About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What a wretched, sad video.

    This is the day the Economy collapses & the EBT doesn’t work on a miniscule scale.

    Got preps yet?

    Just thinking out loud here but whaen was the last time we saw mass graves in the USA?

    Still think those FEMA camps are some tin foil hat shit?

    Got preps yet?

  2. Low level chimp out at the Wal-Martinez in Kirkwood, suburban St. Louis. Guess who. Then again, the neighborhoods east of that W-M are all black, in fact, the big box consortium in which that W-M sits was paved over half of that “historically black” neighborhood.

  3. The EBT cards aren’t going to stop working. The US gov can tax, borrow and print. It ain’t gonna happen.

    It doesn’t hurt to be prepared for short disruptions, but white folks inside and outside the South should put their energy into acquiring advanced skills for a modern economy. That means they should get training in science, engineering, business, law, medicine, journalism and similar fields.

    You don’t see other groups worrying about intensive prepping for the day the EBT cards stop working. Jews and Asians don’t worry about that bullshit. No other group expects a collapse.

  4. Lew, every government has been able to tax, borrow and print. Yet a number of them have collapsed. The United States government is not exempt from the laws of economics. It will be able to do all these things until it can’t. Then it will collapse.

  5. W & C,

    I agree. All governments eventually disappear. But, in the case of the US, for the present, almost no credible person or group outside dissident Internet circles sees evidence of a pending catastrophe. It’s something most of us want to believe.

  6. Lew is right about everything except journalism.

    Whites are going to become a very clannish and ethnocentric group in the near future, but it will have little to do with internet jackoffery. It’s the natural outcome when a large(r) group is whittled down to a thin fraction of its former size.

    Get a masters or doctorate if you don’t already have one. More important than that, learn Spanish and then another language. “Living Language” is great software.

    We can be a powerful minority and sit at the top of a future hierarchy in America.

  7. @Lew,

    Most Whites have the intelligence to see beyond ten minutes, hence the prepping.
    The fact that no other groups prep is encouraging. Less competetion & a bigger die off.

    Lastly, since when is any source outside the internet credible? Not that it matters. We prep because we know it’s coming. We’ve known for some time now.

    When it happens & it will, that Law degree you recommend can be used for toilet paper… or a laugh.

    FWIW, Ann Barnhardt has an excellent video series on the subject.

  8. A collapse or otherwise hinges on the use of the dollar for international trade (otherwise known as being the reserve currency).

    “No other group expects a collapse.”

    Apart from the above the system is only currently sustainable because of active white compliance. So by definition if enough white people mentally secede there’ll be a collapse of sorts even if there wouldn’t have been otherwise.

    “Jews and Asians don’t worry about that bullshit.”

    Jews can’t believe it for psychological reasons because of what it would mean about them and even a collapsed America would still be better for the vast majority of Asians currently unless they’re Singaporean, Hong Konger etc.

  9. Amanda,

    I agree with prepping to a point but not at the expense of acquiring advanced economy skills. Again, you don’t see Jews, Asians, corporate and Liberal whites dwelling on this bullshit.

  10. You don’t need a masters or doctorate, in fact, those degrees are typically a disadvantage as far as employment. Generally, they are good only for teaching, and the pool of potential teaching professorial candidates is already overrunning.

    Take engineering, for example, almost any engineer will tell you straight out that a BS degree is the optimum for employment and salary potential. And engineering is the number one occupation now. But the same is essentially true for the sciences, you neither need nor desire graduate degrees in those fields. The loud agitation for graduate degrees comes from university academics aware that they need asses in the seats of their graduate programs for employment continuity. Too many people have been made aware of just what I reported above–advanced degrees are a liability when it comes to employment.

    Moreover, we are awash in science degrees. The departments and classrooms are maxed out in every college and university. If you are in the process of acquiring a science or engineering degree, you had best enroll in your classes during, preferably, “advanced registration,” i.e., early registration, or, failing that, the very earliest point during normal registration days. Otherwise, most classes are going to be full and unavailable. The rest are going to be full right up to capacity. This is true right up through the advanced , senior level required courses. Entry level “general” courses are conducted in the large, theater-like lecture halls capable of holding a couple of hundred students. Almost all other courses beyond that now usually have at least 45 or 50 people on up to 60 or 70, and several sections at these. All of these required classes will be full each semester.

    There is no shortage of science degrees, contrary to all propaganda we hear so much today. It just ain’t so. We have so many of them, in fact, that you had best have graduated with about at least a 3.70 GPA if you want to hope to get employment in any of those fields, preferably higher than that.

  11. “Too many people have been made aware of just what I reported above–advanced degrees are a liability when it comes to employment. ”

    I meant to write:

    Too many people have been made aware of just what I reported above–advanced degrees are a liability when it comes to employment–and THAT is why there are less American born graduate students these days and for a long time, and NOT that we are not smart enough. It is usually a liability.

  12. “Entry level “general” courses are conducted in the large, theater-like lecture halls capable of holding a couple of hundred students. ”

    Here I meant the general university physics,chemistry and principals of biology sequence classes, also the calculus classes.

  13. Lots of white faces in that crowd.

    Watch the way these people in the video behave, keep in mind that these are all well-fed, unarmed individuals who spend each night in a warm, well-lighted home and who are competing for a luxury item that none of them need in order to survive.

    Now imagine the same people after a week or two of life without regular meals, electric power, or heating. Imagine them scrambling for food, medicines, or some other item necessary for their survival and the survival of their families.

    Now imagine each one of them with a gun in hand.

    I’m no prepper, but…

  14. The EBT cards aren’t going to stop working. The US gov can tax, borrow and print. It ain’t gonna happen.

    It doesn’t hurt to be prepared for short disruptions, but white folks inside and outside the South should put their energy into acquiring advanced skills for a modern economy. That means they should get training in science, engineering, business, law, medicine, journalism and similar fields.

    You don’t see other groups worrying about intensive prepping for the day the EBT cards stop working. Jews and Asians don’t worry about that bullshit. No other group expects a collapse.

    I prefer a healthy middle road. No reason people can’t prepare for both. I tend to take a dim view of both extremist camps: those who think things can’t change, and those who think things must collapse totally. If you read Global Guerrillas you see that the likely future is more complicated.

    I think a smart man will prepare for a variety of outcomes, and not put all his eggs into one basket. People seem to have a lot of trouble planning for a variety of outcomes because they’re not actually planning for the future, so much as they are creating fantasy worlds for themselves. One camp has a fantasy world where scarcity and shocks to the system are impossible. The other has a fantasy world where total collapse is inevitable. They’re both wrong, IMO.

  15. When it happens & it will, that Law degree you recommend can be used for toilet paper… or a laugh.

    It’s foolish to think anything depending on human society is inevitable. It’s also foolish to think even a total collapse would make a law degree useless. When things collapse, those capable of rebuilding do so. Rebuilding is far easier than building it was the first time around. And when things are rebuilt, law degrees will be valuable.

    I’ve done quite a bit of thinking about the sociology of collapse, and I am unable to come up with any plausible scenarios under which collapse is a stable situation. In other words, people rebuild.

    I agree with prepping to a point but not at the expense of acquiring advanced economy skills.


  16. Collapse might actually look better. Like the Black Plague for example. Wages quadrupled in England. Assuming you survive a pandemic of course.

  17. There is no trade or profession that allows you to escape the BRA. Women, minorities, lowered standards, garbage. It’s all torture. Fucking torture. We are at the tail end of the worst genocide of the last 2000 years. The genocide of whites and white culture.

    Dear God bring it all down.

    Preparedness is the last form of escapism of a desperate people. When there is no viable escape except total destruction (and there isn’t), you’re pretty much at the end. You disappear into the only world you can envision in which there is a glimmer of hope.

    We probably all go there. Where else is there to go? But in reality, it will probably never happen. As the last white man is chased across the frozen Tundra by the angry brown hordes, alas his preps did him nothing.

    My last hope is the giant earthquake predicted by Patrick Geryl on 12/21/2012. If it doesn’t happen then I’m preparing to slog away at my work until I die, and not waste my time waiting for things to get better. They’re not going to.

  18. Landshark,

    I hear ya, bro! I pray for the collapse too. I have seen a lot of change in my 42 years, and I don’t think ZOG-BRA is stable.

    You could say I’m serenely confident that ZOG-BRA is going to collapse of it’s own unpayable obligations. They are so incredibly irresponsible, their stewardship of the country is so incredibly irresponsible, that they are “running on fumes” or “spending down the inheritance” at a very fast rate, that they will go broke, and there will be massive conflict between the blacks, the hispanics and the jews.

    What will Whites do? We are resourceful people. Hard times will harden us but not kill us. And the jews, blacks and hispanics and asians who are privileged above us will be hated.

  19. “We probably all go there. Where else is there to go? But in reality, it will probably never happen. As the last white man is chased across the frozen Tundra by the angry brown hordes, alas his preps did him nothing. ”

    I always wonder what the Kenniwik Man was thinking during his last moments. Do you think it was “damn, shoulda listened to those racists”?

  20. “You could say I’m serenely confident that ZOG-BRA is going to collapse of it’s own unpayable obligations. They are so incredibly irresponsible, their stewardship of the country is so incredibly irresponsible, that they are “running on fumes” or “spending down the inheritance” at a very fast rate, that they will go broke, and there will be massive conflict between the blacks, the hispanics and the jews.”

    I said it this weekend, when the same subject came up in a conversation. The anti-whites are playing a dangerous game, they are doing their victory dance a little too soon. Their entire agenda has its hopes pinned on whitey keeping on keeping on and being the same dependable sucker to pay for it all, even as he is marginalized and targeted. What happens when whitey quits believing? Things like that happen fast, with little warning.

  21. BRA America alert. Shots fired over a Wal Mart parking spot. No names. No description. That tells everything we need to know. The comments were worth 30 seconds and good for a few chuckles.

  22. not all Whites are smart enough to get those advance degrees, especially with affirmative action for women, jews, queers, negros, beaners, chinks etc working against us.

    We need a better plan. One that does well for Southron White men on both sides of the bell curve. Secession is that better plan. The moment we are free of the damnyankee and his leviathan we will be free to go after our natural resources like coal, oil and gas. Those jobs pay enough for White men on the wrong side of the bell curve to make a good life for themselves and their family. Especially once the govt doesn’t actively discriminant against us or rob our wages to pass on our money to negros and all the other yankee pets

  23. Stonelifter:

    Although I have no more use for ignorant white trash than I do for the dick-grabbing street niggers, I must admit there’s some truth in what you say. Assuming that by some miracle the South (or whatever) were to secede, we’d have to do something with the hordes of NASCAR-humping, illiterate white quasi-humans that make up the majority of the population down here. Concentration camps would be too expensive on such a large scale, and the Yankees won’t have ’em. Picking cotton would be a good use of their time and talents, but, as you suggest, there’s a place in the new Southern order for oilfield trash, too.

    Alternatively, we could ship them all back to the Borders and Lowlands. Glasgow needs more dirt-track racin’ and incest.

  24. Could someone tell me what the point of all this succession talk is? If it were to happen, I just dont see how it would make things better. It would certainly make things different, but things would still be fucked up, just in a different way.

    Just a random sampling of states, but Georgia is only 56% white, Texas 45%, Alabama 67%, Arizona 58%. When you factor DWLs, jews, wiggers and the rest of the undesierables, the number of “good” whites is still seems like a minority. Just look at the video, although there are plenty of blacks/browns, you can see plenty of white faces in that crowd.

    Assuming democracy was still in place, do you really think the elected leaders would be that different? Sure you might get god taught in the classroom (if thats your thing), and imigration controls in certain like Arizona. But even these gains would be short lived, with birth rates, in 20 – 50 years, “good” whites would be a even greater minority, and those immigration reforms would be repealed. Sure you wouldnt have to worry about things federal income tax, but the states income tax would sky rocket, due to having to recreate certain agencies at the state level which do not presently exist, such as the FAA and FDA, and because states presently receive large amounts of federal funding.

    Short of large scale domestic warfare and some ethnic cleansing, I just don’t see how things would get better.

    Don’t get me wrong, i’m not trying to argue against seccession. I’m just wondering how you think it would improve your state? Thanks.

  25. yep my spelling sucks, get over it. Doesn’t change the fact you have no more regard for the common Southron man then they typical damnyankee. Not sure who you plan on doing the less glamorous work required to keep a society going, like repairing cars, but you have your head up your ass if y0u think we can get by without the White men on the left side of the bell curve

  26. and the point is we would be free to plot our own course of actions and not be ruled by a foreign and hostile people.

  27. @Stonelifter

    You wouldnt be plotting your own course, the politicians would still be doing so. They may live a little bit closer to you, but I can gaurentee they are plenty hostile towards you. Just wondering but what state are you from?

  28. Their entire agenda has its hopes pinned on whitey keeping on keeping on and being the same dependable sucker to pay for it all, even as he is marginalized and targeted.

    Yeah, what would happen to all their plans if the Whites in the South chose total resistance over submission.

    The left these days seems to be pretty convinced that Whites are going to submit.

    I think their years of constant victories have given them such confidence and arrogance that they are going to win. Let’s face it, the Republicans are hardely a worthy adversary.

  29. Tamer—- we had to learn Spanish! It was horrible! We HATED it. Who wants to rule over a bunch of Spaniards? Much less people they conquered years ago!

    Sorry, but that’s no real future.

  30. Wow…

    now the posters say learn Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew (on top of the sickness of Spanish).

    Um… if the White people (yes, some spanish are white…I guess, lol)—- would BE THEMSELVES, transmit their own freaking culture, the world would have been a different place.

    What? Are you trying to BORE YOUR CHILDREN to death? By assuring them their future is totally foreign? Then you wonder why they REFUSE to reproduce?

  31. “Robert Oculus III says:
    November 24, 2012 at 8:36 am
    your an elitists. I am not. We have very little common ground

    Yer rite. I is an elitists.”

    Funniest comment on the thread. I’m STILL El-o-el’ing! (and I am El-o-el’ing, Jack Ryan). Thanks!

  32. “Dixiegirl says:
    November 24, 2012 at 4:16 pm

    now the posters say learn Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew (on top of the sickness of Spanish).

    Um… if the White people (yes, some spanish are white…I guess, lol)—- would BE THEMSELVES, transmit their own freaking culture, the world would have been a different place.”

    Bingo. To the nth degree.

    “What? Are you trying to BORE YOUR CHILDREN to death? By assuring them their future is totally foreign? Then you wonder why they REFUSE to reproduce?”

    Runs Away from Savages is a Jooboi troll.

  33. BRA is already collapsing. Haven’t you noticed? Yes – the Kikenvermin printing presses are running full tilt boogie – and this counterfieting opp devalues the currency each and every second. Other Nations are quietly moving away from the dollar. The Aisan Nations still have loads of their own issues – but they are not going to pay for our “cracck” – our debt spending ANY MORE.

    The GOP pussy beeyichs are already caving to the Kikes and NAGAS in charge re: “raising taxes”. WHILE doing everything they can to obliterate the Tax Base aka Whitey. Bring in the Browns! Ondelay! Viva Meheeco! Obama the HNIC is starting to babble about a National Retirment Fund – the collection and theft of private IRA’s, etc. by Da Gubmint. “Git dem YT dollahs afo; dey moves offsho’ – the plunder is beginning in earnest.

    The NAGA’s and Hebes in Charge cannot control any of our foreign whores anymore. They apparently willingly sacrificed White Shabbos Goy in L’Affaire Benghazi. FYI – I’ve witnessed ordinary mild-mannered Yankee males go screamng furious ENRAGED over this. This AM – the TalmudVision mouthpieces has all sorts of Gubmint oafishuls ON AIR, absolutely freely admitting that “…we can’t control the situation in Egypt anymore..” – WE CAN’T CONTROL FREAKIN’ NEARLY DEAD EGYPT – now that the new Military officer that “we” (THEY) promoted has gone full Pharoah. We can’t control him. Maybe we should stop giving him money..maybe…ya think?

    That video that is the subkect of this post reveals how “ordinary” Whites have turned into Snow Niggers. The “biggest” White Cultural Icon is Honey Boo Boo.

    In a little over a month – the Obamnation Health Reform Tax plunder kicks in for REAL. Wait for it. All of the Above is only a wee little taste of What Lies Ahead.

    In short – prepare ye for the Collapse. The Hour Cometh.

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