Rainbow Confederacy Resources: Robert E. Lee on Negroes


I found these two gems of Confederate wisdom on the League of the South Facebook page:

“Wherever you find the negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving.”

– Robert E. Lee to Thomas Carter, April 15, 1865

Paul Kersey arrived at the same conclusion in Escape From Detroit: The Collapse of America’s Black Metropolis and Black Mecca Down: The Fall of the City Too Busy Too Hate:

“You will never prosper with the blacks, and it is abhorrent to a reflecting mind to be supporting and cherishing those who are plotting and working for your injury, and all of whose sympathies and associations are antagonistic to yours. I wish them no evil in the world – on the contrary, will do them every good in my power, and know that they are misled by those to whom they have given their confidence; but our material, social, and political interests are naturally with the whites.”

– Robert E. Lee to R.E. Lee, Jr., March 19, 1868

145 years later, Rainbow Confederates are still frustrated that the blacks are “misled by those to whom they have given their confidence,” but refuse to draw the conclusion that “our material, social, and political interests are naturally with the whites.”

Robert E. Lee was encouraging his son to replace the hostile free negroes on his farm with White laborers. In “Robert E. Lee on African-Americans,” we also saw that Lee testified before Congress in favor of removing the blacks from Virginia altogether.

Note: This is why I started my new website Confederate Renaissance to stimulate a revival of Confederate thought in the modern South.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This seems to be the gist of your complaints

    With all due respect to my fellow Northerner 313Chris, Bill, don’t put his words in my mouth.

  2. @Bill Yancey

    “Yeah we bought ’em, but you imported ’em and sold ’em to us!”

    No, fool, the first ship full of African slaves pulled into port in Jamestown, Virginia (your precious ‘South’) in 1619 and were bought buy tobacco farmers. “Yankees” didn’t import them – it was a Dutch ship. And there weren’t any fucking “Yankees” back then, either — everyone was just a ‘colonist’.

    “Only arrived in more recent generations? Then butt out!”

    – Both sides of my family have been in this country for over a hundred years and have spent the entire time bearing the weight of your ancestors foolish actions. FUCK you.

  3. For the record, everyone: Our visitor “Turn Your Frown Upside Down” is a racist white who’s joking around.

  4. If I have to parse it out for you numbskulls,

    Was New Amsterdam (New York) not the only Dutch colony in North America? Regardless, the overwhelming majority of slavers were registered in “The Rhode Island and Plantation Colony”.

    That the term “yankee” may have yet to have been established in no way made us all the same, any more than a colonist in India is the same as one in Maryland.

    My comment on recent generations was obviously directed at John B, you foul mouthed Detoileter.

    No wonder this crappy country is managed by hair-splitting lawyers.

  5. There were few blacks in Virginia until the 1670s. Yankees were very active in the slave trade. I’m pretty sure half the blacks were brought to America between 1783 and 1808.

  6. Why didn’t the North vote for Stephen Douglas who warned Northerners that the ultimate goal of Lincoln and the Black Republicans was abolition and negro equality which would result in a mass exodus of free blacks to the North?

    Are we supposed to feel sorry for Michigan after the people there fought so hard for negro equality?-Why didn’t you simply ban negroes from entering your state like Oregon or Illinois had done before the war?

  7. Douglas won the popular vote at 52% in New Jersey, but the electoral college gave it to Lincoln. The Southern Democrat, Breckinridge, received almost 40% of the popular vote in Pennsylvania.

    Lincoln was most popular in Vermont, at 75%.

  8. I want to know who let the Italians in. Alberico The Dwarf the lot of em.
    Are these cretins related to Tarantino?

  9. @John

    Italians DISCOVERED this land, you meddlesome limey. WE let YOU in.

    “Alberico the Dwarf the lot of them”.

    – Please. I’m 6′-2″ and the person in my family who isn’t at least 6 feet tall is my mother, and she’s not even Italian.

    Go home and take Piers Morgan with you.

  10. Rueful stats, MN. A lot of people don’t know how far up “the South” went. While many are familiar with the situation in Missouri and Kentucky and the copperheads in Ohio and Pennsylvania and of course the Virginia split later on, few know about the forces brought to bear against the New Jersey legislature when they voted against participating in or cooperating with Lincoln’s announced invasion. There was at least one secession motion introduced in Trenton.

    Vermont: From Lincoln to Sanders. Gee, where should we ship our rubbish?

  11. Upside, I agree; a lot of people discuss deep stuff when they are not hating. It’s clear that there are a lot of conspiracies within the government and society which most people don’t know about, and some are exposed here, but the promising intelligence of many of these people is misdirected towards hate. One of my best friends is from Africa and is one of the most intellectual people I know.
    It’s interesting that people are accusing the two of us of being white racists joking around. If I was really writing to the best of my ability, I might get banned here, but since I am writing in a way that could be interpreted as satirical, people are misdirected toward arguing about whether I’m a troll or not. It distracts people from focusing on hate and racism for a few seconds, which is always a victory here.

  12. “Italians”, “WE”, plural?

    Chris, the closest Columbus came to North America was Central America. Remember our little debate?

    Was there another Italian who ever came close? Uh, no.

    Hell, even Columbus had to rely on the Spanish.

  13. The first known Europeans in North America were Vikings. The Spanish found some islands in the Carribean. You are well off that latitude.

  14. Pgrt,

    Go ahead and have your half castes. They will be an endless source of behavioral and financial trouble to you.

  15. @Bill Yancey

    “Was there another Italian who even came close?”

    – Try Giovanni Cabato. Or Amerigo Vespucci, after whom America is named. Want me to keep going?

    “Hell even Columbus had to rely on the Spanish.”

    – All they did was finance the trip.

  16. Piers Morgan is an interesting subject.

    I think the argument he had with that NRA scholar was enlightening if also dishonest.

    Morgan doesn’t quite understand the nature of racial politics in the US. That most of the murders here are in fact blacks killing blacks. That whites possess guns for two reasons: a small check on potential tyranny and a mighty tool for self defense. Most English people do actually understand this. However they don’t realize on a first person
    Basis that blacks are filthy homicidal swine. We simply don’t have enough blacks in Britain to understand it. Since we recolonize Africa there’s no racial memory of the Zulu or Fuzzy Wuzzy or the Ashanti etc etc.

    Morgan may very well come to a realization that whites need guns to deter blacks. What the NRA ought to do is invite him to have a private discussion about the reality of urban warfare in Mogacago and Detroit’s Drift or St Khartoumis on the Mississippi.

    Until he’s forced to witness the local news he just won’t have a fucking clue as to the utter savagery of the black. Half baked comments about Neville Chamberlain or knife crime won’t do much good. You’d be better off singing Men of Harlech and playing Zulu. Piers will eventually figure out that the Urban Zulu is largely the problem and that white people generally are peaceful and easy going.

  17. Since we decolonized… the first person experience with blacks simply doesn’t exist. Up until the 1960s there was a steady stream of Soldiers coming back home from exotic postings who had shot and killed blacks. Since that time the image of the black has been that of a victim of famine, oppression and circumstances. Even twenty years ago
    the race issue would have been honestly discussed because it would have been in living memory, dad shot a few niggers in xyz or I saw the cannibals cooking up flesh (last king of Scotland). Sadly the NRA can’t admit that blacks are a pest or that communists (jews) seek to monopolize power so they argue with non sequiturs about Munich and stabbings in Brixton.

  18. @John

    “Admit it, this old Italian pimp resembles you more than you’d care to admit.”

    – Nah, I’m like a foot taller than him. And I have mother’s Slavic facial features.

    “You’re the bastard step-child of arguments that you have neither the wits nor the blood to understand.”

    – Incorrect. My parents have been togethor for almost 40 years. My mother like 5 months pregnant with me when they finally got hitched though. And what is this “blood” crap? Are you suggesting that being British somehow entitles you to some claim to this country? Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. I’m an American, you aren’t. Go home.

    “You drink chianti and fuck some greasy whores.”

    – Chianti?! I’ll have you know that I drink Ameretto, and women fuck me for free!

    “You got nothing.”

    – I have one thing you’ll never have, Englishman — a birth certificate that says I was born here 🙂

  19. “Was there another Italian who ever came close? Uh, no.”

    The great explorer of of the Northwest Passage for Henry VII of England, Venetian John Cabot (Zuan Chabotto) is generally considered the first European explorer to set foot on the North American mainland since the days of the Vikings. He left from Bristol England which is also a port Columbus visited before his four famous voyages.

    I myself have always felt that the Bristol fisherman were indeed first but kept their discoveries secret in order to protect their Grand Banks fishing grounds from the competition.


  20. Here’s something that Morgan should be introduced to.


    In addition to 20 approx British at the Alamo the vast proportion of the weapons on both sides were either Brown Bess muskets or Baker Rifles. So the NRA scholar should attempt to point out that in the history of Western Expansion the British and their weapons were significant and that especially with Texas happened to be vitally important in that story. Much more interesting than bullshit about Chamberlain. They ought to give Morgan, Phil Collin’s number and have him tour the mission house.

  21. Cod fishermen were almost certainly there. They had oceanic vessels. They dwarfed the caravels. That’s just the fishing trawlers.

  22. If it wasn’t for slavery, there would be no Negro Question.

    That assumes a program of madcap immigrationism would never have been instituted, but since it’s unlikely such a program would have been continued for long enough to fill the country with 40 million wild, stupid, white-hating nogs it’s a point that can be ignored.

    So back to slavery having created the Negro Question. While the causality is correct, it faults people three hundred years ago for having lacked the foresight to consider what their actions would eventually lead to three centuries hence. That’s an awfully harsh standard and it seems to me desperately unfair to apply it to early slavers, partiucarly since it demands of them not only such uncommon foresight but also the pyschological and mental ability and toughness to immediately to break with millennia long moral views that considered slavery just.

    It’s only fair, therefore, to judge the actions of men from the point at which awareness of the problem became sufficiently widespread that weighing up and pressing forward with solutions to the problem became an urgent issue. This point would be the early-to-mid-19th century.

    Personally, as much as I despise slavery and the excuses usually offered for it, it does seem to me that resisting abolition for a time would have been the smarter move. The reaasoning is this. Slavery was wrong and should be abolished. But anyone with eyes to see and a brain to think could realize that unleashing the nigs, bestowing on them (bogus, fiat) ‘equality’ and generally allowing them to do as they please would hve a devastating impact on white communities. The nigs would have to be kept separate, as separate as possible. But back in the 19th century rounding them up and deporting them to mama Africa was much more viable than it is today. Keeping them enslaved (under control and concentrated) would have greatly eased this process — morally as well as logistically, because the nigs could have told they’re being freed, but as a condition of that freedom they would have to be sent back to their African motherland.

    Anyway, that never happened and wasn’t ever even close to happening because the southern gentleman, when you get down to it, cared much more about short-term profits rather than a long-term racial future and his descendants are now paying the price.

    John B, yes, slavery is abhorrent, but was the moral glow of unconditionally ending it really worth the total niggerfuxation of once fine cities like Philly, Detroit and Baltimore?

  23. “Was there another Italian who ever came close? Uh, no.”

    Well, there was Giovanni da Verrazanno who explored New York harbor in 1524, but the argument that this somehow means Italians ‘invented’ America is too stupid for words. That America is a WASP/Germanic creation cannot possibly be questioned in good faith. It really requires a level of delusion (or anti-white resentment) bordering on mental sickness to deny this most basic fact of history.

  24. John B, yes, slavery is abhorrent, but was the moral glow of unconditionally ending it really worth the total niggerfuxation of once fine cities like Philly, Detroit and Baltimore?

    With due objection to your trivializing phrase “moral glow” and your unkind coinage “niggerfuxation,” Silver, I will answer your question: no. I find it odd that a man like Hinton Helper, who objected to both slavery and the presence of blacks among whites, got no real hearing in the period before the Civil War; but then again, I find it odd that a great many whites–or, at least, a great many Northerners, as Mr. Wallace will be quick to remark–have embraced present-day polyracialism. With non-racists, I have nothing important in common.

  25. “Both sides of my family have been in this country for over a hundred years and have spent the entire time bearing the weight of your ancestors foolish actions.”

    Cry me a river…yankees crying over being mistreated by the niggers they insisted upon freeing. Nobody asked your family to come here so you can pack up whenever you are ready.

    “No, fool, the first ship full of African slaves pulled into port in Jamestown, Virginia (your precious ‘South’) in 1619 and were bought buy tobacco farmers. “Yankees” didn’t import them – it was a Dutch ship. And there weren’t any fucking “Yankees” back then, either — everyone was just a ‘colonist’.”

    In 1619, the Dutch ship was most likely from the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, what we now call New York. The pilgrims who settled Massachusetts also came by way of the Netherlands. Sounds suspiciously yankee-like, if not outright yankee to me…

    Since you Southern bashers claim to be interested in the real story, you might as well not omit the inconvenient parts and tell the whole story.


    “If it wasn’t for slavery, there would be no Negro Question.”
    Incorrect. If it wasn’t for yankees, there would be no Negro Question.

    As an aside, most Italians are good people, except for the yankeefied ones, who are completely trashy and useless…not unlike negroes.

    Closet yankee negrophiles like Chris and JohnB just need to admit their (probably homoerotic) obsession with darkies and stop trying to take out their frustrations on white people.

    Regardless of what these two clowns have to say, Robert E. Lee was right about the niggers. They, like yankees, are just no damn good.

    Deo Vindice

  26. English John, regarding half-caste children being nothing but trouble, I’m sure Barack Obama and Maya Soetoro’s mother is laughing in her grave.

  27. With due objection to your trivializing phrase “moral glow” and your unkind coinage “niggerfuxation,” Silver, I will answer your question: no.

    I’m glad you believe the answer is “no,” John B.

    As for my use of the two terms that displease you, I object to your objection.

    “Moral glow” is a most useful term, even if I am wrong to use it to characterize the ending of slavery in the USA (though I disagree that I’m wrong). “Moral glow” perfectly captures the intentional and incredibly determined blindness to racial reality on the part of many whites. They simply don’t care about the negative repercussions of their ideology. They loving shining in comparison to those they tragically misperceive as their moral inferiors. They love it so much they blankly refuse to enter into any sort of rational discussion of the issues. People like you and I are wrong — wrong as humans, wrong as living entities — not simply for the specific content of our beliefs but also for the very fact we’ve dared to consider to alternative arrangements to those the moral glowers prescribe.

    As for ‘niggerfuxation,’ yes it’s rough indeed. I enjoy gauging people’s reaction to it, though. It helps confirm my theory that even very racially determined people often recoil at language that they feel urges them to go further with their racial views than they think is necessary or appropriate. This causes people to question their own views and to often experience doubts about the wisdom of plotting a racial course at all. I bet you’ve experienced a similar sort of thing in your own discussions with various people.

    As undesirable and regrettable as the above-mentioned effect is, however, I think it’s a better idea to push the envelope with racial speech than to settle back into whatever is comfortable for the time being. By so doing we stretch the limits of the sayable and thinkable. ‘Niggerfuxation’ is likely going to be forever too rough for any sophisticate to stoop to, but its use is a good way to release the frustration of dealing with a society filled with the likes of ‘Proud Globalist Nincumpoop.’

  28. “With non-racists, I have nothing important in common.”
    Except the same attitudes…

    “Unkind coinage “niggerfuxation”?” The term, not coined by Silver, btw, is not nearly as unkind as the reality of niggerfuxation and its impact upon whites.

    Given the bestial nature of negroes, settlers were fully justified in treating them as farm animals of a sort. You plough with a mule, why not harvest crops with negroes?

    Slavery remains the most productive use of negroes ever devised.
    That yankees claim kinship with these creatures is simply amazing.

    Yankees are the most niggerfuxated and unkind people on the planet. They heap invective on anyone who simply mentions the obvious truth about their negro gods.

    Deo Vindice

  29. Turn Your Frown Upside Brown says:

    After a few more generations things will even out and the Bonaccorsi kids might not be lily white but they’ll be the bosses of all your racist white trailer kids.
    As a black man I can say we never liked poor whites they were always racist. Wealthy whites helped out black folks.
    The racists such as yourselves fear the black man, that’s why you try to oppress us. But things are changing and racism is discredited by science. Most people in the world are chinese anyway so what’s the point….”

    For you, it seems the measure of a man is what they DO FOR YOU. You like those who DO FOR YOU. This seems a rather selfish way of viewing what people are. Bonocorssi is “good” because he DOES FOR YOU.

    This is a servant’s way of looking at others in the human family, right? Just…how they DO FOR YOU.

    Your last paragraph is a pastiche of anti-white arguments. (The “r” word, ascribing the motivation of “fear,” the invocation of “science,” etc.)

    Society “EVENING OUT” means a Bonocorsi can “boss” people you perceive as enemies FOR YOU. So, Bonocorsci (sp) is your tool. Your servant, doing for you. And doing for you, is how you judge the whole world.

    —– Had that been true of the Whites you say have helped you, they would not ever have been able to help you, only to USE you. (The way you talk about USING everyone).

    Bonocorsci is not of the same character, not really, as the Whites who have really helped you, imo.

  30. Bill Yancey says:

    “John B, send your daughter for a walk through downtown Philadelphia tonight!…”

    He seems just exactly the kind of dad who is always doing that, and even bragging about it for his “friends” to show what a Good Guy he is, so moral. Sometimes their daughters wind up hating them, but they never know why.

  31. JB said:

    “If whites hadn’t had their heads up their asses, there wouldn’t have been a negro question….”

    If JB HAD SPENT FIVE MINUTES OF HIS LIFE (or Proud Globalist for that matter) on the World Slave question, I’d believe them.

    But they NEVER ONCE mention the Portuguese!!!!! “Slavery” to them is the American South. PERIOD. They prove they are products of the worst kind of t.v.

    What about your South European friends and THEIR slaves?

    But JB won’t go THERE. So his real motive is just demonizing a certain sub-group of Whites (and specifically non-catholics).

    I actually think his motives have nothing to do with his being pro-black, but rather is just a veiled religious attack.

  32. And thanks HW—

    without stumbling on a blog s/a this, I’d never even know what went on inside some people’s heads, people like JB, for instance!

  33. Separatism doesn’t solve anything except turning entitlement into foreign aid. Then JB bellied up to the bar and let us know he’s ok with mass negro starvation but niggerfuxation is “unkind”. Take your shih-tzu for a walk through Germantown.

  34. Finally @ “(mixed race caramel baby)….”

    You say “race will disappear.” BUT THEN, just notice how —when you have a biracial child— you come up with another “color” name for her, in the way eskimos had many names for snow.

    Societies with large biracial groups simply have tension between them ALSO. Like the groups who say “Obama isn’t really black…isn’t black enough,” etc, etc.

    That is how it really “evens out,” as you put it. Malema follows Mandela, and so on.

  35. @ – Both sides of my family have been in this country for over a hundred years and have spent the entire time bearing the weight of your ancestors foolish actions. FUCK you…..”

    LOL— 100 years! Heavens— just go home then.

    100 years is not even since 1900! You were hiding from WWI or II— and U.S. was NICE ENOUGH TO TAKE YOU. Now that your family hid out the World Wars (which is all you just admitted through the backdoor, yellow belly)—- why not show some class, like a normal person, and simply say “Thank You” for me using Hotel Americana, right?

    If you were still in Europe, you’d just be bitching about paying for other people’s mistakes, too—- b/c YOU’RE THAT KIND OF PERSON. It will always be someone else, while you hide under the skirts of the people with whom the buck stops, just like you hid in America.

    The World Wars on Europe you were hiding from are over— go home. You can do it!

    (Sorry for going off, but JB is too much!)

  36. He seems just exactly the kind of dad who is always doing that, and even bragging about it for his “friends” to show what a Good Guy he is, so moral.

    Huh? I’ve expressed thoroughgoing aversion to black neighborhoods and to the presence of blacks and whites among each other.

    But they NEVER ONCE mention the Portuguese!!!!! “Slavery” to them is the American South.

    Huh? I said if “whites,” not “Southerners,” hadn’t had their heads up their asses. The only thing for which I’ve castigated Southerners is their insistence, in the period before the Civil War, on maintaining slavery and their insistence, in the period since the Civil War, that the war had nothing to do with that.

    I actually think his motives have nothing to do with his being pro-black, but rather is just a veiled religious attack.

    Sorry to repeat myself, but huh? I’m the same person who, not long ago, here at Occidental Dissent, was praised by you for my “insight” and “honesty” in, basically, blaming the destruction of Philadelphia on my own Catholic kin.

    without stumbling on a blog s/a this, I’d never even know what went on inside some people’s heads, people like JB, for instance

    Obviously, you have no idea what’s going on inside my head, Dixiegirl.

  37. PS:

    (Sorry for going off, but JB is too much!)

    Uh, Dixiegirl, the person who provoked your Southron ire with a declaration of a century-plus of American ancestry was our friend 313Chris, not I.

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