LA Times: Let’s Mutually Secede


H/T Kevin MacDonald

Let’s make a deal: the resurrected Confederacy will happily take Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, the Dakotas and the rest of the Far West, which should give us all of those dirty “brown energy” states, and the Breadbasket states which gives us all of the food. Blue Staters don’t need food, gas, and electricity anyway.

We should dump the Beltway counties in NOVA (the only loss would be Conservatism, Inc.) and the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. South Florida would cease to be a problem after the elderly Jews die out, the Yankee transplants evacuate, and the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans can no longer live off the welfare state.

BTW, the newly restored Union can have Harvard, Sean Penn, Hollywood, and ALL of the African-Americans, who will undoubtedly evacuate on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working:

“We wish you the best of luck with this. We feel your pain. If we can speak frankly, it’s been coming for a long, long time. The question now is: What’s next?

First, we’re happy to report that most people here in Oregon, Washington and California think you’re really on to something. This marriage has run its course. Too many niggling little things built up over time, driving us all crazy. So let’s just stop. It’s time to divvy up the china and draft a property settlement. In the spirit of fairness and goodwill, we propose the following as a starting point.

We’ll keep the West Coast, Nevada and Hawaii, New York, the rest of the Northeast and all the other states that turned blue on election night. You guys get Texas, Mississippi, the rest of the Confederacy and all the other states that turned red on election night. Alaska can do whatever it wants. It does what it wants anyway.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Hunter,

    I’m all for secession but am preparing in the meantime.

    For those interested:

    I wonder how many Feds are already signed up as “infil-triators”.

    Looking into it but planning on Idaho anyway after retirement assuming we make it that far.

    I think you should focus a couple of posts on preparedness. If we are prepared & have networks in place when the coming collapse happens imagine the power & communities we could re-build.

  2. Before the War Between the States, there were state laws in Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, and Oregon that banned the settlement of free blacks there altogether, and the Yankees themselves repealed those laws when they passed Sen. Lyman Trumbull’s Civil Rights Act of 1866.

    The Jews had nothing to do with making blacks into citizens or repealing all the Northern anti-miscegenation laws or repealing the state laws that had blocked free blacks from moving to the North and replacing them with new civil rights laws that outlawed racial discrimination.

    The Yankees themselves decided that integration was necessary because Abraham Lincoln had told them in the Gettysburg Address that the meaning of the Declaration of Independence was that “all men are created equal.” Then about 30 to 40 years later the Jews started arriving en masse from Central and Eastern Europe.

    Nearly half the black population in America moved to the North and the response in the North was that they couldn’t pass one – I repeat, not one – segregation law or anti-miscegenation law. Instead, they kept on passing law after law which expanded “civil rights” and banned segregation and outlawed “racial defamation,” while the South passed hundreds of new segregation laws at the state and local level in the 1950s.

  3. (A)manda, my advice is to stay local, prepare for the worst with good local people you have always known, because the grass might not be greener on the other side, and greater distance might not really make things better.

  4. Northern working class union households still vote Democratic and frankly why not? Romney and the Republican Party have always been the bastion of the rich union busting factory owners who don’t give a shit about their workers. When I was young I knew rich Republicans in Pennsylvania who would intentionally place orders with companies whose workers were on strike so as to show solidarity with the owners.

    A lot of whites in the North are still in the same mindset as those “yellow dog” Democrats in the South used to be who could never bring themselves to vote for the Party of Lincoln.

  5. Re: “The Jews had nothing to do with (…) then about 30 to 40 years later the Jews started arriving en masse”:

    The logical fallacy of “After this, therefore NOT because of that”? But if you examine more closely, were there not SOME present prior to these events, and were none of them involved at all, not even indirectly or influentially?

    It was probably all the Puritans’ and Quakers’ idea, then.

  6. This comes from Paul Kersey’s book Escape From Detroit:

    1900 – 1.4% black
    1910 – 1.2% black
    1920 – 4.1% black
    1930 – 7.7% black
    1940 – 9.2% black
    1950 – 16.2% black
    1960 – 28.9% black
    1970 – 43.7% black
    1980 – 63% black
    1990 – 75.7% black
    2000 – 81.5% black
    2010 – 82.7% black

    From 1900 to 2010, the D went from being 1.4% black to 82.7% black. If “worse is better” made any sense, you would think that somewhere during that time period the White people in Michigan would have “woke up” and realized that the South was right about segregation, and would have adopted segregation laws like the ones that existed in comparable cities like Atlanta or Birmingham.

    How many segregation laws did Michigan pass in the twentieth century? ZERO.

  7. won’t vote for secession? You do not regain your liberty by voting

    I guess your roman forefathers were disgusting and lazy well. Right 313piss?

  8. “Northern working class union households still vote Democratic and frankly why not? (…)
    A lot of whites in the North are still in the same mindset as those ‘yellow dog’ Democrats in the South used to be who could never bring themselves to vote for the Party of Lincoln.”

    There are still many “traditional” Democrats around in the “coal regions” who vote nothing but the straight ticket, in honour of their working class forbears, and Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Molly Maguires.

  9. There’s something deeply wrong with the Northern culture based on that Detroit stat list. There were no MLK’s or Bull Connor’s involved.

  10. This used to be posted at the Jim Crow History website:

    1877: Barred school segregation [Statute]
    Unlawful to deny children admission to public schools based on “color, social position, or nationality.” Penalty: $50 for each offense. Offending district would lose public school funds.

    1885: Barred public accommodations segregation [Statute]
    All persons entitled to full access to inns, public transportation, theaters, restaurants, barber shops and places of public amusement. Penalty: Fine from $100 to $500, or imprisonment from 30 days to one year.

    1897: Barred public accommodations segregation [Statute]
    Strengthened 1885 law to include soda fountains and ice cream parlors. Penalty: Misdemeanor with a fine from $25 to $100, or confinement in a county jail from 30 to 90 days. Damages from $25 to $500 awarded to the injured party.

    1899: Barred public accommodation segregation [Statute]
    Restatement of 1885 and 1887 laws.

    1905: Barred school segregation [Statute]
    School districts prohibited from classifying students according to race or color, nor separate them into different schools for these reasons. Penalty: Forfeiture by a district of its share of public school funds.

    Jim Crow Laws: Michigan Close

    Although no segregation laws were passed in Michigan after the Civil War, a 1957 statute required that race be used as a consideration in adoption petitions. The state banned school segregation in 1871, followed by a statute that made miscegenation legal in 1883. Eleven civil rights statutes were passed by the state between 1871 and 1957.

    1871: Barred school segregation [Statute]
    Prohibited separate schools or departments based on race or color. Allowed for the grading of schools according to the intellectual progress of pupils.

    1883: Barred anti-miscegenation [Statute]
    Declared all marriages between white persons and those wholly or partly of African descent to be legal.

    1885: Barred public accommodation segregation [Statute]
    Entitled all persons to full and equal access to inns, restaurants, barber shops, public transportation, theaters, and all other places of public amusement. Penalty: Misdemeanor punished by a fine up to $100, or imprisonment up to 30 days, or both.

    1899: Anti-miscegenation [Statute]
    Marriage law of 1883 reconfirmed.

    1933: Civil rights protection [Statute]
    Outlawed racial discrimination. Penalty: Criminal prosecution.

    1948: Civil Rights [Statute]
    All persons entitled to full and equal access to public accommodations, public educational institutions, transportation, recreation, etc.

    1954: Barred National Guard segregation [Constitution]
    Prohibited segregation within state militia.

    1954: Barred National Guard segregation [Statute]
    Prohibited discrimination within state National Guard.

    1957: Barred school segregation [Statute]
    Prohibited discrimination in schools at all levels. Penalty: $50 to $250, 30 days to six months imprisonment, or both.

    1957: Barred public accommodations segregation [Statute]
    All persons have equal rights in all places of public accommodation. Penalty: $100 to $500, misdemeanor.

  11. In reality, you are the only person I know who takes that view, and every historian that I know of attributes the demise of segregation in the South and apartheid in South Africa to outside intervention.

    You’re using words too loosely. What outside intervention? There was relentlessly anti-White media courtesy of jews, true. And there was money supplied to the ANC commie nigger jew gangster by the copious numbers of socialist idiots in Norway and Sweden (whose larvae Breivik rightly put paid to). But as for actual intervention, at most you had some outside nigger armed forces fed with Cuban money, as I understand it. There was no invasion.

    I happened to study this fairly extensively in college, believe it or not, back in the ’80s when this stuff was hot. This was before your time. I am proud to say visiting South African nigger ‘diplomats’ or some mediocre such back then made a special point of denouncing stuff I’d written – even when I was a conserative individualist.

    The point is… SA has naturally almost all minerals and raw resources at unmatched levels. Everything but oil, and it stockpiled that. It had nuclear weapons or the capacity to produce them. It had all it needed to defend itself.

    What it lacked, what was eroded over time, was its moral will. The church leaders eventually got weak knees – after all, there is nothing christian doctrine supporting a racial state, altho christian verses, as we know, can be used to support anything…even or especially the side of a jacked-up trailer house, if you use enough of them. An argument for niggerizing a human coutnry is child’s play for bible experts.

    But what our class studied was the effects of sanction generally, and on SA specifically. The lit shows sanctions are usually ineffective. And they weren’t effective on SA for the reasons above. What was effective was the climate of hate created in the media. The white men ruling SA did not have the moral capacity to withstand being called haters. So they folded. There’s no more to it than that, really. De Klerk and some of the other fags were bought off easily with mostly vain hopes of international praise.

    They’re weaklings. But isn’t that what the church specializes in producing? Isnt’ that what the church glorifies?

    Why does the church hate national socialism with hotter hostility than jewish communism? There’s an answer, and in lies the world we might just get to. The church has something better than communism, and knows it. But NS has something better than the church – and the church knows that to.

    Of all places, we are seeing it again, in Greece! Isn’t that almost beautifully symbolic?

    South – who cares, man. Jerkwater full of tools like Shirtlifter and fools like Apu and miscegenation-supporting bibltards like Pat Robertson and male and female cheerleaders like Shep Smith and that other faggot en route to NYC and DC to turn Foxy cartwheels for Team Zion and fuck every last kikebacker on the bus.


    Clown show, man.

  12. The entire South African black population should have been massacred.

    It’s such a wasted place now. The Afrikaners were too effing nice.

  13. “There’s something deeply wrong with the Northern culture based on that Detroit stat list. There were no MLK’s or Bull Connor’s involved.”

    LOL, what northern culture? Those cities were all teaming “melting pots” by 1910. Henry Ford imported thousands of middle easterners to build his cars. There is no northern culture outside of the rural areas, end even that’s fading. Northern Culture is whatever the TV says is cool that week.

  14. @Stonecoward

    My Roman forefathers got their slaves after conquering warriors in open battle. Your lazy Southron forefathers bought half-starved bush-niggers from Jews. And then miscegenated with them.

  15. The modern Church specializes in producing pussies. I’ll give Alex that. But is wasn’t always so, the church is a tool, that’s all. It all depend on who wields it. Leave religion to the pussies and don’t be surprised when it gets pussified.

  16. There’s something deeply wrong with the Northern culture based on that Detroit stat list. There were no MLK’s or Bull Connor’s involved.

    No. Jews instigated world wars. Southerners leaped to fight them, while sensible northerners were far more resistant – but still ultimately went along in their cowlike way. This left a shortage of manpower in industrial centers, all in north. Niggers moved north in two waves 1900 – 1950 to take those jobs. Racial problems ensued. The niggers ran riot in Detroit in 67 or 68. I believe it was a Romney who didn’t let the cops do what needed to be done. And today, HW says it’s a measure of racial feeling whether you voted for liberal Romeney relative or liberal black. And points to destroyed, white-vacated Detroit as evidence of northerners loving nigs.

    If my facts are wrong, correct them, please.

    Have you ever heard of Procrustes, Senor Griffin?

  17. “There is no northern culture outside of the rural areas, end even that’s fading. Northern Culture is whatever the TV says is cool that week.” Fairly accurate. But television-transmitted global multi-culture is taking over other regions, and other nations, too.

  18. What outside intervention?

    – In the South, “outside intervention” by Yankees was indisputably responsible for the destruction of slavery and segregation. It was Yankees who forced the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments on the South at gunpoint. It was Yankees again who voted 9 to 1 for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    – In South Africa, the worldwide campaign of hate against South Africa and the crippling sanctions imposed by the United States and other Western countries was the only reason that apartheid was dismantled:

  19. Southerners are for the most part Anglo or Celt. It was natural for them to pitch in with the British.

    The only racially conscious whites in the US are Southerners. The rest are just walking targets for Nignogs and DWL.

  20. Northern whites are disorganized and demoralized. Most of them can’t stand nigs, but don’t know what to do about it, and feel guilty about it.

  21. I’m not sure that Southern Italians count as white. They are openly hostile to Anglos on here to an alarming degree. Or Jews. They don’t count for shit. So the white voting block is probably below 70%in reality.

  22. “Hunter,” you should do what I did: have some kind of a poll to see where your readers actually live. I found that mine are about 50% non-Southern, 25% Southern, and 25% non-USA. I bet your numbers would be similar. Most of the commenters here are not Southerners, it certainly appears to me. This would makes sense, because:

    – Southerners generally hate books and love mud (muddin! is Southern sports’ “fourth meal” after NASCAR, SEC and NFL)
    – Northerners have more capacity for self-criticism and more interest in analysis generally

  23. Here’s a list of the House co-sponsors of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 which overrode Reagan’s veto:

    Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Alexander, Bill [AR-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Andrews, Michael [TX-25] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Atkins, Chester G. [MA-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Barnes, Michael D. [MD-8] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Bates, Jim [CA-44] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Bedell, Berkley W. [IA-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-26] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Biaggi, Mario [NY-19] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Boggs, Corinne C. (Lindy) [LA-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Borski, Robert A. [PA-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Boxer, Barbara [CA-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Brown, George E., Jr. [CA-36] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Bryant, John W. [TX-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Burton, Sala [CA-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Carper, Thomas R. [DE-98] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Carr, Bob [MI-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Clay, William (Bill) [MO-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Coelho, Anthony Lee [CA-15] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Collins, Cardiss [IL-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Conte, Silvio O. [MA-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Coughlin, Lawrence [PA-13] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Crockett, George W., Jr. [MI-13] – 6/5/1986
    Rep de Lugo, Ron [VI] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Dixon, Julian C. [CA-28] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Downey, Thomas J. [NY-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Durbin, Richard [IL-20] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Dymally, Mervyn M. [CA-31] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Edgar, Robert W. [PA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Evans, Lane [IL-17] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Fauntroy, Walter E. [DC] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Feighan, Edward F. [OH-19] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Fish, Hamilton, Jr. [NY-21] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Foglietta, Thomas M. [PA-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Foley, Thomas S. [WA-5] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Garcia, Robert [NY-18] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Gejdenson, Sam [CT-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Gephardt, Richard A. [MO-3] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Glickman, Dan [KS-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Gonzalez, Henry B. [TX-20] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Goodling, William F. [PA-19] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Gradison, Willis D., Jr. [OH-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Hawkins, Augustus F. [CA-29] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Heftel, Cecil [HI-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Howard, James J. [NJ-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Hoyer, Steny H. [MD-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Jacobs, Andrew, Jr. [IN-10] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kastenmeier, Robert W. [WI-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kennelly, Barbara B. [CT-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kildee, Dale E. [MI-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kostmayer, Peter H. [PA-8] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Lantos, Tom [CA-11] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Leach, James A. [IA-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Lehman, Richard H. [CA-18] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Levine, Mel [CA-27] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Lowry, Mike [WA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Lundine, Stanley N. [NY-34] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Markey, Edward J. [MA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Martinez, Matthew G. [CA-30] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Matsui, Robert T. [CA-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep McHugh, Matthew F. [NY-28] – 6/5/1986
    Rep McKinney, Stewart B. [CT-4] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Miller, George [CA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Miller, John R. [WA-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Mineta, Norman Y. [CA-13] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Mitchell, Parren J. [MD-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Mollohan, Alan B. [WV-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Moody, Jim [WI-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Mrazek, Robert J. [NY-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Neal, Stephen L. [NC-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Oakar, Mary Rose [OH-20] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Oberstar, James L. [MN-8] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Owens, Major R. [NY-12] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Pepper, Claude [FL-18] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Rangel, Charles B. [NY-16] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Richardson, Bill [NM-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Rodino, Peter W., Jr. [NJ-10] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Roemer, Buddy [LA-4] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Roybal, Edward R. [CA-25] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Schneider, Claudine [RI-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Schroeder, Patricia [CO-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Seiberling, John F. [OH-14] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Snowe, Olympia J. [ME-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Solarz, Stephen J. [NY-13] – 5/21/1986
    Rep St Germain, Fernand J. [RI-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-9] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Stokes, Louis [OH-21] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Studds, Gerry E. [MA-10] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Torricelli, Robert G. [NJ-9] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-11] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Traxler, Bob [MI-8] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Udall, Morris K. [AZ-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Visclosky, Peter J. [IN-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Walgren, Doug [PA-18] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Weaver, James H. [OR-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Weber, Vin [MN-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Weiss, Ted [NY-17] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Wheat, Alan [MO-5] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Wirth, Timothy [CO-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Wolpe, Howard E. [MI-3] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Yates, Sidney R. [IL-9] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Yatron, Gus [PA-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Young, Robert A. [MO-2] – 6/5/1986

  24. H.J.RES.228

    Latest Title: A joint resolution condemning the violence of apartheid in South Africa and requesting an investigation by the Secretary of State.

    Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Alexander, Bill [AR-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Andrews, Michael [TX-25] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Atkins, Chester G. [MA-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Barnes, Michael D. [MD-8] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Bates, Jim [CA-44] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Bedell, Berkley W. [IA-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-26] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Biaggi, Mario [NY-19] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Boggs, Corinne C. (Lindy) [LA-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Borski, Robert A. [PA-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Boxer, Barbara [CA-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Brown, George E., Jr. [CA-36] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Bryant, John W. [TX-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Burton, Sala [CA-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Carper, Thomas R. [DE-98] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Carr, Bob [MI-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Clay, William (Bill) [MO-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Coelho, Anthony Lee [CA-15] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Collins, Cardiss [IL-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Conte, Silvio O. [MA-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Coughlin, Lawrence [PA-13] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Crockett, George W., Jr. [MI-13] – 6/5/1986
    Rep de Lugo, Ron [VI] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Dixon, Julian C. [CA-28] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Downey, Thomas J. [NY-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Durbin, Richard [IL-20] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Dymally, Mervyn M. [CA-31] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Edgar, Robert W. [PA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Evans, Lane [IL-17] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Fauntroy, Walter E. [DC] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Feighan, Edward F. [OH-19] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Fish, Hamilton, Jr. [NY-21] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Foglietta, Thomas M. [PA-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Foley, Thomas S. [WA-5] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Garcia, Robert [NY-18] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Gejdenson, Sam [CT-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Gephardt, Richard A. [MO-3] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Glickman, Dan [KS-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Gonzalez, Henry B. [TX-20] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Goodling, William F. [PA-19] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Gradison, Willis D., Jr. [OH-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Hawkins, Augustus F. [CA-29] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Heftel, Cecil [HI-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Howard, James J. [NJ-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Hoyer, Steny H. [MD-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Jacobs, Andrew, Jr. [IN-10] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kastenmeier, Robert W. [WI-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kennelly, Barbara B. [CT-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kildee, Dale E. [MI-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Kostmayer, Peter H. [PA-8] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Lantos, Tom [CA-11] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Leach, James A. [IA-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Lehman, Richard H. [CA-18] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Levine, Mel [CA-27] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Lowry, Mike [WA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Lundine, Stanley N. [NY-34] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Markey, Edward J. [MA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Martinez, Matthew G. [CA-30] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Matsui, Robert T. [CA-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep McHugh, Matthew F. [NY-28] – 6/5/1986
    Rep McKinney, Stewart B. [CT-4] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Miller, George [CA-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Miller, John R. [WA-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Mineta, Norman Y. [CA-13] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Mitchell, Parren J. [MD-7] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Mollohan, Alan B. [WV-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Moody, Jim [WI-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Mrazek, Robert J. [NY-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Neal, Stephen L. [NC-5] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Oakar, Mary Rose [OH-20] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Oberstar, James L. [MN-8] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Owens, Major R. [NY-12] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Pepper, Claude [FL-18] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Rangel, Charles B. [NY-16] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Richardson, Bill [NM-3] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Rodino, Peter W., Jr. [NJ-10] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Roemer, Buddy [LA-4] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Roybal, Edward R. [CA-25] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Schneider, Claudine [RI-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Schroeder, Patricia [CO-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Seiberling, John F. [OH-14] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Snowe, Olympia J. [ME-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Solarz, Stephen J. [NY-13] – 5/21/1986
    Rep St Germain, Fernand J. [RI-1] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-9] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Stokes, Louis [OH-21] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Studds, Gerry E. [MA-10] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Torricelli, Robert G. [NJ-9] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-11] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Traxler, Bob [MI-8] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Udall, Morris K. [AZ-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Visclosky, Peter J. [IN-1] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Walgren, Doug [PA-18] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Weaver, James H. [OR-4] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Weber, Vin [MN-2] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Weiss, Ted [NY-17] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Wheat, Alan [MO-5] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Wirth, Timothy [CO-2] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Wolpe, Howard E. [MI-3] – 5/21/1986
    Rep Yates, Sidney R. [IL-9] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Yatron, Gus [PA-6] – 6/5/1986
    Rep Young, Robert A. [MO-2] – 6/5/1986

  25. It would be interesting to get an ethnic breakdown of these representatives as well.

    Italian, Irish, Jewish, German, Hispanic, Scot, English, Dutch etc… Overlay that on top of the areas they hail from.

  26. When you go on B.U.G.S. they are interested in changes in the real world; for that they use the mantra.

    If we are interested in divorcing from the multicult, shouldn’t we at least address tactics on occasion?

  27. I remember going to church as a little kid and having guest come and preach about the “tragedy” that was happening in SA. Now that the murder rate there has quintupled, I’m sure now they’re REALLY agitatin’.

  28. Boers lost land because Brits under thumb o Jews took it. Boers lost South Africa because of politicians, boers didn’t fight because the Church did not believe anymore. Even Nazi Germany had many believers. Faith in the LORD GOD gives man more strength than limitless legions of hell. Put your faith in the LORD GOD ye men o white.

  29. – In South Africa, the worldwide campaign of hate against South Africa and the crippling sanctions imposed by the United States and other Western countries was the only reason that apartheid was dismantled:

    Except the sanctions weren’t crippling. South Africa’s leaders simply lost the will to resist. It wasn’t they had nothing to eat like Germans after WWI, and were dying of starvation from British blockade, it was much lower-level stuff like their sports teams not being allowed into international competitions. It was snubs and cuts and hectoring that did them in – that did in their will to resist. And so, the poor Boer is no more. I don’t like it any better than you men.

    The whites who survive will be undeKlerky – not affected by the hostility of jew-heated morons, be they 99% of the audible noise. This actually will be a good thing for our race. Some of the bible dopery will be drained out of our geneset, and a sharper, more aggressive, yes, more jewlike, people will emerge. For the good, itz. Altho not intended that way by our enemy, to be sure.

    In the US, yes, the South was defeated by an outside force, there was nothing inherently wrong with its model. But it certainly was predictable that at some point:

    1) nigs might arise on their own;

    2) some hostile power might use the nigs or their slavery as the basis for attacking the South.

    (I say this with due respect to the data you dug up showing that slave societies were NOT susceptible to successful revolution, save in the case of Haiti.)

    But again, it’s you defending the bible culture, which as your history shows can easily be turned any which way, whether to justify the slave owner’s profiteering as his brother’s zookeeper, or his Northern cousin’s abolitionist demand for immediate African liberation in the name of morality.

  30. “It was snubs and cuts and hectoring that did them in – that did in their will to resist. And so, the poor Boer is no more.” Who says sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me?

  31. Haiti probably went full black for two reasons:

    The French have weak sense of race. They are not as primitively as the English.

    The Brits and French made it impossible for either power to control the Island. A contingency of war really decided this.

  32. [Southern Italians] are openly hostile to Anglos on here to an alarming degree.

    I’m not sure that’s true, John. I’m half of Southern Italian ancestry, and I don’t think I’ve ever been hostile here to Anglos as Anglos. The only thing to which I’ve been hostile is the idea that the South’s cause in the Civil War was a good one. I reject that, because I think the cause was centered on slavery, which is objectionable.

    I can recall only one time, at another website, when I’ve said anything negative about Anglo-Saxons; that was when I began to wonder about the caliber of the “Anglo-Saxon rejects,” as I termed them, who peopled America. In fact, I’m probably something of an Anglophile. I love the British flag. I love stories of the British empire, and I love English literature (or, at least, the small portion thereof with which I’m familiar). I think a handsome Englishman or beautiful English woman is a treasure, and I think it a disaster that the English are letting themselves be destroyed racially. I’m not sure you always understand things I’m saying here.

  33. “I call bullshit. All that means is the double talking northern elites are better at separating the Henry Luis Gates magic niggers from the Trayvon Martin chaff. They trot their magic niggers around like show ponies, and keep the riff-raff well penned up away from “their” areas.”

    Statistics by state-wise I found here, , at the middle of the page said New York and Massachusetts have lower rates than the national average of black crime. Although Vermont sticks out as a sore thumb in my estimation of blacks living above the Atlantic Fall Line, with a rate of 3.7% per 100,000 people, as a few other surprises along in other regions, Wisconsin (4.4%), Iowa (4.2%), South Dakota (4.7%), Utah (3.6%), and Montana (3.5%). The national average black crime rate is 2.3%. These 5 other states don’t have a strong intellectual conformist culture like NY/MA.

  34. how can slavery be the cause when the union passed a resolution saying it wasn’t, didn’t interfere with slavery in the slave states that stayed in the union and when lincoln itself said it was willing to protect slavery forever with a constitutional amendment?

    and that’s just the short list

  35. Hunter, when I was in college I was denounced by all the deans and the college president in obnoxious signed letters printed in my paper. There was literally no one on my side, just sidlers up now and then with attaboys. No one official. The college president said I was an example of how far we have to go. Which is a common progressive CHRISTIAN secular humanist SOCIALIST communist LINE. And I was not allowed to countersnipe, by our jew editress Kopec, that yes, he could well count on trailing me as long as he shared halitosis. The spirit is not in this wan WASP cultic type, surely among the thinnest human treacle ever existed, scientifically akin to warm, flat diet 7-UP. To say the least. The elite WASP are sad bubble goys. Truly, a despicable ethnic group (to which I belong, in good measure, unfortunately); the high end are just the worst type of fools you’ll ever meet, in love with a vision so ugly Rosa Luxemburg would shriek and call it a nightmare. This president was a pussy-ass Apulike Appalachian made good. A real genius hick hills cum Ivy liberal do-gooder cultist, plucked pantless from Tennessee, scrubbed and taught society, just like he’d been born calformed out of the armpit hair of Bryn Mawr (who is that anyway? is that a chick? or a roman goddesss of calzones? some kind of bush with reddy leaves? i leave it to the educated morons, Apu probably knows). All it did was make me ANGRIER. It didn’t make me give in. It PISSED ME OFF. It made me MORE DETERMINED to FUCK THESE PEOPLE UNTIL THEIR FUCKHOLES WERE RAW, AND THEN FUCK THEIR EARS AND THEIR NOSES AND THEN CARVE NEW FUCKHOLES INTO THEM and ROGER them until their DINTY MORES SHAT GROOVY-GRAVY.

    When you got that…you got the spirit.

    Very Damonean, itz.

    I know these people better than you Southern faggots.

    I hate them more than you do.

    Drawling, drooling whiners, half of you drawing a paycheck from the Damn Yankee Empire.

    Fucking idiots.

    Inconsistent, unprincipled idiots. Too many of you.

    But some of you are great.

    My point is, as some German said, you’ve only lost when YOU accede in it. He said it more elegantly. You get the point.

    Do any of you Southerners truly want to win? Truly believe you can win?

    Answer: you don’t.

    The point I lost in all this was, South Africa was not defeated by the outside, it was defeated from the inside. Inside its hearts. Germanic peoples are not easily defeated by arms, but easily cowed, gulled, browbeaten and remonstrated into concession. This…is a genetic flaw. It is the flip side of the basic honesty and unassumingness of the race. Amplified by bible anti-culture, it can become genocidal, in combination with ubiquitious jewish anti-white dialectics.

    If the spirit is willing, the atoms almost always comply. Almost always can be rearranged to produce the desired outcome.

  36. What wins in this world is balls and fanaticism.

    That is why jews are on top.

    And Southerns ain’t shit.

    They’re just K-9 units for

    The Man.

    Until THEY say otherwise.

    I don’t hear them saying much, but my ear don’t work so good.

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