Kevin MacDonald on Radio Free Mississippi


I caught the tail end of this.

My sympathies are naturally with Kevin MacDonald. We have the same approach to the Jewish Question which is essentially “hide nothing.” We also agree on a number of other issues like working within the system, the need to appeal to Christians and conservatives, closing the gap between the “fringe” and the “mainstream,” and the viability of secession in Texas and the South.

Jim Giles is right that the ideal leader would be a returning war veteran who served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Giles and MacDonald basically agree on the qualities of leadership. MacDonald correctly pointed out that Yankees have a deep desire to believe that their actions are principled and morally justified.

I agree with MacDonald on the 2016 election: the Republicans will nominate someone like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio in a play for the Hispanic vote, and that candidate will be soundly beaten by his Democratic opponent, unless there is a black swan event like “the collapse” between now and the next election.

The real action will be at the state level where conservative governors and state legislatures will continue to clash with the federal government. This will create more polarization of the sort that we saw over Obamacare and Arizona. There will be many more “personal Rubicons” over the next four years as conservatives are radicalized and begin to loose faith in the political process.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why would someone who calls Martin a child molester, who has maintained a thread on his forum for two years dedicated to slandering and defaming me, and who has over 2,000 comments in one thread by 20 to 30 different people trashing my character come to my website to indignantly complain about character assassination?

    Does that make any sense at all? Why should I censor my website of stuff critical of Alex when he tolerates the exact same kind of defamatory material about me on his website?

  2. This “Mike” fellow is doubtless “Obadiah 1:18”, a jew mamzer poofter with gender-identity issues that stalks me everywhere. This jew pervert hangs around the Cherokee melungeon criminal Jeromy Visser. They routinely call me a child molester and ban pretty much everyone from their forum unless they be mamzers playing Christian Identity.

    What is posted on my forum and on my podcasts, is not Hunter Wallace’s responsibility, as Hunter Wallace is neither a moderator or has posted there for years. I do not expect Hunter Wallace or Greg Johnson or Kevin MacDonald to agree with me in the necessity of what needs to be done and what will be done in the coming Great Tribulation. For that matter, I do not agree with them, either. Evildoers must be punished and YHWH’s Law says that the children of regime criminals and state race-traitors are to be punished for the sins of their parents. But this is not the place nor time to make such an argument on Hunter’s blog.

    Rabbi Lender/Linder is simply a jew agent provocateur without any understanding of how to act White because Linder isn’t White, but rather a jew. And thus Linder acts all arrogant against his former allies and friends, and has a different standard for genuine Whites and a different standard of behavior for his kike self and his meercats on his own tard corral.

    Dr. Kevin MacDonald is repulsed by Linder’s yap and Linder’s vulgarity. Listen to the Jim Giles interview with KMac from 2009 and hear as much. Linder isn’t allowed to defile Greg Johnson’s blog and Hadding the Mattoid KAS-Fluffer Meercat has been banned there as well. In fact, the modius operandi of Linder, Hadding, WhiggerSwill, TraitorGlenn Miller and all of these Piercetarded criminal element is to like some Ash-kenite-nutzi Defecation League to demand that others censor any criticism of theysselfs. Failure to cumply means that they will run off, and letting these kikealikes have a free rein means that they merely get more arrogant and demanding. That is because they are jew and mamzer vermin, always either at your feet or at your throat. Hypocrisy is their only way of life, such as it is.

    I suggest that those who are tired of this behavior simply have nothing to do with them. It is Linder who is tired of his very own meercat tards. Letting them ghettoize theysselfs is what will happen inevitably.

    Quite a bit happening the past few days. Not only has Linder imploded, but there is renewed fighting between the sephardic marrano jews under Eli James/jewseph Stalin Kutz-November and jewromy Visser versus the Ashkenazi jew MildSwill Finck-el-sheenie and Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren/SoredMamzer and Klunt’s Meercat Markkk Klowney. Which is what the bowel Movement is like. Every so often there are eruptions along the fault lines which is predictable if you know where the bowel Movement tetonic plates lie.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  3. The bottom line is that if you talk whacky, people will think you are whack, because you probably are.

    Talking about exterminating whole peoples is talking whacky. Yes, a people can become extinct, through total die-off or kill-off or through amalgamation and mixing. That’s what we are trying to STOP here. Our extermination.

    Ultimately, the White race is the only relevant race to us because it is the one which we have the power to control the destiny of. Jews, negroes, aborigines, and orientals are not ultimately relevant to us, although of course they present challenges that have to be taken seriously in the here and now. We are not going to exterminate any of them: if eventually they go extinct it will be their own doing, not ours.

    Once we separate ourselves from Jews, their predatory mode of existence will be severely challenged, because negroes and aborigines have little to take and orientals are pretty Jew-wise and are hard boiled negotiators. Negroes, not able to produce much surplus and not getting any handouts from us or from orientals, will shrink in number here and in Africa. There will be famines, which we will not do anything to help avert, at least unless they are accompanied by mass sterilization and probably not even then. The orientals will slowly drift back to earlier modes of existence, though Japan might retain enough of white innovation to stay on their present level. They will not keep up with White progress once it is fully unleashed though. China, without White infusions of capital and manufacturing technology, will simply slowly stagnate to Mao-era levels. In a generation, maybe two, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, all those lesser nations will be where they were before the French came in, with water buffalo agriculture. The non-White population of the earth will slowly recede, although it will probably be at one to two billion for a long time, perhaps half a millennium.

    Meanwhile, we are going to the stars….without the burden of the teeming nonwhite biomass to stop us. We will have, one way or another, eugenic development, which I do not believe incompatible with Western Christianity. It will take a couple of hundred years, first to get people in the air on a mass basis, then affordable orbital launch, then a lunar base and then Martian and then gas-giant-moon colonies.

    I am not a physicist, but for a lot of reasons I suspect control of gravity for propulsion and some form of superluminal travel will become possible when the next level of physics, to “Einsteinian”(sic) physics what it is to the Newtonian, is understood, which may well be beyond humans at their present state of evolution. As Pierce pointed out, the real goal is not the White race as it is but what it may yet become, and that may only be possible in the space environment.

  4. Linder’s name rarely comes up here and when it does it’s usually with respect to his strategy and tactics; only rarely is it a swipe at the man himself. HW gets bashed at VNN and similar forums to whom his person is familiar much more regularly and in a much more vicious, personal manner.

  5. I don’t see what Linder is so upset with this particular thread about. What “lying” is he speaking of? He does advocate extermination of Jews. As far as the other, what? one or two posts where he is discussed, so what? I don’t get it. It’s not like he doesn’t offer reams of psychoanalyzing of people himself.

    I’ve had more viscous attacks here than Linder has received. LOL. Sounds like just another crybaby hiding under the wolf’s pelt to me. Now he has a thread up on his site proclaiming he is now taking his toy Tonka Trucks home and not going to allow anyone to link to this site.

    THIS is someone who is going to lead or bring about a NS or Waffen SS type organization? Are you freaking kidding me? And this guy is over 45 years old.

  6. Vendikar,

    Very interesting post. I’m particularly amused by the way you managed to combine a sensible statement like this:

    The bottom line is that if you talk whacky, people will think you are whack, because you probably are.

    With all this:

    Once we separate ourselves from Jews, their predatory mode of existence will be severely challenged, because negroes and aborigines have little to take and orientals are pretty Jew-wise and are hard boiled negotiators. Negroes, not able to produce much surplus and not getting any handouts from us or from orientals, will shrink in number here and in Africa. There will be famines, which we will not do anything to help avert, at least unless they are accompanied by mass sterilization and probably not even then. The orientals will slowly drift back to earlier modes of existence, though Japan might retain enough of white innovation to stay on their present level. They will not keep up with White progress once it is fully unleashed though. China, without White infusions of capital and manufacturing technology, will simply slowly stagnate to Mao-era levels. In a generation, maybe two, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, all those lesser nations will be where they were before the French came in, with water buffalo agriculture. The non-White population of the earth will slowly recede, although it will probably be at one to two billion for a long time, perhaps half a millennium.

    That doesn’t sound just a tad whacky to you? Perhaps you’ve mistaken people’s tendency (a quite understandable tendency, imo) to shrink away in horror from rather than debate the viewpoints expressed with an inability to debate those viewpoints. In reality, every one of those statements is eminently contetasble, at the very, very least — and imo fairly simple to refute. You can continue to believe them if you like — for reasons of whatever thrill you get out of it — but I don’t think hanging your hat on their veracity is the smartest way forward.

    As Pierce pointed out, the real goal is not the White race as it is but what it may yet become, and that may only be possible in the space environment.

    “Going to the stars” is a laudable enough endeavor, but that’s not what drives the WLP disciples. They are simply repulsed by the world as they find it, see no cure for its ills in the offing, and seek redoubt in space, where they will achieve the higher plane of existence, more befitting of exalted beings such as themselves, that they yearn so deeply for.

    Personally, I am going to start accusing people who insist on boring others with the old Kali Yuga song and dance (whether its dressed up in techno-futuristic garb or not) of “doing the Kali Yuga” — “You do the Kali Yuga and you wave your arms around, and that’s what it’s all about.”

  7. I’ve cut out 90% of the flaming here.

    I had cut out 100% of the flaming and the trash talk after the last debate (including Martin’s posts), but why should I censor my own blog of comments that are critical of Alex when he allows dozens of people to post thousands of such comments about me and others?

    Does that make any sense? He calls Martin a child molester and comes here to insinuate that I work for the SPLC. He bashes Jim Giles, Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, and Kevin MacDonald. Yet he is outraged that someone else is engaging in “character assassination.”

    Has anyone ever seen a greater example of hypocrisy?

  8. As for Giles calling the SPLC, maybe it was funny the first time, and maybe there’s a place for antics like that, but that place is not serious discussions. Like it or not, people have livelihoods to consider. They have no choice but to be concerned about the impact on their status of activities they engage in. Antics like this do nothing but raise the costs of involvement. Oh well, live and learn.

  9. I’ve never seen any thread on OD reach within a light year of the kind of thing on that VNN thread about all of you and that debate. Damn. Nobody in charge of that has any business complaining about defamation or anything else.

    And Giles does seem a little whacked, but now they are claiming he is an “informant” based upon some court notice, though I fail to see how you draw the conclusion. It looks like simply the report on how White (I guess that is who it is about) screwed up, not that Giles is an informant. I doubt Linder will ban anyone or lecture about how a white man should provide solid and “rational” evidence, and all that.

    Like I said, let him take his Tonka Trucks home and pout there. Take the good from his writings and ignore the rest; all but about thirty or so of the rest of the world does.

  10. Brutus,

    If Alex had sent me an email that politely asked me to remove slanderous and defamatory comments, and promised me that he would remove similar trash talk at VNN, then I would have happily complied with his request.

  11. Linder – his anal obsession, his abundant use of fecal matter in his texts, his extreme racial consciousness, his hatred of Whites whose racial consciousness is not based upon hatred of xenos but love and patriotism toward their own, his outrageous calumnies, his hypocrisy. Now let’s see. What does this remind me of?

    Linder is positively rabbinic in his racial stance. He is a Jew doing shyte on the White nation movement.

  12. During the third Giles Round-Table, Linder flatly insists that VNN has higher standards than OD. It is one thing to write that, but quite another to say it without hesitation and the other tics associated with lying. The effect is chilling. He is either a highly practiced, stone-cold liar (at least on this point) or he really believes it, which means he is out of touch with reality, i.e., psychotic.

    Nothing Pastor Lindstedt says about Alex is fundamentally different, evidentially speaking, from what Alex says about other people. The good Pastor has his theories and suspicions about Linder, and he states them as matters of fact, which he should not do because it goes beyond the evidence.

    But Linder does the same thing with regard to the people he has marked as enemies, e.g., Taylor, Francis, and me (what august company; you can’t pay for advertising like that!). He takes theories and suspicions and passes them off as facts.

    Of course he is now going well beyond that, actually making up the claim that I came out to him in an email, which he claims, conveniently, is lost “on an old computer.” Yeah, right. Since then, he has peppered his swipes at me with similar inventions. He mentions a “sugar daddy” and “bath houses” in a matter-of-fact tone that might lead people to believe that he knows something; i.e., that these are actual matters of fact rather than just more fecal-filthy fictions from a vicious defamation artist.

    By the way, Pastor, the rumor that Taylor is married to a Jewess is false (doubly so): Evelyn Rich is not Jewish. Taylor and Rich have two daughters, but they are not married. (Rich is a Scottish name, and she was actually born there.)

    I should also mention that Pastor Lindstedt’s theories about Linder are certainly more plausible than a lot of the tripe Linder peddles about. Beyond that, Lindstedt is by far the funniest wordsmith in WN. As I said, Alex Linder would give his one testicle to write material one tenth as entertaining as Lindstedt’s.

    This last sentence contains an example of a defamation technique that Linder uses all the time. I mention in passing that Linder has only one testicle, which might lead some people to think that I know that Linder actually has only one testicle. As a matter of fact, I simply don’t know whether Linder has one testicle or not. I threw that out there because of the unfounded claim by a Jew that Hitler had only one testicle. It was just an attempt at humor, people. Don’t give another thought to Alex Linder’s testicles. We simply don’t know whether he has one or two or none by this point. Odds are that he is perfectly normal, at least in that department.

  13. Second Chances To Lick Muh Sick jewboy Colostomy Bag Are Seldom Taken Advantage Of

    A lot of defamatory lying on this thread. Brad Griffin says he will stop such, but in fact he encourages it, oy vey. He doesn’t have the guts to tell overt lies himself, but he’s more than willing to allow them from his “good friends.” Eh, it’s all a fun game, right? How dare he make fun of the Apfel jewdel of D-g’s Eye, One of those Sacred Ones wearing The Colostomy Bag?

    So be it. I make my final separation from Griffin and the lying hothead Giles. I gave you second chances; you failed them. Griffin has been gone a week, Giles three days, so they probably won’t know about this banning unless I go over to Brad’s blog to try to pinch off a bloody loaf. Squ-eeeeeeeze, squ-eeeeeeeeze, squ-eeeeeeeeeze. . . . Damn, that hurts. Trying to be a shitting dog without colostomy-bag likkin’ meercats in attendance. . . . I think I’ll have to pull up muh inverted anus, oy vey. Itz the thought that counts. That’s usually how it is. I will be doing my own podcasts which you can find at VNN/TGMNN/GFRTC&CBNN Forum, where we actually uphold semitically correct kosher standards of fuktardation and don’t allow unruly rabid holohoaxing goyim character assassins to run wild & free.

    The rest of you posting here – realize you are dealing with an extremely weak, shifting and effeminate character in myself. I’ve already banned everyone who was smarter and braver and more Aryan and able to squeeze off a loaf than myself. Brad Griffin simply told me to pound sand up muh colostomy bag — he wouldn’t ban Mad Marty the Colostomy-Bag Buster. As I said before I gave him a second chance, his ending like myself as an employee of the SPLC would not be in keeping with his history of unswerving loyalty to his friends and allies. I hope it doesn’t happen, because he is six times the writer I ever was but I wouldn’t bet against myself never being able to take another normal shit. After all, it’s only a matter of time until some Southern Nationalist is mean to myself and I have to ban him.

    [after this link, no more to OD. I am banning Brad Griffin and RFM, Jim Giles. We shouldn’t tolerate liars telling the truth about this ZOG false front datamining center — or people who facilitate lying by allowing free speech for Whites, especially on the Eighth Anniversary of the Christmas Coup of 2008. Since I have the power, I won’t allow another dissenting word here in my very own tard corral. I’m one sick jewboy with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS who is being ghettoized into this, muh very own tard corral.

    Vargiiiiiiiina!!! Where is that mattoid colostomy-bag likkin’ meercat??? There you are!!! Now lick muh bleeding kike bunghole and ban Jethro/Brad Griffin and RFM/Jimmy Giles. And find them fucking Lindstedt sock-possums!!!]

  14. Linder simply isn’t able to make it in a free-speech forum

    About three years ago, I created a sock-puppet named “John Reltney.” Linder was bloviating over on VNNF about how “Leaderless Resistance” was akin to “ghey elves.” TraitorGlenn Miller was also foaming at the mouth over not having an easy set of targets to snitch on. By then I had another three or four sock-puppets created and John Reltney had already been banned over on phorafags/feebs and $permFront making fun of Hadding the Mattoid Meercat. So I decided to burn off a stale sock-puppet.

    Now I wasn’t my usual mean self. Linder, who is usually quite anal-aggressive over grammar and spelling got made fun of for that, but I mainly pointed out that if he was going to police users then he was responsible for them and their content as well. Additionally, there might actually be someone who posts over on VNNF who has a wife and children and a job and they don’t need to run any risks of getting in trouble by posting on the Southern Poverty Law Center and Ashkenazi Defecation League happy hunting grounds. And this is before Kevin Harpham/Joe Snuffy and Linder testifying against Bitch-tits Bill White.

    I made Linder look like a lying idiot without my usual collection of Anglo-Saxon mono-syllables. So one of my spies sent me an e-mail laughing at “John Reltney’s” tearing Linder a new asshole and he didn’t even suspect that it was me who did it. This “John Reltney” was obviously someone in the Movement who made Linder look like a callow idiot and thus Linder banned him and deleted the post. I explained that it was me who had ripped him a new one and that I had hid a copy of the posting in an admin section of my own forum over on

    I fail to see why anyone thinks Linder is in any way anything other than at best a third-rater mentally. Linder might be anal about spelling and grammar while making plenty of mistakes in English usage. Me, I know the rules of English grammar but deliberately bend them and often break them in order to make a point. But leaving aside that Linder is one sick jewboy with a bleeding bunghole running a ZOG data-mining mill, Linder is rather pedestrian in both thinking and planning as well as action. I’ve met Linder, and I was amused. In real life Linder is one of the most furtive and cowardly critters I’ve ever met in the bowel Movement, and while able to put on an act, that act isn’t believable to those able to discern anything. In fact, at Topeka in May 2004 I seen Linder observing me and Billy Roper as if to trying to figure out how to impersonate racist White men.

    The offal over at VNNF is even more pathetic. I had my friend Pastor John Britton spy on VNNF while imprisoned at the NutHouse, but the minute I bought me a laptop upon getting bonded out of jail, Britton made me write up something insulting TraitorGlenn Miller and making him get banned so that he wouldn’t have to spy on that sewer any more himself. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to get banned. The place is quite the kike sewer.

    Linder has pretty much banned everyone smarter, or whiter, or Christian than Linder. Linder is one sick vicious evil mischling. I end up spying on VNNF six times as much as $permFront and 666 times as much as spying on WhiggerNewsNow.

    I notice that you give up posting over on VNNF a week or so ago. Giles gave up on it three days ago. Linder has annoyed Dr. Greg Johnson and appalled Dr. Kevin MacDonald. I doubt that anyone will consider Linder an ‘intellectual’ any more. If Linder crawls out of itz virtual sewer, then is attacked out in the open, he will whine like a kike and crawl back to itz ghetto.

    I’ve been in the bowel Movement since Waco and on the Internuts since 1995. When you see some jews trying to make a new bridgehead in new territory, you got to treat them like prairie dogs trying to make a new colony and wipe them out in their new bridgehead and encircle them in their old ghetto. I call it “Playing Cossack and jewboys.” I’ve seen jews and baal-priests take over forums and list-servers and drive out the founders and the best possible counter-attack is to make them hole up in their new ghetto and have to hold on as best they can while you destroy them outside their ghetto.

    Frankly, I don’t see how anyone can see Linder as anything other than a jew. Treating a jew as anything other than as a jew and showing such any mercy or respect is viewed as weakness by all, especially the jew. jews know full well what they deserve at the hands of non-jews.

    Anyway, now that the Linder incursion is over and stamped out over here on OD, I need to spend today trolling Rabbi Eliar James’/jewseph Stalin November’s “Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia-Talksjew CI” 12-12-12 Talmudic Talksjew kikeathon. Rabbi Eliar has been seeing offering “Crumbs” offn the Loaves of Christian Israel bread reserved for the Children of True Israel to mamzer and kike dogs recently.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  15. Vargiiiiiiiina!!! Where is that mattoid colostomy-bag likkin’ meercat??? There you are!!!

    For some reason, when I read that the mental image of Mason Verger from Hannibal instantly came to mind.

  16. I notice that you give up posting over on VNNF a week or so ago. Giles gave up on it three days ago. Linder has annoyed Dr. Greg Johnson and appalled Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

    It is a waste of time to respond to those people.

    In our last discussion on TalkShoe, I told you that Alex would run Jim Giles off within the week, and that it was highly unlikely there would be a fourth debate on strategy. I also told you there was no point in censoring OD if he is going to allow VNN to be used as a platform to slander people.

    If he wants to post in the comments here, why not hold him to VNN’s own high standards?

  17. “During the third Giles Round-Table, Linder flatly insists that VNN has higher standards than OD. It is one thing to write that, but quite another to say it without hesitation and the other tics associated with lying. The effect is chilling. He is either a highly practiced, stone-cold liar (at least on this point) or he really believes it, which means he is out of touch with reality, i.e., psychotic.”

    I was floored by that one.

    If he had politely asked me to remove the trash talk on OD, I would have happily done so. In fact, I had already started to sandbox those comments after the last debate, but when I realized that he had no intention of doing the same on VNN and bragged about his own high standards, I decided that I would just hold him to his own standard whenever he manifested here.

  18. Y’all aren’t serious people because you’ve not dealt with any real world consequences of being Pro-White and Anti-Zionist publicly and non-anonymously. Keyboard warrior doesn’t quite capture your true impotence.

    As for me telephoning the SPLC, that’s what journalists do, i.e., inquire of others, ask questions, listen, ask more questions, a friendly exchange among those who differ on the issues of the day. I’m suspicious of those who will not defend their positions openly and against critics, e.g., Harold Covington who refuses to debate Brad Griffin on RFM. Griffin wins by default as did Dr. MacDonald on Monday when Mr. Potok declined the opportunity to address a man and debate a man that he condemns otherwise.

  19. P.S. Specifically, Brad accepted my invitation to debate Harold Covington on RFM whereas Mr. Covington declined my invitation to debate Brad Griffin on RFM.

    Mr. Covington comes across as weak, vulnerable and insecure.

    Mr. Covington, you have a standing invitation to debate the young buck at RFM.

  20. As for me telephoning the SPLC, that’s what journalists do, i.e., inquire of others, ask questions, listen, ask more questions, a friendly exchange among those who differ on the issues of the day.

    You’re being taken to task over etiquette, not journalistic enterprise. When you spring a telephone interview out of the blue on someone they are at a risk of losing face. They lose face if they refuse the interview. (“So just what are you hiding, Dr. Macdonald?” I could easily imagine you putting people on your own side on the spot like that; you already did it to Linder (“Would you shoot…?”), even as you were buddying up to him.) And they risk losing face if they agree to participate but, being unprepared, are made to sound stupid. It’s just not a position people want to find themselves in.

  21. they are at a risk of losing face

    I’m a risk taker.

    They lose face if they refuse the interview.

    To the contrary, they prevail and cower their oppressor.

    I could easily imagine you putting people on your own side on the spot

    I like putting people on the spot. It’s a gut drill.

    even as you were buddying up to him

    Yep, I’m jess a dumb friendly hillbilly. Jess ax, Herr ‘Exterminate All Jews’ Linder.

    And they risk losing face if they agree to participate but, being unprepared, are made to sound stupid.

    I expect all my guests to be prepared to answer any question and Dr. MacDonald was ready for Mr. Potok but Mr. Potok was not ready for Dr. MacDonald. It says a lot.

    It’s just not a position people want to find themselves in.

    If you prefer scripted and programmed broadcasts, safe and lots of preparation, a ‘professional’ where there are never any real surprises, don’t listen to RFM.

  22. I would be happy to debate Harold Covington.

    I’m willing to debate him purely on substance. I won’t even bring up the fact that he wrote an entire fantasy novel about me (because Robert Campbell caught him using a sock puppet) in which I am the President of the United States and his arch nemesis and he defeats me in Montana with his make believe legions. 🙂

  23. If I were to say anything in public I’d have every asshole like Chris telling me to eff off back to the UK. It would be counter productive. I’m a good wordsmith though and can turn a phrase.

    As a “foreign” I tend to find it’s best that I speak through my text rather than my own voice.

  24. “I’m a good wordsmith though and can turn a phrase.”

    No you’re not. You shoot your mouth off without checking well established and available facts about the subject at hand first. It is especially egregious when you get the facts about English history wrong. Eff off back to England you ignorant limey bastard.

  25. As for me telephoning the SPLC, that’s what journalists do, i.e., inquire of others, ask questions, listen, ask more questions, a friendly exchange among those who differ on the issues of the day.

    What a journalist does is ask Dr. MacDonald–weeks ahead of time, through the latter’s office–whether Dr. MacDonald would like to discuss his ideas on the air with Mr. Potok. If Dr. MacDonald says yes, the journalist politely telephones the Southern Poverty Law Center and invites Mr. Potok to participate in the discussion. If Mr. Potok agrees, the journalist schedules the event.

  26. Linder – his anal obsession, his abundant use of fecal matter in his texts, his extreme racial consciousness, his hatred of Whites whose racial consciousness is not based upon hatred of xenos but love and patriotism toward their own, his outrageous calumnies, his hypocrisy. Now let’s see. What does this remind me of?

    Linder is positively rabbinic in his racial stance. He is a Jew doing shyte on the White nation movement.

    I have long suspected this. It is a fact that there are many small-j jews in the WN movement: history provides examples, Dan Burros, Frank Collin and a couple of others exposed publicly. Some of them are actually often sensible enough, though usually whacky in some way or another. Birdman Bryant was accused of this and while I have no proof it sounds more than likely to me.

    As for my earlier statements about various nonwhite groups: I think history, and the modern examples of Haiti and Zimbabwe, point strongly in that direction, but that is by no means to say they will all revert to total barbarism and the Stone Age. The Dominican Republic, for instance, isn’t a very nice place by our standards, but it’s radically better than Haiti. Namibia is all black, but it’s all one tribe of blacks, and is a far better place than Zim: indeed so is Kenya and several other black African states. Parts of the Middle East are pretty nice when not being blown up, not just now, but historically, Beirut was a livable city with a certain appeal, and Baghdad was a center of learning that attracted European scholars at times within living memory.

    For that matter, even Mexico still had many nice cities, perfectly safe to foreigners who didn’t act stupidly until this recent drug cartel violence, and that will peter out after awhile. I have pleasant memories of the Federal District and Guadalajara and other places in Mexico as recently as the late 90s, but we went down there prepared and with people who knew what to do and what not to do.

    But overall, the non-White world will always be relatively hazardous and unpleasant, with no end of trouble for anyone naive or crazy enough to think one can act like a regular White person in a White area.

  27. What a journalist does is ask Dr. MacDonald–weeks ahead of time, through the latter’s office–whether Dr. MacDonald would like to discuss his ideas on the air with Mr. Potok. If Dr. MacDonald says yes, the journalist politely telephones the Southern Poverty Law Center and invites Mr. Potok to participate in the discussion. If Mr. Potok agrees, the journalist schedules the event.

    You seem well intentioned but apparently lack for meaningful experiences. Lecture me about journalism after you have spoken with the quantity and caliber of men and women that I have interviewed. I do it my way. Period.

    On another matter, having driven Linder from the field and into the sea, note his unwillingness to truly engage the opposition, Mr. Linder, you are invited back to RFM to debate Mr. Griffin. You would need of course to behave. Remember, sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you.

  28. I do it my way. Period.

    If your way happens to be uncivilized, Mr. Giles, then that’s nothing to be proud of, period or not.

  29. Rudel,

    You really think you are bright dont you? It’s probably been a major problem in your
    Personal and professional life. You think you are far more capable than you really are.
    Your constant attempts at “correction” (you do make a good case against the Khazar hypothesis) are boring pedantry. Really fucking boring. Admittedly Denise, Orthodox John and Joe needed corrections with the outlandish stuff, but are you really conflating a few errors made here and there, or contentious interpretation with the silly Khazar theory? Seriously?

  30. Rudel,
    Is this about the spat we had about the number of Jews at large in the Roman empire?
    If you want to return to this topic I’m all ears. The Jews maintained considerable power in the eastern provinces and a huge population that very nearly defeated the imperial designs of the Roman state. There were bloody wars fought between Roman and Jew for 100 years in Cyrencia, Cyprus, Judea, Egypt between the Revolt and the lesser known Kitos war, and their coreligionists in Babylon were always sending expeditions against Rome and inciting Rebellion. A Jewish army backed by Persia sacked Byzantine Jerusalem around 600’s and killed the Byzantines there. It was a prelude to the Islamic conquest.

    They must have been a considerable problem for Roman administrators and found in huge numbers if they were able to put up that much of a fight for so long. What did I suggest? Jews in Empire 10%? Is that what you are calling ignorance? Ignorance of what exactly? The battle between Jews and Roman for supremacy in the eastern med?

  31. Rabbi Linder’s gone wild

    I notice that on the relevant thread over on VNNF Rabbi Linder has gone wild stating that I am a twice-convicted child molester. Linder knows full well that the original charges has to be dismissed on Feb. 27, 2009 because my grandson refused to lie about myself.

    Linder instead dishonestly posts the very first post by one Jeromy Visser, a melungeon criminal that I’ve largely run out of the Christian Identity movement. Linder also ignores the followup post setting the matter straight. Whereupon, a real one-nutted wonder, LiarBill “MumpsNut” DeClue(less), another petty criminal that I ordained for two days before kicking him out for disloyalty, posts itz version of reality.

    Anyway, to set the record straight, I’ve never been convicted for child molestation albeit illegally imprisoned in a NutHouse, doped up and tortured for refusing to allow myself to be railroaded. In point of fact, I wasn’t even tried because when I finally was allowed to represent myself and face my purported accuser, the case fell apart because it never happened.

    And Linder knows as much. In fact, three years ago when I was taking Linder to task for testifying for ZOG against Bill White, Linder said that it got to lie about me because I ‘lied’ about it. This was from Dec 15, 2009 when Giles ambushed Brad Griffin and started the screetch that Greg Johnson is a homosexual in order to divert attention that Linder is an informant running a data-mining operation to catch fools like Bill White, Kevin Harpham, and possibly others.

    I could sue Linder for libel per se, no need to prove malice because by definition claiming that someone is a convicted child molester is deemed malicious on its very face. However, I think it is best to leave ZOGbot meercats where such can be monitored by all sides.

    And yes, like most genuine DSCI, I’m sure Linder is a jew with a jew immune disease eating it out like Herod.

    Perhaps I can get on one of your podcasts so that you can see what real maniacs look like Dr. Johnson, or you can drop into The Movement Turd. But not this Sunday. Survivor’s on.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

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