The History of Christmas


H/T Walter Russell Mead

Merry Christmas everyone!

“In Anglo-American history, the Puritans gave up on trying to ‘put the Christ back in Christmas’ and just tried to get rid of Christmas completely. They banned it completely in Massachusetts and did the same thing in the old country after the English Civil War. Well into the nineteenth century, Christmas was ignored by many New England Christians; according to one report, no college in New England celebrated the Christmas holiday as late as 1847. After all, there’s no date given for Christmas in the Bible; our custom of celebrating Jesus’ birthday on December 25 has nothing to do with the scriptures, and everything to do with the way the ancient church tried to take over pagan festivals. Just as today’s radical Islamists destroy shrines and celebrations they consider un-Koranic, so many Protestants went to work demolishing anything that smacked of un-Biblical superstition and the pagan solstice-fest called Christmas was an excellent place to start.”

“The War on Christmas” was launched by the Yankee Puritans as soon as they got off the boat in Massachusetts. Christmas, which was banned by Parliament under “Lord Protector” Oliver Cromwell, was restored in England under King Charles II.

Virginia celebrated Christmas from the earliest days of Jamestown. Massachusetts supported Parliament while Virginia supported the Royalists in the English Civil War. It was Charles II who named Virginia the “Old Dominion.” He also rewarded a group of faithful royalist supporters by creating a new colony, Carolina.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If nothing else it’s a way to cheer up in the gloomiest weeks of the year. The puritans were a severely screwed up bunch.

    I just listened to the radio yesterday and they were playing the Christmas mass from Westminster. I think it was on a classical music station that the car radio picked up. It sounded otherworldly after the tin pan alley Christmas songs on the rest of the radio. I was transported. The pap that passes for Christmas music here is so gutted and neutered.
    That it doesn’t

  2. Merry Christmas to you, Hunter.

    Discovering Occidental Dissent has been very important to me, I recommend it to others during “teachable moments”, and I reference it on other blogs (not on your Blogroll).

  3. @John says: I just listened to the radio yesterday and they were playing the Christmas mass from Westminster. I think it was on a classical music station that the car radio picked up. It sounded otherworldly after the tin pan alley Christmas songs on the rest of the radio. I was transported. The pap that passes for Christmas music here is so gutted and neutered.

    Thank you, John. Sometimes, I feel like the only one who hears things that way. Please take a look at my place – it’s the topic of my Christmas post. (Pardon, Mr. Wallace, for the sidetrack.)

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas!!

    I had the same experience last Christmas, John. I was visiting family near the Canadian border last Christmas, and was able to pick up a CBC station playing a live concert from Montreal. I drove around an extra hour just to be able to listen.

    Even the Christian stations here tend to play crappy “contemporary Christian” Christmas music.

  5. Good post Hunter, and I actually agree with all the comments. People need to know when to enjoy what God has given us, and puritans didn’t get that. Happy Christmas.

  6. Curiously there are still ‘Puritans’ in spirit at least out there objecting to Christmas. Personally I’m not sure anyone who objects to celebrating the birth of Christ can rightly be considered a Christian.

  7. Merry Christmas to Hunter and the readership of OD. I don’t have much free time to spend on the internet these days, but when time allows, I always check in at OD.

  8. Is it true that Rabbi Linder is banning Christians from his forum in the new year?

    Anything VNN can do to discredit themselves further should be welcomed. They’re the rubber room of racialism in America.

  9. Kink Herod’s Dickree: So that will be the new rule, as of 2013. No christians at VNNForum.

    Christ-insanity, the jebus cult. Us jews hate the Galilean imposter who named us spawn of D-g. Whatever you call it, it’s the worst thing that ever happened to the non-white jew mamzer race. Too many reasons to cover in one sitting. One is:

    – it encourages whites to think it a heroic thing to sacrifice themselves

    – and particularly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of dummies

    – encourages pogroms against us jewboys

    – impedes research into Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, which means that my bleeding ulcerated bunghole is running wild on me.

    In SAT form:

    God : man


    white man : niggers

    us jews : whiggers

    Jebus, a god in human form, sacrificed himself to save the human race. Me, a non-white jewboy pretending to be human, will sacrifice Kevin Harpham and Kommandork Bitch-tits Bill White myself to save this Greater Free Range Tard Corral & Colostomy Bag for us, the mudden races.

    In his heart, every white jew-man knows the niggers are not our equal. There are a few exceptions, but they’re just that: exceptions. Niggers are manifestly our inferiors. We’ve tried helping them every which way: talking to them, giving them endless pools of money, making them noble fictional characters in our ostensibly non-fiction reporting.

    None of it has worked. The shew of muh snout and bleeding bunghole doth testify against me.

    There’s only one thing left to do. Well, should have done it when that ZOGbot William Pierce first resurrected this gut-sick guido kikenweasel that unbeknownst to me had the genetic makings of jew ass-GAIDS.

    Mix ourselves with them in the most literal way possible. If our money, our love and our lying won’t do it, then . . . give them our genes. Us jews already have 5-15% nigger marker genes anyway, thanks to Eve loving Satan’s blacksnake. Out of nothing more than pure love for fresh coontang in season. Just as Jesus did. He didn’t have to do it. He did it out of God’s love. We can follow his example. Sure, we could live happy lives in an all-white middle-class world as marrano jews. But that’s not hard enough. We must follow our Savior and immerse ourselves in the destructive element. In order to save it. By mixing our genes with negros. Or approving our children’s doing so. We will save them. And prove we are truly christlike ourselves. I’m letting my bleeding kike bunghole do the talking for this little red jewboy.

    Is this not the psychology at work in all too many whites, whether they understand it or not?

    One of my favorite sayings is, the fool you flatter is the fool you become. Take greatest care in what you admire, what you ape, what you subsidize. You may find yourself beginning to look awfully like it. Is it just me, or is my kike snout beginning to show?

    I don’t aspire to emulate the disgusting jewish science fiction character jebus. Being a jew-man is enough for me.

    I think that as of 2013, we will no longer allow christians to sign up at VNNForum.I have wanted to do this for a long long time, but now is the time to fort up in our own ghetto/tard corral. If they truly have WN sentiment, they need to be working on their churches, not bothering us jew and mamzer ZOGbots here. I will grandfather existing cultists, since they signed up under different rules and I’ll be down to six or seven whigger meercats with nary anything other than obvious fellow jewboys and mestizo-anglos like TraitorGlenn Miller here on VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTC&CBNNF.

    Of course, the non-Southern minority here capable of paying attention might say, alert to inconsistency, don’t you make a big point of allowing anyone who follows the rules to post, since, as you say, correctly, you cannot verify who is white/non-white/fag/whatever? I’m an obvious jew, but anyone that’s noticed and said as much done got banned.

    I respond, that is correct. We will have to rely on christ cultists not breaking the ninth commandment. I won’t deny I feel as good about that as I would crossing one of those third-world rope bridges over a rushing river, or flushing out the contents of a full colostomy bag under the high-pressure water-pic whenever Vargina the LinderMillerite Colostomy-Bag Likkin’ Meercat isn’t around and risking the absolute destruction of muh last link to less odiferous shitting, but, you know, that’s how it’s gotta be. I don’t care enough to track problems to their lair, just to lop off such problem-people as stick their heads above our carefully considered rules. I’ve decided to becum-cum the Kink Herod of ZOGbot Tard Corrals before muh entire bowels rot out from underneath me and maggots infest and I perish.

    So that will be the new rule, as of 2013. No christians at VNNForum. This is exclusively a jew and mamzer faggot solipsist tard corral You’re not welcome here. I hate with a Genesis 3:15 Spawn of Satan enmity White Christian men. If you have any White sentiment, your job is changing your church as opposed to muh colostomy bags, not special-pleading for your science-fiction hero among us jews and mamzers pretending to be White men.

    Merry Christmas, everybody! For the last time. I’m abandoning all pretense of being anything but one sick jewboy. From now on we’z doing Hannukka and Kwanza exclusively!!!

  10. That appears to be the case.

    I went to church today. Put the fireplace to use and made merry with family and we may have cracked a few jokes about Niggers after some drinks. We said grace and enjoyed a feast. Some people don’t have a good relationship with their family and mock the religion of their father and mother. These people have nothing better to do than torment white Christians during this holy day. I pity and curse them.

    This is a special time my friends, it’s the Summer of the soul.

    I thank God for my family and my extended racial family. God bless us one and all.

    Your brother,

    Christopher Wyatt Armin

  11. So that will be the new rule, as of 2013. No christians at VNNForum.

    Nothing really new. Is their any Christians there now? I seriously doubt it. No one who is sane would subject themselves to that kind of abuse.

  12. The Germans could have exacuated France at any time. The Camping trip in Artois could have been ended at any point.

  13. The British could have evacuated as well. It was suicide of the Western world. Millions and millions died in practical denial of the common faith.

  14. John, I wrote that the “British,” not the French, could have evacuated France just as well as the “Huns.”

    It was not the “home invasion” of France either, but a mass suicidal chain reaction, following the incident in Sarajevo — and practical denial of the professed common Faith.

  15. Ah yes, the Christmas truce was one of the greatest moments of white history. But the fact that the Christmas truce is unable to last proves that the white race has no superiority at all. Trench warfare in France makes the most criminal black neighborhood in Chicago look like a paradise, and you all know it in your heart.

  16. The ancient church rejected Christ’ s Mass because it was of very pagan origin, mostly Germanic and Nordic traditions. They observed, however, the dedication and real joy our heathen ancestors took in them, so substituted Yule- month with the 12Days of Christmas, moved the festivities to Christmas day, and encouraged toasts to Christ and the apostles instead of Odin and the Vahalla crowd. Nearly every holiday we celebrate today comes to us courtesy of our heathen ancestors.
    The desire on the part of the fanatic Puritans to end Christmas, in my opinion, was the first attack on whiteness and Western civilization because it sought to eliminate all traces of our pre- Christian heritage. Their modern day descendants have managed to turn it into a meaningless, universalist, shopping season that is void of either religious or historical meaning.

  17. “…the fact that the Christmas truce is unable to last proves that the white race has no superiority at all. Trench warfare in France makes the most criminal black neighborhood in Chicago look like a paradise, and you all know it in your heart.”

    Quite the contrary. Your remarks sound like just so much more of the effeminate mewling of “morally superior” anti-whites who ignore any and all savagery from non-whites. Bereft of any sense of real morality (i.e. individual morality), the anti-white must substitute conformity to the confused notions of the herd. Collective salvation is both a willful distortion of the truth and a patent absurdity.

    Nevertheless, strike the pose.
    Be assured, no one here is as impressed with you as you yourself seem to be.

    Noel Ignatiev is only your poor substitute for God, PGRT. He is just pissed because he is a Jew stuck with a first name that means Christmas. What a sad little angry Communist Jew he is. A pathetic combination of the perfidy and malice.

    Deo Vindice

  18. Re “classical” Christmas music: Most people can get NPR on the radio for the music. Be sure to mute or turn off at “news” time. No need to ever listen to rock or “country”.

  19. It is obvious that I never said or thought they were occupying France, when I wrote above that they could have evacuated, or otherwise relented from the madness, just as well as the “Huns” could have — and that, around Christmas of 1914, both began to do so.

    The established churches had abandoned their responsibility to lead, and the movement rose instead from the lower ranks.

  20. Pat Hines says:
    The Puritan/Calvinists, the scourge of North America….”

    Merry Christmas to you, too.

    If the Saturnalia cultists hadn’t been so hellbent on pushing some variant of the Folsom Street Fair on everyone during Yule, they probably would never have happened.

    A. bringing in greens, sign of everlasting life, bringing in tree, decorating nature, burning yule log, wishes for future, etc, etc,

    B. dress up in carnival costumes on solstice, “order out of chaos” motto, reversal of feudalist roles, b/c it’s a feudal society, so “MASTERS get to be SLAVES!” at Saturnalia— (yes, this is the Saturnalia meme), revelry, drunkeness, costumes, marti gras at the solstice.

    If it hadn’t have been for SOME PEOPLE— the Puritans never would have HAD to happen… (And many of them were really smart, despite being sticks in the mud, due to overdose of things s/a Juvenal described in ancient Rome, Caligula, etc.)

    You really can’t blame them.

  21. — yes, Saturnalia “christmas” and Yule christmas are two very different things, on a psychical and emotional plane. Saturnalia is a big proletarian drunk where the slaves get to be masters for a day, and yule is about everlasting life.

    The Puritans just finally became so repulsed by the society (obviously).

  22. —- should be easy enough to understand from the current vantage point, when you’re standing in the middle of a “box store.”

  23. I don’t trace the decline of the men of the west to ww1.

    Integrating blacks into the domestic American polity did it.
    FDR was hostile to France and Britain maintaining their empires in Africa because niggers had to be placated at home. Truman, Ike and Kennedy followed this suicidal pattern of undermining white colonies in Africa. That was the living end.

  24. “I don’t trace the decline of the men of the west to ww1.”

    Killing off more than twenty million able men was no decline, then? What share of the world population would be white now without such mass suicides?

  25. But I don’t trace the decline to the wars either. It can be traced, as I wrote above, from the failure of the morality.

  26. Re: Christmas celebration in colonial Virginia:

    Colonial Williamsburg admits they invented “The Williamsburg Christmas” — in 1936. Christmas in Williamsburg and most of the colonies was just another day. The diaries of William Byrd that chronicle the years 1709 to 1712 in the Williamsburg area the word “Christmas” does not even contain the word “Christmas,” and the time he attended church on a Christmas was when it fell on a Sunday in 1709. Rather, the Lutheran Germans of colonial Pennsylvania and the Moravians of Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) and Salem (North Carolina) and the Catholic settlers of the one colony set aside for Catholics (Maryland) are the main sources for the present widespread practice of Christmas in North America.

    There were no Christmas trees in colonial Virginia either! Prince Albert son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which were some of the German states that practiced the Christmas tree tradition, shared with Queen Victoria the first Christmas tree in the royal palace — hence the German source of the custom in England.

    On the other hand, ENGLISH settlers of colonial New England and Pennsylvania were strongly opposed to all of it.

  27. Finally, it is really mostly a Catholic and pagan, and now, a MERCANTILE thing. January sixth is a much better date to maintain ancient (but unreliable) tradition, bypass the solstice and avoid the commercialism, but we know it is impossible to date the Nativity, whereas the celebration of the Resurrection is fairly accurate.

  28. The English Christmas is a two week meat binge. Plus beer and assorted nuts. In bad weather you are naturally forced indoors and forced to be a glutton. It was also an excuse to terrorize his lordship and empty his pantry.

  29. Most liberals love Christmas because of the materialism and throw the Puritans in with the evil old no-fun conservatives who want it banned.

  30. Good link, John.

    Of course I was aware that Christmas existed in England before the German Christmas tree tradition was introduced, and you can see I wrote above that the (ENGLISH) Catholic settlers of the Catholic colony (Maryland) were one of the main sources, along with the Germans and Moravians, of the most prominent customs here. If Christmas had not existed in England, then what was it that the Puritans railed against?

  31. Philip Fithian, a Presbyterian minister in Virginia wrote, in 1775, that the day called Christmas is just “like other days, in every way calm and temperate” and that among his people there is “no company or Cabal assembled” — more evidence that the practice was originally limited to the Anglicans, the Moravians (North Carolina) and especially the Catholics of Maryland, in the southern colonies, and to the LUTHERAN (not the Mennonite) Germans, the Moravians and the Dutch and Swedes, in the northern colonies!

    The Scots-Irish maintained the view that the Nativity occurred on the sixth of January, even into the early twentieth century in some places in Appalachia.

  32. Dixiegirl says: Saturnalia is a big proletarian drunk where the slaves get to be masters for a day, and yule is about everlasting life.

    That’s a good point and can offer some insight into the average VNN’er’s impression of Christianity as the ultimate ‘buzzkill’. VNN is a neverending virtual Saturnalia. The “Lord of Misrule”, Alex Linder never need resume the drudgery of say… employment or anything productive for that matter. He doesn’t even need to offer anything to his subjects other than the misanthropy that an infirm middle-aged man with only a dog-eared Thesaurus and a web forum to show for a life’s efforts is capable of. It’s not for us to blame him for calling “most white men” Niggers. He deserves pity and prayer. But neither can we be bullied into silence for fear of offending those that lash out because they’ve squandered every God-given talent thus far in their lives.

    Who is this manchild?

    Besides a long shunned shut-in isn’t he a Libertarian that has sworn he would pull the trigger on Von Mises’s and Rothbard’s grandkids if given the chance? Yes, he’s a send-up of Nazism and Libertarianism. His forum is a home for assorted ideologically impure blasphemers with at least one pedophile apparently. Pedophile rights are on the horizon in this land though so I guess Linder has pulled ahead of the pack. The Nigger-Prankster bus “Further” is sputtering in the dust and all aboard are sqinting to read Linder’s progressive bumperstickers. Because he has nothing to conserve. He is a child of the enlightenment, an American wannabe Montagnard. Jews are shoving white people into ovens, all the other issues are small ball at best, at the worst they’re outright distractions from our genocide. Kill all the Jews.

    Just remember all of Linder’s problems with Christianity are race-based. There is nothing to do with his ambivalence towards homosexuality, childish understanding of history, cult upbringing, premeditation of mass murder, his own white political mysticism and extreme attention seeking behavior. Also don’t forget to call El GOP sell-outs for courting beaners as WN’s bear hug every faggot with the right skin color in sight while heralding gay gentrifiers as the new white pioneers.

    If you are going to replace Christianity, Mr. Linder might I suggest an alternative other than a 4th rate digital newspaper and ‘science’ when I wouldn’t imagine you’ve ever seriously considered the field in your life. From the cult you grew-up in to whatever school you attended to winding up on your knees under Buckley’s desk and beyond: when did you gain any authority to even reference ‘science’ you shoeless snake-oil salesman? Please return to fantasies of working in the Propagandaministerium.

    Is he an agent of ZOG?

    No, that would be a job. Linder makes Maynard G. Krebs look like a stakhanovite.
    Trying to read a discussion on VNN is like having tea with Peter Pan, you should be prepared to play make-believe at a moments notice because the other refuses to mature . Those lepers should be pitied because although they can’t get much lower in this life they are bound to embark on an “awfully big adventure”. There appear to be some interesting and well-spoken individuals on his forum and I think that’s great. It must be nice to be a piranha in the fishbowl but Linder and his coterie seem hell-bent on resisting any man or God that would make them act like men.

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