About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Speaking of COAL with your previous post about guns & Newtown fresh in mind… for the leftist out there, why doesn’t the pro-gun folk ever use MINING history to discuss the necessity of guns?

    On that score—- some would say it was the LEFT and guns that produced the middle class (that the same folks are now dispensing with)

    Mother Jones showed up in the “Coal Wars” from 1910-1930 in West Virginia. And much of WV was put under martial law, some until 1938 (a fact not taught in the Lincoln-made-us-so-free schools)

    Eg: Paint-Cabin Creek West Virginia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paint_Creek–Cabin_Creek_strike_of_1912

    Blair Mountain Conflict in Logan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain

    Fact that their capital burned, due to the confiscated guns (scroll down a five paragraphs to 1921): http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Educational/Capitol_History/pg4-5.cfm

    —–On the fact that THEY OWE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE to guns— is a Reality on WHICH THE LEFT and the unions seem quite silent!

  2. —-they will go on about “oppression” of WORKERS, in the coal fields, the sweat shops, etc.—-

    BUT NOT A WORD—- about what they fought with…. How will the FUTURE workers defend themselves? Since the current LEFT takes away the very instruments so important in the Worker’s Struggle of the past????

    —–Yes… the gun question should be re-framed as a “WORKER’S right’s issue” (not just self-defense.)

    And the “Coal Wars” prove it.

  3. It was NAFTA and GATT that drove the “giant sucking sound” of American Jobs to Mexico and China.

    The South were main drivers of anti-unionism as most manufacturing jobs were in the wealthier north and the South coveted the jobs. At first, the hope was that by breaking American Unions, jobs would flow to the South, and some did. But by breaking Unions, it didn’t take long for unopposed Capital to go the next logical step and ship all the jobs over seas, which ultimately happened.

    I would hope that a new nation would be mercantilist and protectionist to some degree (like China and what the US used to be).

    Those are big questions for the Chamber of Commerce types and mega rich before they get on board, and we need to answer them.

    Will the border between Greater Texas and The United States be more or less open? What about the border between Greater Texas and Mexico? Open to trade but not people? Closed to both? Will internal policing be preferred to border control?

    Where will the Stock Exchange be? Houston? Dallas?

    Our best selling point is low taxation and the mega-boom that will follow once Greater Texas can combine its low state taxes with low federal taxes, especially vis a vis the the United States. You will have people clamoring to join who don’t much care for their own race, but would like to pay half as much tax as they do now!

  4. Behold the fruits of free market globalism and “free trade.” China’s exponential rise was fueled by American plutocrats shipping White middle class jobs overseas.

  5. Khazars outsourced industrial companies to China. The Khazars love China. They make perfect Slaves and Serfs for them. They dont like Whitey…They want to make the world one big slave plantation with them as THE MASTERS. The Kehilla is world wide and the banking families are mostly KHAZARS. The Maranos are in Hong Kong and China and rule them…Years ago a book was put out by WHITE POWER PUBLICATIONs called CHINA, THE JEWS and World War 3. Rockerfeller owns 51 percent of Wall Mart . He made deal years ago with Chinese commies to get products made by prison slave labor. He takes those products and sends it to the Free Trade Zone in Arkansas and then the products are sent to all the Wall Mart Stores by a Knight Trucking Company that does not stop at weight stations on the inter-states…When Babylon Implodes maybe the Chinese will invade and try to take west coast… THE YELLOW PERIL IS REAL but so is the KHAZAR WORLD EMPIRE. Terrible Tommy Metzger has some good books on JEWS in China, Arabia, and South America….

  6. one of the big problems with free trade is the chicken and others rig the game in their favor

    the yankees have hamstrung the us economy with all manners of silly shit from environmental law to affirmative action for negros and women.

    I do not favor free trade but once again we would be better suited to take a run at it once we free ourselves from those people

  7. Hunter doesn’t know anything about economics. That’s been demonstrating time and time again.

    Just for starters, what’s $3 trillion divided by 1.2 billion people? What does that imply?

    Secondly, industrial production is growing rather than declining, no matter how much you might wish it were evaporating so as to hasten your dreams of federal dissolution. If it’s growing, then something is obviously being done right (even if it could be done better).


    Behold the fruits of free market globalism and “free trade.” China’s exponential rise was fueled by American plutocrats shipping White middle class jobs overseas.

    Earth to Lew: all industrial countries, including manufacturing and exporting giants like Japan and Germany that the Buchanans look up to, have faced a steadily declining proportion of employment in manufacturing.

  8. Well, china is in the strange position of having lumber Ron commorereee
    and 500,000,000 subsistence farmers too, alongside 300,000,000 people who are doing pretty good cheek by Jowl.

    My economic Forecast is that the Chinese very quickly overrun most of Asia quite soon in search of Rebenslaum, confucius say.

  9. Growth economy could stand a good intellectual investigation anyway. LoS has a decent campaign with their “getofftheUSSTitanic” billboard, it deals mainly with econ.

  10. Free trade has been a disaster for the American working class, period. What the DiLorenzo’s and their ilk do not realize is that, yes, you can buy cheap foreign made crap now but say good bye to your high wages and their associated health insurance, pensions and job security. Unless, of course, you like working at part time, low wage service sector jobs that barely are able to cover the cost of living. Not much disposable income left to buy all that glittering Chinese made crap now, uh? Oh, and another thing, not only is BRA going to put you to compete with Chinese workers whose average wage is a staggering $2.50 an hour, they now will force you to compete with Machete and his illegal alien buddies right here at home for those same all too few temporary service sector jobs that are up for grabs. If Dixie ever does become independent, here is my suggestion: engage in managed trade like Japan does.

  11. I say your implicature is meaningless. China is a labor camp run for the benefit of their elite and global consumers like us. Since the one-child policy the chinks finally have a middle-class, big woop. The party and their venture capitalists take off the top and what’s left goes towards maintaining the operation with lowest overhead possible. the chink worker lives in a militarized rural work camp or in government urban housing. All his basic needs are met. Funnily enough, this is all orchestrated by HIS party so it’s time to re-animate Marx because Commies aren’t gonna save his yellow ass from being our bitch.

  12. Take a look at the global current account balance listings: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2187rank.html

    Top nation: Germany with $ 204,300,000,000 surplus
    Lowest nation: BRA with $ 465,900,000,000 deficit

    Why is this important? The IMF has the answer: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/basics/current.htm

    “When a country runs a current account deficit, it is building up liabilities to the rest of the world that are financed by flows in the financial account. Eventually, these need to be paid back. Common sense suggests that if a country fritters away its borrowed foreign funds on spending that yields no long-term productive gains, then its ability to repay—its basic solvency—might come into question.”

    “But even if the country is intertemporally solvent—meaning that current liabilities will be covered by future revenues—its current account deficit may become unsustainable if it is unable to secure the necessary financing.”

    “Such reversals can be highly disruptive because private consumption, investment, and government expenditure must be curtailed abruptly when foreign financing is no longer available and, indeed, a country is forced to run large surpluses to repay in short order what it borrowed in the past. This suggests that—regardless of why a country has a current account deficit (and even if the deficit reflects desirable underlying trends)—large and persistent deficits call for caution, lest a country experience an abrupt and painful reversal of financing.”

    In other words, when the Chinese and Japanese realize that BRA will never be able to repay them for their vendor financing and cease purchasing its worthless Treasury securities, the mythical and long awaited Day The EBT Card Stops Working will have come.

  13. I don’t necessarily believe the statistics that either country is putting out regarding its own economic health.

    “My economic Forecast is that the Chinese very quickly overrun most of Asia quite soon in search of Rebenslaum, confucius say.” – Thanks to the one child policy China will have a demographic throwaway army of young males who could never get married, so they might at that. but I think an internal revolt is more likely.

  14. @Dixiegirl Did you ever see the Confederate battle flags & banners carried by Confederate soldiers from WV that were dispalyed in the basement of the capitol near the old state archives? I don’t know if they are still there?

  15. Economics 101 (true version)

    Protecting / growing your native industry.

    Free Trade (academic version):
    Not protecting your industry.

    Free Trade (true version):
    Top dog mercantilism i.e. where the top dog nation forces other nations to buy the top dog’s stuff to prevent them developing their own industry.

    When first Britain and later America was imposing free trade they were acting in a mercantilist way i.e. promoting their nation’s interests.

    The bogus treachorous version of free trade taught in the schools and promoted by shills in the media is simply a betrayal of the nation by the business and political elite.

    The optimal position is probably a mixture of both, 90% protectionism but allowing some leeway for new nations to industrialze as in the long run that creates a bigger market for your own goods.

    The whole globalization thing is a Big Lie which you can plainly see when you realize it is only the ruling elite in Britain and America who have done it. Everywhere else – including Israel, which is another example of Jewish pundits in the western media having two opposite opinions depending on if a country is Jewish minority or majority – has tried to protect their own industry as much as possible.

    Globalization is / was mostly the looting of the capital that had been built up in Britain and America over the last 500 years or so by a treachorous elite.


    “Secondly, industrial production is growing rather than declining…If it’s growing, then something is obviously being done right”

    Nope. Shale gas.

    The globalists move production wherever it’s cheapest with no loyalty to any country or to anyone. As wages in China are rising while energy costs in America have plummetted because of shale gas industries with low labor and high energy costs are moving back to America (while other less energy-intensive industries are moving from China to Vietnam, Malaysia etc to get minimum labor costs).

    The critical point is the business elite and their pet politicians have *zero* interest in what’s good for the nation itself.


    “Earth to Lew: all industrial countries, including manufacturing and exporting giants like Japan and Germany that the Buchanans look up to, have faced a steadily declining proportion of employment in manufacturing.”

    1) Proportions employed in manufacturing isn’t the key metric as technology has allowed much more stuff to be made by much fewer people. The number of people employed in manufacturing can support much largee numbers of other people involved in the service sector. So if your manufacturing sector is at its maximum potential then the overall employment will be maximized also.

    2) You only have to look at the differences in enthusiasm for offshoring between Britain and America on the one hand and all the other industrialized countries – including Israel – on the other hand to realize that America and Britain have hostile elites.

    The people doing it aren’t all Jews by any reckoning but the enthusiasm for offshoring does seem to be directly proportional to the size of Jewish minority among the elite (but not if they’re a majority) so i think they act as a catalyst for latent greed among the elite.


    “My economic Forecast is that the Chinese very quickly overrun most of Asia quite soon in search of Rebenslaum, confucius say.”

    The globalists are starting to move out of China now as wages rise so that graph may start to dip – which could make your prediction both more or less likely, hard to say.

  16. Para above should have been

    1) Proportions employed in manufacturing isn’t the key metric as technology has allowed much more stuff to be made by much fewer people. The number of people employed in manufacturing can support much largee numbers of other people involved in the service sector. So if your manufacturing sector is at its maximum potential then the overall employment will be maximized also. So the key metric is how close a nation’s manufacturing is to its maximum potential.

  17. No indigenous car company is going to be started and financed in the South. They are all foreign owned and are there because right now the cost/benefit ratio is favorable vis-a-vis German and other European manufacturing. White Southerners are pretty good manufacturing employees, and they work a lot cheaper than Germans. When the EU implodes and German economic nationalism starts beck up, I would not be shocked if they were shuttered.

    South America-Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and the southern part of Brazil-is also White or mostly-White and the Germans have shown they can make a car as well there as in Germany or the US. In fact, Mexican VW plants with mestizo line workers and German and White or mostly-White floor management have shown they can make a Volkswagen there as well, also.

    You do not want to rely on foreign capital and management to provide jobs for your people. Rolls Royce once manufactured cars in Massachusetts and VW had a Pennsylvania plant also, both long shuttered, and Daimler-Benz gave serious thought to making Mercedeses at the Studebaker plant in Indiana.

    Anti-unionism and unilateral free trade mean that manufacturing jobs will not pay very much, and I think that if that’s what Dixie wants it should be able to make that decision when it is an independent nation. But it is what it is. It means that non-aristocratic Southerners will be poor.

  18. The idea that we owe China is the adsurdity and moral bankruptcy of our economic system.

    Without our (almost) complete transfer of our manufacturing base to them, they would still be a third world nothing country. We owe China. Excuse me while I bust out LOL. Only tools and dupes repeat this nonsense.

  19. You do not need to be educated on every jot and tittle of the economic system in America and the West to see its absurdity. The fact that Hunter can see that it is absurd is sufficient.

  20. Southrons weren’t born to snap iPads together. Key heavy industries related to defense and construction are necessary(steel, armaments). Beyond that energy, ag, and the military are solid options for young men looking for careers after high school. Their sisters could work (ideally part time) in service industries until married.

    If white men want to live on their knees making electric toy cars for a big handful of magic-nigger beans they should go north. Down South they’ll have something greenbacks can’t buy, dignity.

  21. Earl Butz says:
    @Dixiegirl Did you ever see the Confederate battle flags & banners carried by Confederate soldiers from WV that were dispalyed in the basement of the capitol near the old state archives? I don’t know if they are still there?…”

    No clue. Will try to find out about it.

  22. Ulfric says:
    The idea that we owe China is the adsurdity and moral bankruptcy of our economic system….”

    In Welfare States—- all the passion plays must be about OWING. Everyone OWES and “pays forward,” and debts, and etc. It’s so gross. Whatever happened to ‘never a borrower or a lender be?”

    Church today, invited to someone else’s congregation: The casual nod to Newtown: a) Jesus died so all are redeemed which translates into “Do not judge perpetrators of crimes!” And while it is hard to find the “redemptive moment,” we leap to that—and one man whose child is DEAD, said he hopes ‘the tragedy’ helps him help others better— how inspirational.

    (If I am done in, in some sort of awful event, I PRAY no one in my family disgraces my memory that way, immediately, on the day of the happening, but talking about what they can get out of it.)

    Then: moved on to church budget, GIVING GIFTS with a glad heart, (which is “what Christmas is about”), especially money to do “overseas missions” (code for not in Iceland). Repeatedly asked: “Are you a cheerful giver?”

    I knew a Jewish guy who was very open about his confusion over Christianity: he said they do bad things and then just “say ten hail mary’s” and it was about a lack of accountability. He just didn’t get it.

    I thought of that guy this morning. Sad to say.

    But WE OWE IT TO OURSELVES to give to the overseas missions… The pastor really said stuff like this all morning, to our eternal shame.

  23. @Dixiegirl

    Please do. It would be interesting to me, if the WV Confederate flags & banners are still in the basement of the capitol building in Charleston. Or if they are now in someone’s garage or game room? There were quite a few as I recall.

    The story on them was, if I recall correctly, that in the 1920’s the Federal Government returned the flags & banners to the state of origin of the troops. West Virginia got the ones that had originated in WV. I would think that the flags of much of the Stonewall Brigade, the First Virginia Cavalry, the infantry regiments from around Charleston & central WV, and others like the Monroe artillery, etc. should still be there if not stolen.

  24. Total protectionism is always a mistake. Competition on a controlled basis from nations at your own level is highly beneficial, and some trade with third world nations is also mutually beneficial. I am not worried about India selling handmade aluminum electric fans and Royal Enfield motorcycles and knockoff Lister diesel engines here. The same goes for Mexican Coke (as in the bottled sugary carbonated beverage) and vanilla extract, or stuff like that.

    The destructive forms of trade are when a more developed nation floods your market with cheap product to keep your manufacturing from developing, or when your own nation’s corporations pour their expertise and capital into third world countries and reimport the cheaply manufactured product under their own logo to undercut domestic labor. That should be made uneconomic with tariffs and duties.

    We are guilty of the former, of course. Many of the ineducable and unpleasant mestizos and indios flooding our country today would not be here if not for NAFTA making subsidized American produce available at WalMart de Mexico cheaper than the browners could produce it themselves. American carmakers sold cars at a loss in South America for years, which caused them to ban all imported cars. Now they are stuck with inferior overpriced American, German and French cars made in their countries, but on worn out imported tooling and they still have not developed domestic toolmaking, the real tech driver of manufacturing.

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