or thinking or intellectualism, you will either go into the grave clutching your family bible, a la the South Africans, or you will somehow outlast ZOG, as it cracks up after its contradictions become untenable and faking it (financially) is no longer possible.

  26. If I am not mistaken, the South Africans were the last Western country to give up white supremacy in the 1990s, and then only because they were sold out by their allies who imposed an international boycott on them and threw them under the bus when the Cold War ended.

    What about our friends the Yankees? By the 1880s, they had voluntarily repealed all their anti-miscegenation laws, made blacks into American citizens, and integrated every state in the North after attempting to integrate the entire country in the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

    The Supreme Court alone saved us from that one.

  27. White Nationalism is impractical because in the real world the “White people” are divided along ethnic, cultural, religious, and class lines. “White people” in America are not a nation. The European Union is not a nation.

    WNs propagate the myth of white solidarity when history and experience points to a different conclusion: the “White Republic” was a failure, it died in 1865, because race and republicanism wasn’t a strong enough foundation to hold the United States together.

    The Yankees realized that there was an electoral advantage in demonizing Southern Whites and glorifying the blacks. They destroyed the White Republic and made blacks into citizens for they would vote for the Republican Party and keep themselves in power.

    Nothing has changed in the 21st century: the only difference is that now Yankees have realized that Hispanicizing the Southwest and Africanizing the South works to their electoral advantage, so literally the whole Northeast goes out and votes for Democrats who promise to do just that.

  28. they were sold out by their allies who imposed an international boycott on them and threw them under the bus when the Cold War ended.”

    They were sold out by their own elites, principally the church and the typically worthless democratic politicians. The boycott was easily endurable, had the will been there.

    Talk to South Africans. They are bible dolts, just like you find in the American South. We turned away from God, that’s why this is happening. They will go apoplectic if you suggest otherwise.

    How many blacks were there in the north? That’s the part you always leave out. Not many. I bet those laws were changed to upgrade the social status of man-squaw relations, if anything.

    Anyway, the ultimate blame goes to christ-insanity for its insane universalist nostrums, which the Puritan-descendeds picked up and ran with.

    What a curse the bible has been to our race.

  29. White South Africans betrayed themselves. Outside pressures were of little difference. They the natural resources to be self-sufficient indefinitely, they had the military muscle to take on any superpower in the world (including the Soviet Union — who they engaged and routed on the Angola border) and they produced goods which, despite economic sanctions, demanded a premium on whatever markets they made it to. It was the notoriously corrupt National Party government that sold out it’s own people. You’re not going to put that one on “Yankees”. The only thing you Southerners have in common with Afrikaners, is your disgusting, lazy, suicidal dependence on niggers to do your labor for you. Recognize a mistake and learn from it for once.

  30. Yankees have realized that Hispanicizing the Southwest and Africanizing the South works to their electoral advantage

    If it was Yankees, then why the heck didn’t they do it in 1924? The jews bitterly reviled them for not opening the borders then. It took the JEWS 40 more years to get them opened. MacDonald documented that in his well known essay, which I’m sure you’ve read: it was jews ALONE who pushed for open borders. Not Yankees. Not big business. Jews alone.

    This is how pitiful our christian cult leaves us: we cannot, as 98% majority, prevail over angry buzzing 2% solution of kikes.

    Of course, one subset of whites figured out what to do. You know who they are. Their solution is being applied, and working quite effectively in Greece today. It will work here too, if we are smart enough to apply it.

    The church will fight that solution tooth and nail, just as it fought them then.

    No hope in the cult. Just fodder for old fools like Apu. And inspiration for killer tools like Stonelifter.

  31. Alex,

    It’s interesting that you find fault with the most successful and the longest lasting race-based societies in world history.

    – In the American South, integration was imposed on Dixie only after Yankees deployed the military on three occasions and voted 9 to 1 for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which allowed them to overcome the longest filibuster in the history of the U.S. Senate.

    – In South Africa, apartheid was only dismantled after intense international pressure from the United States and its allies, especially after the Cold War when the U.S. threw all its African allies – not just South Africa – under the bus because it didn’t need them to fight communism anymore.

    You make it sound like “Christ-Lunacy” suddenly mutated into some cancerous force after four centuries of racialism in Dixie and Southern Africa. In reality, you are the only person I know who takes that view, and every historian that I know of attributes the demise of segregation in the South and apartheid in South Africa to outside intervention.

  32. Am I mistaken here, or am I reading more of this WHITE “southerner” vs WHITE “northerner” nonsense, which only serves to SPLIT our racial folk from one another? What difference does it make, whether a racially aware White man or woman lives in one geographic location or another – OUR RACE is OUR NATION! Blacks certainly don’t think that way, do they? What we White people need to “DO” is concentrate upon campaigning in LOCAL elections – that ARE winable – and start to build a power-base across America. Once we HAVE a network of WHITE NATIONALISTS in albeit “small” positions of “power” – we can consolidate, and attempt “higher” political offices. QUIT holding these impotant, pathetic “demonstrations”, unrealist “campaigns for president, etc et al”, useless “petitioning” to the powers that control this system and could give a rats-ass about what WN think, and most of all – these FANTASY “secessionist” wet dreams, and start GETTING INVOLVED in REAL WORLD political activity. IF you can’t get yourself elected to Sherriff or City Council – how can you hope to form some “popular republic” from the folks who refuse to elect you and your ideas in the first place? I realize that political campaigning IS hard work and takes a LOT of time and effort and sacrifice – but, last election across America – HUNDREDS of positions went UNOPPOSED or UNCONTESTED, simply because WN were too lazy, or busy day-dreaming to GET-INVOLVED. If every “organization”, or what have you, in this so-called “movement” simply contested ONE well chosen campaign – we could have WN sitting in positions of political power ( albeit small perhaps ) all over this nation. So whats the problem? Not “fun” enough? For White Worker Power! Rocky J Suhayda, Chairman 14/88!

  33. There’s a simple way to handle the indiginous negro problem: Cut welfare to the bone. Overnight. They’d depart en masse to the blue states like the swarm of locusts that they are.

  34. How many blacks were there in the North?

    Well, I would start by point out that millions of them started moving to Yankeeland in the early 20th century, and if you thought that “worse is better” logic would result in them changing their minds about race, then you were mistaken because in that entire period not one Northern state passed a segregation law and Northern racial attitudes weakened after the 1940s.

  35. “Northern blacks living above the Atlantic Fall Line are like a whole different…eh, I’ll just substitute “caste”, from all other American blacks. ”

    I call bullshit. All that means is the double talking northern elites are better at separating the Henry Luis Gates magic niggers from the Trayvon Martin chaff. They trot their magic niggers around like show ponies, and keep the riff-raff well penned up away from “their” areas.

  36. They the natural resources to be self-sufficient indefinitely

    Yep, SA has more resources than pretty much anywhere, except maybe Russia. The only thing it lacks is oil. And the regime had a two-year stockpile of that. There must be some SA who know even more pertinent facts.

    It was moral weakness on the part of the typical, weakling, democratic, christian politicians. They wanted to cut an international figure, so they sold out.

    We feel sorry for the tortures the Boervolk endure, and rightly so, but we cannot let it blind us to their failures, most notable of which is their moronic faith. The bible led them into the grave, just as it led Robert E. Lee’s illiterates, and today is working hard on their descendants.

    Does it really surprise anyone that people who develop superior engineering in pretty much everything figured out the social engineering to beat the slimy kike? If someone gave you a BMW, would you decline it because it wasn’t created by an Irishman or WASP? That would be foolish.

    Well here you go, sons of the South, and Americans generally. Here’s your solution. Are you going to decline out of the usual bigotry? How has your stupidity and bigotry worked out for you so far? Has it got you where you wanted to go?

    We can beat them. But only by doing what works. Not by doing what we want to do.

    If it’s Southern, religious or conservative, it’s a non-starter.

    You can take that to the bank and cash it without even needing ID.

    Just how it is. Your only choice is to acknowledge it, and benefit it, or keep on losing. You’re a traditional folk, so I think I know what you’ll choose.

    But not everyone is as brainlessly inflexible — without being principled! the truly remarkable thing — as most Southerners, and those men’s minds are the reason I bother arthriticizing my nubs.

  37. The Immigration Act of 1924 restricted the numbers of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe who were flooding into the Northeast. It DID NOT restrict Mexican immigration into the Southwest.

  38. Well, I would start by point out that millions of them started moving to Yankeeland in the early 20th century, and if you thought that “worse is better” logic would result in them changing their minds about race, then you were mistaken because in that entire period not one Northern state passed a segregation law and Northern racial attitudes weakened after the 1940s.

    They moved there for jobs thanks to jew-instigated and jew-manipulated WASP-instigated foreign wars. After demonizing the reasonable people who wanted to stay out of it, namely, German-Americans. I’m honestly not sure to what extent the South participated in this anti-intellectual, anti-German crusading; I always had the impression it was more of an Eastern or Midwestern thing.

    Back then we still had free association, which pretty much encompasses segregation. Segregation laws matter more when half your population is nigger, which was nowhere the case in the North.

    Also, you’re not mentioning riots. There were many race riots between 1850 and 1950, and not just in the South. These show racial feeling on the part of average northern whites.

    Remember, it was not northern whites but northern jews who really got the mass media suppression of racial common sense going thanks to Southern Man’s noble rallying around the violated corpse of the poor girl working in the jew’s pencil factory in Atlanta. That was the event that stimulated, essentially, the mass-chaining of media in pursuit of anti-White politics, as I understand from the excellent writings of the catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones. You may have covered this yourself.

    Any case, no one in the north had to live around blacks, as almost all Southerners had to, and the laws reflected that.

  39. It’s truly remarkable that the people who voted 9 to 1 for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, who made blacks into citizens in the first place, and who voted twice for Barack Obama, and who alone voted for every civil rights law in American history have concluded that we are the “losers”!

  40. Mosin and Rudel would probably know better than I; but for the record, I’ll mention that those blue counties of eastern Pennsylvania, above Philadelphia and its environs, are probably, first, the old Lehigh Valley industrial area (Bethlehem, Allentown) and then, farther up, the old coal area of Scranton and Wilkes-Barre.

    What is that blue area that consists of northwestern Illinois, eastern Iowa, southwestern Wisconsin, and the lowest southeastern part of Minnesota? The only thing I can see is that it’s centered on the Mississippi River.

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