Rainbow Confederacy Resources: Robert E. Lee on Negroes


I found these two gems of Confederate wisdom on the League of the South Facebook page:

“Wherever you find the negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving.”

– Robert E. Lee to Thomas Carter, April 15, 1865

Paul Kersey arrived at the same conclusion in Escape From Detroit: The Collapse of America’s Black Metropolis and Black Mecca Down: The Fall of the City Too Busy Too Hate:

“You will never prosper with the blacks, and it is abhorrent to a reflecting mind to be supporting and cherishing those who are plotting and working for your injury, and all of whose sympathies and associations are antagonistic to yours. I wish them no evil in the world – on the contrary, will do them every good in my power, and know that they are misled by those to whom they have given their confidence; but our material, social, and political interests are naturally with the whites.”

– Robert E. Lee to R.E. Lee, Jr., March 19, 1868

145 years later, Rainbow Confederates are still frustrated that the blacks are “misled by those to whom they have given their confidence,” but refuse to draw the conclusion that “our material, social, and political interests are naturally with the whites.”

Robert E. Lee was encouraging his son to replace the hostile free negroes on his farm with White laborers. In “Robert E. Lee on African-Americans,” we also saw that Lee testified before Congress in favor of removing the blacks from Virginia altogether.

Note: This is why I started my new website Confederate Renaissance to stimulate a revival of Confederate thought in the modern South.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Take your shih-tzu for a walk through Germantown.

    Thanks for joining the ranks of persons who are paying no attention to what I’m saying, Tamer. I happen to know the ruins of Germantown fairly well; my maternal grandparents’ homes are among them.

  2. @ Hell, even Columbus had to rely on the Spanish.”

    Lol— They always discovered the World. But then, they the Whites who did not discover the World— are the ones who had the Slaves.

    Chris is so transparently duplicitous.

  3. The civil war was 50% about the wealth that king cotton generated. Which was a product of slavery.

    No serious historian ever claims that war is monocausal though. The slaves could have been apprenticed out without a war over a 10 year period. The Unionists were in a rush though. They were clearly motivated by tax collection revenues in addition to cultural animus for Southern whites. I’d add to that the existence of a fanatical fringe in the North composed of three groups. Wilberforcarian Anglos. German egalitarians
    identified as Jews or German in the historical record. Opportunists.

  4. Yes, well, you and Chris do sort of blend together—

    And I’m busy putting away Christmas, OD being my coffee breaks.

    Point is, you waste all your time on something stupid (the slavery question in the American war). But you don’t give any energy to slaves held by others, which is a decision you could make. You are anti-white.

  5. Didn’t Columbus enslave the Indios he found in the Carribean? He literally had them growing sugar within two seasons of landfall…the commercial exploitation of the new world required a disposable workforce. Brutal but true.

  6. You could explore the fact that these navigators like Cabot and Vespucci are on record selling slaves in Crete and Cyprus…Vespucci was a particularly noteworthy slaver. Half the wealth of Venice and Genoa was based on providing slaves for harems and sugar plantations in the Med and Red Sea. Bohemians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Poles ect sold off to Sultans. The City states of Italy were very duplicitous.

    Dixie was a late comer to the practice indeed many of the states in question didn’t even exist until the 1800s.

  7. “blaming the destruction of Philadelphia on my own Catholic kin.”

    Blaming one’s kin is symptomatically anti-white. All such one-sided critiques of white history are the product of the effete degenerate Marxism that dominates BRA. They are only meant to destroy white traditions and culture…and ultimately white people.

    “The eternal privilege of those who never act themselves: to interrogate, be dissatisfied, find fault.“

    – A. Solzhenitsyn

    Robert E. Lee, the finest gentleman to ever draw breath, was right about the negroes.
    The only whites who should blame their ancestors and kin are yankees, whose ancestors fought and died for negro emancipation (WBTS), equality (CRM), and eventual extermination of whites (today).

    Deo Vindice

  8. @Dixiegirl

    “LOL– 100 years! Heavens– just go home then!”

    – This country IS MY HOME. My kind were here before yours were. YOU go home.

    “100 years is not even since 1900! You were hiding from WWI or II– and the U.S. was NICE ENOUGH TO TAKE YOU.”

    – Can you even read, you inbred Southern retard? My family has been here OVER 100 years. They came legally, and earned their citizenship legitimately. They came before WWI started, and they fought in WWII, so SHOVE IT. You don’t know SHIT about my family, or what this country means to us.

    “Now that your family hid out the World Wars (which is all you just admitted through the back door, yellowbelly)”

    – Again, nutcase, you don’t know the first thing about my family or it’s history to be running fat Southern mouth like this. Try actually swallowing your prescription meds with a glass of water, instead of mashing them up and snorting them.

    “why not show some class, like a normal person, and simply say “Thank You” for me using Hotel America, right?”

    – LOL. Honey, my people DISCOVERED and BUILT “Hotel America” in the first damned place. All you and yours did, was fill it up with niggers.

    “If you were still in Europe, cluck, cluck, cackle, cackle…

    – See my advice about your pills. Take it. Repeat when necessary.

    “go home — you can do it!”

    – No, YOU go home. This is MY country. You hate America, you hate the Union, so YOU fuck off back to Scotland or England or wherever you lazy, nigger-breeding, slave-owning filth came from.

  9. @ Apuleius

    “Cry me a river… Yankees cry about being mistreated by the niggers they insisted upon freeing.”

    – Please. All you Southerners on here do, is cry 24/7 about getting your ASSES KICKED by Yankees in the Civil War, which YOU started in the first place. Hypocrites.

    “Nobody asked your family to come here so can pack up whenever you’re ready.”

    – Nobody asked yours to come either, so take your own damn advice, Paison.

  10. Yes, well, you and Chris do sort of blend together—

    Ah–nasty rationalization in place of apology. Southern character.

    Point is, you waste all your time on something stupid (the slavery question in the American war). But you don’t give any energy to slaves held by others, which is a decision you could make. You are anti-white.

    I’ll admit you have me with that paragraph, Dixiegirl. I don’t know how to begin to respond to something completely meaningless.

    Blaming one’s kin is symptomatically anti-white.

    No, Apuleiuis, we’re not talking about something symptomatically anti-white; we’re talking about something symptomatically Southern: reflexive belligerence. Until I began visiting Occidental Dissent, I gave no particular attention to Southerners, who, as I’ve said here before, I thought of merely as Americans with a distinctive accent. From what I’ve seen here, I’ve concluded–as I’ve said to you, in particular, before–that Southerners are a reversion, Scythians, disconnected from civilization (by which I mean from whites). With my present, admittedly-limited knowledge, I’m inclined to think their reversion began with John Calhoun, who’s probably one of the two or three most influential whites in the history of the race. He was hypertrophic trash, willing to take down the whole country–and his whole region, if he had otherwise to abandon the slaveholding through which he’d come to value himself. You’re Calhounists, as Jews might be called Isaiahists: you merely mimic one malignant personality, whom, inexplicably, you admire.

  11. It’s easier to blame Catholics because there are no more Quakers. Philadelphia was the hub of the underground railroad. Philadelphians encouraged a freegro society and made sure to develop a freegro community that practiced cargo cult Christianity. After Civil Rights the Churches lost their function as organizing centers. Negro spirituality was neglected in favor of community organizing and socialism. Then 9/11 happened and the Negroes flocked to radical Islam.

    This polished little video proudly highlights Philadelphia’s trailblazing BRAism but they forgot to mention the Catholics who destroyed things:

  12. It’s easier to blame Catholics because there are no more Quakers. Philadelphia was the hub of the underground railroad. Philadelphians encouraged a freegro society and made sure to develop a freegro community that practiced cargo cult Christianity. After Civil Rights the Churches lost their function as organizing centers. Negro spirituality was neglected in favor of community organizing and socialism. Then 9/11 happened and the Negroes flocked to radical Islam.

    A trenchant overview, Tamer. You’ve reminded me why I continue to visit this blog.

  13. @Silver

    “..but the argument that this somehow means Italians “invented” America is too stupid for words.”

    – I never said anything of the sort, so don’t fucking put words in my mouth.

    “That America is a WASP/Germanic creation cannot possibly be questioned in good faith.”

    – It was just as much a creation of Italian explorers, French settlers, and Spanish missionaries. Hell, there were even Polish generals who fought for America in the Revolutionary War.

    “It really requires a level of delusion (or anti-white resentment) that borders on mental sickness to deny this most basic fact of history.”

    – Spare me the bubble-gum wrapper diagnosis. I catch a lot of shit on here from Southerners who like to suggest that my identity as an American is illegitimate because I’m not related to the “founding stock”. These assholes will tell me that I’m not American and only *they* truly are. And then, these very same fuckers will turn around and bellow about how they’re actually “Dixians” and thus a “distinct and seperate people from Americans”! So which the fuck is it? They hate America, but are in fact the “true” Americans? They’re the only “true” Americans, but paradoxially aren’t Americans at all, and are “Dixians”? Please. They can’t even keep their own bullshit straight.

    So yeah, America was constructed on an WASP foundation. I get that, and I never denied it. But my peoples contribution was just as important, and they have as much a rightful claim to this country as any WASP-descended American does, and I don’t let anybody tell me otherwise.

  14. JB,

    Do you have a “Philly Beard”?

    Whether you know it or not, Philadelphia is a culturally rich city and home to various things including the Philly cheese steak, the first ever slavery protest, and The Philly Beard. If you’re not familiar with The Philly Beard or “Sunni“, start paying attention to the young men around Philadelphia. Many of them have adopted the popular physical trait of wearing a beard. There are a number of African American men who have decided to grow a beard for religions reasons, specifically Islamic practices. Others have just decided it’s something that’s apart of Philly culture and wanted in on the action. So what’s the back-story of The Philly Beard? First we have to look at the significance of the beard itself.

  15. I don’t see any contradiction.

    The Scots-Irish are the “real Americans” in the sense that 12 American presidents have been of Scots-Irish ancestry. They provided much of the founding stock of the South, Midwest, and the West.

    No one has fought more for America than the Scots-Irish: the honor roll includes Andrew Jackson, Stonewall Jackson, Sam Houston, U.S. Grant, George Patton, and Douglas MacArthur.

    Jackson forced the Spanish to cede Florida, secured the Southeast from the Indians, and removed the Indians to Oklahoma. Sam Houston and Scots-Irish settlers won the Texas Revolution. James K. Polk acquired Oregon, California, and the Southwest. U.S. Grant saved the Union.

    That America is long gone now though. The “real Americans” are now firmly in the minority in contemporary”America.” It is natural for “insiders” to reconsider their loyalties when they become “outsiders.”

    It is just difficult for the Scots-Irish to reimagine their role in America when they were identified with the “real America” for so long.

  16. Please. All you Southerners on here do, is cry 24/7 about getting your ASSES KICKED by Yankees in the Civil War, which YOU started in the first place. Hypocrites.

    If we had just lost a war, there would be nothing to complain about. What was the cost of losing that war though? Yankees took control of the federal government and overthrew the Constitution and made blacks into citizens at gunpoint.

  17. Yes there are. When I was young I remember that there were even some older “thee” and thou” speakers still around in Philadelphia.

    Interesting that you mention that, Rudel. In mid-2004, when I was touring Germantown with relatives from out of town, a Quaker group happened to be holding there a rally, against the war in Iraq. It was in what’s called Vernon Park, I think, at the northwest corner of Germantown and Chelten Avenues ( http://www.ushistory.org/germantown/upper/vernon.htm ). That did lead me to think that the Philadelphia area retains more Quakers than I would have guessed; but still, I figured Tamer’s point was basically right.

    What struck me about that rally, incidentally, was that those Quakers were presumably unmindful that the ruins amid which they were holding it–the ruins of the once-beautiful Germantown that had been built by their religious and, possibly, genetic forebears–were the ultimate result of those same forebears’ abolitionism. Even as those ancient Quakers had been piling up the stones of their homes, they had been creating the conditions for the toppling of them.

    Between my own neighborhood and Germantown lies the Philadelphia section called Olney, whose name also has abolitionist associations. (See the Wikipedia entries for William Wilberforce’s friend John Newton, for Newton’s co-hymnist William Cowper, for “Olney Hymns,” and for “Olney, Philadelphia.”) That, too, has declined.

  18. Do you have a “Philly Beard”?

    No, Tamer. In the manner of all beautiful white men since Alexander the Great, I’ve always been clean-shaven, with a head of long, semi-wavy hair.

  19. @Hunter

    “If we had just lost a war, there would be nothing to complain about. What was the cost of losing that war though?”

    – Perhaps your ancestors should have spent more time pondering that question, and less time pumping-up for war with the North — a country who’s industrial war-machine could have steam-rolled everything from Virginia to Panama.

    “Yankees took control of the federal government and overthrew the Constitution and made blacks into citizens at gunpoint.”

    – What did you think they were going to do if they won? It was a war, not baseball game. Consider yourselves lucky they didn’t make YOU into slaves — historically a common fate for the conquered in war, and an institution which you Southerners apparently believe is so moral and humane.

  20. You are right Hunter—we are the minority now….the founding racial stock. Like Martin Lindstadt says—history repeats itself—Babylon the Third and Final will fall….Maybe after the Tribulation is over—Pastor Dewey Tuckers N,E,W.S.Flag will fly over the new White Nation Empire of Yahweh… Maybe Lindstedt is right about the WARLORDS………and hunkerin down like Groundhogs and Possums to survive the slow Extinction Level Event (ELE) of White Race. Whiggers will die with ZOG….

  21. Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Lucretia Mott, etc. Their ancestors would storm pulpits in Catholic England and start yelling against transubstantition, shake, then pass out. A century later they wound up with other radicals in Massachusetts and they started rebelling against the Puritans because the Puritans were bible-driven meaning they ignored that inner voice of “God”. Many screaming Quakers were chased out of New England or hanged. Those that fled to upstate NY banging pots and pans along the way were saddened, for they didn’t find any society to disrupt. Unperturbed, they screwed up their own by swearing off sex and shaking to release sexual tension until they died. After sitting out the revolutionary war, the remnants of Quakerdom were well-rested to tackle new challenges like slavery and alcohol.

    Those struggles gave every little quaker-tot banging a steel bowl atop his head with a wooden spoon cause for good cheer! Quakers won and the non-quakers were busy burying the dead as the quakers readied to fight for female suffrage. As women inched towards the vote Quakers were heading to Germany. Not to fight but to “help refugees” for the Kaiser and later the Fuehrer! Quakers came back and fought the good fight for civil rights and against war in Vietnam. They even got a Quaker president and disbanded until a radical sect known as CODEPINK emerged to continue the struggle urged on by that inner voice of “God”!

  22. CODEPINK is a yenta pussy riot. The Quakers came out of the Puritan Revolution in Engand to overthrow what remained of Magna Charta and throw down a Jew money trust over Britain: the Highland Clearances and the Closure of the Commons all followed. They will fit right in.

  23. Fought in ww2?

    Everybody in the Anglosphere did. Right now you live in a nigfuxated shit pit. Even though he’s a liberal he’s actually an engaging contrarian. Probably related to blackbeard too.

  24. I kno yall good people gonna show me some respectability before this nigga go Django!
    This the new shiiiite
    On the street your racism / you dont spit
    Everybody gon call u out on it.
    But on your computer you post crazy shit
    Just cuz my boy Sheikh Spear got a knave / dont mean im ur slave
    I know how to behave
    2 much pride – us
    can’t divide – us
    Underground railroad
    You can’t find us

  25. @British John

    “Right now you live in a nigfuxated shit pit.”

    – At least I live in my own country. You hide in this one and turn around and spit on it every chance you get. And if shit ever really does get ugly in this country, I’d bet right arm that you’ll be on the first flight to Heathrow.

    “Even though he’s a liberal he’s actually an engaging contrarian.”

    – And just what the fuck are you? You hate America, but choose to reside here. How’s that for inherently contrary? And you’re calling me a liberal? Sweety, I was fighting with ghetto niggers from the Jeffries projects when I was 7 years old. You’ve been a textbook racial liberal up until last spring. Don’t make me laugh.

  26. I kno yall good people gonna show me some respectability before this nigga go Django!

    Relax, Turn Your Frown. I’m the one who misidentified you as a racist white. That brief rap you just posted–do you know what? That was darn good.

    Don’t get upset about racism. A threat of being enslaved, yes–that’s something to resist; nobody wants to be enslaved. Racism, on the other hand, is simply a desire on the part of some whites not to associate with certain non-whites. What’s the point of getting upset about it? That’s like getting upset because a woman’s not in love with you. Do you think yelling at her about it is going to bring her around? A true racist wouldn’t even consider me white: a little too much of that brownish, Mediterranean skin, don’cha know. What am I supposed to do? Bang on his door and shout at him to like me?

    Five or six centuries ago, whites began heading out into the oceans; a major consequence of their travels and explorations was that peoples–races–who had long been unaware of each other came into contact. For a long time, there was much confusion: Who are all these peoples of the Earth? How did they get here? How, if at all, are they related? There was also much political development, including the enslavement of vast numbers of your kind. Though that half-a-millennium is coming to an end, some persons, such as our current President and his liberal followers, are still living in it. They still regard racial relations as a mystery to be solved; they’re pretty sure they’re just the persons to solve it. Others of us have moved on. For us, discussions of race are tiresome except insofar as they involve whites’ flourishing. We exert ourselves to ensure that our race will enjoy a long, successful future, in which the centuries in which your people and ours were involved with each other will prove to have been but a learning experience, long past. In light of the brutalities and humiliations that your people have suffered during our time together, you are probably disinclined to view that period simply as a learning experience–for whites; but what else can you turn it into? Complaints–the pursuit of a non-racist world that can never be–will have no effect other than the prolonging of what is bad.

    The separation of your people and ours–blacks and whites–can be peaceful, if enough persons on both sides will allow it to be. The rancor and frustrations of our long association, so to speak, will be left behind. In the meantime, I hope you prosper, in some way or another, with that poetic talent of yours; I hope, too, that you long enjoy the company of your lady friend, with whom you formed such a nice-looking couple in the photograph you linked here. Maybe you’ve noticed that Mr. Wallace, who runs this fine blog, generally lets its followers go at each other pretty hard, when they’re inclined to; I hope any treatment you might receive here will be respectful.

  27. Thanks Philly.
    Times are tough, it might take 8 years to undo the damage W. did in 8. But if we come together anything is possible. Thats the american dream and there aint no sweepin that under da rug, go outside n hug a thug.

  28. Until the Americas were discovered and colonized by whites, whites were generally the sole victims of enslavement. This the appellation Slav as a reference to Serbs, Russians, Ukrainian, Pole, Bohemian. So the black can stfu. Ask any African where they’d migrate to and London, New York(America in general) Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Dublin top the lists. You can’t fake that endorsement of our nasty bigotted racist white cultures.

  29. I quite like almost everything about the US. You identify more closely with blacks than you do with whites. That’s your problem Chris.

  30. The Quakers came out of the Puritan Revolution in Engand …

    Another interesting thing, while we’re on the subject, is that the clash between North and South was prefigured, in a way, by the clash between William Penn and his father (though the clash between the Penns was resolved amicably, I think). Probably, Rudel or Mosin or other persons who post here know more about this subject than I do, but my rough sense is that Sir William Penn, father of William, managed to serve both sides in the English Civil War. He was on the ship that brought Charles II to England, for restoration of the monarchy, I’m pretty sure; six years earlier, in 1654, he’d commanded the naval expedition that Oliver Cromwell sent to the West Indies, to get some English action started there. That’s right: Sir William Penn started the English Caribbean world that, as we followers of Occidental Dissent know, spun off into the American South. To his consternation, his son William, who came under the influence of nascent Quakerism, declined to follow him in a military career. In Pennsylvania, which Charles II granted William in posthumous payment for Sir William’s services, German Quakers soon issued the New World’s first abolitionist proclamation. The legacies of the two Penns ultimately fought each other in our Civil War.

    As I say, I’m not sure I have those details right. I think the basics are right. A tale of two Williams.



  31. Pardon me while the moor and Bonacorsi make the beast with two backs.

    I knew you’d go for that joke, John. That’s why I love you, too.

  32. The Quakers came out of the Puritan Revolution in Engand …

    Another interesting thing, while we’re on the subject, is that the clash between North and South was prefigured, in a way, by the clash between William Penn and his father (though the clash between the Penns was resolved amicably, I think). Probably, Rudel or Mosin or other persons who post here know more about this subject than I do, but my rough sense is that Sir William Penn, father of William, managed to serve both sides in the English Civil War. He was on the ship that brought Charles II to England, for restoration of the monarchy, I’m pretty sure; six years earlier, in 1654, he’d commanded the naval expedition that Oliver Cromwell sent to the West Indies, to get some English action started there. That’s right: Sir William Penn started the English Caribbean world that, as we followers of Occidental Dissent know, spun off into the American South. To his consternation, his son William, who came under the influence of nascent Quakerism, declined to follow him in a military career. In Pennsylvania, which Charles II granted William in posthumous payment for Sir William’s services, German Quakers soon issued the New World’s first abolitionist proclamation. The legacies of the two Penns ultimately fought each other in our Civil War.

    As I say, I’m not sure I have those details right. I think the basics are right. A tale of two Williams.

    PS Mr. Wallace: This is a repeat-post. The original is being held for moderation because it concludes with two links (to the Wikipedia entries about William Penn and his father). I decided simply to repost it, without the links, to get it up. Please delete the original, though, of course, you’re free to add the links here.

  33. Spare me the bubble-gum wrapper diagnosis. I catch a lot of shit on here from Southerners who like to suggest that my identity as an American is illegitimate because I’m not related to the “founding stock”. These assholes will tell me that I’m not American and only *they* truly are. And then, these very same fuckers will turn around and bellow about how they’re actually “Dixians” and thus a “distinct and seperate people from Americans”! So which the fuck is it? They hate America, but are in fact the “true” Americans? They’re the only “true” Americans, but paradoxially aren’t Americans at all, and are “Dixians”? Please. They can’t even keep their own bullshit straight.

    Grow up will you. Nobody who truly understands the racial question gives a flying fuck about “America” anymore. That America is gone and it’s not coming back any time soon (or, probably, any time ever).

    It’s not the easiest thing to admit but in hindsight obviously WASPs would have been better off had they never let anyone else in. The fucking uppity eye-tie (and plenty of others, don’t you worry) response to this observation is to shriek hysterically and claim some sort of God-given historical right to have been allowed to settle wherever WASPs did. It’s just unreal the amont of denial hardcore nationalist/”Americanist” fruitcakes throw up to defend their tender little egos. I don’t want to fight over this point, but it’s one that I felt needs making.

    Now look, America was a great idea and for a long time it worked exceedingly well. That can’t be denied. But there were mistakes made right from the beginning, and more and more mistakes made as time went on. They weren’t initially recognized as mistakes because their effects would not be felt in the lifetime of those who made them. But the effect of those mistakes is certainly being felt today. That’s why it’s so much more important to deal with things as we today find than to refight yesterday’s wars. Look around you, Chris. How many people can you honestly say come even close to considering race as important as you? Very few, right? And if anything, getting fewer. Not exactly the most promising trend, is it. By the time enough people come around to thinking as you do the America you’re desperately trying to salvage will be so far dead and buried it’ll be of interest only to archeologists. Saving “America” is therefore not the point. Securing a worthwhile racial future in N. America is the point.

  34. White people have the ugliest skin as elders. It’s like rotten tuna that’s been stomped on the floor for weeks on end. They’re all jealous, esp. white women, start “fuglifying” in their mid 30s, while black women still look good into their 60s.

    Good post, Philly dream. You my boi. No homo.

  35. White people have the ugliest skin as elders.

    Okay–you’ve evened the score for Tamer’s snow-shovel wisecrack, Turn Your Frown. That’s enough of that, I hope.

  36. TOS: Great comments. Quakers are, unfortunately, still around up here. They, like their philosophical cousins the Shakers, and liberal nutjobs like John Stuart Mill frame perfectly the Yankee mindset– fanaticism in religious faith.
    Chris 313: You should still be repenting for all the pro- Romney- Obama- is- toast mantra. Seem to remember that after the reelection of John B’ s Messiah you had quit the flag- waving idiocy. What turned you back?

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