“I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother”


H/T Kosher Republic

On Twitter, I have started calling for the disarmament of black people and obvious psychopaths. Check this out:

” Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Connecticut kindergartners, my 13-year old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants.

“I can wear these pants,” he said, his tone increasingly belligerent, the black-hole pupils of his eyes swallowing the blue irises.

“They are navy blue,” I told him. “Your school’s dress code says black or khaki pants only.”

“They told me I could wear these,” he insisted. “You’re a stupid bitch. I can wear whatever pants I want to. This is America. I have rights!” …

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My advice is to never get married (and never pretend you’re married, either), and to live in a state without common law marriage. Then, when/if her hormones decide to ditch you, you get to keep what you own and are only on the hook for child support for the kids you sired.

    Marriage is a sucker’s deal for men.

  2. Svigor says:
    “Marriage is a sucker’s deal for men.”

    What you are really saying is: “Divorce is a sucker’s deal for men.”

    I say, if you are the right kind of man and you marry the right kind of woman, it doesn’t matter what the divorce laws say.

    I would recommend our young men, reject bossy and selfish (feminist) women and seek out ones that are well mannered and loyal. In 10 or 20 years, her looks will have faded and all that will be left is the core personality.

    You have to ask yourself, if she was not beautiful, would you still enjoy her company?

  3. “Yea like I really want to move next door and watch the poolboy bang my ex.”

    Don’t worry ToS, I can stop over and share a beer and some unPC jokes with you afterward. I can even show you how to clean your pool too. Did you even know that it’s possible to use the skimmer with a shirt on?

  4. “I know for a fact I’m in the tiny minority who’s willing to state flat out that this kind of thing is the price of freedom (in this case, the right to self-defense) and I think it’s well worth it.”

    Yep. At any rate I’ll take my chances with crazies with guns over just the government with guns. At the least crazies sleep from time to time.

  5. Chechar’s answer: Child abuse coupled with psychotropic drugs. I agree. Without the drugs he probably would have only killed himself.

  6. “AND be a celibate after divorce”

    Yep. Your boy needs you that much.
    Try to stay married. If she files on you, try to get custody.
    If you can’t get custody, live next door —
    and WAIT for a new honey the years it takes to raise your boy.
    Do it for your boy.

  7. “Yea like I really want to move next door and watch the poolboy bang my ex.”

    What you want is not germane. What matters is what your boy needs.

    Or are you just the same as the bitch of an exwife, who puts her own wants (to bang the poolboy) ahead of the needs of the kid (who needs his dad)?

  8. What you are really saying is: “Divorce is a sucker’s deal for men.”

    I say, if you are the right kind of man and you marry the right kind of woman, it doesn’t matter what the divorce laws say.

    Let me quote one brotha from one stand up. Chris Rock- “Have you walked around this motherfucker lately?!” Find me ONE in ten, nay sir, one in FIFTY American women that are the “right kind of women” and I will shake your hand. In this society, and this is not a north/south/east/west thing but an out of control feminism vs. men thing. What you are referring to have horns on their skulls. They are unicorns, essentially, and only the luckiest of American males can get them, myself included. But then, of course, mine is not from here. Feminazi cunts lament and abhor White men of means traveling abroad to bring back loyal, intelligent, devoted, THIN, women to the States. If I were them, I’d be terrified of this too. Sadly, this solution is out of reach for most men, so your best option is simply to opt-out for a generation or so until these shrieking harpies genetics ceast to exist. Sadly, your genes will suffer the same fate, but, take on for the team, I suppose…

  9. “Chechar’s answer: Child abuse coupled with psychotropic drugs. I agree. Without the drugs he probably would have only killed himself.”

    Seems highly plausible.

  10. “I say, if you are the right kind of man and you marry the right kind of woman, it doesn’t matter what the divorce laws say.”

    Agree. If you do that and
    – don’t cheat on them
    – don’t leave them on their own too long
    – pay them some attention from time to time
    you’ll mostly be ok.

  11. Thank you, Test!

    The successful, lifelong marriages I know, including my own, follow exactly that prescription.

    I will grant that in anti-White libtard America, finding the right kind (and even being the right kind) is way tougher than it used to be.

    A proposal to the MRAs:

    I would support father custody by default of children over the age of 9 with the following conditions:
    (A) It applies to children over the age of 9. Young children need and want their mothers, and the younger the child the truer this is.
    (B) Custody father does NOT take up with any New Honeys. Divorce is devastating enough; your son or daughter does NOT need a new Harpy who resents them, to endure in his already messed-up-enough life.
    (C) If Mom can *prove* one of the three As legitimate reasons for divorce: Adultery, Addiction, Abuse, then custody goes to Mom.

  12. I say, if you are the right kind of man and you marry the right kind of woman, it doesn’t matter what the divorce laws say.

    True. If you’re devious and accomplished enough to have all your ducks in a row before going in, you can protect yourself. E.g., a properly-constructed trust for your assets. There are exceptions to every rule. And there’s also just being an old-time sort of man and marrying an old-time sort of woman. But that’s a lot like being able to use hard drugs recreationally without letting them take you over; the people who can do it know they can and they’re right, but they’re outnumbered by the people who can’t who also “know” they can.

    I say for most men it’s a sucker’s bet any more. And if you do manage to find a good, old-time sort of woman, then she’ll understand and work with you on an extra-legal ceremony, and agree not to make it state-sanctioned.

    A proposal to the MRAs:

    I would support father custody by default of children over the age of 9 with the following conditions:
    (A) It applies to children over the age of 9. Young children need and want their mothers, and the younger the child the truer this is.
    (B) Custody father does NOT take up with any New Honeys. Divorce is devastating enough; your son or daughter does NOT need a new Harpy who resents them, to endure in his already messed-up-enough life.
    (C) If Mom can *prove* one of the three As legitimate reasons for divorce: Adultery, Addiction, Abuse, then custody goes to Mom.

    Rejected. My counter-proposal; pick one:

    “My body, my choice, my responsiblity” (i.e., women bear the entire burden of child support, men are legally off the hook)


    “Your body, our choice, our responsibility” (i.e., we sit down and hash out an abortion/adoption veto for fathers, reform divorce and paternity law, etc.)

  13. My advice for men before marriage, if you’re not going to go into it devious and prepared, then for God’s sake make sure you at least have thoroughly sounded her out first for her beliefs and expectations. How many kids does she want? What’s her detailed plan for raising and educating them? Does she like reading? Will she like reading to her kids? Will she leave the workforce to raise them? Will she commit to sex on a regular basis, regardless of her whims, or is she okay with cutting you off for months at a time (basically, does she believe in a husband’s conjugal rights?)? How feminist is she (it’s practically impossible for a feminist to hide the fact)? Does she think a wife is owed a lifestyle “to which she’s become accustomed during marriage” due to her husband’s wealth, after divorce? What does she think are justifiable grounds for divorce? What about politics – is she going to be okay with you imparting your values to your children? How statist is she – is some bureaucracy swooping in and taking kids okay in her mind? Etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum. The interviews should not be perfunctory, they should be exhaustive.

  14. Svigor :
    “True. If you’re devious and accomplished enough to have all your ducks in a row before going in, you can protect yourself. E.g., a properly-constructed trust for your assets. ”

    If you go into a marriage with that attitude, it is inevitable you will get divorced. As for those trusts, they don’t mean squat once children are involved. The judges just tear them up.

    As for me, 99% of women I wouldn’t go anywhere near with a marriage license, for the reasons I listed above. Of course the other 1% are worth it, when you find them.

    “I say for most men it’s a sucker’s bet any more. And if you do manage to find a good, old-time sort of woman, then she’ll understand and work with you on an extra-legal ceremony, and agree not to make it state-sanctioned.”

    That’s a very negative mindset you have there. I assume you got out of a bad relationship recently and you are venting.

  15. Barb, I would be willing to accept a husband’s adultery as cause for divorce if it were joined at the hip to a wife’s denial of her husband’s conjugal rights as a cause for divorce.

    That said, I prefer the European model where a man is expected to take a mistress eventually, and it doesn’t break up a marriage.

  16. “Your body, our choice, our responsibility” (i.e., we sit down and hash out an abortion/adoption veto for fathers, reform divorce and paternity law, etc.)”

    Svig, I actually *get* the guys’ point that it is not fair, in fact is a form of slavery that, while women can abort if they want, or not, that men have zero “out,” that if she aborts, he gets no veto, but if she births, he’s on the hook for child support–

    I agree to be fair, it ought to be one way or the other: Either abortion is illegal, or men should have a way of “financially aborting”: That is to say, if biodad doesn’t want the kid, wants a “financial abortion” (i.e., surrender parental rights AND parental $ obligations), ok. He signs a paper within 1st trimester, so stating.

    Then biomom can decide if she’s willing to carry to term and support herself and it, or medically abort.

    Biodad’s decision must be made before end of 1st trimester, so there’s time for abortion to be done.

    If biodad WANTS the baby and Mom carries to term, then he’s got parental rights and also parental $ responsibilities.

    Having said that, it breaks my heart to be promoting such a thing, since I think abortion of beautiful White babies is an utter abomination.

  17. More advice: use a long engagement as a trial run for the marriage. Take the good part of Dave Ramsey’s advice and use this run to make her stick to a budget.

    And make sure she grew up in the sort of marriage you did/want for your kids. Did her parents stay married until all of their kids were grown and out of the house? Did she grow up in a loving, healthy environment? Did her parents instill education in her as a value? Is she still on good terms with her parents and siblings?

    And never just take her word. Communicate. Make her express herself. These things shouldn’t be just short interviews, they should be regular topics of discussion that she enjoys.

    It’s amazing to me how little so many husbands and wives actually knew about one another going into the marriage.

  18. you can change the various laws but what about women’s anti masculine attitudes? how long will that take to change.

    after lifetimes of Oprah, sitcoms, divorce porn like eat pray love and indoctrination in the hate White man religion of feminism, most women are not good wife material.

    it’s much better long term to give White women exactly what they wanted when they sided with the enemy. then maybe they will fundamentally change once reality crushes enough of them

  19. “’s much better long term to give White women exactly what they wanted when they sided with the enemy.”

    I’m assuming you’re talking the MRA thing of marriage strike, right?
    While such a thing might be good for you White men, personally, it’s baaaaaad for the White race.
    Because if it were implemented on a wide enough scale, for long enough for women to even NOTICE what you’re doing, we’re talking decades, or more, of few marriages, therefore, few babies.
    Because, how long term are you thinking? In case you haven’t heard, we don’t have decades to waste for reproductive age adults to indulge in footstamping, armcrossing, back-turning, petulant tantrums on each other.

    Because White kids are already a minority in many states, and by 2040 will be an absolute minority everywhere.

    You want to ADD fuel our demographic collapse?
    That may be fine for you personally, but it’s gonna SUCK for your grandkids (assuming you have any) with there being so few other Whites to be their allies against the hordes of rampaging non-Whites.

    Young fellas, do as Svig says, do your level best to find a good gal, have a long engagement, talk, talk, talk about money and how to spend it, and get BUSY making babies. Buy silver. If she divorces you and takes the kids, live next door.

  20. 1) don’t cheat on them
    – should be obvious

    2) don’t leave them on their own too long
    – they don’t like sleeping on their own. big problem for military couples

    3) pay them some attention from time to time
    – number one thing women want is attention

    It’s not that women won’t stray, they almost all will if you don’t follow those rules, but stopping them from straying is relatively easy – unless you’re posted abroad too long or something like that.

  21. Divorce rate: On the rise for decades (leveling off due to low marriage rate).
    Marriage rate: On the decline for decades.
    Children born out of wedlock: On the rise for decades.
    Divorce rate in California is 75%.
    Welfare rate: On the rise for decades.
    Spousal cheating: About the same now (60% – 70% of spouses cheat).
    Out of wedlock birth to African American women 1960: 9%. Out of wedlock births to African American women today: 75%.
    Childbirth rates for white American females: On the decline for decades.
    Laws related to A** raping men in divorce: OMFG!
    Real middleclass wealth: On the decline for decades.
    Percentage of morally bankrupt Americans: On the rise for decades.
    Debt left by generational theft to the kids and grandkids: On the rise for decades.

    Yet…we still ask stupid questions.

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