Quentin Tarantino’s “Killer Crow”


When I first heard about “Killer Crow,” I thought this was a White Nationalist parody of Django Unchained, but it turns out that Quentin Tarantino is planning yet another anti-White movie:

“I don’t know exactly when I’m going to do it, but there’s something about this that would suggest a trilogy. My original idea for “Inglourious Basterds” way back when was that this [would be] a huge story that included the [smaller] story that you saw in the film, but also followed a bunch of black troops, and they had been f–ked over by the American military and kind of go apes–t. They basically — the way Lt. Aldo Raines (Brad Pitt) and the Basterds are having an “Apache resistance” — [the] black troops go on an Apache warpath and kill a bunch of white soldiers and white officers on a military base and are just making a warpath to Switzerland.”

Inglourious Basterds. Machete. Django Unchained. “Killer Crow.” Notice any common theme?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This could be set in Vietnam. Almost all the frag incidents were niggers stabbing or shooting white officers and NCOs. Yep, it’s a fact. The nig nog war and could be fighting its way to Thailand and the smack house.

  2. It is possible that Tarantino (who is by definition ultra Jew wise having navigated Hollywood and still has a career) is going over-the-top in order to trigger a fear reflex in his fellow whites which will get them out of their comfort zones.

    I had business this last week in a small almost all white town, and the thing that struck me about it was just how comfortable the whole place was, compared to my daily life which is anywhere from 30 to 50 percent non white.

    I know for a fact that white will wake up at some point, but the trouble is that they will likely wake up after the point where anything can be done about it.

    That “hair on the back of your neck” moment has the power to override the conditioning foisted upon us by the cultural Marxists. I know when my wife was threatened by a bunch of feral blacks (in the Deep South) it was on like Tron from that point on.

    Perhaps Tarantino should make a movie about feral blacks killing supplicating suburban white multicultists?

  3. If I were to make a movie along the same vein as Terrortino it would go as follows: White Christian small town men lose white goverment and the Black Plague begins. Fed up with outside forces pushing them around and niggers getting uppity they close off borders as a loose confederation of towns and clean house. By the end of the movie let’s just say there is a white spot in darkest Africa, a pale white spot. Another idea is a new crusade against the occupied Holy Land. South America Indians getting a taste of cowboy vengeance, and white suburban man de-brainwashed going around killin multiple cults and satanists. I mean what’s good for the goose is good for the gander right?

  4. He looks like Jimmy Saville in the photo at the linked article.
    It’s a creepy look.

    He does appear to be deliberately pushing things to absurd heights. It’s real world reaction has obviously woken up a lot of white people. It’s even made conservative jews flinch, see breitbart on this film.

  5. Exactly, hollywood didn’t make him anti-white, he made it in hollywood because he’s anti-white.

    What’s wrong with Tarantino is simple, he has Stockholm syndrome. It normally happens to women, which would explain why weak girlish males like him are susceptible.

  6. His handler is Brooklyn Jew Larry Bender. WTF is wrong with these people that they are so passionately anti-man? He’s a big environmentalist ie exterminationist.

  7. I don’t give Tarantino too much credit, he is basically just taking as many sensational things (weird sex, hip popular songs, drugs, violence, race, explosions, foul language etc.) and throws them at the silver screen and takes credit for whatever sticks. In a saner society he’d have been a nobody driven to suicide when netflix came out and his precious indie films became readily available to soccer-moms. Because he chops up his films and there’s the rich soundtrack they’re like little more than music videos with A-list stars that the kids can (re)watch without needing to pay much attention.

    He obviously is suffering from some kind of genetic disorder. Imagine if you were a sick individual and instead of getting treatment people were just throwing you into limousines and filling up your bank account, knifing each other in the back to be your friend and tell you what a genius you are. He’s just sane enough to put a suit on when required by his handlers. He needs treatment and for fear of the Jews and losing their mammon and the lifestyle they provide perhaps he is too scared to seek it out.

  8. As blacks come after whites more often, they kill themselves much more frequently than whites, a whole lot more of them are going to die.

    We’re not south Florida here in South Carolina, the next Trayvons will be dead and that will be the end of it.

  9. Tarantino supposedly is part injun. He hates white people. He is the lowest form of hollywood life. Perhaps he will die violently someday. God knows he stokes the flames of race hate.

  10. I never got the whole Tarantino thing. The guy is ugly, his movies are extremely juvenile, his movies suck, his interviews are douchey, etc. The guy doesn’t seem to have many redeeming qualities.

  11. I saw a brief clip of the freak on TV, last weekend, touting It’s opus. There’s something deeply wrong with It. It’s eyes were operating independently, and It was making weird facial expressions. It’s sick sick sick.

  12. Mary – I saw that. I learned about Racial reality in Philadelphia, ages ago. I feel sorry for that woman. She ought to have known better. Why was she waiting outside for her boyfriend? He should have known better. We are literally descending into another Dark Ages. We NEED another King Edward I.

  13. This gang rape in Philly ought to have sparked a race riot. It’s basically an act of war like the stories out of Bosnia in 1992.

  14. I was thinking a few days ago of how the only safe targets for these types of movies are Whites and what would the possibilities be for the setting of the next of these Kill Whitey films. We already have Jews killing Germans and now former slaves killing White Southerners. What else, Native Americans killing US soldiers and pioneers during the American Indian Wars, South American Indians killing Spanish conquistadors, Indians killing Europeans during the Indian Rebellion, Chinese killing Europeans during the Boxer Rebellion or Zulus killing Boers and Britons during the Zulu Wars. Which one might it be?

  15. Some independent should make a film, where the characters do to Hollyweird types, what they have been doing to White people in their movies. I’ll bet Tarantino would cry foul.

  16. “Some independent should make a film, where the characters do to Hollyweird types, what they have been doing to White people in their movies. I’ll bet Tarantino would cry foul.”

    Didn’t the South Park guys already do that, kinda? The one with the puppets.

  17. “Didn’t the South Park guys already do that, kinda? The one with the puppets.”

    I have no idea. I haven’t watched South Park in a long time, as not only are they vulgar, they are establishment PC.

  18. Afterthought says:
    “…I had business this last week in a small almost all white town, and the thing that struck me about it was just how comfortable the whole place was, compared to my daily life which is anywhere from 30 to 50 percent non white.”

    That comment really struck me as true. I visited a friend in Wentzville, North of St. Louis and all the people were white except for a couple of Asians. It was very comfortable going into stores. I live in the same 30 to 50 percent non white. The Arab or Asian stores are really bad. Negros seem to congregate around them. I try to stay out of them.

  19. Ridiculous. Blacks could not free themselves from slavery, even after hundred of years of being chained and even being neutered by the Muslims. It took the white man to free them. In Africa they never thought to construct a boat or to make a wheel even though there were round or rolling objects all around them in nature. They had no written language. Now all at once through the fantasy of some pervert’s mind in hollyweird blacks have become these unconquerable revenging heroes.

    If memory serves me, right just in my relatively short life span it is the White man who does the conquering. We have kicked everyone’s ass on this planet and then conquered space. No one else has come close to the kick ass ability of Whites. As a US Army combat vet I can attest to the fact that Whites do war rather well.
    The jews have this nutcase Goya on their payroll. It’s all just jewshit. I admit it’s sickening and we Whites must not put up with this shit.

  20. No I mean they made a movie where hollywood guys like sean penn, michael moore, matt damon, etc all die violent deaths.

  21. George: exactly! Everywhere what freedom blacks have has come from white men, with the sole exception of Haiti. Yet by the minds of the leftist egalitarians, history will be rewritten with heros like MLK, Mandela, etc.
    The only thing that ended aparteid, like Jim Crow, was pressure from whites outside the system. Period.

  22. Personally I would use some good jew money to make his next anti-white movie. Yeah he is a nut and viruently anti-white but he is destroying the legitimacy of the establisment. And one day we will stop quibbling the details of non-entities and stupid abstract intellectual entertainments and just pronounce the various establishment outlets and institutions and march on them in various ways.

    Any anti-white trolls reading this, come to understand that while we are doing the usual internet entertainments there is a day in the future when a large portion of this country’s population will publically find its moral standing.

  23. BRA wasn’t the first country to free a rival’s slaves. Maybe the first time was when Thebes ’emancipated’ the Helots to destroy Sparta.

    The three things Lincoln had going for him were his height, prophet’s beard, and first name. These traits made his mythos easy in life and death-cult unstoppable by the white-rabble and freegroes in his death. He wasn’t a clear thinker or suited for anything besides public adoration. He wasn’t squeamish about blood either, that allowed him to carry the day.

  24. He’s absolute Leftist indoctrinating filth radicalizing these already-violent races and if there’s ever a Revolution, he needs to get what he deserves.

  25. crowley says:Perhaps he will die violently someday. God knows he stokes the flames of race hate.

    86 himself like Hemmingway did He placed a shotgun in his mouth. This Hemmingway was a SOB Shot Germans POW in the back during ww2.

  26. Actually, if anything it is a good thing that this sort of stuff is being produced. How many white people would not have a reaction of anger to the idea of a white virgin becoming the sex slave of a black militant gang as this guys favorite porno goes? In inglorious bastards the jews act as a bunch of nutball savages out for revenge killing usually civilized stoic german officers from the clips that I have seen. In Django unchained, the black guy boasts about loving to kill whites. How many white people like that statement? And of course since hollywood applauds these guys to no end, that casts suspicion upon them.

    Most people simply have to be cracked over the skull a few times with a mental sledgehammer to get this idea. Shoot, you can win over sympathies if you have the courage to point out the savagery of any of these groups. You can point out that the jews and arabs have their highest act of faith as abraham’s willingness to go and offer isaac (or ishmael according to muslims) as a human sacrifice to their stalinist god yahweh (genesis 22). You can point out that their eschatology literally dictates that they must force the blood of all nations to flow to the tops of the mountains (isaiah style). And then they must disarm the nations and force them to worship at zion (hence why that oh so “wonderful” promise is glorified at the UN with a statue donated by the soviet union: http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/untour/subswo.htm ). Hell, that alleged satanism that they are trying to convince us is natural could only be concieved by a bunch of apostates from this system who are allowed to be nutballs by their own elites.

    You can point out that the africans always present themselves as being created by either the sun god or the semitic thunder god b0th of whom are majorly into human sacrifice. You can point out that a bunch of ancient egyptian nutballs like pharoah ahkenaten were hyper promoters of mutant africans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:%C3%84gyptischer_Maler_um_1360_v._Chr._002.jpg). One can even point out that the european elites worship odin who is easily enki the ancient trickster deity who stunningly also demands human sacrifice. If you want to have a field day, do the research on the different masonic and luciferian groups that have said that they want a one world government and a one blended race. Theosophy (with several authors who favorably use the term NWO), rosicrucianism, Thelma, the Original Illuminati (who said that patriots were biggoted and narrow minded and whose creed was: ““The aim of the order is now more fully told him. It is, in one sentence, ” to make of the human race, without any distinction of nation, condition, or profession, one good and happy family.”” (Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe : carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and reading societies (1798) Chapter 2 on the illuminati http://archive.org/details/proofsofconspira00robi )

    Even the catholics get involved with this stuff: “”73. Sincere dialogue between cultures, as between individuals, paves the way for ties of brotherhood. Plans proposed for man’s betterment will unite all nations in the joint effort to be undertaken, if every citizen—be he a government leader, a public official, or a simple workman—is motivated by brotherly love and is truly anxious to build one universal human civilization that spans the globe. Then we shall see the start of a dialogue on man rather than on the products of the soil or of technology.

    This dialogue will be fruitful if it shows the participants how to make economic progress and how to achieve spiritual growth as well; if the technicians take the role of teachers and educators; if the training provided is characterized by a concern for spiritual and moral values, so that it ensures human betterment as well as economic growth. Then the bonds of solidarity will endure, even when the aid programs are past and gone. It is not plain to all that closer ties of this sort will contribute immeasurably to the preservation of world peace?”

    “78. Such international collaboration among the nations of the world certainly calls for institutions that will promote, coordinate and direct it, until a new juridical order is firmly established and fully ratified. We give willing and wholehearted support to those public organizations that have already joined in promoting the development of nations, and We ardently hope that they will enjoy ever growing authority. As We told the United Nations General Assembly in New York: “Your vocation is to bring not just some peoples but all peoples together as brothers. . . Who can fail to see the need and importance of thus gradually coming to the establishment of a world authority capable of taking effective action on the juridical and political planes?” (66)”

    (ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PAUL VI ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLES MARCH 26, 1967 http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/paul_vi/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_26031967_populorum_en.html ).

    In the same document he also utilizes the language of the new world order: “83. Finally, We look to all men of good will, reminding them that civil progress and economic development are the only road to peace. Delegates to international organizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press, teachers and educators—all of you must realize that you have your part to play in the construction of a new world order. We ask God to enlighten and strengthen you all, so that you may persuade all men to turn their attention to these grave questions and prompt nations to work toward their solution .

    Educators, you should resolve to inspire young people with a love for the needy nations. Gentlemen of the press, your job is to place before our eyes the initiatives that are being taken to promote mutual aid, and the tragic spectacle of misery and poverty that people tend to ignore in order to salve their consciences. Thus at least the wealthy will know that the poor stand outside their doors waiting to receive some leftovers from their banquets”.

    In the catholic catechism they also admit that both jews and muslims worship the same god: “839 “Those who have not yet received the Gospel are related to the People of God in various ways.”325
    The relationship of the Church with the Jewish People. When she delves into her own mystery, the Church, the People of God in the New Covenant, discovers her link with the Jewish People,326 “the first to hear the Word of God.”327 The Jewish faith, unlike other non-Christian religions, is already a response to God’s revelation in the Old Covenant. To the Jews “belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ”,328 “for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.”329

    840 and when one considers the future, God’s People of the Old Covenant and the new People of God tend towards similar goals: expectation of the coming (or the return) of the Messiah. But one awaits the return of the Messiah who died and rose from the dead and is recognized as Lord and Son of God; the other awaits the coming of a Messiah, whose features remain hidden till the end of time; and the latter waiting is accompanied by the drama of not knowing or of misunderstanding Christ Jesus.

    841 The Church’s relationship with the Muslims. “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.”330”.

    Now suddenly the promotion of muslim immigration makes some sense.

    You can literally compare roman catholic statements to this effect to luciferian and masonic statements and they will be of one mind. Hence, all the alleged conflict is fake between our almighty conservative movement (which is very much a roman catholic creation at present) and the liberal movement.

    While we are on about hollywood and the entertainment industry, they worship this character: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishtar . Depending upon her form she can either be anti female or anti male. In an anti female case, she is worshiped by prostitution and war/violence. In the anti male incarnation she is worshiped by a bunch of cross dressing castrated male priests who are also prostitutes: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybele). One will note that the flag of the UK is actually just a redone version of her ancient solar symbol: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kudurru_Melishipak_Louvre_Sb23_Ishtar-star.jpg).

    And once one understands the enslaving mentality of the elites, you will then lose all respect for them. If that doesn’t work, spend some time over at here: http://pseudoccultmedia.blogspot.ca/ . Then you will be disgusted enough by what they promote to regard them as the insane lunatics that they are. At any rate, things start to look up once you realize all of that. You give power to what you worship by how you act, remember that.

  27. J Spruce, didn’t know that about Hemmingway. Sorry to hear that, but not surprised. Americans were on the wrong side during that war, and the world war previous as. Lets face it, the only righteous wars we have fought are the Revolutionary War, the Indian Wars, and the War of 1812.

  28. Striking similarity Tarrantino and the kid Lanza in Connecticut except Tarrantino does it with the camera.Both raised by single mom of feminist that resent the establishment of the old order .

  29. Hemingway, the writer? He had a bunch of Electric Shock treatments, and later claimed they wiped his brain clean and erased his memory, and he could no longer write, and that contributed to the suicide.

    With arguments for brain-wipage like Hemingway, it sure makes sense that electric shock treatments were so on the rise in the 80s. After it was said medicare could pay for them, they really went up in old folks homes.

  30. Tarantino still doesn’t quite compute for me. The raft of movies you mention couldn’t be made without them. And they pave the way for anti-non-white revenge flicks. They set whites up as victims of Jews, mestizos, and blacks, something Hollywood just doesn’t do.

  31. “Some independent should make a film, where the characters do to Hollyweird types, what they have been doing to White people in their movies. I’ll bet Tarantino would cry foul.”

    Covington’s The Brigade. I think the bit where they make a road trip to Hollywood has shades of a Tarantino film.

  32. Tarantino sure seems to hate White people. He continually indulges in fantasy about killing us.

    He seems to have a lot of animus toward nigger males, too. He punched some button-down nigger in the face in public in H-wood for trying to intimidate him. He wrote “Drexler” as a nigger with white skin in True Romance so his stand-in (dorky comic-book Elvis geek? Total Tarantino stand-in) could blow his crank off underneath the radar. His movies are full of whites casually discussing niggers.

    He does seem to hate southerners, though, depicting them and their redneck stand-ins as rapists and perverts on a regular basis.

  33. I wonder if Chechar’s ever analyzed Tarantino. Something tells me a race-realist, nationalist shrink who knew his stuff could pick Tarantino apart and give us a definitive answer as to what’s going on with that dude, using just his movies, public statements, and H-wood press.

  34. http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2012/12/27/3-arrested-after-woman-reports-being-kidnapped-raped-during-terrifying-ordeal-on-christmas/

    cbs’local’Never ever the nig nog crimes elevated to national level. Imus in the morning merely used words describe these wonderfull creatures as nappy headed ho’s the MSM beserk all day and night on TV ,radio and news paper there after, a nuclear explosion just occurred.

    Preachers, politicians and the media are partners in crime.

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