About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They should invoke their white privilege, or the laws that force businesses to serve folks they don’t like to get back up and running.

  2. Ha Ha. The two ‘Catholics’ Walsh and Matthews jew the fat with the yenta as they assault the next barricade to Satandom on earth – ‘gay marriage’. This is a Schmoscreen brought to TVland by the Tribe which owns and operates msnbc.

    Walsh and Matthews are dyed in the wool liberals. They adhere to all the Jew liberal ideologies and causes with slavish shabbos goy stupidity.

    The entire load of codswallop is under the anathema of Pope Pius IX. The Revolutionary ideology of liberalism is defined exactly and condemned in perpetuity in Quanta Cura (the Syllabus of Errors) given in Rome Dec 8, 1864. Liberals like shabbos goy Walsh and shabbos goy Matthews were under the anathema then. They are under the anathema now. So how is it they are ‘Catholics’?

  3. Most normal white people like we on these sites sympathize with are backwards. That is the blunt truth. That is why they are losing everything.

    Yes, normal, salt of the earth whites don’t go for queer sex, social Marxism, the type of trash that comes out of Hollywood and what goes on in places like NYC, etc., etc. But they are not too sophisticated. And Alex Linder is right about some of what he says, namely that too many of “our side” shun books and learning like the devil stays away from Holy water.

    This post is not to denigrate; it is to give an accurate tactical report of an important characteristic present down here “on the ground.” It is why I am not at all optimistic about much, no matter if there is secession or any other short term gain.

  4. I am not saying that I disagree with everything the Irish do. But I like, and have liked since 2007, using the Irish as an example against the “Single Jewish cause.” It basically shows that someone can look white and be alienated and that Jews aren’t the only group capable of this.

    The funny thing is that I think Irish people compensate by trying to be WNs and knock the Jews down because they believe it makes them appear Whiter to English and Germans. It’s similar to what ‘self-hating Jews’ are accused, not that I have a problem with people hating themselves.

  5. Since Liberalism was condemned by the Vatican more than a century ago, it is truly stupid to allow oneself to recklessly attack the largest Christian denomination and second largest ethnic group among white American just because you are surrounded by ignorant Southern Baptists who think the Bible was written in English.

  6. “Liberals like shabbos goy Walsh and shabbos goy Matthews were under the anathema then. They are under the anathema now. So how is it they are ‘Catholics’?”

    Lynda- are you REALLY asking that question, or don’t you get around in your sedevacantist SSPX liturgical compound in the outback of Oz?

    They are ‘catholics’ because they are using the EXACT SAME BELIEF SYSTEM given them by their Liberal RC clergy/hierarchs, here in the USA.

    Pius the whoever is not ‘relevant’ anymore. The Church that was semper edeam, is now semper judeam, today. THAT’S how these ‘dumb micks’ are ‘good cat’licks’ just like Ted Kennedy was. Your view of the Church of Rome is SOOO last century. Like.


  7. Mere cultural ‘Catholics’ are not in any meaningful sense Catholic. The Catholic Church adamantly opposes abortion and sodomite ‘marriage’. Hunter why characterize someone who has rejected fundamentals of the Catholic Faith as ‘Catholic’? It’s begging the question.

  8. Brutus is unfortunately correct. Too many of the good folks on our side simply do not read widely enough or think outside the box. Far too many are content to read only the stuff that their own groups put out without doing any critical thinking. This is especially true of Christian Identity groups. These organizations seem to recycle each others literature without producing any new research or original material. They also don’t have leaders who are highly educated or competent in what they are writing or talking about. And sadly, when they do get an educated person, too many times he’s attracted to the flaky ideas that far too many of these groups espouse.

  9. Lynda,

    It’s standard you’ll use the argument “These are not REAL catholics.” (Just like going on about Jews –which everybody already knows reams about, btw— and when that doesn’t get you what you want, it will be de enlightenment, de protestants, a protestant sub-group, etc.)

    Note this is the same argument blacks make with: Da White Debil Make me Do Dat. Everyone in your group, who you don’t agree with (but whose actions you benefit from) is relegated to the equivalent of “oreos” (black turncoats seen as white on the inside), in order to save your sense of your own morality.

    Dat Ebil En-lite-men! Dem Jews! Dem Prot-stants!

    Meantime EVERYBODY knows no one is more “Oppressed” than the freaking Irish. Even MATT HEMIBACH invoked “Irish Need Not Apply” signs to justify his White student Union, letting everyone on t.v. know he’s The GOOD WHITE, (yes, he really did that).

    You will not hear moi claiming people who don’t agree with me aren’t “REAL protestants.” Because what they claim to be is —in some ways— immaterial in the political realm.

    The point is their shenanigans and their Will To Power, and who benefits.

    People like Chris Matthews (by degrading Americans of other types, and doing his nightly demoralization routine) got catholics the Supreme Court majority, the immigration act and much more—– So, take up your space, you winner, you!

    Chris Mathews does a lot for catholic power. “Real” catholics benefit from every word out of his mouth.

  10. Why even bother to listen to this drivel anymore? We all know that these folks have our destruction planned so to give them any attention whatsoever is a waste of our time…

  11. Brutus,

    It doesn’t matter that what Mathews says about ‘stupid rubes’ is somewhat true—- HE CHOSES not to elevate. HE CHOSES to shame. He communicates exactly what he is, which ensures debates are never raised above the level of the gutter. And his dripping catholic shame, that tone of humiliation and exposure, keeps the audience in fear of being singled out and ostracized.

    In a climate with two working parents, or screwed-over singles, or dates with foreigners that people don’t enjoy but go on b/c that’s all that lives around them anymore, a health-care system that makes them sicker if they get sick, fast foods b/c there is no time to cook, entertainments (when they have a moment to spare) that are basically pornography, etc—-

    —-it can take real resources (internal or external or both) to elevate oneself.

    People like Mathews are WORSE than the “rubes” he is trying to shame. He has enough resources (at least now) that he could have made another choice and didn’t.

    Not so the others.

  12. Brutus–I think the issue is that the PTB are gunning for whites. Average whites are hardly the least capable group in the nation, and I don’t think any group of average citizens, no matter what their background, would hold up well under the pressure that average whites are under.

    If the federal government were used to undermine and replace jews, blacks, hispanics, gays, or any other group, and the media went along with constant criticism, distortion, demonizing and mockery, I don’t think the other groups would fare any better.

    The problem is that the so-called leaders in the national Republican party were in on the war on whites. Many whites have understood this for a very long time, but there isn’t much that can be done that is legal in a rigged system.

  13. Maureen Dowd is at least a bit savvy and sexy. She has some class. Doesn’t like our politics but you could have tea with her.

    This Walsh wench should have her head shaven or worse.

  14. @Dixiegirl: The Irish have their Gypo Nolans and southerners (of which I doubt you are one) have their scalawags, e.g., William Jefferson Clinton, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Albert Arnold Gore Jr., James Earl Carter Jr., Lindsey Graham, Haley Barbour, Michael Dale Huckabee. Need I go on? Between Joan Walsh and Chris Matthews and this rogue’s gallery of southerners I will leave it up to the readers who has done the most damage.

  15. And why might the Irish have a chip on their shoulder?


    One might say the Yankees are trying to do to the southern Scotch Irish now what Cromwell and the Scotch-Irish did to the Irish, yes?

    Further, these two Irish dolts are merely dancing to a tune. They are the “house Irish” so to speak to put an Irish face on Yankee and YKW machinations. In no meaningful sense are the Irish controlling their own destiny in this country. Matthews and Walsh don’t realize that they were engineered by the Yankees to be the way they are – democrats (i.e., identity-less Borg) first and catholics second.


  16. Brutus is spot on. Conservatives surrendered the humanities and arts to Marxists, forgetting that it is these areas that have the much greater influence on young minds and future leaders than the hard sciences.
    Perhaps these spokes mouth do us more good than harm. Coupled with Django Unchained, Machete, etc it helps isolate whites. Isolated people will seek company…with us!

  17. What I don’t get about these Catholic blowhards like Matthews etc., is what do they expect to accomplish by their anti-White Protestant propaganda? Will the Jews give them a pat on the head, and a few more dollars?

  18. Remember—The Scotch-Irish really distrusted the Irish Catholics, because they knew that the Catholics had tried to kill them as they slept. That’s not make believe either. Ever heard the story of the jenny wren?

  19. Fr John.

    Think before you hit the keyboard. My question is rhetorical. It was Alice in Wonderland who famously disputed the question of definitions and whether a thing is so because it was named so by Humpty Dumpty. “The question is whether a thing can mean all the things you say?”

    Humpty’s response: “The question is who is master. That is all.”

    Anyone can call themselves a Catholic or a Cherokee or a Druid or Southern Nationalist or whatever. But these collective nouns have precise definitions and criteria. People either fit them or they don’t.

    Walsh and Matthews are talking heads for the Jew networks. They are Humpty Dumpties. They will call themselves whatever they are paid to call themselves by the Big Machers.

    I can’t believe we are having this discussion. Again.

    And you are wrong about Pope Pius IX. Quanta Cura is one of the most important documents of the Revolutionary era post 1789. It is the most comprehensive statement of the liberalist ideology that exists. It nailed the liberal colours to the mast for the delusional and the post delusional inDUHviduals and denizens of uncharted sociological space.

    Our Lord will restore His Church. Obviously you did not get the part about the gates of hell could not prevail. How long did the Arian Crisis last? Four hundred years. It is early days yet.

    And for our sins, Benedict has just this month mounted the podium of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (Dec 3, 2012). Not content with his call for a World Central Bank in 2010, now he is calling for the establishement of World Government with universal jurisdictional authority over the New World Order. Apparently Paul VI’s mandate to the UN as ‘the last great hope for mankind’ has failed. So now the full Plank of the Commintern must be presented as the ordo to the chao.


    Nations who have rejected the Kingship of Christ and Apostolic Law are bound to have problems.

    There is only one order founded by God for the regeneration, moral progress and sanctification of nations (as nations – ethne). It is called the Church. Our tragedy is that the institutional structures of the Church are at present in the hands of its foes and the foes of all humanity. Your tragedy is that you don’t see it.

  20. White ethnics need to stfu and identify as white American or better yet envelop themselves in Southron culture/ support the cause anyway possible. It’s time to make your peace with what’s left of English-American culture or admit you’re a cultural termite like Walsh, Matthews, et. al. If you prefer being an identity politicker to a normal white person when we’re down, screw you when we’re back on top.

    That goes double for non-Christians, especially Jews.

  21. One of the most annoying things about white nationalists is this don’t “attack other white nationalities” crap.

    Like people are going to hold hands by the fire and sing kum ba yah, then all of a sudden unload on non-whites.

    Screw that, I call Southern European mongrels (arguably darker than Middle Easterners), I consider Russians to be stupid, I consider Irish to be similar to reform Jews in terms of being alienated (I will grant that Irish don’t have anything that resembles Orthodox Jews), I consider Poles to be fat, I consider Greeks to be homosexual peddlers until they were influenced by Christianity, I consider Germans to be barbarians….

  22. Two more Yankees of Irish Catholic background give their take on White Christian conservatives

    Actually the term “Yankee” refers to the Anglo-Saxon Protestant population of New England.

  23. The Scotch-Irish really distrusted the Irish Catholics, because they knew that the Catholics had tried to kill them as they slept.

    What are you talking about?

    That’s not make believe either.

    Certainly sounds make believe.

    Ever heard the story of the jenny wren?

    Please enlighten us.

  24. What I don’t get about these Catholic blowhards like Matthews etc., is what do they expect to accomplish by their anti-White Protestant propaganda? Will the Jews give them a pat on the head, and a few more dollars?

    Since they work for the Jews and are promoting Jewish propaganda, they hope to hold onto their jobs. The important thing to realize is that these people are only puppets and that their true masters are the Jews.

  25. But I like, and have liked since 2007, using the Irish as an example against the “Single Jewish cause.”

    These two Irish Americans work for the Jews. Eliminate the Jewish problem and people like these two would have to go out and get real jobs instead of being mouthpieces for their Jewish masters.

  26. The funny thing is that I think Irish people compensate by trying to be WNs and knock the Jews down because they believe it makes them appear Whiter to English and Germans.

    No, the Irish knock the Jews down because we know that the Jews are our enemies.

  27. Why do you think the Scotch-Irish Protestants came to the US in the first place—to get away from the Irish Roman Catholics!

    The same reason the Pennsylvania Dutch Protestants came to America to get away from the French & Spanish Roman Catholics.

    It ain’t rocket science sonny. A-holes like Matthew, O’Donnell, Maddow, etc. etc. explain why.

  28. @iceman

    Whatever negative qualities Greeks Irish Russians or Poles have they are better than Jews they are out kin at least in larger sense and they are Christians. What your opinion of these nationalities is of no importance, humanity has already given it’s judgement over your tribe and it’s not very complimentary.

  29. HW- again, the forum degenerates into the regional bickering that the ‘nations’ that Woodard delineates in his book, (to which you have all given us great insights) exist.

    Why do we maintain the fiction that we are ONE People, when we are at least three- political, physical, religious- before we even break up into our respective ‘geopolitical factions’?

    At least Woodard tried to group the disparate elements of each group according to the majority traits of each, and work from there.

    Lynda- I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Barely. But, I don’t see any changes in America- like the firing of all tenured liberal idiots at Fordham, the excom-munication of all liberal Senators, Governors, Mayors, etc. who are (say) pro-abort- Notre Dame still has had Vagina Monologues, Obummer, and Gay Student marches in her recent past…where’s all this ‘hope and change’ you keep thinking is going to appear? Or do you actually think that some minor ‘liturgical’ changes (consubstantial? why not just say what the BCP has said for five hundred years- ‘of like substance’…) is going to negate the overarching JUDAIZING tone of the Documents of Vatican II? – like Nostra Aetate, for instance?

    And the not-so-veiled insult of Confednorth (are you RC, dear sir?) that went something like this: “These organizations seem to recycle each others literature without producing any new research or original material. They also don’t have leaders who are highly educated or competent in what they are writing or talking about. And sadly, when they do get an educated person, too many times he’s attracted to the flaky ideas that far too many of these groups espouse”, ignores a major element (as any critique of CI always seem to do).

    Your statement beggars the point, that there WERE intelligent men in that arena (CI) back when it was ‘allowed’- men who were ordained/educated clergy; men who had J.D’s, men who were biblically literate, and yet- were fighting the battle we are NOW fighting, long before anyone in the ‘lamestream’ even KNEW there was a battle being fought! I call that either prescient or prophetic, frankly. Before Barnes, before Coon, before MacDonald uttered their scientific babble, the CI was looking at the historical records, using the new sciences of anthropology, genetics, etc. And then, the Darwinists took over, and the Soviets/Jews/Liberals took over from that, and the ‘long march’ on the institutions made sure NO ONE could ‘challenge received opinion’. It was not just ‘conservatives’ that can’t break free- the CI folk are doing it, by being demonized by the left, the center, the right, as well as the ‘tolerant’ as well as the ‘zio-philic.’ But that doesn’t mean they don’t have something to offer!

    So, it matters little that they (CI folk) don’t have the resources now- I mean, how can they, when, from the beginning, the already co-opted Hierarchs (for example, in either the C of E, or the RC’s) see their power and prestige (such as over in G.B.) coming only from a house that still circumcises their male offspring by a mohel (what is with that, Elizabeth the Useless?); the ‘opposition gov’t.’ that still enabled Churchill to strip Britain of all of her empire, empower Jewish Bolshevism over half of Europe, and allow the Christ-killers to enter unimpeded into the USA?

    Confed, you blame one small group (CI), that has long (since at least the 19th Century) labelled as a lie, and actually offered a viable/scripturel/archeological/ ‘meta-narrative’ alternative to the false meta-narrative that ‘Jews are the Chosen People’ [Punkt] meme, while your own GOP, 150 years later, STILL has not grasped that fundamental lie? Sometimes, (like Cambria notes) the ‘fairy tale’ element in our history, is JUST AS IMPORTANT as the dull, bare ‘scientism’ of the white smocked ‘priests.’ And that’s where CI can fight against JI (Juden Identitaet)- that is, of course, unless you WANT the Juden to win…..

    And while we have both Protestants (Haggee, et al.) and Catholics (my links to maurice pinay) are still wishing to ‘cozy up’ to the Christ-killers, (WTF?) an honest Anglican cleric (Stephen Sizer) in the Liberal/dead C of E, is now being brought to legal action, for merely writing what all of Christendom once knew- that ‘those who say they are Jews, and are not’… are not!?


    So, you dismiss that which you do not study, and ignore that which does not fit your narrow paradigmatic universe, and don’t want to believe in mythos, because, if you did, you’d have to think, learn, and dream. I don’t consider that to be implicit White behaviour, by any means. I consider it to be soul-less, actually. Something (therefore) which is so typically, very, Jewish.

  30. Here’s something that (I think) might be helpful toward our mutual enlightenment (the real kind, not the egalitarian, ‘Alle Menschen waeren Brueder’ kinds) on the issue of RC’ism vs. older patristic Christendom.


    A fascinating article, in that the author (clearly thinking as an RC) excoriates Jefferson for his ‘duplicity’ in holding slaves and writing ‘all men are equal’ while, at the same time, slamming everything else, in his OWN ‘duplicity’…. one that comes back to the thought, that ll are wrong, THAT DON’T ACKNOWLEDGE ROMAN SUPREMACY, first.

    But, if you ARE Roman, and you DO argue for RACIAL EQUALITY, how is that either a) biblical- those pesky anti-miscegenation clauses, b) historical- in that, Europe was mono-racial, after the Roman pagan Empire fell, or c) covenantal – using Puritan frameworks that devolved into ‘Mere Yankeeism’ by the time of the 1776 debacle?

    And, for Lynda, the last statement was just what I’ve been trying to say:”…a second volume was already substantially written when this book appeared. It traces Liberty’s march through the nations after 1776, and ultimately its march into the Catholic Church through the bronze doors of Saint Peter’s at Vatican II—provoking ecclesial chaos of unprecedented proportions.”

    Yet, that is the Church that Lynda (and this author?) say they belong to? But how can one say that Rome is right….when Rome is…. wrong? Therein lies the conundrum that is the Roman equation. Damned if you do, and damned (clearly) if you don’t.
    But God doesnt want ANYONE to be damned…. for we all have free will, right?


  31. Admirer says:
    @Dixiegirl: The Irish have their Gypo Nolans and southerners (of which I doubt you are one)…

    You think I’m not Southern? Very curious… why? And what do you think I am!, lol

  32. Admirer says:
    And why might the Irish have a chip on their shoulder?…
    One might say the Yankees are trying to do to the southern Scotch Irish now what Cromwell and the Scotch-Irish did to the Irish, yes?

    Um… why else cause a potato famine that can be avoided, bus in the Irish-Irish and draft them into the “union” army with commie German 48-ers? Of course, they are a perfect population to use. Probably why they’re used—

    They get what they get: that u.s. no one wants to live in. The Brazilification they help make!

    Yes— the Ulster group (via Scotland) began getting out of Ireland in early 1700s and worked the u.s. frontier. Chris Mathews and his ilk’s historical anger is what’s used —even now— to create and control the “re-conquista.”

    That was my point. Many arriving Irish they say went straight to Mexico to fight with their co-religionists.

    Do you think they make a better “u.s.?”

  33. — And those who have such strong feelings about their home countries, should perhaps go there.

    The famine was over awhile back. And –I have to look– but believe the Irish government allows for dual passport and return?

    LOL— a deported Chris Mathews. That would be interesting.

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