Ending Reconstruction II


I enjoyed this passage in the Epilogue of Chuck Thompson’s Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession:

“Mississippi-based civil rights activist Rims Barber practically leaped out of his sensible red t-shirt and conservative gray slacks when I suggested splitting the country in two.

“It would be a disaster,” Barber shrieked. “We’ve got 800,000 black people in this state who want to be part of the Union.  What are you going to do about them? The thing would get out of hand very fast. Black people would either have to leave or become serfs.”

“That sounds a little extreme,” I said.

“People always fear Reconstruction II will end like Reconstruction I. When the federal troops went away in 1875-76, that was the end. If we don’t have federal rights we’re dead. We have 47 black legislators out of 147 over in the capitol. If not for the federal courts we’d be lucky to have twenty. They’d be tokens. I would generally fear federal withdrawal. The price of liberty has to be fought for here every day.”


BRA 2.0 would collapse like BRA 1.0 without the meddling Yankees and their federal courts and Justice Department.

Chuck Thompson and Northern liberals have spent the last month making hay out of that 2007 Tax Foundation study which showed Mississippi gets $2.02 in federal spending for every $1.00 it pays in federal taxes.

Who are the taxpayers though in Mississippi? Who are the tax consumers? What accounts for this discrepancy in federal spending? Specifically, what would be the effect of secession on the Black Undertow in Mississippi?

Update: Of the $31.4 billion in federal spending in Mississippi in 2010 (this includes expenditures and obligations), $9.78 billion was on retirement and disability, $8 billion was on “other direct payments,” $7.87 billion was on grants, $2.66 billion was on procurement and $3 billion was on salaries and wages.

$4 billion was Defense Department spending. $27.3 billion was spending by “other federal agencies.” In terms of salaries and wages, $1.25 billion on the Army, $259 million on the Navy, $454 million on the Air Force. In terms of procurement contracts, $796 million on the Army, $319 million on the Navy, $240 million on the Air Force, and $278 million on “other defense.” Throw in another $458 million on military retirement benefits and $329 million for disabled veteran payments.

Roughly 16% of federal expenditures and obligations in Mississippi are defense related.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If Barber’s observations are accurate (and I believe they are in essence) then they fairly demonstrate that Negroes in the South are not Southerners. They are an alien and incompatible people among us. Once the freedom of association is established and the free ride ends they will head for greener pastures. It happened before and will happen again. Negroes by and large do not see themselves as Southerners and it is not within our power to make them Southerners.

  2. White and Confederate: That just doesn’t square with the history. Between the end of Reconstruction and the start of the New Deal one would have imagined that blacks would have vanished from the South. They did not and they will not this time. I see resegregation within Southern territory followed by a formal Partitionof that territory.

  3. HW: This is exactly the kind of work that we need! Thanks!

    What about federal tax reciepts? My suspicion is that there are a lot of carve outs and exemptions driving this discrepancy. Also, is Mississippi to blame for a discrepancy

  4. That is a function of Federal code effectively out of their control? Are people alleging that cheating is driving this? Also, one would suspect that Mississippi balances its state budget each year, so they demonstrate the skill.

  5. I’d like for Tarantino to answer why he won’t let it go.

    We’re given to understand that he’s just a nice guy, arguing (150 years later) for the “little guy,” the “oppressed,” etc.

    But what’s his motive beyond that? Why does he target the u.s. south, not HIS OWN home country? The remarkable VIOLENCE of his own home country (presumably Portugal and It-lee) toward the American Founders? Why not a movie depicting his relatives burning Paul Revere’s relatives and Alexander Hamilton’s relatives at the stake (as his relatives DID?)

    And is there a portion about the Western land clearances of the Southern Civilians by his people during the war? The 10s of 1000s living in the woods, eating acorns? The women raped, by his family’s “total war” and “scorched earth” policy?

    Why this?

    When there are so many equal (or worse) atrocities of which his own family is a part, why would he pick other people’s to worry about?

    Who are the Tarantino’s exactly?

  6. Brad, This is some good stuff you are putting out!

    I note you have laid out our food and energy resources. What about our geography in regard to defending it militarily? I would appreciate your review of The Republic of Arcadia.

    You shouldn’t exclude non-Southern whites who would be good neighbors or better yet good military allies. Your historic observations however in regard to why we are where we are are exquisite. Keep it up.

    Undoubtedly there are white refugees in our big country who would come running to a Republic of Dixie if given the chance.

  7. I don’t see many state legislators coming out for secession. The two-party system is, in effect, a blockade. I can’t see any way around the blockade except for the tried and true methods of mass demonstrations., strikes and civil disobedience. All of the above seen as recently as 1990 in what was then Soviet Lithuania.

  8. “Negroes by and large do not see themselves as Southerners and it is not within our power to make them Southerners.”

    I find that hard to believe given MLK’s emotional references to his “beloved Southland”, my childhood servants and Negress cook’s constant references to the superiority (and fine demonstrations thereof) of Southern cooking, and the fact that there currently is a net migration of Negroes back to the South.

    Plus you never see Negroes hunting and fishing out in the snow and sleet of the North. They are maladapted to cold weather.

  9. Afterthought, Negroes had about as many employment opportunities in the North as the South from between Reconstruction to the New Deal. Further there was no welfare state during that period. It is like comparing apples and oranges. Much of the population in the US has shifted South as have the Negroes. Why wouldn’t they. BRA has been imposed here as much or more than elsewhere. Negroes go where the grass is greener.

  10. “I find that hard to believe given MLK’s emotional references to his “beloved Southland”, my childhood servants and Negress cook’s constant references to the superiority (and fine demonstrations thereof) of Southern cooking, and the fact that there currently is a net migration of Negroes back to the South.

    Plus you never see Negroes hunting and fishing out in the snow and sleet of the North. They are maladapted to cold weather.”

    MLK’s love for the South was about as sincere as his Christianity. A white example of such hollow pleading would be George W. Bush’s. Negroes will be perfectly happy north of the border so long as there are chicken joints and heroin to be had. Huntin’ an’ fishin’ be fo’ da white folks. They seem right in their element in the climes of Detroit and Chicago.

    And don’t discount the importance of your DWL’s outstretched arms, anxious to replicate their glorious fathers’ undergound railroad.

  11. I sure don’t want to see any more of ’em around here. Thankfully, they don’t like the weather and what few we have all stick to the North and East Portland.

  12. Solving the Negro question in our polite society is like trying to defuse a bomb with a tennis racquet. After fifty years of cibil rights it will take Assad-like wrath to re-establish the natural order. Releasing Deryl Dedmon and giving him a new truck, cutting off ghetto internet access, etc.

    Until their daughter is raped, the Negro is a human tamagotchi to the suburban Yankee.

  13. Come the end of the ability of the federal entity to enforce integration, BRA ends. But the post-secession regime (which I’ll abbreviate PSR) must be careful in managing the aftermath. The Black Belt sits astride Dixie, and (assuming a peaceful separation instead of a bloody civil war) those Negroes won’t be going anywhere.

    And they’ll have to go somewhere. Any attempt to create a proposition nation in the South would be a mistake. The secessionist confederacy must be an explicitly White ethnostate if it is to survive. Any “color-blind”, constitutional Dixie would in time evolve into a grits-eating version of BRA. Whatever form the PSR takes, it must be fundamentally different from BRA, or else there’s no point.

    But the PSR must avoid Balkans-style ethnic cleansing. Six out of every ten blacks live in the southern states; a race war between them and the White population of the PSR would be a bloodbath, one that would probably sink the new regime. Besides being a brutal waste of human life and precious resources, such a war would make the PSR a “failed state” in the eyes of other nations. International intervention in the name of “human rights” would likely follow.

    How shall we address the Negro Question, then? One way the PSR might do this would be to emulate the world’s most sucessful ethnostate: Israel. Israeli’s citizenship law is jus sanguinis, that is, a law based upon blood rather than place of birth. To become a citizen of the State of Israel (generally speaking), one must be a Jew, either a native-born Jew or a diaspora Jew with a certification of Jewish heritage issued by a religious authority recognized by the State of Israel.

    A modified version of this system might be practical for the PSR. First, a law could be passed making all White people born in a PSR state full citizens. No one would be required to show proof of citizenship merely to reside in the PSR, of course; there would be no “papers, please” to attract accusations of oppression. But for anything beyond mere residency, proof of citizenship would be required. Issuance of a PSR voter registration card, welfare benefits (if any), and/or a PSR passport would be contingent upon a valid legal determination citizenship — that is, of being White. The PSR would, therefore, be compelled to establish some method of determining who is White and who is not. One way might be bureaucratic: the PSR would create some sort of racial classification agency, which would establish a legal definition of Whiteness based upon biology and/or culture, and which would examine the material evidence of racial status (e.g., mitochondrial DNA) supplied by each applicant. Persons deemed to be biologically and/or culturally White would become full citizens of the PSR. Non-White residents of the PSR would not be oppressed, however. They would instead become a “second-class population, forbidden from voting in PSR elections, buying property in the PSR, receiving social services (if any), or carrying a PSR passport.

    All this done well, one might reasonably expect an immediate, large-scale self-deportation of non-Whites from the PSR. The PSR should offer incentives to such persons (e.g., free transportation) in order to speed them on their way. Since I assume most Negroes in the South own no property, they would potentially have nothing to lose (and likely much to gain) by taking advantage of the PSR’s free bus ticket north.

    Non-Whites who own property in the PSR would be a separate issue. It would be unreasonable (and unjust) to expect property-owning Negroes and other non-citizens to simply walk away from their investments, or to forcibly dispossess them without due process of law. Property-owning non-Whites might be allowed to stay in the PSR as legal residents or nationals of the PSR, but they would not be citizens nor enjoy the right to vote, etc. The PSR might further encourage non-citizen property owners to self-deport by offering to buy their property at current market rates in exchange for the emigration of the non-citizen in question.

    Alternatively, the PSR might simply seize all property not owned by citizens under eminent domain.

    I suspect the greatest force driving blacks out of the PSR South will, however, be simple social pressure. The restoration of freedom of association means no more Yankees with guns showing up to help you “celebrate diversity”, which means a return to segregation, at the very least upon private property. The day BRA dies is the day WHITES ONLY signs will pop up in shopwindows across Dixie. I expect few blacks would care to live in a society where they are no longer welcome.

    Other approaches to this issue may be better than the one I’ve outlined here. Much will depend upon whether the devolution of the federal entity is “hard” or “soft”, the nature of the post-secession regime, and the general world situation at the time of secession. I believe that the leaders of the various secessionist movements should seriously consider planning for the disposition of Negroes and other non-Whites in the post-BRA time period as part of their overall strategy.

  14. “Until their daughter is raped, the Negro is a human tamagotchi to the suburban Yankee.”

    Great pop-culture analog!

  15. That sweet hope of accomplishing anything through legislative process is simply not possible in this country.How many legislators would have the courage to demand separation? Zero now and zero forever.Gay marriage-yes,secession-no way!Therefore as mentioned somewhere on this thread- mass demonstrations.general strikes and civil disobedience will be necessary to learn and employ on gigantic scale.
    Also,regarding Negroes:the vision of them boarding buses and going North is charming,but it would not come to be as peaceful as one may wish. The Negro of today is not a docile simpleton with his head bowed in resignation.He is a gansta,high on unjustified self-esteem and ready to turn the South into Mogadishu with the help of his friends,shooting and burning everything.It will be very bloody before we can see them finally go,munching on their bitter Skittles.

  16. “that Negroes in the South are not Southerners. They are an alien and incompatible people among us.”

    – WhiteConfed

    Ummm, they are not even Americans. Hell, they aren’t even HUMAN.

    What was your first clue, except for the chimp-outs, the squalor, laziness, the red-rimmed sclerotic eyes, and the dull, vacant expression, like a cow?

  17. “The two-party system is, in effect, a blockade. I can’t see any way around the blockade except for the tried and true methods of mass demonstrations., strikes and civil disobedience. ”

    Do I need to remind you folks that the South always had one fool-proof method for extricating traitorous individuals, that British Common Law allowed for?

    All you needed was a rope, and a tree.

  18. “Plus you never see Negroes hunting and fishing out in the snow and sleet of the North. They are maladapted to cold weather.”
    – Jewdel

    Well, yes, in MN, when the temps fall below -20, the Somalis are nowhere to be seen- they literally disappear. I am wishing for just such a ‘White Christmas’ (and failed heating in their section 8 tenements) this year… like one of those 3-week long -30 degree F. January’s… now that global warming has been shown to have stopped. lo, these sixteen years.

    What was it Scrooge said? “To decrease the surplus population?” Umm, yeah, the surplus ‘high melanin’ population. Deo Volente.

  19. “Until their daughter is raped, the Negro is a human tamagotchi to the suburban Yankee.” – Tamer

    O.M.G. Laughed till I cried. Back in the day, my brood had those things, and it was always ‘Dad, could you feed, clean up after, watch over my Tama, while I am in school/lesson /dance/whatever?’

    Tamer. Precisely. Whites are always ‘cleaning up the sh*t these doltish creatures continually create, and receive NOTHING in return- not even a letter from the Tama King, his Obummerness, for doing ‘jobs dark folks won’t do.’


  20. ” To become a citizen of the State of Israel (generally speaking), one must be a Jew, either a native-born Jew or a diaspora Jew with a certification of Jewish heritage issued by a religious authority recognized by the State of Israel.” – Blind leading the blind

    Again, Robert, you use analogies that have no basis in real world life, and expect it to be useful? As Freedman, Koestler, and Sand have clearly demonstrated (even though John Hagee-like fools deny it) ‘A Jew is not a jew’ as the Scriptures say, and this ‘law’ is as spurious as their ethnicity, faith, and spurious ‘chosenite’ status.

    For, if you make ‘whiteness’ a criterion for Dixie 2.0, and Whites start making their ‘aliyah’ to the ‘Promised Land’ of Dixie (look away, look away!), what is to stop the very same disingenuous liberals, fags, and Jews (who ‘look white’ as they often tell us!) from infecting the Body Politic, all over again????

    “No one would be required to show proof of citizenship merely to reside in the PSR, of course; there would be no “papers, please” to attract accusations of oppression. ”

    Hell, YES, there better DAMN WELL be papers! What are you on, that you would think/presume non-Whites, and wiggerized Whites act in the same moral framework as Christian Europeans do? Might it be the fallacious Vat II religion? Methinks it is.

    And, secondly, why do we give a rat’s *ss about ‘what other people/nations’ think of us, anyway? I recently read the list of the nations that voted to give Palestine ‘status’ and it read largely like the roster of the EU- I think the ‘Jews’ expiration day’ is fast approaching, so we don’t have to worry about ‘what will Merkel et al. think.’ In addition, all of the countries of the EU (Except for Jante-law Scandinavia) have said, ‘Multiculturalism is a complete failure’- so, mud-slinging from those who are tainted with the same form of ‘racism’ means little to nothing.

    All the “Capitalist” Countries want, is access to our purchasing dollars. In a White Dixie 2.0, can you IMAGINE the WEALTH that could be created, with an influx of ‘true believers’ that have a)intelligence, b)morality, c) cultural cohesion? It would be the British Empire, in steroids, within two generations!

    And your RC sensibilities, are concerned with ‘what the Nig-nog, Chink, or THpanish Envoys might think? Puh-leez. Go fiddle on your knees, counting on your rosaries, for all the good your opinions might have.

  21. I’m not a conspiracy theorist so I don’t believe “yo CIA made crack”.

    But it might be worth considering flooding Negro hell holes with crack in a PSR. Pretty much the only thing Negroes can be relied on to do consistently is tear themselves and their ‘communities’ apart. Basically keep welfare checks the same but divest from HUD and put the cops on the perimeter. Let them spend their welfare on crack and hard liquor, live in crumbling projects and slaughter eachother.

    Increasing needle exchanges perhaps in addition to pamphlets that demonstrate aerosol huffing could be deployed. Basically give them the tools to make their lives so missrable they abandon the southern cities for Yankeeland if they survive.

    Any direct action taken in the PSR must be nocturnal. No pitched battles.

  22. Lots of abortion clinics fo’ teens and heroin, crack flooding their areas. Cops can shoot with a nod and a wink. Squeeze the funding for nig schools.

  23. The sane way to orchestrate immigration is a simple points system.

    For instance the average white Yankee refugee could be broken down as follows

    18-25: 0 points
    25-30: 1 pt
    30-35: 2 pt
    35-38: 3 pt
    38: 4 pt
    39: 5 pt



    Adv. Degree: 0 pts
    Bachelors: 1 pt
    Trade school: 2 pt
    Assoc: 3 pt
    High school: 7 pts

    Practicing or Cultural Christian: 0 pts
    Weird pacifist Christian like a Hutterite or Amish: 5 pts
    Infidel: 7 pts


    Willing to serve in active duty (after 5 years -1 point every additional year)

    5 years: 0 pts
    3 years: 3 pts
    1 year: 5 points
    Unable to serve: 7 points



    100,000 USD saving or more per nuclear family member: 0 pts
    75,000 or more: 2 pts
    50,000 or more with sponsor: 3 pts
    Journeyman: 7 pts

  24. “Lots of abortion clinics fo’ teens and heroin, crack flooding their areas. Cops can shoot with a nod and a wink. Squeeze the funding for nig schools.”

    There is no need for abortion clinics. Crack babies are another mouth to feed and they’ll either boil them (google “ghetto lobster”) or drag them north.

  25. RUDE-l.

    Where have you been. I’ve been calling you that for over a year. And only now, you find it offensive? I thought you thought it was funny…. If it offends you, you need only say so. But, your earlier points made on the forum before HW enacted his ‘moderation point system’ seemed highly slanted in the direction of those whose ideology would be on the side of those who are called Jews (but are not). If you are not, then, my apologies.

    But it did seem strange that you would iterate a ‘jew-friendly opinion’. Now that Obummer has won again, and the tenor of this discussion seems to be veering toward secession, all of this probably is moot, anyway…. as long as we are all on the side of the secessionists. Mea culpa.

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