LA Times: Let’s Mutually Secede


H/T Kevin MacDonald

Let’s make a deal: the resurrected Confederacy will happily take Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, the Dakotas and the rest of the Far West, which should give us all of those dirty “brown energy” states, and the Breadbasket states which gives us all of the food. Blue Staters don’t need food, gas, and electricity anyway.

We should dump the Beltway counties in NOVA (the only loss would be Conservatism, Inc.) and the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. South Florida would cease to be a problem after the elderly Jews die out, the Yankee transplants evacuate, and the Puerto Ricans and Mexicans can no longer live off the welfare state.

BTW, the newly restored Union can have Harvard, Sean Penn, Hollywood, and ALL of the African-Americans, who will undoubtedly evacuate on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working:

“We wish you the best of luck with this. We feel your pain. If we can speak frankly, it’s been coming for a long, long time. The question now is: What’s next?

First, we’re happy to report that most people here in Oregon, Washington and California think you’re really on to something. This marriage has run its course. Too many niggling little things built up over time, driving us all crazy. So let’s just stop. It’s time to divvy up the china and draft a property settlement. In the spirit of fairness and goodwill, we propose the following as a starting point.

We’ll keep the West Coast, Nevada and Hawaii, New York, the rest of the Northeast and all the other states that turned blue on election night. You guys get Texas, Mississippi, the rest of the Confederacy and all the other states that turned red on election night. Alaska can do whatever it wants. It does what it wants anyway.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. how can slavery be the cause when the union passed a resolution saying it wasn’t, didn’t interfere with slavery in the slave states that stayed in the union and when lincoln itself said it was willing to protect slavery forever with a constitutional amendment?

    and that’s just the short list

    I’m sure you know the historical details much better than I’ll ever know them, Stonelifter. As I said once before, to Mr. W., it was a great political contest. Such contests involve compromises, trade-offs, maneuvers, and delaying tactics. The things you’ve listed, as well as the other things I imagine you could list, seem to me to fall into those categories. They don’t suggest to me that the war was not over slavery.

  2. WASP “culture” has lots of ways of making the spirit die it’s children before it can be made manifest. Any young child who refuses to sit still and accept programming is dubbed anti-social and medicated. Literally, the the matriarchal educational mavens make it their sworn duty to rip the spirit out of the youth. If they have anything left by their teenage years their needs are met by the provided teenage “angst” industry which misdirects any feelings of dissatisfaction safely down meaningless dead ends.

  3. Mosin Nagant says:
    “(A)manda, my advice is to stay local, prepare for the worst with good local people you have always known, because the grass might not be greener on the other side, and greater distance might not really make things better”.

    Spouse & I cannot bear the though of spending one second more than necessary after retirement here in the land of black faces. Mississippi

  4. ” The most Nordic of the Midwesterners – the Scandinavians in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin – are the most delusional White liberals in the area.”

    HW- Don’t remind me. Sigh.

    “What a curse the bible has been to our race.”
    – A. Linder

    The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. – Ps. 14:1

    What I don’t get, Mr. L. is how you claim 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status as a ‘church’ with theology like that. (Please, no need to answer. It’s merely rhetorical.)

  5. A pre-collapse secession is inconceivable at this juncture. Those at the helm of the Yankee Empire would rather roast a few million “citizens” alive than see them form their own, independent entho-state. What we should be focusing on is how to formulate the infrastructure necessary to withstand the inevitable disintegration of what we know as the United States of America. This means that real individuals must stand up in the midst of sheer chaos and lead millions of people toward some new ideal. I sincerely doubt, at this juncture, internet bloggers are up for this task.

  6. Let’s look at the things that make men fight.

    Money, Power and Women.

    The Secession was going to reduce tax revenue. The Secessionists were extremely wealthy too. Rival pots of money.

    Power–America cut in half wasn’t going to go on to sit astride the world as a collosus. This would have been foremost on the mind of the proto Imperialist planners in the US. No South no Empire later on.

    Mary Todd Lincoln. Shrewish cunt. I’d have killed a million men to shut her up too.

  7. If your instinct is to be contrarian on a site like this… The thing speaks for itself.

    That’s right, John. What I have opposed is what I think will bring doom to you.

  8. LOL, mary todd was the prototypical pedestaled psyco-cunt. That women should have been sent out back with a washtub till she got her mind right.

  9. What happened in America was that white men abdicated spiritual leadership in the home. That’s how christians put it. They are right, while being wrong. The point is, while the men were making what is known as America, literally building and conceiving it from scratch, the women were starting to get bored, and get ideas. They teamed with effete preachers to take over the spiritual-mental leadership in the home and broader society. This filtered into ubiquitous public schooling, in the second half of the 19th century, and then the jews showed up, and funneled these trends in their eternal direction. Today it’s drugs and PC and girl-power. But it began with men accepting, per, as usual, our shitty British custom, this ridiculous, I mean ridiculous, idea that women civilize men, that women are more moral than men, that women are somehow above men in morals as men are above them in, well, everything else except physical beauty (and I speak as hetersexual, so my feelings are hormone influenced). No, men are above women in morals as in everything else. Elevating women to leadership is exactly the same as letting a fire out of a stone circle. When not being nice becomes the ultimate evil, you get what we see around us now. When Northern European man gave up directing his woman, his entire culture fell apart, and now his very posterity is threatened. No, no, no. I’m just kidding. What women think matters. Big kindergarten, midwestern news reader eyes. The Mediterranean culture appear to have avoided our Northern European vital mistake.

    This is the book you want to read to understand how the progressively (as in disease, as the irony free fucks never grasp) worst Protestant spiritual degradation ‘liberated’ women into coming together with effeminate male priests to produce a soft, weak, mediocre middle-class spiritual milieu that set the jews up perfectly to dominate the 20th century.

    The Feminization of American Culture, by Ann Douglas (Random House, 1978)

    She’s a feminist, and supports the charges she writes about, and this book is turgider than constipated Hegel, but the meat the nut the gold the it is there.

  10. Schools in the western world are akin to concentration camps of propaganda some of the depravity of it all really gets to me, poor children… Down with the state, long live private property. Oh and where in the Bible does it say anything about slavery being wrong or unjust?

  11. Linder, your ‘analysis’ is intriguing but not convincing. Based on your theory, Germans are inferior. After all, they lost two world wars.

    I don’t think Germans are inferior at all. I think they were outnumbered in conflicts that were deliberately designed to divest them of the status automatically attached to any people who had done so much to forward human evolution.

    I believe that the situation is the same vis- a-vis northern/ Southern incompatibility. While the people of your region once possessed the numerical majority to deny Southerners their right to defend themselves from your historical pets, they no longer possess this weapon and are now running scared into ever more hysterical and suicidal “progress”.

    The Southern states will be getting out, eventually, and the northeastern states will die of their own free will.

  12. I think the engineering revolution that produced the transistor, computers, and NASA was the last great gasp of WASP culture. The engineering and physical science technocracy was the last remaining WASP intellectual outpost where men could be men, jews didn’t dominate, and mommy professor didn’t reign supreme.

  13. A. Linder says:
    November 21, 2012 at 4:20 am

    What happened in America was that white men abdicated spiritual leadership in the home. That’s how christians put it. They are right, while being wrong. The point is, while the men were making what is known as America, literally building and conceiving it from scratch, the women were starting to get bored, and get ideas. They teamed with effete preachers to take over the spiritual-mental leadership in the home and broader society. This filtered into ubiquitous public schooling, in the second half of the 19th century, and then the jews showed up, and funneled these trends in their eternal direction. Today it’s drugs and PC and girl-power. But it began with men accepting, per, as usual, our shitty British custom, this ridiculous, I mean ridiculous, idea that women civilize men, that women are more moral than men, that women are somehow above men in morals as men are above them in, well, everything else except physical beauty (and I speak as hetersexual, so my feelings are hormone influenced). No, men are above women in morals as in everything else. Elevating women to leadership is exactly the same as letting a fire out of a stone circle. When not being nice becomes the ultimate evil, you get what we see around us now. When Northern European man gave up directing his woman, his entire culture fell apart, and now his very posterity is threatened. No, no, no. I’m just kidding. What women think matters. Big kindergarten, midwestern news reader eyes. The Mediterranean culture appear to have avoided our Northern European vital mistake.

    This is the book you want to read to understand how the progressively (as in disease, as the irony free fucks never grasp) worst Protestant spiritual degradation ‘liberated’ women into coming together with effeminate male priests to produce a soft, weak, mediocre middle-class spiritual milieu that set the jews up perfectly to dominate the 20th century.

    The Feminization of American Culture, by Ann Douglas (Random House, 1978)

    She’s a feminist, and supports the charges she writes about, and this book is turgider than constipated Hegel, but the meat the nut the gold the it is there.

    Haha! Linder and I must not be the only drunks on the planet. Or maybe the ten years between our age is enough to have had him watch too much TV.

    Hilarious hijinks from bitter advocates of forced union. Each pretending to be on opposite sides.

    Ann Douglas? Really!

  14. Unfortunately the technical aspects, the things that interest WASP men the most, do not shape culture. The Saturn V rocket by itself won’t influence little billy, but multicultural aliens on a fantasy “starship” beamed into his living room five times a week will.

  15. I read a book a while back by some angry, aging hippy, bitter about his child custody status. I contained so much truth, truth conveyed in a way that only a leftist bitten by the system he helped create could convey it.

  16. “Unfortunately the technical aspects, the things that interest WASP men the most, do not shape culture. The Saturn V rocket by itself won’t influence little billy, but multicultural aliens on a fantasy “starship” beamed into his living room five times a week will.”

    Ask any aerospace engineer and he will tell you he was deeply influenced by science fiction when he was a boy.

    BTW, the Saturn rocket project was headed up by a Nazi Kraut.

  17. It was interesting the map that KMAC showed with all the counties who are red.

    I love how these idiots think that just because DC and Baltimore (niggerland) vote blue that the rest of Maryland and Virginia must be in the Union. Bullshit. Actually Delaware is all red except for this tiny little Yankee niggerland called Wilmington.

    Hunters map is more accurate as to the way the borders should be drawn.

  18. “Ask any aerospace engineer and he will tell you he was deeply influenced by science fiction when he was a boy.

    BTW, the Saturn rocket project was headed up by a Nazi Kraut.”

    I know all of this. And I wasn’t referring to classical science fiction. I was talking about hollywood trekkie style propaganda.

  19. While the people of your region once possessed the numerical majority to deny Southerners their right to defend themselves from your historical pets, they no longer possess this weapon and are now running scared into ever more hysterical and suicidal “progress”.

    Um…I read the leftist Gawker ring daily…I can assure you running scared, least of all of Southrons, is not what they’re doing. They’re gloating. Gloating as sneerfully as only (ironically) white people can. They’re increasingly open about their hatred, and believe me, it’s not of the insignificant South, but of the anticipated final downfall of the white man in toto. Trust me. If one of their hated White targets too is Southern, it’s certainly additional grounds for abuse, but the left left dumped the South’s red-clay asses in the dust 150 ago, and has moved on to consolidating The Entire World, bwahaha. It’s super neato that your Southern menfolk are so eager to help them, though.

    There’s a serious amount of willful delusion around these parts.

  20. BTW, the Saturn rocket project was headed up by a Nazi Kraut.

    They were so far ahead of us they even figured out how to protect a White society from jews.

    Damn You Yankees! Give Me A Job Killing Your Enemies! –Southern National Motto

  21. “They were so far ahead of us they even figured out how to protect a White society from jews.”

    But that didn’t work out so well for them, did it? Because they didn’t do it right. Christ taught us how to do it. You can kick them out as a matter of force, but to keep them out is a matter of Truth. By doing it wrong they’ve become the most vilified people on the planet, even moreso than Southerners, if that were possible.

    You make a convincing argument, Linder. I agree with much of what you say. But force doesn’t cut it in the long run when dealing with the Jews. Force gets expended, the Jews never do. The addiction to selfless pursuit of Truth, if properly modeled, can be sustained. Or was sustained much longer than the prolonged blunt force route. And Jews at the time had only a fraction of the power they do now.

    One ultimately needs clean hands to deal with the Jews, the clean hands that come from the Blood of Christ. Else they’ll have the entire world machinery arrayed against the offender before they wake up the next morning. You need to be CLEAN, spic and span, and have true courage, which has nothing to do picking up a gun.

  22. Yeah they were so far ahead of us they figured out a way to get in a war with the British Empire the Soviet Union and the United States of America that they had zero chance of winning.

    They even figured out a way to get their entire country leveled, all their young men dead and all their women raped. Come on Linder, the Third Reich is to be admired for some reasons but they had the worst foreign policy and were the worst strategists of all time.

    You come down on the South for losing to the Union but seem to give the Germans a pass for getting crushed twice. The second time there is no excuse for.

  23. Was it Mary Todd who drove him too it? The Demon Bitch of Pennsylvannia street.

    Btw Linder, American women are domineering. British women are submissive. Like French or Spanish women. This is very well known to European men who
    Migrate. American women are for most part very similar to German females in this regard. German women are also inveterate mud sharks.

  24. The German wave of migration to the US was significantly responsible for the civil war. Germans who arrived here were egalitarian busybodies chucked out for causing trouble back in the old Principalities. The 48ers. Invariably when I have discussed the Confederacy locally the German surnamed people are critical of it and the Scots, English not so much, I’ve met a few with KKK relatives in Southern Missouri. The cultural split is still there if you ask around.

  25. When the Euro’s were playing this summer I got into a very heated exchange with a Germany (American with German roots) fan. He was all about Germany dominates this and that and how much other teams suck (England in particular) Italy won the match of course about the civil war as it played out locally. I suggested you’d be better off today of the Confederates had won, he nearly blew a gasket. It’s interesting to push buttons on this stuff and let people’s prejudices play out. Germans seem pretty committed to their Negrophillia and their attempt to push other whites around. As much as anyone else anyway. Fuck em.

  26. And Jews at the time had only a fraction of the power they do now.

    That was due to technology of the times, and no other reason.

    What is never acknowledged is that it was the rabbis who wanted the jews kept in their little ghetto-warrens. This is usually played by church apologists as proof of the efficacy of the jebus cult in jew control. Not so.

    Blame Germans, nah, that’s common and wrong. I’ll blame the British weakling and jew-sellout Churchill for destroying the British Empire, empowering America, and damaging the prospects of the white race when it was in the act of eminently healthful act parasite detachment. Hitler made every overture to the hero; the hero preferred to initiate bombing German civilians to keep his jewish creditors happy.

    But I’m not interested in arguing this; British bigotry is invincible, as we have seen at Majority Rights.

    Greece’s Golden Dawn has adopted NS policies, and has met with the only nationalist success the region has seen. The only elected politicians outside the Muslim world not afraid to name the jew and tell the media to go fuck themselves. The only nationalist party not afraid to take it to the streets, indeed it’s leader all but dared the commies to ban it. It’s the only genuine story in the white world, and y’all are talking about…online petitions. One is continually amazed in this world.

    To say the Germans used force with jews is more a jewish lie than the truth. The Germans encouraged jews to emigrate via flee-positive, flea-negative legislation. The vast majority of jews in Germany did just that. Some wound up in work camps alongside non-jew criminals, homosexuals, and deviants of a thousand sordid ilks.

    Why is it that christians have such trouble with sticking to basic facts? Could the fact they believe that PHYSICAL LAWS suspend at random lessen their respect for historical facts? How can the answer not be yes?

  27. The Germans let far too many get away. Useless squareheads. If they had been more thorough we’d not have New York or LA overrun with them. Then there’s the problem that German’s were quite content to hitch their wagon to Zionism, where the Zionist HQ
    Was located: Berlin. The worst thing about the German’s is the lack shame for backing Jews until 1917 and then failing the exterminate them a few decades later.

    The “Empire” is just cheaper to run as a capitalist enterprise that’s all.

  28. “The German wave of migration to the US was significantly responsible for the civil war.”

    Absolutely preposterous. It was the New England Abolitionists who were the Radical Republicans responsible for the invasion of the South, not a bunch of pioneer farmers fresh off the boat. On top of that 10% of the founding stock of this country was German. As for the 48’ers in the Midwest, you can thank your lucky limey ass that Eisenhower was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe instead of Montgomery or you’d be speaking German right now.

    You are so wrong about so many things that you should just stop your pig ignorant posts.

  29. Yes, it would be magnificent if a Golden Dawn were active here in the US. Granted. I doubt that but few people such as visit this site and VNN would complain. But who, exactly, would compose such an organization here, Alex? What would its name be? Where would it be based? Who would fund it? What would its aims be? Would it advocate the libertarian economic doctrines such as you believe deeply in, or would it advance the kind of policies such as I discuss and point out as being what so many white people here are interested in? Would it attack Christianity or ignore it? Do you honestly think such an organization can come into existence here? Forty or fifty other similar questions that come to mind.

    As I have tried to point out to you, you are always primarily discussing ideal circumstances, solidarity, doctrines, etc., in short, near perfect variables all coming together in a Perfect Storm. But seldom do you discuss a strategy that utilizes the circumstances that actually exist here in the US. It is instead always what “ought to be and if only.” That is what I meant when I wrote once that you are like an engineer or architect that is forever drafting designs and blueprints calling for materials that are not yet in existence or are otherwise unavailable.

  30. That is also, I should add, the chief factor that has led all the other pro-white leaders and would be movements to a dead end. And the fatal flaw in nearly all racialist writings.

  31. You tell ’em, Rudel!

    The sanctimonious madmen known as Abolitionists were of English descent – almost uniformly.

    Whole race of little-miss-can’t-be-wrongs.

  32. There were a hell of a lot of British mudsharks during the war. They sent thousands of mongrel babies produced by nigger servicemen back over here after the war. Many of the white husbands of the jungle fever women took their females back with open arms, evidently OK with diving back in where black pecker had been tapping.

  33. Brutus:

    GD is partly a product of circumstances that have not yet arrived in America. When / if they do, its approach will work just fine here.

    Time to prepare for the debate! (sleep)

    More tomorrow…

    GD is very, very interesting subject, and we should talk about it tomorrow at length, I hope, along with secession and other topics.

  34. Gottfried, I think you should read “Hitler and Borman Were Both Traitors” an essay by the Jewish Canadian researcher and writer Dr Henry Makow. His work “The Illuminati: the Cult that Hijacked the World” is essential reading for the new millenium.

    His thesis is that modern wars are Judeo-Masonic theatre in the service of the Kosher Imperative.

  35. Linder, if you will check your World of Warcraft account, I think you will find that a malicious troll has made off with your battle ton tons and your sword of aryan destiny. Just sayin

  36. Southerners generally hate books and love mud (muddin! is Southern sports’ “fourth meal” after NASCAR, SEC and NFL)
    – Northerners have more capacity for self-criticism and more interest in analysis generally

    Linder has penis envy. Yankee resents and envies southerners their heightened racialism. This is not complicated.

    Linder, like any racialist, would naturally trade “capacity for self criticism” and “interest in analysis” for heightened racialism and love of muddin’ without a moment’s hesitation.

    But nobody’s offering him the trade, so he’s bitter. A “might makes right-er” who champions two-time loser Germany uber alles, height of lulz. I’m actually pretty sympathetic to the Reich and consider myself Germanic, but the NSDAP-Americans creep me out because they all act like Looney Linder. They hate founding stock Americans, but they’re too big a bunch of losers to learn their own language and move back to the fatherland. Hell, they probably fight suicidal urges every day because their native language is that of a people they hate, and their home was built by men they despise. White niggers, basically.

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