About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Signed it but can’t believe a Yankee like myself has to sign a SC petition.

    Thinking about the Arab Spring and all, Amuurikan politics are more divisive than any of those countries’ politics were or are at least on the public level. All I can say is when some rival power finally learns to connect to the disaffected and at least promise them a government that won’t screw them over as the left does out of racial or ethnic animus ‘Muurika is doomed.

  2. @ Oculus and others

    I remind myself before I enjoin anyone else. Not that OD readers should take up stock-car race watching but let’s not forget there are anti-whites reading this blog. Let’s not trash talk other Whites here.

    That’s all I wanted to say.
    Oh and hello to all my fans at “fstdt”.

  3. Can someone explain why Mississippi could not get 25,000 signatures?

    As I have said before, guerrilla marketing and infrastructure, that is what will build us to victory in a non-binding referendum.

    Too many people are buying guns and ammo, too much money was spent on Romney Ryan 2012, when even a fraction of that devoted to this cause would ensure victory.

    For an encore, we need to get the flag and sign campaign ready. All those voting politics organizations are crap; when the focus is on practical politics, they are nowhere to be found. Merlin Miller had a chance? Virgil Goode had a chance? No! But secession does!

    Guerrilla marketing and infrastructure

  4. When might Obama deliver his “response” to the fact that a goodly number of Americans are through with the Union?

    I would imagine Jan 20th, 2013, his inaugural address is his de facto response, whether he intends it to be or not.

    At the oath of office he starts his second term already crippled by money matters and secession; that is good for us.

    We need to prove that secession is no one-hit-wonder with a flag and sign campaign launched 20 January 2013.

    Flags of distress and flags of states rights and rebellion should hang until we gain our nation. I would hope that dues-collecting groups are going to leverage those dues into the purchase of giant billboards along major interstates in secession-ready states in order to further impress on friend and foe that this is real.

    I have purchased several flags for 100 bucks recently, and can give them out, or offer to trade them for a person’s US flag.

    Additionally, we can mark state borders as “Future border of Independent Texas” and the like, or “You would now be leaving Marxist America and entering the future home of Freedom if we secede.” “We promise not to tax you to death” And so on.

  5. “Can someone explain why Mississippi could not get 25,000 signatures?”

    There are a lot of news stories making fun of the same set of “bitter, unpatriotic” signers doing all the petitions, and that a lot of the Texas petitioners were actually from other states.

  6. “Can someone explain why Mississippi could not get 25,000 signatures?”

    “Mississippi is smaller than the other Lower South states”


    Mississippi has 2.8 million people (1.7 million White people.)
    Wyoming has only 500,000. So MS has 5 1/2 times the population (3.4 X the White population) as WY does.

    WY won’t make its secession threshold, either, but with 9,000 votes, that’s an ASTONISHINGly large response for such a low pop state. If WY had 1.7 million White people, as MS does, proportionately we’d have garnered 30,000 + votes , PLENTY for a response from King BO (spit).
    So, I used to say that WY is the second reddest state in America, 2nd only to MS. But, now, I say WY is the REDDEST (“red” being used as a proxy for conservative, i.e., normal White, thinking) in America.

    And *note* all you folks who blame libtardism on lack of proximity to blacks: WY is 90% White (only 1 to 2 percent black — our Diversities are Mexican mestizo imminvaders). WY is one of the least diverse places in America, yet we are the REDDEST. Explain, please.
    Truth is, it’s NOT proximity to blacks that makes White people think right. It’s proximity to Jews that makes them think WRONG. (With some Puritan insanity thrown in.) No jews, no puritans, just right.

  7. None of the governors or higher state officials gave any moral support to the petitions. I predict the petitions will soon be forgotten, though petitioners’ names will remain archived.

  8. “ere are a lot of news stories making fun of the same set of “bitter, unpatriotic” signers doing all the petitions, and that a lot of the Texas petitioners were actually from other states.”

    Oh, please. A signer who’s going to go to the trouble to sign other states’ petitions, will sign them all.
    There are states with only 150 sigs. Therefore there are not more than 150 people who did this thing of signing other states’ petitions.

  9. Ron Paul’s name appears in many of the news stories for his “outspoken” support of the petitioners and the states’ right of secession.

  10. Some states (ours included) had multiple secession petitions going since there was no organisation, and with multiple petitions there is much less likelihood of getting enough signatures on any one.

  11. The threshold was met, now additional signatures can be placed without limit. The Texas petition is still gathering signatures, three days after their 30 day window date.

  12. @ barb “…WY is one of the least diverse places in America, yet we are the REDDEST. Explain, please….

    Very true. Vermont v West Virginia, also.

    Like the South, the West has held onto some semblance of Identity in the era of “identity politics” (i.e., creating “identity” for some people, and erasing “identity” for other people).

    Both are heavily colonial. No one thinks of the south as colonial (due to the war), but there is nearly categorical overlap between those who fought in confederacy and the revolution. Older populations— with a memory.

  13. Mosin Nagant says:

    There are a lot of news stories making fun of the same set of “bitter, unpatriotic” signers doing all the petitions, and that a lot of the Texas petitioners were actually from other states.

    Yet the American Left wants the United States to fall and have all the bankers and corporations working hard on it. They ought not to bitch about all 50 states breaking into their own nations and thus finally killing the US.

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