About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Is there really a white RACE again — and not just “different peoples” or ethnic groups that are more or less related, genetically, culturally, historically, geographically, etc.?

  2. I see Tom Hayden and Van Jones had kinds words for Thom Hartmann on his web site. LOL.

    Hat’s off to Matthew Heimbach for taking on leftist scum in their own warrens. Double-hat’s off for not backing down on the idea that Jews are not white because Jews themselves set themselves apart.

    Thom Hartman used the same talking points I run into most often myself when I bring up the idea whites need to organize to secure common interests.

    The idea is that White folks no credible reason to organize because most of the power positions are occupied by White faces. Anti-whites love this talking point, I run into it more often than any other point, and I thought Matthew Heimbach had a good answer for it. It’s meaningless that the faces are White if they don’t advocate for white interests which they don’t.

  3. Thom rode the whole segment into the intellectual gutter by pointing out that ‘white people’ control a lot of wealth over and over again. Matthew spun out.

    Need to name the Yankee guys.

    Since when are we supposed to go to bat for anyone just because they’re white? This was hard to watch.

  4. Mr Hartmann, as a white man, why aren’t you nakedly pro white?

    Hartman: Because we are bad people.

    Do we deserve to be genocided? Is that what you want? Will pay for our sins?

    Why are we being asked to pay for our crimes as a race, but not say, the Egyptians and their genocide against the people near them, or the Mongols or Chinese and their neighbors?

    Why are you justifying genocide.

    Hartmann: I don’t think genocide is going on.

    What is happening to the percentage of the population that is white? In America, in the world? It is going down, is it not? Is it justified because of the bad things whites have done? Is it payback? Is it karma? is it to be applauded? If so you are justifying genocide as a punishment for past crimes.

  5. Like Chuck Thompson, Thom Hartmann is another cartoon example of the Yankee DWL, and a poignant reminder of why all three White Republics in American history ultimately failed.

  6. Matthew isn’t quite up to this wormtongue yet. When Thom brought up Mugabe that was a freeway wide opportunity. Heimbach should have asked if Robert Mugabe and the experience of post-white RHODESIA illustrated that blacks were better off under Ian Smith and white rule. When Thom said off course not, Heimbach should have asked Thom to confirm that he apparently believes black self-rule accompanied by widespread white and black murder and economic collapse is better than white rule with relative peace and economic progress. Just wonderin’ you numbskull.

  7. An bleary-eyed Indian brought Thom back to his wigwam once and Thom smoked his peace-pipe. Thanks for ending racism, now go suck on your highlighter, spaz.

    Afterthought good questions. I’d offer a one word response: Lincoln.

  8. A bleary-eyed Indian brought Thom back to his wigwam once and Thom smoked his peace-pipe. Thanks for ending racism, now go suck on your highlighter, spaz.

    Afterthought good questions. I’d offer a one word response: Lincoln.

  9. “Neither humanity or race is synonymous with tribe.”

    Nor is humanity synonymous with race. Nor are humanity, race or tribe synonymous with ethnic group or with nation. And so on.

    But the point of my rhetorical question was that white RACE seems to be acknowledged in the post title (“Is the white race an endangered species?”) !

  10. Admirer: I can only applaud the young man, but I would point out that in debate, sometimes it is best to respond to a question with a question of your own.

    In general, there is widespread confusion in terms of the Jews. Are they, some wonder, rehabilitatable, or are they intractable enemies of “Caucasians”. The mentality of the Jews can be found in Exodus 17

    “13 And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

    14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

    15 And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:

    16 For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”

    Remember, the Hebrews were trespassing in the lands of Amalek!!! How dare they defend themselves? We shall have war with them for ever!

    Religion of Peace…

  11. Humanity and white race do not exist, but ethnic groups and nations do exist. But ethnic groups and nations do not exist either, but (ad absurdum) only individual physical human beings really exist.

  12. Jews are the core of the ruling class of this country they are waging ethnic warfare against whites via third world immigrantion, powerful white people have sold out their race for money and power. Mathew stumbled a little cause he didn’t want to go into full name the Jew mode and so didn’t have a good answer to why white people are oppressed when most powerful people in America have white skin. To all you Southerners out there you do have a point about some Yankees that host is like a living stereotype of a slimy Yankee faggy race traitor.

  13. It’s meaningless that the faces are White if they don’t advocate for white interests which they don’t.

    Exactly. Most of these “White” faces in power positions are Yankees (or Jews). Since when have they ever been looking out for White interests?

  14. So was Mr. Heimbach advocating southern nationalism (speech patterns, history, distinct territory, culture) or white nationalism?

    In reality, they cannot really be separated. An independent South would be the nucleus of a global white Alliance, nor could it exist without external allies (see also Iran re Shia and Islam).

    An Independent South would have state like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah clamoring to get out of a lopsidedly anti white rump of the Union. White counties from allegedly blue states would also clamor to get in. Canadian provinces would be sure to follow.

    In other words, this isn’t tiddlywinks. We are pushing for a geopolitical earthquake.

    Folks like Thom Hartmann aren’t our target audience, he thinks that the Aryans were bad people, demonic even. I am a proud Aryan. He thinks whites should feel guilty, cowed, and ashamed. I refuse to. We need to target the 80% of of whites that can be reached with a message of peaceful national reorganization, that will leave us better off. The failing of the current system will complete the sale.

    Our people aren’t angels, no, they love comfort too much. But they deserve to live, they deserve to have a home of their own. We need to provide them a credible and comfortable path out of their current predicament.

  15. “Is there really a white RACE again”

    There’s a human species which divides into separate races and the separate races divide into their composite tribes and nations. If you can unite the white race as a whole that would be best but if it’s easier to do it in national or tribal blocs first and then ally the blocs together then do that instead. Whatever works.

  16. Mathew stumbled a little cause he didn’t want to go into full name the Jew mode and so didn’t have a good answer to why white people are oppressed when most powerful people in America have white skin.

    It’s Heimbach’s own fault. Based on his own postings he has clearly bought into the vanguardist (ie extremist and despairist) view of the racial predicament and of racial relations. That view isn’t without its home truths, but the effect of buying into it unreservedly is that it leaves you unprepared to deal with normal people’s questions and concerns. Let this be a lesson to him (and to all who fancy publicly defending the cause).

  17. Prussiancroat, yankees have been doing that way before the Jews showed up in numbers. They did it to Southron Whites, then again to their own native born Whites when they flooded the nation with the various White ethnic groups.

    There is nothing new under the sun

  18. Well said, Afterthought, as always. Lefties like Hartmann are a lost cause and will eventually reap what they’ve sown from their pets. He isn’t worth the time of day (or that other commonly known “isn’t worth…”)

    Lew @ 5:36 AM took the words right out of my mouth.

  19. Matthew’s arguments were good but the debating style that Thom Hartmann uses has to be stopped dead in its tracks. No one who speaks with him should let him get away with it.

    Hartmann asks a question then allows his opponent about 3.4 seconds of a reply before interrupting him with yet another attacking question. He uses this bullying tactic to control the flow of the debate and keep his opponent constantly on the defensive.

    You can’t let anyone control a debate that way.

  20. Couple of points on Hartmann – mainly attack vs defence related. Almost every point thay make contains an anti-white double standard. The simplest strategy is to take each point, spin it around, find the double-standard and fire it back.

    (Not a criticism of Heimbach as he does a good job.)

    1) Collective responsibility – when he talks about the history in Rhodesia and America he’s implying all white people are responsible for everything every white person has ever done.
    – Does that apply to every ethnic group or just white people?
    – Is a white child born today responsible for slavery?
    – If 400 years your ancestor murdered my ancestor is it okay if i murder you?
    A lot of what anti-whites do involves implying but not stating explicitly something which would be seen as unfair and unreasonable if stated aloud but which can still instill feelings of guilt if only implied. Stating it explicitly pops the bubble.

    2) White-faced people in charge.
    – Does having black people in charge in Africa automatically mean they’re looking out for the interests of other black people?
    – Does having upper caste brown people in charge in India automatically mean they’re looking out for the lower caste brown people?

    3) Bankers and Jews.
    If bankers are operating as a caste following their own economic interests it doesn’t matter if they’re Jewish or not. Either way they’re not operating as “white people” in the sense of a collective group – they’re acting as a caste.

    4) Smallpox
    – The people at the time had no idea how smallpox spread.
    – The Indians had no immunity to eurasian diseases. Even if white people (or asians) had solely come to trade on the beach and never settled they would still have wiped out millions of indians inland without ever knowing they did it.

    5) White predatory culture
    – Bantu expansion, Arab conquests, Mongols, Han expansion etc. Everybody did the same stuff at some point in their history. The only difference between white and non-white is technology gave white people the ability to do more of it.

  21. Matthew is young and he played defense. I’d like to see Jared Taylor or Alex Linder on there. I’d like to g o myself. I’d do long pauses and hard stares after his questions. After questions like, “what are you going to do with non-whites” I’d just shrug and say, “I don’t know.”

    Mostly I’d ignore his attack questions , look at the camera, and say, “The reason Whites are falling behind is because we aren’t sticking up for ourselves as a group, the way the other races are. When Whites start working together, as Whites, things will get better for us.” I’d be very rude to him as he is rude to us, and if he ended up not airing the piece, screw it. Frankly, I’d be sorely tempted to throttle him.

  22. Good stuff test.

    The southerners on these shoes are subjecting themselves to a host/guest format that is hostile. This requires exactly what you state.

    Also in 20 years whites won’t only be despised but also a subject people colonized by Asians.

  23. Just reel off the farm murders in SA and Rhodesia. That pussy should be made to go on record as a blood thirsty sadist who enjoys seeing his own people wiped out.

  24. Matthew did okay there.

    Hartmann really fugging hates himself. What a disgusting pussy. If western society is so evil this cretin should move to a mud hut in Mali.


  25. Most of the population of blacks in SA are migrant workers from further north. Also the local blacks were never farmers, miners or builders. Nothing was stolen from them.

  26. Final points:

    If you are interrupted tell the interviewer to cut it out or the interview is done.

    He also mentioned the Caucasus. Jews didn’t originate there. They are not categorically white. They can intermarry with Asians and blacks and the offspring can maintain their Jewish ethnicity. They will easily adapt to shifts in global hegemony and abandon any temporary identification with whites (whom they tend to hate anyway).
    There are examples of them insinuating themselves into China today. Additionally Yankees have traditionally attacked colonial white populations in favour of blacks and Asians in repeated military and diplomatic power moves, wreaking the hand of allies in Europe and white populations in north America. Fugging Yankees.

  27. There is no white race till its time for blame or AA or for wordists like this Nagant fellow who at once denies whites are a race and then like a dope goes into straight racial talk from lefty central. Then when it comes to immigration and dispossesnion notice how well trained Mommy Prof wordists like this Nagant know instinctively that only white countries can be flooded, the rest are sacrosanct reservations of color full of non-white races. And he has bible verses to prove all this non-sense.

  28. Silver,

    Since when is lying leftist filth like Thom Hartmann a “normal” person? Hartman’s admirers include dangerous fanatics like Van Jones and Tom Hayden. Tom Hayden (Northerner from Michigan) helped create the SDS in the early 1960s, an organization which later spawned the Weather Underground.

    Hartmann’s Christopher Columbus talking point was taken straight from Tom Hayden’s so-called “Port Huron Statement” (published in 1962). Hayden’s “Port Huron Statement” is a founding document for the American New Left (a movement with deep Jewish roots). The first grievance listed in the document had to do with — what else? — white racism in the Western Hemisphere since the time of Columbus.

    Hartmann is not normal. He is a lying, malicious prick who talked over Heimbach with superficial taking points rather than engage in fair debate. Hartmann appears to fit the profile of a certain leftist type that only understands one language. General Pinochet showed us how to deal with that type.

  29. Would backing away from “extremist” or “vanguardist” positions satisfy anti-white whites like Hartmann? Is there anyone here who thinks the chances of that happening are something other than zero?

  30. It’s like a flashback to 1970!

    Seemingly, Thommy totally ‘BOUGHT’ the myopic narratives of all non-white peoples, lol. And has no sophisticated (multi-dimensional) view of history at all! He actually believes the “noble savage” narrative.

    And justifies Genocide of Whites b/c, unlike everyone else, they are BAD, lmao!

    Thom’s whole life motivation seems he does not want to be seen as BAD! Maybe his mom made him watch The Chris-Mathews-Channels-Mean-Nuns show as a kid— where his knuckles got rapped and he got castigated for being BAD! stupid and White! all evening long, LOL.

    —that would make thommy’s mommy a mean white, too!

  31. I’d tell the jerk to

    1) Stop interrupting me
    2) Go on the attack.
    3) Jews are NOT White. Stop dancing around. Ask, “ARE the financial systems owned and run by Jews, or NOT?” go on the EFFING

  32. AAAGGGHHH! I’d have called that prick out ASAP, on the White people taking away farms from the “indigenous” Africans, in Rhodesia – THERE WERE NO FARMS, BEFORE WHITES GOT THERE.

    Matt is too polite. Also – Native Americans are WHITE. The USA was founded by BY Whites. NOT Land Bridge Asians.

    Attack EVERY single word those SOB’s say.

  33. Does Hartmann live in a Negro area of DC? Point out the blatant self-delusion, and hypocrisy? Re: predators – where does that beeyich live?

  34. Hartmann’s argument that Whites are apex predators and thus deserve extinction, even if it were true, doesn’t make any sense. Tigers, polar bears, and great whites (the other ones, LOL) are great predators and conservationists fight to save these beautiful creatures. The same is true for Whites.

  35. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘Thom Hartmanm isn’t a Jew. He is a Yankee.’

    Wiki: ‘… the son of a staunch conservative Republican, atheist father and a Christian mother.’

    So, his mother is Catholic and his father was atheist. That does not preclude the possibility of them being ethnic jews.

    Wiki: ‘His paternal grandparents were from Norway.’

    Plenty of jews named Hartmann

    Wiki: ‘Interested in politics from a young age, he campaigned for Barry Goldwater during the 1964 presidential election when he was 13.’

    Campaigned for Goldwater at the age of 13? Goldwater was 1/2 jew.

    This dude is slick, slippery, verbally adroit and viciously anti-white. He’s just got to have jews in his genetic woodpile.

  36. Martin Lindstedt is right about Tribulation and the Imploding and Collapse of Babylon the Third and Final. Most of the Whiggers will die and 10 Million Whites left under 10000 Warlords to create a new White Civilization. The White Race will be culled down. The Whiggers will not Morph into White Men—-they will die in the Tribulation. When the Ransome Money runs out—Watch Out!!!! Best to be in rural area and prepared for what is to come. Francis Parker Yockey says we are in the Suicide Phase of White Christian Civilization. Alex Jones of infowars might be a double agent—but his video STRATEGIC RE-LOCATION which is two hours has some good info. Lindstedt is right on it when he talks about the Bowell Movement. Day of Reckoning is Coming—Get Ready Whitey!!!

  37. Couple more

    “2) Go on the attack.
    3) Jews are NOT White.”

    A reverse attack for this one might be
    tard: are Jews white?
    decentperson: do you think Jews are white?
    tard: yes of course
    decentperson: so when you say white people are intrinsicially evil you include Jews?
    tard: (thinks omg noze i’ll be fired!!!!!) no of course not!!!
    decentperson: why not?
    tard: well they weren’t there
    decentperson: nor were lithuanians but they’re still included. nor was every white child alive today but they’re still included. unless you include Jews when you’re attacking white people then you obviously don’t count Jews as white yourself.

    “Would backing away from “extremist” or “vanguardist” positions satisfy anti-white whites like Hartmann?”

    They don’t matter. What matters is the effect on the audience. You can be as extremist as you like once you’ve stripped them of their moral superiority in the eyes of the audience.

  38. I don’t think anyone here knows the first fucking thing about niggers.

    You boys are just too fucking smart for your own good.

    You young boys, if you want to learn what matters most start digging into your state supreme court files and reading about nigger crime against white women in particular and then you will not come across as pussies when dealing with homo looking and acting Harmann. If you are a genuine man the rage will come out in you and you will start being aggressive and confident.

  39. @Jim Giles

    “I don’t think anyone here knows the first fucking thing about niggers.”

    – Frankly I don’t think you know the first fucking thing about anything.

  40. “I don’t think anyone here knows the first fucking thing about niggers.”

    I grew up in a 90% black area, went to a 90% black school and spent a lot of years working in 90% black areas. I wish i didn’t know anything about them – especially the casual child-like sadism.

  41. Lew, Denise: The goal isn’t to “win a debate” but to rally our people.

    You accomplish that by convincing them that they would be better off after secession.

    You accomplish that by making them feel comfortable; defending racism doesn’t make them feel comfortable at this point.

  42. Living, working and studying around them is not knowing the nigger. Repeat, slow down and dig deep into the minute detail provided for you at the state supreme courts, the factual account provided by the court when the nigger appeals his trial court conviction and life/murder sentence.

    Go retrieve the death scene photos and post them here and have lawyers lined up and ready.

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