Colorized, Polarized America


Someone at National Review notices the reality of the situation:

Update: There are 43 Democrats in the House from the South out of 199 Democrats nationwide. Of those, 4 out of 5 in Georgia are black. 5 out of 5 in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, and South Carolina are black.

1 out of 3 in Virginia is black. 1 out of 2 in Tennessee is Jewish. 2 out of 4 in North Carolina are black. In Texas, 9 out of 12 Democrats are black or Hispanic. In Florida, 7 out of 10 Democrats are black, Hispanic, or Jewish.

“The country is more divided geographically than ever, it seems. Take the House of Representatives: Democrats gained eight House seats in this month’s elections but their House membership is now increasingly dominated by just two states — New York and California. Even though those two states make up only 18.4 percent of all House seats, nearly 30 percent of the Democratic caucus will be from those two states. Throw in gerrymandered Illinois and Massachusetts, and 40 percent of all House Democrats will hail from ZIP codes in just four deeply blue states.

The University of Minnesota’s Smart Politics blog reports that over the last 50 years, the percentage of the Democratic caucus coming from just the Empire State and the Golden State has risen by more than two-thirds. The share has gone from 17.4 percent in 1962 to 29.4 percent in 2012; New York has lost 14 House seats and California has gained 15 during that period.

Republicans have their own geographical imbalance, though a milder one, resulting from their dominance in the South. The House Republican caucus has over 20 percent of its members elected from Texas, Florida, and Georgia. But those states make up almost 17 percent of the House’s overall membership. As Charles Mahtesian of Politico points out, “There’s a danger, of course, when such a high proportion of members hail from just a few states . . . it’s easy to develop a tin ear when a party is too concentrated in states where the political climate is unrepresentative of the nation as a whole.”

It seems such a long time ago when Barack Obama wowed a the television audience watching the 2004 Democratic convention in Boston with a stirring keynote speech that gave the impression he wanted to bring the country together. “There’s not a black America and a conservative America — here’s the United States of America,” he intoned. “The pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue states, red states for Republicans, blue states for Democrats. . . . We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.”

Wonderful sentiments, but some of them are left for now in a dustbin after this year’s highly toxic negative campaigns. Especially the one about the red states and blue states. It turns out the country is more colorized — and polarized — than ever.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A mulatto saying there is only one America is thinking of something horrifically different from what Franklin meant. He wants everyone in America to have his ski tone–no mistake. My experience of the half castes is their desire to make everyone as miserable as they themselves are by turning the population mocha.

  2. John, how long have you been in this country?
    Why aren’t you in your nation?
    Green card, John. I see you as nothing but a coward parasite.
    This site is an AMERICAN site.
    Why don’t you be a man and fix England. You are English, right?

  3. Boston to Vegas. Yikes. Going down in the world.


    Serious question: Do you identify more with Obama or another white? If you are Irish, I’m probably a pretty close relative to you. Obama or someone who probably is very much like you in terms of outlook?

    You don’t have to answer that question. You don’t even seem to recognize the site owner is in the middle of sloughing off his ID as an American patriotard.

  4. Palmetto,

    It’s not merely a lie, it’s a monsterous vision. It might have been true if stated by a white in the 60s 70s or 80s now it’s just plainly hostile to the preservation of a white majority. I had a chat with a mulatto girl about Obama and the race politics in the US. My takeaway from it is that she wanted everyone to be the same as her. Mocha. She fetishized the idea of bronze skin and blue eyes. For them blending color is everything. It’s horrific.

  5. The aggression of the bitch about this race mixing struck me as toxic. They really carry the resentment around with their dark hue. Trust none of them ultimately.

  6. John, I have encountered the same thing. Blacks talk about chocolate cities, Black America and so forth. Mulattoes talk about a future Brown humanity. I see this as natural. What is un-natural is when Whites don’t see what is wrong with a non-White future this – when they don’t want a White future.

  7. Boston and “Sean” threw me off. Well then, blood enemy it is. The only big mouths I’ve run into in the bars in New York of Boston are old Irish farts who cling to the myths of the Republic. I’ve never had much trouble. I just bear my fangs and people back off or I wait around to see them slip up and piss off the barman. Normally I’ll let people dig their own hole. It’s not hard to do.

  8. Is Vegas your home? It’s a wasteland built on gambling and prostitution. Anyone living there is part and parcel of that paracitic industry.

  9. It takes a certain chutzpah to abscond from one’s nation and take up radical political positions in the new land. He might have a bit of convertitis but he’s on our side. Why he chose our crumbling Nigger infested country over someplace like NZ or OZ is anyone’s guess. Mine is”a moth to flame” but it must be more complex. It’s my understanding that he has roots here now, kids and whatnot. That tells me he is at the very least a somewhat productive individual.


  10. John, I really understand you. I know your game, drawing me out to a point you can exploit. I read more than I comment. Obviously. Your games are tired juvenile.
    Rank trash.
    It does, however make it clear who you are.
    It’s all a study for you. You don’t really care. I know this, so cut the bullshit. You in no way care one way or the other what happens here.
    Amazing only a people here see thay

  11. I feel sorry for you, John. You are a lost man without a nation. You come here and throw your two cents around and talk down to the very people that put food on your table.
    That must really burn you up at night when there is no one around for you to bullshit.
    Anyhow, you are nothing new to me

  12. Jesus. What on earth got your back up? No I’m not an academic studying the far right, if that is what you mean. I realized in a thunderclap that desegregation wrecked America so I followed the logic and found Hunter’s arguments. Simple really. then I tried to figure who pushed for desegregation and why. This lead to obvious conclusions about cultural differences between white ethnics within the US. I’m just following the logic of a position and getting into the nuts n bolts of why Obama is sitting there with shit eating grin plotting yours and my dispossession.

  13. When there’s a black king or Prime Minister then I will begin to worry about England. Currently it doesn’t appear to be a possibility that there is going to be a darkie overlord.

  14. What on earth is a “Jack Ryan” from Chicago and devoted to Illinois doing involved with SN? He deletes entire threads except for his own commentary and, …. and …. what an asshole!

    HW, you have to answer for this.

  15. You are fed what is mainly neocon bullshit about England, primarily Breitbart trash. It’s not going to have a black head of state PERIOD. There is no popular vote. The English vote consistently Conservative and the Celtic fringe keeps Labour ticking. Once Scotland goes its own way the Pakis and Niggers will be on notice. They won’t have the ethnic sympathy of anti-English Scots to cover for them in Parliamentary numbers. That’s my take on it. America is in serious trouble, American whites at least. Britain has at least 30-50 years more than the US as a white run state (if the current course doesn’t change)

  16. Um, back in the states,

    What on earth is a “Jack Ryan” from Chicago and devoted to Illinois doing involved with SN? He deletes entire threads except for his own commentary and, …. and …. what an asshole!

    HW, you have to answer for this.

  17. Sean wrote: “I’m of those Germans that came through MO in the late 1800?s.”

    I’m (on one side) of those Germans that settled Penn’s Woods in the early 1700’s.

    All of us Germans or half-Germans are the wurst of all: Germans are the ones who are even worse than “the Yankees who are even worse than n—–s”! But like a Roman pope once said: “All this is built by the sins of the Germans.”

  18. John, give so time to see what kind of spawn will result from the marriage of Prince William & Catherine Middleton, and what it will marry. As the UK continues to pervert itself, someone will eventually have to “take one for the team”. Course I guess Harry could serve the purpose, but I doubt while the Queen is alive.

  19. HW, if you don’t rectify this “Jack Ryan” problem you will lose readers. One guaranteed. Others will follow.

    No Southerner wants his comments deleted by some patriotard in Chicago. If that’s what OD comes to you won’t have many readers.

  20. Since the Jack Ryan thread is closed to comments, I’ll have to write here: Thanks for the well chosen Thanksgiving artwork selection, and a post that doesn’t remind us again of Ron Paul’s very oldness and whiney voice. But your previous Ron Paul post did generate a thread containing some very interesting, informative responses.

  21. Re: the wurst of all: the sinful Germans: Germans paid dearly and faithfully for their personal sins in the time of Luther. They also finished paying for their corporate sin of losing the First World War on October 3, 2010, being their final installment on the reparation required by the Treaty of Versailles.

  22. No, but they are overbearing in public situations. I’m surprised Germany was held to the Reparations. I think Britain finally paid the tab for ww1 last year too. All of it filtering pack to American creditors btw. Have the French finished their payments on war loans?

  23. Re: “the tab (…) filtering back”: War is also profit, but the wages of death is sin, and the wages of sin is death.

  24. Jesus Christ, why are you so obsessed with one single race-aware documented anglo immigrant. We should be so lucky that 32 million of same would wash ashore one day.

  25. Re: “they are overbearing in public situations. I’m surprised Germany was held to the Reparations”: The overbearing wurst ones who worse than “the ‘Yankees’ who are worse than n—–s” essentially held themselves to it.

    9they are overbearing in public situations. I’m surprised Germany was held to the Reparations

  26. Failed to check the above before posting. Corrected:

    Re: “they are overbearing in public situations. I’m surprised Germany was held to the Reparations”: The overbearing wurst ones who are worse than “the ‘Yankees’ who are worse than n—–s” essentially held themselves to it.

  27. The whole congressional argument is a liberal-controlled media narrative created to counter the fact that in many black, urban voting districts, there was obvious voter fraud that favored Barack Obama – and that voter fraud is what caused Obama to win states like Florida and Pennsylvania.

  28. Two of those blue states are in Greece like debt since they owe their public union and government worker base untold billions in future retirement benefits that they do not have or can reasonably expect to have.

    Why every stupid GOP and CONservative bigwig can run around with thoughts of nothing but doom almost escapes me, but then I realize they are the kept opposition that feeds on the hind tit.

  29. “I had a chat with a mulatto girl about Obama and the race politics in the US. My takeaway from it is that she wanted everyone to be the same as her. Mocha. She fetishized the idea of bronze skin and blue eyes. For them blending color is everything. It’s horrific.”- John Bull

    John- one observation, one question.

    Observation: I fully believe that Satan’s greatest tool in this age is the genocide of the White (i.e., Adamic, covenant) race. I am more persuaded of it, as each day in the Obamanation, Round 2 goes on. From the curse of Eve in the garden (which looks more like the curses for adultery/miscegenation later on in the Torah) to the statement of Christ, that He was come ‘only for the lost sheep of the House (Gr. “oikos” meaning, race, ethnic tribe, family) of Israel,’ the greatest heresies in the Church have been Christological- i.e., those pertaining to Christ’s incarnate Person as the “Last Adam.”

    Now, if the CI and the ancient Celtic Orthodox church’s observations are correct- that Eve was physically seduced by Satan (the ‘apple’ episode in the Garden), and Lucifer conceived Cain as his perverted seed, before Adam conceived Abel as HIS seed [cf. Gen. 3:15 – if the one’s ‘seed’ is not metaphorical, but actual- that is, the ‘woman’s seed (which St. Paul says, refers to Christ) then the other’s seed (Satan’s) is not metaphorical, but actual as well] then the first attempt at capturing the ‘covenantal blessing’ by Satan via Cain (which failed in the Garden) was also thwarted by Christ being born of the BVM as well in Bethlehem, 2000 years ago.

    So, if you cannot get the Head- and all those aforementioned heresies (Nestorianism, Arianism, Eutychianism, Gnosticism, etc.) which denied either Christ’s divinity, or his humanity, were foiled by the Church…

    Then, the last and sneakiest ‘dirty trick’ Satan could do, would be to a) appeal to Adamic Man’s ‘altruism’ for the ‘poor, downtrodden non-Whites’ and then b) to cause the churches that have no connection to Truth, (Rome/Prots) to mistake godless liberalism for a biblical imperative (white racial admixture), thereby blotting out the ‘image and likeness of Adam’ from the entire earth. Once that is done, the ‘earth’ is no longer the Lord’s, (via his vice-regents, Adamic Man [ cf. Gen. 1:26, what is known as the “Dominion Mandate”] but (via HIS ‘vice-regents’) the darkies’ world- i.e., Satan’s.

    I grant you, this does appear ‘out there.’ But after watching Dinesh D’Souza’s “Obama 2016″ this week for the first time, I realize that Barry is a psychopath, intent in the destruction of the White Man’s hegemony, in any and every way he can. So, why not look to the source of this hatred- i.e., Satan? Mosin, I wouldn’t mind your observations on this as well. [HW, I don’t consider this off topic, but will take it from here on over at my blog, just to be clear to those who dislike religious discussions.]

    My Question (completely different topic):

    You wrote: ” The English vote consistently Conservative and the Celtic fringe keeps Labour ticking. Once Scotland goes its own way the Pakis and Niggers will be on notice. They won’t have the ethnic sympathy of anti-English Scots to cover for them in Parliamentary numbers. That’s my take on it. America is in serious trouble, American whites at least. Britain has at least 30-50 years more than the US as a white run state (if the current course doesn’t change)”

    What do you know/think of the Republic of Eire, as a place for a White racialist to live/repatriate? Any advice as a Brit transplant, knowing the ‘right-wing’ racial end of things, would be appreciated. Starting a genealogy program, it appears I have a genetic connection with the ‘auld sod’ that might expedite our family’s repatriartion, from Obamastan. Again, email/comment over at my blog. Yes, strongly RC (that doesn’t bother me) anti-abort, gentle, kind people, very little darkies, and somewhat stable. Though why they countenance fags, (unless that is via the [BBC] Blatant Bias Corporation, the Jewsmedia, and the UK’s liberalism seeping in, I would surmise) is beyond me. Responses, John over at www- the- white-Christ- at- word-press-dot-cm.

  30. I shall attempt to untangle the theology. Ireland is a good place to retire to. It was cheap, it’s folksy and the do love outsiders. There is a white undeclass, but they are nowhere near as bad as blacks. It’s certainly a place in which you can live well. I’ve always enjoyed being around them. They are not like their coethinics in Boston. I’ve got 1000 year old roots there with my name so it’s like a homecoming especially around Donegal and Claire.

  31. I can understand a literal sexual reading of genesis. It’s euphemisms are obvious. Perhaps the Serpent was a nigger of sorts and a home wrecker. Perhaps Cain was bastard.

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