About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter,

    Am I wrong in saying that South Carolina will not have a straight White male, a true Southerner as a Governor, or US Senator?

    The prosperous foreign auto plants in South Carolina has apparently caused locals to try to join, impress rich liberal Northeastern elites and put the word out that they are as liberal/progressive as folks in Harvard Square in Cambridge Mass – and all “Conservative” sentiment in White South Carolina is safely steered toward lisping Lindsey Graham’s pro Israel Neo Conservative war mongering.

    Yeah, Hunter, looks like South Carolina the fire eater Southern State that fired the first shots in the first Civil War is now the least Southern political state in the South. Better start looking for some new, younger talent in the South Carolina State House of Representatives.

  2. notice the people didn’t vote for the negro directly

    but they were dump enough to vote for a woman. the doubled down on that stupidity when they voted for foreign women

  3. They Will Do It Everytime Department:

    “Conservative” Italian Roman Catholic US Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia is now for gun control!

    Only a year of two ago, Manchin was on TV blazing away at targets, and suggesting guns were for use against politicians. What an Italian stallion. LOL. Or should I say Italian paratrooper. (Make like an Italian paratrooper: to put you hands up in the air.)

    Manchin’s family, came to the USA & WV from Italy, in the teens, or later of the last century, so none of them have any real deep roots in WV. They owned an Italian store. LOL. Joe had an Uncle who for some reason liked to dress up as the Grim Reaper—that’s according to published news reports. Joe has been asked about this behavior in the past.

    I’m sure Dixiegirl will have some interesting things to say…

    Btw, the Confederate flags & banners that were stored in the WV State Capitol would be worth a fortune today; if they are still in the Capitol building and not in politicians gamerooms & garages?

  4. This filthy nog fka “the thirty year old virgin” during his first campaign now admits to having sex. He won’t say who it was with. But he’s still a bachelor at 47.

    Looks like a lowdown nigger fag trying to act like a Christian.

  5. @….. “The prosperous foreign auto plants in South Carolina has apparently caused locals to try to join, impress rich liberal Northeastern elites and put the word out that they are as liberal/progressive as folks in Harvard Square in Cambridge Mass…”

    Sadly… the way it’s going: maybe a matter of time until the North is the New-NEW South.

    Idk— it’s the colonial populations and south that seem to be allying in new ways, in reality. The confederates were ALSO all colonials, after all, and the army that fought them largely foreign, (not really ‘brother against brother’ like the t.v. propaganda tries to push—to cover that up).

    The “tea party” seemed made up of Yankees of the sort who were never anywhere near the real 1776— and just communist-lite.

  6. Wish I did, Earl. But good luck, even to Italian-Stallion Manchin, who seems to have been around for longer than most people live—- if he really thinks that agenda is going to fly in WV. But WV is a litmus.

    Like how the “textbook” wars there were probably slated to occur there due to that fact. There’s a sense that once they can do something there, it can be done anywhere.

    Destroying coal— would make a big dent. Pretty funny they are trying (arguing “clean energy” when the region of central WV is about the biggest chemical company area in the ENTIRE WORLD)

    But there will be no word on that, or chemical spills, or chemical diseases. Nope—SILENCE on that. Like how “Monsanto” runs FARMS while southerners had “E-ville plantations.” A matter of semantics.

    OT— but on the textbook wars, there’s a book I want to get around to that looks good: “Reading Appalachia from Left to Right.” About those times.

    —-So many books, so little time.

  7. Farm: GOOD Plantation: BAD.

    White Farm: IG-NUNT Monsanto Farm: EFFICIENT

    Houses on Acreage: CLASSY Whites in houses on acreage: COMPOUND


  8. While the Golden Dawn is terrorizing immigrants out of Greece and the Idenititaire movement in France is occupying mosque the most right wing populist movement in America is electing Gupta women as their Governor and a congoid as their senator all of this in the birthplace of the Confederacy. I told you previously Americans are the hillbillies of western civilization the rally scary thing is these rubes control the world’s biggest nuclear arsenal. Again I am not knocking the South both North and South are equally hillbilly-ish.

  9. Remember–Charleston had more JEWS than New York—-and they mixed with the local whites…..Plus—Recontruction was terrible. S.C. was punished severely by Yanks. The only Whites who kept their Farms and property were Masons. In fact Shermans March to Sea—-They did not burn properties with Masonic Symbol on Gate Post and Front doors. We have to keep that in mind when true Secession comes thru blood and violence….Many joined Scottish Rite to survive Reconstruction….

  10. The confederates were ALSO all colonials, after all, and the army that fought them largely foreign, (not really ‘brother against brother’ like the t.v. propaganda tries to push—to cover that up).

    A very interesting statement, Dixiegirl. I wonder whether numbers on that are available.

    The “tea party” seemed made up of Yankees of the sort who were never anywhere near the real 1776— and just communist-lite.

    That’s on target, too. When conservatives got excited by the Republican gains in the mid-term election (2010), I posted a comment–maybe at this very website–in which I wondered why everyone was so excited that the GOP had gained a few seats in the House of Representatives (and not taken the Senate) by, of all things, defending Medicare.

  11. Charleston had more JEWS than New York

    That’s the whole history of slavery right there, John Thomas.

    BRA — It’s not just for “damnyankees” anymore

    Hilarious, Chris, though, in truth, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. As usual, the only place to make sense of America is Occidental Dissent.

  12. Charleston is a military area like Norfolk that had been inudated by Yankees.

    Okay–that’s what I was wondering: how much of this is the transplant effect.

  13. It looks to me that at least half or more, and probably more, of the journalists working in print or the electronic media in the Southern States are transplants from the North, or very Jew influenced natives.

    You really don’t hear much in the way of original Southern journalistic voices, or opinions.

  14. I’m going to return to Dixiegirl’s statement that the Union army was largly “foreign.” As I’ve said, I’d like to see some numbers, but a thing I’m also wondering is whether the “foreigners” were the ones driving the Union effort. As always, I’m not anywhere near as well informed about these things as are most of OD’s commenters, but I’m remembering some statement that I heard attributed to Walt Whitman, something about the New York City draft rioters’ not knowing how angry the country is with them (for rioting, that is). As I say, my recollection of that is vague, but I got the impression Whitman was a typical liberal, whose view was that anyone who doesn’t want to get with the liberal program is hated by everybody. For whatever it’s worth, here’s a letter to Whitman from his brother, July 19, 1863 (right after the riots):


    From what I’ve just spotted on the internet, I gather New York City was the main export point for Southern cotton and knew that a war to undo slavery would undo the Southern economy with which New York’s own economy was entwined. New York, apparently, was an anti-Lincoln zone. My sense is that the exporters were concerned about the destruction of Southern cotton-growing and the rioters–Irish mostly, I guess–were concerned that blacks would come North from the South to work in New York. So–who, exactly, was for the war? Other than the abolitionists, I mean.

  15. PS Re New York City’s being an anti-Lincoln zone: Recall that “Dixie” (the song) was a product of New York City theater–i.e., minstrel shows–and appeared, apparently, in 1859, the year before Lincoln was elected. As the abolitionists are pushing for the destruction of the South’s plantation world, New Yorkers are immortally sentimentalizing it in a song in which a slave longs to return to it.

  16. It’s just evidence that liberals are manifestly wrong to call Tea Party types racists and misogynists, etc. They’re just like the liberals in basically everything (okay they dont like high taxes on the rich) and love darkies just as much! BRA is safe in their hands!

  17. The number of black senators per region
    North East 0
    South 1

    The number of sub-continental governors per region
    North East. 0
    South. 2

    If you Southerners ever get tired of being ruled over by non whites you can always immigrate to an independent north east republic. We will have to screen some of you out first we don’t want those pro-black politics moving to our region of the country.

  18. No thanks.

    Nikki Haley and Tim Scott are actually preferable to any sitting governor, senator, or congressman from New England.

    The number of Jewish senators per region:

    Northeast – 6
    South – 0

    The number of Jewish governors per region:

    Northeast – 1
    South – 0

    The number of black governors per region:

    Northeast – 1
    South – 0

  19. @ “….A very interesting statement, Dixiegirl. I wonder whether numbers on that are available….”

    Will try to pinpoint, maybe HW can. Have read such things.

    But mostly— have just NEVER MET anybody Confederate who wasn’t ALSO a revolutionary-era or colonial-identified. The South was well established by WBTS (they had farms, communites, etc.) for which they were fighting.

    Usually it’s two generations back from a Confederate to a revolutionary war generation, a grandfather of a Confederate soldier is often of age to be in revolutionary conflict.

    THEN add in that Virginia, anyway (with its old tobacco concerns, supposedly introduced by Rolfe) was site of Jamestown, and many other early 1600s settlements, Coxendale of Sir Thomas Dale, Bermuda Hundred, etc.— fanning out from Jamestown. And people from there,set out for the then “frontier” later WV, KY, etc.

    After WBTS, b/c Virginia had the Capital of the country and a HUGE repository of the early American history over all— it was deep-sixed. But it was only then that “New England” become ANYTHING, really. Some had never even heard of “Plymouth,” lol.

    WBTS wasn’t until 1865—- Some had families in Country by then 200 YEARS

    I think on one of the Royal Bastards web pages, it talks about Virginia being more Anglo (Scots went for the hills) so there were more illegit sons of royalty there (they could get land)—and they reckon currently 20,000 descendants floating around now, unaware of it, lol.

    Also— a new Virginia 1650 group showing up TO GET AWAY from Cromwell, and so on.

    1865— was nearly 250 YEARS after Jamestown.

    Sorry to go on—-but that’s part of why “Mer-cans” (some of them) don’t identify with “Europe.” 400 years is a long time.

  20. After the convention the writing was clearly on the wall and merely as a matter of self-respect it became necessary to disaffiliated from the Republican Party.

  21. OT—- but also HW might answer the export question.

    I thought the domestic goods were coming down the Mississippi river routes (why they were attacked in WBTS) since big plantations imported what they didn’t grow (just the way today’s farmers still go to the grocery store). Many big commercial plantations weren’t self-sufficient, but specialized in what they grew, just like now.

    At WBTS, they revamped for self-sufficiency (responding to interrupted Mississippi River traffic)—but then armies reaped the benefits while they foraged if you were stuck in a war area.

    But then I thought their OWN produce went out of South Carolina and New Orleans, for overseas exports?

  22. Hunter,

    South Carolina is a Southern state, not yet like DC suburban sprawl Virginia or South Florida. what’s up with South Carolina? SC has been real bad in GOP presidential primaries for a long time., rallied around McCain, polls there thought McCain was strong on illegal immigration, border security.

    Still can’t get over that SC has a flaming queer Senator who takes the lead on amnesty, works out in the open with arch New York lib Jew Sen Schumer to replace the White American population.

  23. Another minor point:

    Later-immigrated Americans— have only seen t.v. images of “colonial peoples”. In real life, descendants of early Americans are just regular people from Redneckia.

    And “immigrant” is not a word they identify with much. There wasn’t really a country to emigrate TO, at some point.

    There was land and indians. Many Americans had family members wiped out by the noble savages (who, culturally, they are supposed to revere as the height of non-violence).

    1622— the entire coast surrounding Jamestown was attacked, and those early days were pretty grisly. And that was where it was civilized, lol.

  24. The number of Jewish senators per region:

    Northeast – 6
    South – 0

    The number of Jewish governors per region:

    Northeast – 1
    South – 0

    Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland and Governor Jack Markell of Delaware are both Jews.

    Both Maryland and Delaware are south of the Mason-Dixon line. Both were slave states up to the 1860s and both were Jim Crow states up to the 1960s. Both are classified as Southern states by the US census bureau and pretty much everyone else. Both are undeniably Southern, though maybe not as Southern as, say, Mississippi and Alabama, but Southern nonetheless.

    So my question is, once you subtract all the South Atlantic senators and governors who are Jewish, black, Hispanic, Indian or gay, is there anyone left? The South Atlantic states truly are the Rainbow Confederacy and South Atlantic Americans are merely New Englanders with a drawl. 😉

  25. Lincoln’s bodyguard was made up from Germans. The bidygyard was AKA The Turners. These were drawn from the “Wide Aways”. It’s estimated that 300,000 German born were in the union ranks and a further 150,000 Irish Catholics. In comparison perhaps 50,000 Irish born (either Protestant or Catholic) were in the Confederate camp.

    Essentially the Confederacy was hosed down by a human tidal wave of Germans and Irish. I’m not making it up. The names of landholders suddenly shifted in Missouri as a result of the influx too. It is tempting to think the civil was a forced land swap.

  26. But mostly— have just NEVER MET anybody Confederate who wasn’t ALSO a revolutionary-era or colonial-identified. The South was well established by WBTS (they had farms, communites, etc.) for which they were fighting. ”

    My great grandfather (father’s side) was born in Mobile, Alabama and served in an Alabama regiment of Robert Rodes’ brigade from the 7 days battles around Richmond up through the battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam) and Chancellorsville as far as I know. His parents were both Irish Catholics born in Ireland who had met and married in Mobile. I do have a couple of direct ancestors on my mother’s side who fought in in the Revolution from South Carolina. I didn’t even know the family came from Ireland originally until some years back, nobody ever mentioned it. My great aunt was big in the UDC and always assumed we were Southerners.

  27. I like the Indian lass but appointing a blackie is stupid. it’s not something new of course. Michael Steele, Colin Powell and Condoleza Rice were all appointees before that.

    Here’s a picture of the New school of Athens btw. Enjoy.

  28. The anti-white argument is that if you prove you’re non-racist by for example electing a black senator then we’ll leave you alone. It’s all a big lie – they’re fanatically anti-white – but it’s not surprising some white people fall for it – at least temporarily.

  29. I’m a proud socialist and supporter of Obama, but today, I’m a South Carolina Republican in spirit. The fact that our Indian-American governor appointed an African-American to the Senate, with the support of many whites, shows how far the destruction of the parasitic Old South culture is going, and I look forward to your screams of tortured rage as things like this keep happening, showing that the white race as a racial concept is obselete, and diversity really does work.

  30. Most of my liberal friends will accuse Tim of just being a token, but they do not really understand the true work of art that is being committed here, by the destruction of the pro-white paradigm. As you well know, even tokens have power.

  31. If you Southerners ever get tired of being ruled over by non whites you can always immigrate to an independent north east republic. We will have to screen some of you out first we don’t want those pro-black politics moving to our region of the country.

    Being ruled by Yankee-Judeans is worse than being ruled by non-Whites. Who hates Southern people more: Yankee-Judeans or non-Whites?

  32. By mainstream standards, black conservatives are better for white Southerners than any white liberal or Jew.

    This appointment does show Southern elites won’t be leading a secession drive in the future.

  33. And there will never be another White male US president.

    How many more Presidents are there going to be of the currently established United States anyway? Not more than three or four and maybe only one or two. This one has four more years at least.

    The 50 Star Flag is going to the quarterdeck of failed states. Too many of us can not get our minds around that.

  34. South Carolina is now ruled by an Indian, a black man, and a rumored homosexual who supports amnesty and endless foreign wars. That is what’s embarrassing.

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