Connecticut Shooting


In the second RFM debate, I asked Alex Linder if he was capable of shooting and exterminating a Jewish child, and his response was “I would exterminate all of them. What conclusion can you not draw from that?”

Well, it seems that someone actually was capable of killing 27 people including 18 children in a kindergarten classroom in Newton, Connecticut this morning. It is the second worst school shooting in American history:

Update: The Connecticut shooter used a Glock. His name is Ryan Lanza.

“NEWTOWN, Conn. (CBS Connecticut/AP) —CBS News is reporting that 27 people are dead, including 18 students, after a mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. The gunman is among the dead.

CBS News’ John Miller reports there is preliminary information that the gunman was the father of one of the students. Miller additionally reports the gunman is 20 years old and is from New Jersey.

The shooter was killed and apparently had two guns, a person with knowledge of the shooting said. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was still under way. It is not known whether the shooter took his own life or was killed…”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. VNN is where so called “Pro Whites”, deemed to extreme and banned from every other Pro White message board, go to die. VNN don’t allow anonymous posting, so they can keep track everyone that visits and posts. Do you need anything else, to understand what they are about? Bill White, FBI, government informants, etc

  2. Now…

    Huckabee is talking about how it’s not a gun law issue, but an issue about identifying evil doers early on… because why people do things is “inexplicable.”

    In discussing Jonesboro Arkansas, he wonders how an 11 yo could get violent ideas.

    —Are these people so out of touch that they haven’t read The Hunger Games (pretty standard young adult reading fare) and even Teen Rated video games? (Much less M ratings) Can they name and describe 20 video games regularly played by 10 year olds?

    If so, they wouldn’t ask that.


    “Italian: from a dialect or old form of Lancia.Italian: from a short form of a personal name formed with the suffix -lanza or -lancia, as for example Francalanza and Giallanza.Spanish: from lanza ‘lance’, either a nickname for a soldier (lancer) or occupational name for a lance maker.”

    Jews steal the surnames of everyone round them to blend in, so it doesn’t mean Lanza is a Jewish family name. However I was thinking he might be Jewish, because other than Italians, New Jersey has a Jewish community that has been in trouble before. I don’t know how large that community is though.

  4. Originally wasn’t going to comment on this as there are worse things the media keeps a lid on, or doesn’t even notice/care. However all I wanted to say was I do not care for public schools, not only are they inefficient but they are unsafe both physically and mentally.

    Obama shall say how sad he is, I say stuff you pompous ass, I am up to here with politicians milking atrocities it ain’t your business then shut it.

    Why do you ask is this happening to a certain extent it is because Christ was attacked his Church was attacked, the LORD GOD was slandered on goverment dime; in lecture halls, radio, books, magazines, newspapers, television, in these “schools” and therefore the fountainhead was not made pure and so muddy waters fall and make way to muddy deeds. What people who are not made righteous shall not enjoy freedom, theirs is a life of evil in themselves and around.

    Maybe arming white male elementary school children wouldn’t be such a bad idea, at least then they may have a sporting chance against the dregs of society like these.

  5. Review the facts and circumstances surrounding the Colorado theater shooting, the Oklahoma City bombing, 911, etc. Colorado theater shooting – multiple perps reportedt- alleged shooter appeared drugged and his father was involved in LIBOR scandal; Oklahoma City unexploded bombs WITHIN the building removed; 911 WTC 7 symmetrically collapses due to small office fires. We have murderous assholes running unchecked at the federal level.

  6. The only way to stop this type of shooting with any certainty is to have
    A compound level of security around schools. It’s part and parcel of our post civil rights society that we have this sort of threat all the time. Everyone has to respect everyone else … Young men have nothing to do… It’s pointless to talk about it. All you can do is hope none of your political associates crack and do this insane shit.

  7. Adam Lanza is a VERY J E Wish name…The Shooter was a J E W.

    Probably on Anti Depressants, and with his geneology..snapped like those at Columbine did, also shooters being JE Ws.

  8. …..they’re talking about lockdowns.’

    Older people, or people without children, won’t know that this is just the modern equivalent of olden day fire drills. They are ‘run-throughs’ for this kind of situation. And kids are very accustomed to them, as if they’re normal. They will never know many grew up without ever having to have the need for this. Nor that masses of psychiatric workers coming to you in a time of tragedy was not normal. People relied on their religious network, (which is underwritten by a very different way of handling tragedy, a different way of framing what has happened.)

    The normalizing of lockdown is why the mom on t.v. right now didn’t think much of hearing there was one. It’s standard.

    —must go away from this now… one of those days when america is just too creepy.

  9. Freakistan whacked out on Conservatard Kool-Aid at first had it as a Mooslim conspiracy since basically those reactionary tards are left that small spot of hoohaarey.

    Anyway the Leftard asylums for brainwashing known as the public school system is literally a death trap, morally, spiritually, intellectually and increasingly physically.

    And no I could care less if Susan Kovack approves of the above description, she sucks anyway.

  10. This will IMO be nothing more than an opportunity for the left at sapping the morale of the ragged right, its what they do in life, evil never rests.

    Several years ago a vantard out of Idaho went on a rampage, killed a Filipino maillady, and then went into a high dollar LA jewish school and wounded a receptionist before he suicided out. Chicago Trib ran its front page dedicated to it. Two days later a madman went into a Baptist church and killed 7, Chicago Trib ran a small story front page lower right corner.

    If we deflect their morale sapping swipes and then connect with a few of our own we can actually come out ahead of the deviants. Reminds me, in Israel an ethnostate they protect their kids with armed guards in America the Prole Penetentiary for wayward goyim the kids are expendable. Jews value their children, ours are abstract social constructs.

    A free Dixie Republic won’t take that shit anymore.

  11. And doesn’t Cavuto even question his own need to take psychological-and-human-motivation pointers from Shrinks?

    The underlying assumptions made by psychiatry are often incompatible with the religious worldview. They are not compatible thought systems.

    Having secular psychiatric workers guiding people through difficult emotions—really amounts to overstepping the relation of church-and-state—- the idea of the country was that people could mourn IN ACCORDANCE with their own religious practice.

    Psychiatry seeks to be the response— but it is a Godless one, really. Ablow was raised Jewsish, and what he would say about a crises might well be different from a Baptist or a Catholic, or a Lutheran.

    Why can’t pastors be on site? How horrible that ministers and priests are not there, instead. No one is telling the public what religious thinking would say—- (except forgive the perpetrator; that is what they think “christianity” is).

    All they remember of “christianity” is “forgive perpetrators.” Lord.

  12. Rot is setting of society break-down. More Zombies to come. Meanwhile the MSM will continue the line of security, gun control, prescription drugs, sensitivity training, counseling etc.

  13. Regarding the “psychiatric” angle of this, as a former Psych hospital employee , I can tell you that this problem has been incubating since the mid-1970’s when the trend to empty state psychiatric facilities first started. At one time it was relatively easy to have someone committed to a psychiatric hospital. Not so now. Now it is very hard indeed and nearly requires the commitment of bizarre crimes to get a person institutionalized (a “400 series” commitment, here in Pennsylvania). And it is not just this state, but has been a national trend for decades. There was a reason why psych institutions were full in the early years of the last century- that was because mentally aberrant people are a danger to others. Of course the media tries hard to make it seem that these are merely harmless “victims”, saying that the mentally ill are “rarely” violent. That is simply not true.
    I am NOT a gun-control advocate, but I do have to wonder at the efficiency of background checks. These checks will weed out someone who has already committed a crime, but it is possible for a mentally ill person to still buy a weapon and simply go out and do what this man did if he has no prior arrest record. The application forms for a gun purchase simply “ask” whether or not the purchaser has ever been institutionalized. He can always lie and buy the gun. Events like this Connecticut shooting play right into Obama’s plans to ban gun ownership, and as Dixiegirl implied, the militarization of this investigation seems to underscore that intent.

  14. As I stated, this story will go out with the year.

    Holmes, Loughner? Who?

    Whose playin tomorrow night, man? They got a sale Sunday at…

    ….Are playing Wednessday night at…Good band. You gonna be there ain’t ya? Dollar draft, too.

  15. RobRoySimmons is of course dead on the money. BRA is an abstract concept, not a nation and a country only in the loosest possible sense. It’s the height of insanity to expect Lincoln-worshippers to ever value the life of their ‘fellow countrymen’.

    Notice how Obama (flamen de Divus Lincoln ) is incapable of expressing grief “as a President” but instead must imagine himself “as a parent”. The president can’t relate to his own citizens not just because he’s a biological stranger but because real Americans exist as props in a Negro liberation passion play. He struggled even to relate to Trayvon Martin, having to say “If I had a son…”. Any sense of national community outside the nuclear family has been irrevocably destroyed in BRA.

    Safety is of secondary concern to a transcendentalist notion “equality” that came out of New England in the 1830’s.

    On Dec. 8th the NYT ran a story about the NYCLU filing a lawsuit against a police presence in public schools because it “disproportionately affected” coloreds.

    In a class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of all New York City public middle and high school students, the N.Y.C.L.U. has asked the court to make school discipline the responsibility of educators — not the police.

    The New York City Police Department says a large police presence — and, in some institutions, metal detectors — is necessary to prevent violence in schools. The Police Department says the drop in school crime rates — which are lower now than they were 14 years ago — is a measure of their success in keeping schools safe. But crime rates in schools began to drop before school safety was turned over to the Police Department, in 1998.

    And too often police involvement has the effect — as it arguably did in Kenneth’s case — of escalating minor disciplinary problems into criminal activity. Kenneth’s case, and many others like it, raises the question: do the police create more problems in city schools than they solve?

    It’s a question of national, not just local, consequence. In 2009, according to the National Center for Education Statistics and the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 68 percent of American students reported the presence of security guards or police officers, or both, in their schools, as compared with 54 percent in 1999. Questions about excessive police force and possible rights violations have risen along with increased police presence in the country’s schools — so much so that Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois will hold hearings this week on how to end “the school-to-prison pipeline.”

    In New York City, the Police Department has a special unit to protect students in public schools. With some 5,000 agents, the School Safety Division is larger than all but a handful of the country’s big-city police departments: there are nearly twice as many safety officers in city schools as guidance counselors and nearly four times as many safety officers as social workers.

    Not surprisingly, black and Latino children are disproportionately affected by this police presence. More than 90 percent of arrests by police school safety personnel during the 2011-12 school year involved black and Latino students. Nearly one in five involved a child aged 12 to 14.

  16. now Molly Line says,

    ‘It’s a nice upper class area…not the kind of place where this would happen….”

    Actually, it happens there in most cases (maybe all, I’d have to look). Kent State was not exactly poverty stricken. Certainly not Littleton.

    To the point, on psychiatry—- at the high cost of health care, and the 90-150$ an hour + earnings of “therapists” (often they don’t need licenses to set up shop under state laws, either, not that that matters)— POORER people are more likely not to get diagnosed out the yin-yang, simply because there’s not a few hundred dollars a week to take from them.

    This changes under national health, with a strong psychiatric component— unless some aspect feels greedy and wants to apprize the public, in order to keep more money for some other group involved, away from the psychiatric workers treasure chest.

  17. Just saw a post on that showed how Italian authorities made numerous arrests in a CHILD-PORN/SNUFF ring; Jews have been killing Gentile children for many years…

  18. Well, at least we know it wasn’t Mario Lanza.

    Another troubled soul twisted in the demonic therapeutic-managerial society of Amurrica. We used to worry about the godless Communist threat. Now Amurrica is that threat.

    “The normalizing of lockdown is why the mom on t.v. right now didn’t think much of hearing there was one. It’s standard.”

    We’ve come a long way, baby…

    “Jews value their children, ours are abstract social constructs.
    A free Dixie Republic won’t take that shit anymore.”

    And a welcome pushback it will be.

    Deo Vindice

  19. ts a Muslim pretending to be a jew. Headlines.

    There are lots of Jews wo are sick as well, if not more. If this hiddious crime had been committed by a man of Muslim origin. Then the news would have read Muslim Masica. But because its a Jewish man then he is obiviously ill and mad.

    I too really free vey sad for the parents who lost their children. I will pray for these children andtheir parents. May God bless them Havean and may this never happen to anyone else ever. My Heart and Love goes out to everyonethat is effected by this. Ameen.

  20. its a Muslim pretending to be a jew. Headlines.

    There are lots of Jews wo are sick as well, if not more. If this hiddious crime had been committed by a man of Muslim origin. Then the news would have read Muslim Masicar. But because its a Jewish man then he is obiviously ill and mad.

    I too really free vey sad for the parents who lost their children. I will pray for these children andtheir parents. May God bless them Havean and may this never happen to anyone else ever. My Heart and Love goes out to everyonethat is effected by this. Ameen.

  21. Government schools are ripe for this type of carnage. If you can find a proper Seg. Academy, your best bet is to home school your children. As long as the negative elements of Zionists, Muslim and the Negro walk among us, we will continue to see our traditional culture fade. Arm yourselves my friends. Train your relatives, women, children, preachers, teachers even your pets, to defend themselves with deadly force. Don’t buy into the libtard mantra of gun control and preventing tragedies. The darkies have guns. The muzzies have guns. The shooter in Connecticut had guns. If you don’t have a gun, you’re at their mercy. The problem is not that their are to many guns. The problem is that there are not enough guns. If those poor souls in Connecticut had the VNN mindset and training, those kids would be alive today, and the lame stream media would be reporting one dead Hebe.

  22. obama does the putting himself in the parents role stick because identifying himself like that makes chicks tingle

    making chicks tingle is how you get their vote

    the msm would cover up for a hajij too. hajjis snap all the time in the usa but you have to look for the stories. how many folks know about the hajij on UNC who ran over White a students as jahid? the left loves hajij

  23. Two observations.

    One- “Apparently, Lanza is Jewish Italian.” (figures- just like Loughner, one of the tribe)

    Two- these mass massacres are the greatest endorsement for Homeschool, I know.

    Today, our HS group all went someplace for a Christmas Party – safely, fun, and with some good discussion by the parents- and no Jews, Nigs, Fags, or other PS “Edumuficators” in sight.

    Or deranged talmudic Zionists-in-training on ritalin.

  24. obama does the putting himself in the parents role stick because identifying himself like that makes chicks tingle

    That’s definitely part of it but I really don’t think he can relate to anyone here. The Nig has only lived in the continental US for about 30 years. Look at what that creature named its spawn some fake Hawaiian name and a Russian boy’s name.

  25. “he seems to be saying that a merely intellectual, exterminationist anti-Semitism stance equals in some way mass shootings in the real world. ”

    So you, at least, are admitting that all of the tedious repetition of this hardcore, tough and fierce anti-semitism is nothing but a hollow abstraction for most Internet Nazis? Is this what you are telling us? Don’t get me wrong, I believe you; hell I always figured as much anyway. It is just a little surprising to hear one of you come out and say it.

    I always figured not one in a thousand of you would actually be capable of doing shit to a jew, much less run extermination camps killing them by the thousands. Or strangling them, or shooting jewish kids or women.

    No, I instead always figure if such a thing comes to pass, it will be carried out by people who don’t broadcast to the world at large what all they are really capable of. That’s what I think.

  26. No, we repeatedly asked Linder if his position on exterminating the Jews was merely rhetorical, and his response was that he was deadly serious and he would be a “clown” to say something he really doesn’t mean.

    Feel free to ask him

  27. Hell, the father is probably partying tonight.

    The kid was a whack job, and will be forgotten by this time next year by the general public, anyway. His friends and associates will not bring it up. So that takes care of the kid who was an embarrassment and no doubt an expensive liability. And did everyone see the information about how much alimony he was paying his ex wife? Whew! Over two hundred and fifty grand per year and it was going to max out to nearly three hundred grand a year in 2015.

    Okay, the father is probably not exactly partying tonight. But I guarantee he will soon be mostly thinking about that heavy alimony payment he no longer has pay out thanks to his psychotic son. And I guarantee that will be his mostly what is on his mind by this time next year. Yep, after today he really has washed his hands of his first family and can forget all about them, as it kinda looks like from reading between the lines he already had. And did you see the photo of the new young wife?

  28. Where can I find a pick of Daddy Lanza, and the new wife?

    By the by – the Jew thing? The Facebook pic, and the self description, by Lanza, as a Communist anarchist – he would have been a de facto Jew, no matter his Race.

  29. Tamer said,

    “……Notice how Obama (flamen de Divus Lincoln ) is incapable of expressing grief “as a President” but instead must imagine himself “as a parent”. The president can’t relate to his own citizens not just because he’s a biological stranger but because real Americans exist as props in a Negro liberation passion play. He struggled even to relate to Trayvon Martin, having to say “If I had a son…”. Any sense of national community outside the nuclear family has been irrevocably destroyed in BRA….”

    That’s insightful.

    Few pierce the sheer level of FANTASY that most Americans live in, nowadays.

    The real question of “Identity Politics”—- Who are you in the American Passion Play? What’s your assigned role?

    …master-slaver, beaten-oppressed-empowered slave, the holocausted, the nazi, the german, the southern, the fly-over-countrian, immigrant seeking a better life—

    A very small play, really— not many players. one act.

  30. Brutus,

    Had a dinner out last evening— and this school event was only mentioned in passing over desert.

    Nor was it because their “communities have been safe.” (Someone there had been victim of a home invasion, for instance. Another victim of violent assault. NO ONE was involved in politics in any way—about half did not vote in the last election and spend no time online.)

    It was more like, this is just the world we are given to live in— and life’s short. More fatalistic, like nothing can be done, anyway— so try to live because you might well be next. No one there felt ‘untouchable.’

    The feeling was more sort of people afraid and in denial, without any leadership that they could line up with.

  31. “I will pray for these children andtheir parents. May God bless them Havean and may this never happen to anyone else ever. My Heart and Love goes out to everyonethat is effected by this. Ameen”.

    I will not pray for anyone who’s ethnicity I do not know…man, woman or child. If Hebe’s were put down at that school, you should celebrate. The only souls that deserve any prayers of compassion are those of pure European Aryan blood. Praying for the life of an animal is contrary to the idea of sustaining the life of Gods chosen people, which we all know is the White Aryan.

    The animal that walks on all fours is placed here to sustain our need for protein, bear the burden of strength to til the land, their hides to provide clothe and craft. The animal that we’ve taught to walk upright and speak is placed here to challenge our faith and determination. As with any animal, the Aryan must celebrate the speaking animals death as it is meant to enhance the lives and existence of the Aryan. Moreover, the younger these animals are when they die, the better. Don’t misconstrue this next analogy as cannibalism, as it only exists among the darkies. Yet, the younger an animal dies, the better the product of it’s demise. Lambs, and calf’s bear the most tender an untainted meat.

    I have absolutely no sorrow for a dead Nig, Hebe, Muzzie, Chink, Spic, Aztec, Aleutian, Mediterranean…. male, female or child pup! I celebrate every time I hear Nig kills another pup. What you need to pray for is their ultimate demise and extinction.

  32. “In the second RFM debate, I asked Alex Linder if he was capable of shooting and exterminating a Jewish child, and his response was “I would exterminate all of them. What conclusion can you not draw from that?”

    Why he hasn’t done so? I mean if his health declining, why not go down in the blaze of glory!

  33. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘At least two of the children who were exterminated by Lanza were Jews. He lives in a wealthy Jewish neighborhood. Even the bus driver is Jewish.’

    Yeah, when I first heard of the mass shooting of innocent children in Yankeeland I thought for a moment Stonelifter had snapped and got down to business. But, when I read two of the victims were jewish – I knew it couldn’t have been him.

    stonelifter says:
    December 11, 2012 at 2:31 am
    … and the rest of us need to go north and attack the damnyankees in their homes, school, churches and work.

  34. J Spruce – Linder ticks all the boxes for being a Jewish crypto. His ideas are so vile and his nastiness so extreme that I would bet he is a rabbi. He has weighed in with his psy-war against the Whites by attempting to ensure that any attempt of Whites to engage in ethnopolitics and organise in White interests will be brand associated with the worst hate speech on the net.

    That the very mention of the Lord Jesus Christ causes him to positively foam at the mouth should tell you everything you need to know.

    White organisation is about White organisation – it isn’t about hating and destroying the opposition. The Jews insist that White organisation be about Them. Always about them. Linder is exercised day and night to insure that White organisation and ethnopolitics will fall into this latter and negative category and will be seen by a candid world to fall into that category.

    He is one toxic bagel.

    He is a Jew doing shyte on the internet AGAINST White interests.

  35. As far as I understand Alex’s statements re: jews and extermination ,the context was always one of Whites being in complete control of the country, at every level.
    He never advocated for anyone to start the process before that and I find the mention of his name in association with this gruesome event to be offensive (because as far as I can tell, it’s not really faithful to what he actually said) and annoying because I like you both and wish there was a way you could work together instead of always trying to out-humiliate each other.

    Then again, I am a woman, so I would want that, wouldn’t I 😉

  36. The ex wife is dead, Stonelifter. The kid killed her first. There is no one left to pay now.

    I saw a photo of the new wife on some site where someone posted, Denise. But hell, it’s not like everyone today doesn’t automatically know that when a middle aged rich guy ditches his wife, it’s for a young hottie twenty years younger.

  37. After approving the sale of guns to Mexican drug gangs, some being used to kill over 300 Mexicans and at LEAST 2 Americans, any words Obama has to say about the school shooting in Connecticutt should be humble and few lest he violate the bounds of good taste and decency.

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