The History of Christmas


H/T Walter Russell Mead

Merry Christmas everyone!

“In Anglo-American history, the Puritans gave up on trying to ‘put the Christ back in Christmas’ and just tried to get rid of Christmas completely. They banned it completely in Massachusetts and did the same thing in the old country after the English Civil War. Well into the nineteenth century, Christmas was ignored by many New England Christians; according to one report, no college in New England celebrated the Christmas holiday as late as 1847. After all, there’s no date given for Christmas in the Bible; our custom of celebrating Jesus’ birthday on December 25 has nothing to do with the scriptures, and everything to do with the way the ancient church tried to take over pagan festivals. Just as today’s radical Islamists destroy shrines and celebrations they consider un-Koranic, so many Protestants went to work demolishing anything that smacked of un-Biblical superstition and the pagan solstice-fest called Christmas was an excellent place to start.”

“The War on Christmas” was launched by the Yankee Puritans as soon as they got off the boat in Massachusetts. Christmas, which was banned by Parliament under “Lord Protector” Oliver Cromwell, was restored in England under King Charles II.

Virginia celebrated Christmas from the earliest days of Jamestown. Massachusetts supported Parliament while Virginia supported the Royalists in the English Civil War. It was Charles II who named Virginia the “Old Dominion.” He also rewarded a group of faithful royalist supporters by creating a new colony, Carolina.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Gwinnett County, as in Georgia? LOL, and here I thought it was only us Northerners who were apparent “negrophiles”.

    Miscegenation… It’s not just for damnyankees anymore 🙂


    ^ That’s the magical-thinking that stems from accepting the so-called enlightenment. Conjuring up a religion on the internet. At least Linder is consistent in his application of the old ‘fundamental’ principles as was Robespierre. Killing all the Jews is Linder’s way of resolving the contradictions in the modern mobocracy. The Yankee political pathology of Linder’s type is an interesting one. It can be traced back to other weird goals that were supposed to fix society: abolitionism and through female suffrage in the west (two tragedies Linder paves over). Linder’s type of racial Yankee fanaticism broke off from the mainstream in the run-up to WWI when all the hyphenated scum rallied to bring America in on Germany’s side or sit out the conflict. They lost and they’ve been losers ever since, they sat out prohibition which was the last big Yankee social movement until civil rights. The modern German-American atheist racist loser could be seen as the radical wing of the gallic revolutionary rooster. He’ll deny but he’s part-and-parcel to the Mobocracy and is an unemployable piece of filth whose ancestors rode the rails west and birthed a guttersnipe hyphen subnation unable to retain the old culture or process a new one.

  3. “The modern German-American atheist racist loser”

    Here special influence on ‘loser’. I’m not talking about cultured Americans of German extraction like Rudel, Sean and others. I’m talking about the genetic puddle that mudskipper Linder flopped out of.

  4. America should have stayed out of WW I, IAm surprised that we have to go over this all over again. Anglo Saxons both in old blighty and in the US betrayed Europe for Jewish gelt. Southerners have been fighting Jew wars for over a hundred years and despite a hundred years of Jewish vomit on their faces Anglo Saxon Southerners still haven’t learned. There is something very jewy in the wasp, both want to be separate from Europe and at the same time have veto power over its fate, both love money and are willing to exploit anyone white or brown to get it. The future belongs to a German-Russian alliance that will bring all the other European nations under its wing the day of the wasp has been over for along time too bad for the rest of white humanity you couldn’t take your decline with good grace but had to bring the jew along to burn down half of Europe. The best thing about an independent Dixie is that these southern warmongering blowhards will have absolutely no influence in European or world affairs.

  5. IAm surprised that we have to go over this all over again.

    I’m not surprised that you never say anything that’s in anyway responsive to the larger idea being discussed or for that matter, interesting to read or new.

  6. Why do WASPs share power with the Jews? Let’s look at European monarchies, they couldn’t let go of absolute power and now history has been written in their blood by gnarly proles like your ancestors. The greater power belongs to the remnants of Episcopal Aristocracy in Britain and America because while diminished it is a shallow breath of culture in a world shaped by crude thinkers such as yourself.

    And, vomit? I thought Jews were supposed to be the scatological ones.

  7. As I said in a previous post Americans wasps in particular are the hillbillies of Western Civilization the oily city slickers (Jews) came along and promised you the world if you just help them destroy Germany and you country bumpkins went along with it. What did you wasps get from it? The British Empire dismantled the Civil Rights movement in the South and Northern wasps being pushed aside in the country they used to run. On second thought calling you hillbillies is a compliment most hillbillies would learn their lesson when they have been kicked out of their homes by the city slickers they trusted but as said before its been a century now and you yokels still haven’t learned

    PS hillbillies, yokels etc is not a slam on the south all Americans with a few exceptions here and there are yokels

  8. As I said in a previous post

    We know you have three or four stock posts that you keep handy and rotate throughout the year.

    There are some good oily city-slickers as you call them buried in Richmond.

    People that know the real reason multi-racial empires rise and fall call them patriots to this day.

  9. Tamer

    Trust me we won’t burn down your cities like your Southern fly boys did in the 1940s first because we have are not such a warmongering people as you are and second because you are just not that important once the USA is broken up and can’t enslave Europe anymore the South can do as it wants. We want a nice stable South that doesn’t have any of those commie labor unions like those Euro-fag nations have. Low pay with no benefits the Southern motto hopefully in thirty years or so you Southern boys will fulfill your dream of becoming the coolie labor force for the western world.

  10. Prussiancroat: Great post. I agree with everything you say. America had zero business in WWI, period. No WWI would likely have meant no WWII. Hind sight is 20/20, however.

  11. @ Christmas in England was like the Mardi Gras in a sense.
    12 days of misrule and anarchy. In a sense it’s not a shocker that the Cromwellians suppressed it.

    The tradition of Saturnalia was, essentially, mardi gras, and seems to reference a feudal economy, with it’s MASTER-SLAVE reversals, the servants waiting on the masters, etc, etc. So, what IS “BRA” BUT Saturnalia.

    How mardi-gras, (at christmas or other otherwise), works among europeans might have very different limits than when applied to the current multi-cult.

    Maybe the Puritans were right, in seeing where it was all headed.

  12. The future belongs to a German-Russian alliance that will bring all the other European nations under its wing Prussiancroat

    Awesome comments! I too have been predicting this and I’m Anglo-Saxon. What has the WASP achieved? Ruled by clever Semites, women and Negroes, bullied by Hispanics, grown fat and stupid, despised by their own women, their daughters look to others to father their children, spiritless shadows of their former selves? The WASPs fought like cowards, coming in the night and burning great cities to the ground, even continued the slaughter of their noble cousins after the war ended and called themselves “the greatest generation”. They could have ruled the world, could have been Starship Troopers. The Saturn V, the only rocket to send men beyond low Earth orbit, descendant of the V2, was designed and built by captured Germans. Only a German-Russian alliance can carry on the great quest now.

  13. Anglo-American.

    What’s worse, being “ruled by clever Semites, women and Negroes
    being ruled by those that are “ruled by clever Semites, women and Negroes?

    You said it yourself, we captured their scientists with our disposable jew-nigger-bitch army.

    They could have ruled the world, could have been Starship Troopers.

    Good point.

    Germany failed twice as a bellicose world power but it’s even more ill-suited to the underdog affections of immature foreigners. Some are far too eager to romanticize a time & place where they’d have -in all likelihood- been tattooed and shaved clean, but not like their heroes in American History X. If you want to thump your scrawny Anglo-Amerikan chest to the German war-drum then I guess that means the European Union isn’t the bloody kind of teutonic domination you crave. Until Germany starts mass murdering European people you can always walk-up to German people in real life and terrify them by telling them about your views. That could keep you and the Germans with a good senes of humor entertained for a long time.

  14. Pierce was a good writer but as a speaker, he came off as a crank. he never interviewed anyone to broaden the scope.He was all about himself and the Jews. Intellectuals as he was,there a dime of dozen and are incapable of performing even simple task. True Leaders in the past had skills from childhood.

  15. AngloAmerikan says:

    …….”The future belongs to a German-Russian alliance… I’m Anglo-Saxon. What has the WASP achieved? Ruled by clever Semites, women and Negroes, bullied by Hispanics, grown fat and stupid, despised by their own women, their daughters look to others to father their children, spiritless shadows of their former selves? The WASPs fought like cowards, coming in the night and burning great cities to the ground, even continued the slaughter of their noble cousins after the war ended and called themselves “the greatest generation”…..”

    Wow, they really got to you, lol. Or maybe you’re not really Anglo-Saxon.

    Dresden was an uber-Protestant city. Just like the capital of the Confederacy (Virginia). All the Presidents were from Virginia. Jamestown predates that turd-sized rock called “plymouth rock.” (Where is plymouth, anyway?) Dresden and the South were BURNED to the ground BECAUSE they were wasp areas.

    You seem to see things from the standpoint of Idea-Nations, not ethnic reality.

    Now, in the propaganda, they try to make it like the “south” is catholic (and that does not mean white anymore than “fascism” means white, lol—- like now we have the making of The Conspirator movies, and making endless history-channel-style shows about catholic Dresden. —-A joke to many viewers.

    Dresden and Virginia—- that’s what was attacked (ethnically)

    Why are you saying you’re a wasp, lol

  16. Prussiancroat says:
    “….America should have stayed out of WW I, IAm surprised that we have to go over this all over again. Anglo Saxons both in old blighty and in the US betrayed Europe for Jewish gelt. Southerners have been fighting Jew wars for over a hundred years and despite a hundred years of Jewish vomit….”

    Blah, blah. Croat— your type BURNED wasps to the ground in Dresden and Virginia.

    The reason “southerners” have been fighting CATHOLIC and jewish (alliance between them) wars since “100 years” is the policy of “Total War” on the Southern Americans in VIRGINIA (where Jamestown was the earlier settlement, and where the “ancient planters,” peerage, settled in America).

    BACK IN REALITY, the Northeast “Americans” (immigrants who have nothing to do with Wasps AT ALL, and have no clues about their real culture or folkways) burned Dresden and Virginia.

    Of the Whites in nyc (30%)— it is majority CATHOLIC. There are only 4% Wasps.

    Wasps are less than 5% in all those cities (like detroit, chicago, philly, etc, etc.) These are catholic cities (majority). As are the government and propaganda players (from Tarantino to Biden, Pelosi RENO WITH HER AUTO DA FE, etc.

    It’s about what Dresden and Virginia and Waco HAVE IN COMMON (why they are all burned in neo-Auto Da Fe, obviously.)

  17. —- It seems funny that pro NS types go on and on about the E-villes of propaganda and then suck up and believe everything the history channel says about wwii, lol. And really believe fascism has something to do with White people (when obviously, using Mussolini’s definition, fascism can be multi-racial/multi-cult, which it IS, lol)

  18. Prussiancroat and AngloAmerikan: awesome comments.
    TOS: Germans lost two wars because both times America intruded into what was not her business because do- gooder, egalitarian, elites wished to establish a New World Order. Both times America came late to the game with masses of fresh troops and supplies.
    In WWII, it was just not Allies versus Axis, it was every nation against Germany, Japan, and Italy. The Allies brought in support from every colony of Africa, Asia, and Latin America they possessed at the time to give them that multicult, Star Wars cantina flavor, as juxaposed to the nationalists. I guess payback was their white women and homelands.
    Read Patton’ s diary.

  19. The only real loosers of WWI and WWII were white men. The best and bravest died, the weak, sick and degenerate bred, or served as beta cuckholds while the white women bred.

  20. and “Kwananazaaa” is a fake holiday created out of thin air 30 years ago by man who is literally a criminal – look it up

  21. Dixiegirl

    I am Protestant however for over 1,000 years Catholics kept the Jews on a very short leash it’s been wasp Protestants that have made alliances with the Jews which has made them masters of the Earth.

  22. Thanks Wayne, it is good to see that not everyone believes in the cartoon history of the wars of the twentieth century and see it how it was. The Germans and Japanese felt they were faced with a desperate war of survival. Very bad things happen under these circumstances but also terrific acts of bravery too. And even after their defeat they showed how great they were by picking themselves up and building economic power houses that still retain a majority middle-class with a low gap between rich and poor. And we are all driving around in German and Japanese made cars.

    It’s like when Bugs meets Daffy for the first time. TOS

    They always were my favourite cartoon characters!


    Things are complicated. I was brought up in an American Protestant cult that worshiped Jewish people. I’m Anglo-Saxon but think of myself as Celtic-Germanic. NS is a tricky thing and yes it was fairly multi-cultural, it recognized differences – I see it as applied Tolkienism. You help your folk because they are your people, blood is thicker than water and all that and it is somehow tied to the land and culture. But that doesn’t mean you hate everyone else.

  23. applied Tolkienism

    Tolkien bitterly resented Hitler for degrading Nordic culture and being a dirtball in general. I really hope you can accept who you are and stop worshipping Germans as a way to rebel against growing up worshipping Jews.

  24. But I am Germanic. Germans are the coolest people that ever walked the Earth. I bet if you look around you now everything you see is influenced by the Germanics.

    Tolkien used to belong to a right wing movement before the war. The Elves in the movies look and behave just like the imaginary classic Aryans. Yet I’m not saying Tolkein was a Nazi, just that NS was applied Tolkienism with runes and magic daggers, epic battles against hordes of Bolsheviks (Orcs) , evil wizards, rural life, and…stuff. Think about it.

  25. I’m ignoring this kid until his voice changes. I suggest others do the same or somehow sponsor him. He needs someone to go hunting or sailing with that can tell him about girls and help with his math homework.

  26. @ AngloAmerikan: If the Tolkien books and movies weren’t so profitable and especially, safely “science fictional,” they might be censored.

    BBC airs “Zone 9” that is “incorrect” in many places, but is safely science fictional.

  27. Mosin, you’re a cool Volksdeutscher (sorry for being redundant).

    Show this kid how to string concertina wire, start with the essentials he can make a bow and arrows out of a Jew’s ribcage later.

    This could be like the old Fritz Next Door comic, “Vyd dots!”

  28. This is an interesting quote from Tolkein:

    We were supposed to have reached a stage of civilization in which it might still be necessary to execute a criminal, but not to gloat, or to hang his wife and child by him while the orc-crowd hooted. The destruction of Germany, be it 100 times merited, is one of the most appalling world-catastrophes. Well, well,—you and I can do nothing about it. And that [should] be a measure of the amount of guilt that can justly be assumed to attach to any member of a country who is not a member of its actual Government. Well the first War of the Machines seems to be drawing to its final inconclusive chapter—leaving, alas, everyone the poorer, many bereaved or maimed and millions dead, and only one thing triumphant: the Machines.

    Orcs = the Anglo-Saxons?
    Even if the Germans were a 100 times more evil it was appalling what we did?
    The war ended inconclusively?
    Only the machines won?

    Now scholars have debated the allegories to be found in LotR so it is not so unreasonable or childish what I suggest (I’m fifty by the way). Tolkien’s stories arose from Germanic myths featuring elves, dwarfs, magic rings, wizards and fire breathing dragons but also influenced by the cultural milieu of the late nineteenth early twentieth century and the terrible Great War.. The Greek myths played a role as well. From the same soil sprung both Middle-earth and National Socialism. There was something very theatrical about Germany during the 1930s, unlike anything since.To the typical young German of the 1930s NS offered something very appealing and that was a chance to live like heroes similar to those found in Tolkein’s stories When men were men, women had their special place and demons needed to be slayed. Well, that’s how they saw it.

  29. AngloAmerikan: Great post! It seems to me that the results of WWII and those of the War Between the States were similar in several ways.

  30. (I’m fifty by the way).

    In that case I apologize for treating you with disrespect. While I’m not sure what to make of your views, it’s not for me to judge. Nice to meet you, sir.

  31. Right, Wayne. Similar in many ways. The side with the most and better machines won, and the same side profited.

  32. Discussion of the global wars of the twentieth century is really not digressive but always relevant to understanding Lincoln’s war.

  33. I agree about the similarities between the Civil War and WW2 in Europe. Both wars were touted as just wars against great evil yet the fighters on the sides that lost seemed somehow noble and spirited (an American or British soldier captured by the Germans was treated better than any other POW – we did not return the favour). The symbols and energy of the losing sides needed to be pulled out by the roots and stamped on even after total war had achieved its shameful victory. Strangely the Japanese got to keep their emperor, warrior shrines, symbols and geographical integrity even though they killed forty percent of their Allied prisoners. Both wars never really ended with the propaganda continuing to this very day.The German soldier is constantly vilified and caricatured by Hollywood and any realistic rendition of their story is verboten. Now they are treating the Southerner in the same way.

  34. Why don’t we all get on with hailing Saddam too since he had a nice Baathist state? Why stop there? Abu Musab Az-Zarqawi mounted a campaign against the BRAmericans that shamed the so-called “werewolves” of Germany’s ‘third strike’ after their dictator killed himself.

  35. TOS: Iraq is not part of Western Civilization, I could care less. It’ s not the job of our white sons to install social democracy and equality worldwide, although the Yankees and Allies seemed to think it was.

  36. Zarqawi lucidly deconstructed democracy WHILE leading an insurrection against BRA occupation. Two things Hitler could never do.

    The Democracy came to say to us:

    Verily, society is the sole ruler and the only reference is the democratic system, and it has the decisive and final word in all the affairs. Thusly this system says: there is no manner to reject popular decisions and no one to re-establish a down-voted order, and for the people is the right of rule and to them are the people held accountable. The rulers intentions are sacred, their choices are obligatory and their theories are put forth and respected in the public-sphere. Their rules are just rules, whom they raise is titled whom they abandon is discredited. What the society makes permissible is permissible and what the society forbids is forbidden. And when they are pleased with a law or system and legislation is kept. And there is no sanctity for anything besides that which can be sold or weighed, even if it is a religious decree or a wise legislation from God.

    So this is the “democratic religion” which is made popular and great in open and daylight. And this is what its philosophers and thinkers and exponents advance before an assembly of witnesses. And this is what we as witnesses observe and now experience the reality directly.

    So democracy- with its different divisions and interpretations – stands upon agreed basics and fundamentals, we would shortly explain the most important out of it in the coming points.

    Democracy stands on this basis that, verily the community is the center of authority, which also includes in it “the legislative authority”, and this is realized by choosing candidates to represent the community who would act on behalf of them in the matter of legislation.


    Democracy stands on the basis of freedom of religion and belief


    Democracy refers to the community as the only judge. Unto it, is returned all the disputes. And when any difference or dispute occurs between the judge and the one being judged, we see both parties warn each other to refer the matter to what the community chooses.


    Democracy stands on the basis of freedom of expression, whatever this expression is, even if what is understood from it is blasphemy.


    Democracy stands on the basis of removing the state from the religion

    That’s a real case against democracy.

    Hitler saw himself as representing what he calls in Mein Kampf, “true Germanic democracy”. He believed in mass-elections of Fuehrers. He was an enlightened democrat.

  37. TOS: Iraq is not part of Western Civilization, I could care less. It’ s not the job of our white sons to install social democracy and equality worldwide, although the Yankees and Allies seemed to think it was.

    It was under Alexander and other European empires.

  38. They did otoh get nuked. John

    Some claim that allowing the Soviets to rape and pillage their way to Berlin as well as the forced exile of ethnic Germans through hostile territory after the war made the nukes look merciful.

    Why don’t we all get on with hailing Saddam too. ToS

    I was careful to hail the “fighters” – a very large proportion of which were brave and honourable and a great loss to Western civilization.

  39. After the war Eisenhower ordered that tens of thousands of captured German soldiers in Austria be sent to the Soviet Union – against the wishes of Allied commanders on the ground. A few years later less than ten percent returned alive. Sadaam would have been impressed.

  40. After the Iraq war Bush ordered that Baathist troops be stripped of their jobs and dignity. Almost as stupid as Eisenhower, no stupider.

  41. Anglo Amerikan: Because everyone deserves respect…except those who resist social democracy and equality. They deserve extermination and eternal contempt, according to the New World Order leadership.
    You know, it wasn’ t too long ago that the Confederate soldier was respected regardless of one’ s politics. Now they, like Germans, are spat upon in memory.
    TOS: By that standard, China is Western too, because it was colonized by Western powers.

  42. You know, it wasn’ t too long ago that the Confederate soldier was respected regardless of one’ s politics. Now they, like Germans, are spat upon in memory.

    It’s been 53,957 days since Appomattox. BRA has staggered along every single one of those days intent upon sloughing off the culture/white identity that once made it great. Now we have a more perfect freakshow, it can only hate the enemies that it once respectfully resented. Pre-occupation Germany and the Confederacy represent authentic cultures that definitely had their merits and are certainly no more civilized under BRA than they were free. In order to justify the BRA-induced decline of those two national cultures BRA’s apologists relentlessly demonize the vanquished. This is all the more extreme when applied to European enemies be they Rebel or Nazi or Serbian because fighting fellow Euro White Christians proved that BRA was colorblind and really did value abstract ‘values’ like ‘freedom’ that transcended race.

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