About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Predator drones don’t kill people, if there is no one giving the orders and driving them, they sit dead on their runways.

    Here’s an idea, how about we ban the US Government and ban the US mainstream media, while we are at it?

    Both groups have many dangerous psychopaths on their staff.

  2. Obama is going to get a lot people killed. His talk of gun control only spurns on the anarchist Marxists who are insane. They think if I/we kill dozens of people then that will initiate an emotional response in the public to support more gun control/confiscation.

    I notice there are useful idiots Facebooking, emailing or posting that stupid Ban Hand Gun – God Bless America poster around.

  3. It’s likely that collateral damage caused by liberalism does not count as murder of children. They died for a noble goal (democracy), unlike those killed by insane individuals motivated by nihilism.

    Lanza killed out of nihilistic hatred; Obama kills out of democratic love. Unfortunately, liberal democracy is the ideal breeding ground for nihilistic hatred. It drives people crazy and encourages them to adhere to a suicidal and flawed morality, elevated above tribe and kin.

    Liberals want to remake the world in their own image. When they look at themselves, they see the epitome of moral perfection. The greatest state a human being has ever attained anywhere. They don’t have any loyalty to their tribe. Liberalism is a secular religion; its prophets are MLK, Nelson Mandela, Abe Lincoln; its Gods diversity, equality and democracy; its gospel The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  4. Yep, and to add to my comment in the previous thread, at least the Adam Lanzas of this world can’t find and target you with satellites.

    Our government is just as batshit crazy as Lanza, and they have WAAAY bigger guns.

  5. The psychopaths are at it again:

    Connecticut Police Spokesman Newtown Will Prosecute Independant Journalist Whistleblowers

  6. I’m still reeling from the re-nigging. I can just imagine this silverback in the west wing trying to tune a guitar, throwing it to the floor out of frustration and chain-smoking a few Newports. Then it goes downstairs to the situation room and orders some drone attacks. What a ghastly joke! He’s a few inches removed from a gorilla, in the wrong direction.

  7. I think Denise wrote Limbaugh, he read an email at the end of his show that could have come from a tame missive of Denise’s.

  8. Martin-Liberalism is a secular religion; its prophets are MLK, Nelson Mandela, Abe Lincoln; its Gods diversity, equality and democracy; its gospel The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    I wonder what the Yellow man think of all that? In their eyes they look ahead in terms of century.

  9. The unavoidable killing of children and other noncombatants in the Middle East to protect the interests of corporate globalism involves not only mechanical drones but also MANY white mercenaries, who are doing unto other peoples what we would not have done unto our people. The anti-golden rule!

  10. Great point was made at Freepistan that we can shove in BRA’s face. In the last two weeks in Chicago 22 blacks under 18 years of age have been shot. Obama care about them, media, NOPE.

  11. We picked up lots of dead, dying and wounded kids when I was in the middle east. Some were killed by them, some by us, who could really tell. Their parents looked just as sad as the ones in Connecticut.

  12. Arab Bob, Test, and any others uptight about the psych meds, please listen. The vast majority of mental patients who are on neuroleptics and other anti-psychotic medications are never going to act like this. I know this is true, because I know several people who are on these drugs and they’re doing fine.

    There’s several reasons why these incidents happen. Some patients have no insight into how sick they are. This lack of insight is called anosognosia . The word literally means no knowledge of the disease. These are the ones who will go off their meds and case trouble for themselves and others. These folks need to be watched closely or kept behind closed doors to keep them and the public safe from harm. Some patients were nasty before they went ill and the illness made them worse. And some illnesses are very hard to diagnose and treat, because mental illnesses can only, for the most part, can only be diagnosed by behavior patterns. Sometimes, the doctors get the diagnoses wrong because some illnesses may has symptoms and signs that are similar to another illnesses. So, as a result, the wrong treatment is given to the patient.

    So please folks, educate yourselves about mental illnesses and don’t believe a lot of this anti-psychiatry propaganda on the net. The Church Of Scientology finances a lot of this crap and it has hurt a lot of people who could have received help.

  13. Is Obama even a human. People assign a cynical motive to every one of his actions. That doesn’t sound like a human. Maybe he’s a computer program.

  14. Is Obama even a human. People assign a cynical motive to every one of his actions. That doesn’t sound like a human. Maybe he’s a computer program.

    He’s a renegade Negro who does what his intellectual superiors (everyone around him) tell him to do. They’re cynical. He’s bewildered any moment he’s not playing basketball or using drugs.

  15. Obama is, more or less, a mattoid, one step less on the spectrum of overall dysfunctionality than an idiot savant. He’s somewhat, even quite, intelligent in some ways and quite stupid (though less so than most blacks and too many whites) in others. But what he actually is is far less important than what his controllers are: he is told pretty much what to do and he pretty much does it.

    Only Ron Paul, amongst the Republican candidates, would have presented any serious difficulty to those controllers, and as I thought he would be, he was fairly easily kept out of the grownups’ swimming pool.

    Would we have been better off in the short term with Romney? Yes, in the short term. Obama will bring things to a conclusion faster, in the long run a blessing. The Union is terminally ill, and Democratic rule reduces that life expectancy by at least a decade and maybe two.

  16. @Confednorth

    “The vast majority of mental patients who are on neuroleptics and other anti-psychotic medications are never going to act like this. I know this is true, because I know several people who are on these drugs and they’re doing fine.”

    Sure. If they were all doing it there’d be massacres every day.

    I have no doubt the right kind of SSRI works for particular individuals because i’ve met people who say they helped them but i’ve also seen that some people when given the wrong kind of SSRI for that person go apeshit. I’ve only seen people go from depressed suicidal to violently suicidal but based on that i’m thinking it might make a few patients homicidal.

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