Connecticut Shooting


In the second RFM debate, I asked Alex Linder if he was capable of shooting and exterminating a Jewish child, and his response was “I would exterminate all of them. What conclusion can you not draw from that?”

Well, it seems that someone actually was capable of killing 27 people including 18 children in a kindergarten classroom in Newton, Connecticut this morning. It is the second worst school shooting in American history:

Update: The Connecticut shooter used a Glock. His name is Ryan Lanza.

“NEWTOWN, Conn. (CBS Connecticut/AP) —CBS News is reporting that 27 people are dead, including 18 students, after a mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. The gunman is among the dead.

CBS News’ John Miller reports there is preliminary information that the gunman was the father of one of the students. Miller additionally reports the gunman is 20 years old and is from New Jersey.

The shooter was killed and apparently had two guns, a person with knowledge of the shooting said. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was still under way. It is not known whether the shooter took his own life or was killed…”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In a civil war situation, where White families are getting decimated on a daily basis, as is currently happening in South Africa. In such a situation, yes, I’d gladly kill the enemy and the children of the enemy. The only thing I would never do is kill little girls, except perhaps niglets. There is no evidence that the perp of this evil deed is White, or associated with the WN movement. There is no excuse for killing children. Killing teachers is wrong too, but shooting little kids is taking it to a whole new level of evil.

  2. No one is saying he is associated with the White Nationalist movement.

    Obama is going to address the nation. The media is already saying that he is going to use the shooting to push for gun control.

  3. Liberal values have been hegemonic across the culture since the late 1960s.

    50 years of Jewish media bombarding of society with liberal / Jewish values has created a profoundly, indescribably sick society. The chickens of Jewish cultural values are coming home to roost.

    We know for sure the deepest root causes of these mass shootings have to be cultural. Idiot librards and malicious people with a gun control agenda (disproportionately Jewish) never wait to blame the NRA and America’s White gun culture. In fact, America has always been awash with guns. Americans have always had access to serious firepower. But, there were few or no mass shootings before 1965 when there were more guns and fewer gun restrictions.

  4. According to CBS, a fellow named Ryan Lanza, a 20 something loser, carried out this monstrous deed. He apparently killed his mother, a teacher, and killed most of the students whom she taught at her high school class.

    I’m not sure if Lanza is a Jewish or a White surname.

    I guess he couldn’t get a girlfriend and decided to lash out at the only person who cared about him, his mother. And then he went on to kill the children she cared about as well.

    Hard to believe this kind of evil is possible in our country.

  5. The key word there is Aryan. I dunno if he’s using it as a catchword but it’s a term I’ve never liked much. I’ve never felt a strong identification with Germans or Eastern Europeans apart form the literature and painting. The Dutch, Scandinavians French, Irish, Spanish. That’s what I most strongly identify with. Vienna and Prague actually felt a bit alien to me.

  6. I support rolling back incorporation, and letting the states decide how they want to handle gun control, short of that though I doubt very much that the left can do anything, since their plan otherwise seems to be a global ban on guns which simply won’t happen.

  7. The thing with this dickhead is that the kids are probably all white or mostly so. This is exactly why one must be careful about Linder types or followers thereof. It’s got nothing to do with WN of course but NeoNazis have a nasty habit of commiting murder suicides.

    There’s no political protein on the absolute fringe. It would be interesting to see what Rysn Lanza talked about on his FB page. Gawker have screenshots of it. Probably a fairly liberal fellow given his location and mother’s profession of teacher.

  8. @Hunter Wallace
    “In the second RFM debate, I asked Alex Linder if he was capable of shooting and exterminating a Jewish child, and his response was “I would exterminate all of them. What conclusion can you not draw from that?”

    Fake “Pro Whites” like that, are the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center’s, best little fund raisers, because they scare the hell out of rich donor Jews, as well as White and Normal people. They are the sole reason, White people don’t have a home.

    They don’t advocate FOR Whites, they advocate for the extermination other races and DUH… that makes anything real Pro Whites ask for, illegitimate.

    There is a world of difference between a real Pro White and these people. It wouldn’t suprise me if he works for the FBI, or a very rich and well connected anti-White.

    “Lanza? Italian? Spanish?”

    Likely an Italian surname. Not that it means anything these days. He could just as easily be Black.

  9. Fortunately, this nut is probably another James Holmes, but suppose for a moment that Ryan Lanza was a WN, and that he had shot and killed 18 Jewish children.

    Is anyone stupid enough to believe that it would be a good thing?

  10. It would be a freaking disaster, politically. Of course it’s a miserable thing to see white kids getting killed to begin with. That’s the real problem. The sole purpose of a man is to
    Make the world safe for your kids and give them room to thrive.

  11. I am not in favor of gun control but I am at a loss as to how we can stop these kinds of shootings. Criminals can always obtain weapons. Gun control won’t have much affect except to disarm law-abiding citizens that could then no longer defend themselves. What might be most effective is to absolutely not report – ever – the real name of people/persons involved in mass shootings. These psychos want to go out in a blaze of infamy and be known for all time as a major twisted goal. We should take that away from them.

  12. —Can’t even read that Linder excerpt…

    @ John says:
    The thing with this dickhead is that the kids are probably all white or mostly so….”

    Newton is 95% White. Look at the t.v. pictures prominently showing (and interviewing) blacks at the scene. This is to leave the impression that is not the case. But it was. Like Nickel Mine (Amish targeted at the school by non-Amish). VA Tech, was Blacksburg 85% with racial shooter. Cleveland school was 1989— a white shooter but the school S.E. Asian, I think, but need stats. Columbine suppressed intra-white ethnic conflict (religious, if nothing else) in White school.

    Would be interesting to see how many victims, overall are white.

    The use of this by Mainstream Media to push their liberal gun agenda, may well Obscure the real Issues. And they should be asked about this.

    Their obvious biases are like a Magician’s scarf—- they wave in front of the public’s face. This distracts from any deeper thinking about the matter.

    Megan Kelly seems too stupid to think more deeply about the overall society’s use of Trauma-based conditioning on children, generally. The questions she asks (trying to sound empathic) about whether parents “find hope later”—- are simply grossly offensive. Guess: she was raised in some aberrant form of christianity. Who would even ask the shit she does?

    —U.S. always had guns—- why such shootings NOW? Why don’t they “race for the CAUSES?”

  13. Another Staged Event of the Evil Ones—The Khazar Ruling Elite. How many Whites die on a daily basis, weekly and monthly base. Look at NEW NATION NEWS, the Mall and School Events are bad but , compare nothing to what the Muds and darkies do every day in the USA. The Khazar Ruling Eiltes wants to take the Guns away so they can have their Khazar World Empire. Martin Linstedt is right about Babylon imploding. Get Rural and Ready Whitey… Piers Morgan sucks—let him go back to England and get mugged by Moslems or Darkies in London—and he can kiss his Queenies Hiney…..

  14. HW – My thoughts exactly.

    I would love for Obama to go for gun control; if he was smart he would push for more funding for psychiatry or government make work jobs for teens; but genuine liberalism is just a ruse for the true rulers who want absolute control. Gun control is a red line for many whites and I hope Obama crosses it.

  15. There is going to be serious push for gun control now. This struck right at the heart of New England. You know how they get. Of course guns are already banned in various NE municipalities.

  16. Ryan Lanza is typical Yankee mystery-meat.

    As for Germans, I don’t know if anyone else here has worked for a German company. Well I was suprised to see that at the top they are quite negrophilic and anti-semitic which as one that knows me might imagine, was offputting to say the least. At one dinner a VP removed the cellophane from a pack of cigarettes, then inserted his outstretched index and middle fingers while lifting it to his lips. He started speaking in fast German, resulting in a staticky “radio Fuehrer” voice – while lifting up his hand in salute. That was nothing, the same VP, a fag, turned out to be a Jewish conspiracy theorist.

    Meanwhile Negroes took over low-level positions in small departments because as soon as a few AA picks were made they let word out to friends. Pretty soon there was an atmosphere in which Whites felt uncomfortable in unless they were managing. Building up paperwork against Negroes became half my job. Such a miserable experience.

  17. Up’er says:
    @ “….I am not in favor of gun control but I am at a loss as to how we can stop these kinds of shootings. Criminals can always obtain weapons….”

    Most people are good herd animals, (me included). So, it’s AMAZING what merely being in a place where the TONE, climate, social environment like in the Old U.S. can do to elevate the whole deal.

    …this is a country of video games and Tarantino Django movies.

    Now the president said “he reacts not as a president but as a parent..” and it boils down to gun control for him.

    Maybe he could discuss Jamie Fox on the fun he had in Django?

  18. When those spec op guys were greased in Libya, does anyone actually thing Obama cared? Really? This a-hole cackles behind closed doors. Let them overreach this kid was probably on psychotropic drugs and with multiple brushes with psychiatrists.

  19. Lay off the Khazar thing please.

    However this will be manipulated by the Jews of course. Now, indeed Jaime Foxx and Obama. Ryan Dlanzja Unchained.

  20. …. now a guy talking about how this is different from before….” and foresees where to go with it, “….medical laws, gun laws…” he says.

    So that sounds like he wants to use it more toward the direction of the Psychiatric-Pharm-Medicalist complex, not just gun agendas. Psychiatric testing, drugging, etc.

    Why don’t they “Race for the Cause?”

    No one even asks: “Why do you, personally, think these things are happening?” If the guns go away—– fine. But wouldn’t the emotions remain? Why do we have so many horrifying and scary emotions? Has that always been the case? If no, what’s different? If yes…what’s different, because this stuff didn’t used to happen?

    There must be some forum to ask these people. They are the elites, after all.

  21. If you just take away the guns as your solution, or even then drug anyone who might become violent—–

    —but you can’t identify or don’t identify and fix the REAL ROOTS OF THE NEGATIVITY that you, yourself, say is escalating— then is that ok? Really ok?

    Now Meagan…. says a shame ‘right before Hannukah” she adds Christmas quickly, but leaves out all other holidays. People should sue…right? Where’s Yule? Ramadan? Saturnalia? Is she a secret racist? (Etc.)

  22. The only way that you could prevent these sorts of attacks would be to have schools turned in armed camps. Two armed guards at an entrance to a compound frisking everyone everyday. Then you’d have to watch the frigging guard.

    Amazingly this is how South Africans live today. Correlation?

  23. Obama doesn’t have the political will, or the muscle in Congress, to make any moves against the Second Amendment. He has a fiscal budget crisis staring him in the face, and with secessionist attitudes running high in states like Texas and along the Gulf Coast, where much of America’s domestic oil is situated, he knows he can’t throw any fuel on the fire.

    Asshole foreigners like Piers Morgan will arrogantly call for new legislation, and the liberalsphere will predictably do the same, but this will steadily fade from the public’s focus as financial turmoil worsens in the coming weeks.

  24. They mentioned a brother, Adam, as possible.

    —-and this seems related to someone having done in both the Lanza parents, prior to this event. Making it sound as if the person did in the parents, then went to the school, to do in anyone most AFFECTED by his mother, children taught by the mother were targeted.

    — a deeper psychological motivation might be like in the Chapman-John Lennon case, where the action seemed bound up with a feeling Lennon’s music had taken young people down a wrong and bad path. (Why he was carrying Catcher in the Rye, and identifying with Holden Caulfield’s monologues about saving children). Twisted yes, but for truly mentally disturbed people things get turned around.

    But who knows?

  25. The thought of gifts under the tree, never to be opened by their cute lil’ intended recipients is jarring. That filthy Yankee antichrist needed a helium hood. Why kill kids?

    Now Meagan…. says a shame ‘right before Hannukah”

    We’re in the middle of Hannukah.

  26. The NRA has been leading us around by the nose for years…..personally, I’m sick
    of it. The shooter doesn’t really matter. What matters is that the majority of
    Americans want tighter gun laws, including meaningful background checks, waiting
    periods and prosecution of those who break the rules, whether buyer or seller.
    The NRA’s response will probably be to arm kindergardeners.

  27. 313Chris:

    Obama can do a lot with executive orders. He can ban ammo imports. 70% of domestic ammo comes from overseas.

  28. Of course, as with every previous mass shooting in America, the shooter got his guns in an area where self defense is allowed and went to an area where self defense is forbidden.

    If that teacher had a gun, or someone else near by, he could have stopped the killer before he got started.

    Mass killings can only occur when the victims are rendered defenseless, by their government. Of course the solution by the idiots, will be to demand that all law abiding citizens be rendered defenseless, while the criminals have all the guns. Crazy isn’t it?

  29. I will have to honestly say that I fully supported Anders Breivik in the sense that I understood his motivations and sympathized with them, targeting the future hostile elite of Norway and imposing the very same costs upon them that the policies which they support impose upon the Norwegian people. However, I also realize that most of the people which constitute our natural audience, Christian conservatives, are going to be repelled by such acts and that glorifying and espousing more of these will simply play into our enemies hands. Calling for the mass extermination of Jews and non-Whites might win one brownie points over at VNN but it is a public relations disaster for true White advocacy. All movements have their extremist elements but none thrust their extremists as their public face if they are serious about their goals.

  30. And wow…

    Just the scope of the crime scene. How many agencies are involved? A huge group of AFT was shown, a sea of cars, now “forensics” is flying in from elsewhere. No doubt a huge amount of Psychiatric workers with the packaged way the people are to handle things— when it used to be the church, family, real close friends. The blue uniforms, army looking uniforms, dogs, brown-fatigue outfits and army helmets.

    The sheer descent of multi-groups is quite something. The militarization of this.

    Why can’t the police handle it?

    Now…. Rod Wheeler is talking about Medicalization and Cavuto is going on it with the Psychiatric folk.

    Thought Cavuto was a “Catholic.” Does he even have a headset that thinks in terms of “sin?”

  31. Here is my guess, the shooter(s) profile will sound like he posts at DU or Kos, not saying he or they do its just the “snappers” are mentally ill and the left caters to them and that is where they find the solace they need, mothering libs. I always ask, “What is his Kos handle?” Navel gaze if you must or listen to halfwits like Susan Kovack, but the same people crying on TV and telling you what you can have for self defense have been on TV crying about the government of Syria killing its “own people” now for weeks. Go figure out that death count, and then go figure that our government has supplied them with weapons of mass destruction such as surface to air missles for aircraft destruction, you know like 747s full of people.

    Then we have Harry Belafonte going full nigtard calling for mass arrests, that ends well doesn’t it Susan Kovack?

  32. Russian press is reporting two gunmen.
    One dead at scene.
    We don’t know who, how many, or why this target was chosen, or by whom.
    It is possible facts will come out.
    I do not have enough data.
    Time to reserve judgment.

  33. I forget whether it was in Hunter or The TD but in one of the novels, BRA has near total gun control. They release Negroes with machetes into white neighborhoods. No gunshots, just muffled screams.

  34. Just the other day, I asked Linder on VNN Forum if he could walk across the hall and exterminate a 6 year old Jewish child with a Glock, and if he could, how many times could he do it.

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