Black Run America: Why The Next President Will Probably Also Be Black


Are you ready for the next stage of Black Run America? President Deval Patrick? President Corey Booker?

“The next president will, in all likelihood, be African-American, most likely one of the two African Americans who would make anybody’s list of the top 10 contenders for the Democratic nomination. . . .

But there are also strong reasons to believe that the Democratic nominee, at least, will be African-American. First, African-Americans represent a vital voting bloc in Democratic primaries, and they — like most ethnic groups — typically rally around the favorite son or daughter. Black voters represented an overwhelming 55 percent of the vote in South Carolina in 2008, and almost 20 percent in, for instance, Florida. And the liberal white Democrats who make up the primary electorate in places like Iowa obviously have no problem voting for a black candidate.

Indeed, as Obama showed, the two great tranches of the Democratic coalition are well-educated white voters and voters of color, of whom most primary voters are still black. (That has only become clearer as the Democrats shed, and win without, working class white voters.) The candidate who can unite those two constituencies is the one who wins the primary.Without a true white liberal champion, a la Howard Dean, an African-American primary candidate has a head-start in 2016.”

According to Ben Smith, the “two great tranches” of the Democratic Party are “voters of color” and “well-educated white voters,” which is just a euphemism for Northeastern and West Coast Yankees and their Jewish allies.

Can you imagine 12 more years of a Northeastern-dominated negro government in Washington running America like Chicago with something even more awful over the horizon? How long will it be until secession becomes a common sense political position in Dixie?

If you want to see something real pathetic, take a look a look at this whipped James Taranto article in the WSJ:

“A considerable majority of whites now vote Republican. Some 60% backed Mitt Romney even though he lost. But no mainstream conservative denounces white Democrats for working against “white interests.” The race-based demand for political conformity to which Reed, despite his own eccentric views, gives voice is a burden borne uniquely by blacks.”

Maybe these “mainstream conservatives” are born losers. They lost in 2008. They lost in 2012. They lost on the “fiscal cliff.” Now they are going to lose on everything from the debt ceiling to gay marriage, immigration, abortion, gun control, etc.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There is the argument to be made that they are the bought and paid for controlled opposition, but I think they are just craven losers. Romney could have answered the charge that he was “Mr. Bain Capital, the Jobs Outsourcer(tm)”, by pointing out that the ink on Obama’s free trade deals wasn’t even dry yet, but he chose not to for some strange reason.

    Next up, Rubio, or another Bush.

  2. “There is the argument to be made that they are the bought and paid for controlled opposition”

    They are called Paycheck Conservatives and they will keep selling us out, until they reach retirement.

    Their primary job is to say, “Its not about race.”

  3. I hope all future presidents of the United States are black. The faster the U.S. is reduced to a shabby ghetto, the sooner white people will suffer. The sooner white people are made to suffer, the sooner comes the white backlash and secession.

  4. I believe the next US president will be Barry Soetero, aka Obama. He is obviously a fraud and he has usurped the US presidency. He will never leave that office willingly.

  5. How about Politically correct Lesbie or Fag PREZ…No matter who is PREZ—The Khazars run the show….. Huey Long had the right ideas—but got stopped by Rosenfelt…. Maybe a Gok Prez? or a Pink Panther Prez–who knows, maybe Chucky or a Leprechaun and lets free all the Dogs….. Why Cant we All just get Along…. Great Times to live in……

  6. Man this blog was nice for that whole two weeks when the Yankee bashing was relegated to the Confederate blog.

    But I guess it’s not as much fun to bash Yankees when there aren’t Yankees reading.

  7. The Conservatives have always had their head stuck in the sand of triviality of pro this and anti that while the Liberals have are two steps ahead and one step back. Obama might just turn out to be good for da honkies than all the Presidents who merely served the elites.

  8. If you win 60% of your own people’s vote and still lose to a nigger you know your country is on life support or comatose.

  9. “Why The Next President Will Probably Also Be Black”

    For sure, he will be an anti-White, Democrat.

    The Republicans, no matter how they grovel to non-Whites, are going the way of the Whigs, for the simple reason they can’t out Democrat a Democrat.

    Joe Biden says Hispanic are ‘centre of this nation’s future’
    Joe Biden has told America’s Hispanics they are the “centre of this nation’s future”, as the White House begins the push for major reform of the US immigration system.

  10. When the Republicans die, this will be a cause for celebration. Only then will White people get representation.

  11. the nation renigged because of negro vote, the White woman vote and the yankee vote. yankees gave the negro the vote and gave us suffrage for White women

    how is it yankee bashing when the truth is laid out? is it our fault the historical actions of the yankee is so vile? should we pretend these facts do not exist to make the people who created these problems happy?

  12. Fr. John+ says:
    January 5, 2013 at 1:51 am

    “Why talk about it anymore? We need to get on the streets, and start agitating for secession.”

    On the streets you can reach 10 per hour. On the internet you can reach thousands per hour, if you do it in the right place and know what you are doing.

    When was the last time you saw anyone on the pavement handing out fliers?

    The pros are all online.

  13. “Man this blog was nice for that whole two weeks when the Yankee bashing was relegated to the Confederate blog. But I guess it’s not as much fun to bash Yankees when there aren’t Yankees reading.”

    Not entertainment for the intelligent. In any case, every kind of entertainment “gets old” someday. Let’s be serious now.

  14. Re: the sure cure of suffering:

    “The faster the U.S. is reduced to a shabby ghetto, the sooner white people will suffer. The sooner white people are made to suffer, the sooner comes the white backlash and secession.”

    Suffering MIGHT lead to repentance, or increase hardening of the heart and softening of the brain.

  15. I tend to think it will be Hillary or Uncle Joe Biden. But they may well pick a Negro like Deval Patrick for VP.

    Doesn’t matter much anymore as we get a Democrat either way due to the demographics.

  16. Bernie says:
    January 5, 2013 at 2:59 am

    “I tend to think it will be Hillary or Uncle Joe Biden. But they may well pick a Negro like Deval Patrick for VP”

    Bill Clinton was the first to call the Dems the Black people’s party and it wasn’t long before their voters started demanding genuine non-White leaders. That is why Hillary Clinton was rejected in favor of Obama.

    So the Whites in the Democrats are in a worse position, than the Whites in the Republicans. The Whites in the Democrats are all washed up, they will never reach the Oval Office again.

    One set of White traitors down, only one to go.

  17. “The next president will, in all likelihood, be African-American, most likely one of the two African Americans who would make anybody’s list of the top 10 contenders for the Democratic nomination. . . ” and the scary thing is they have no compassion or sense of fair play for Whites. Here’s a little scare mongering link.
    OK if you read it you say, “Bah Humbug”, “no way”. But… I believe most of us here would agree that the collapse building #7 would be impossible without explosives. Some important people in the military are openly saying mossad did it. The Jews tried to overthrow the U.S. violently in the 1960’s and failed. They’re all in. They lose the U.S. the Jews are done for at least 100 years. Maybe a thousand. We all know what they did to the Russians. Ever wonder why Obama didn’t bring the troops home. Maybe he can’t count on them. Maybe the go, no-go for succession is coming soon and it will be all or nothing. Either victory or a boot in the face forever. The future is very scary.

  18. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever” (1984, pp. 217, 220).

    The boot stamping on a helpless victim’s face is “Victory”itself.
    It’s very important not to be helpless. At least a blade to stab the fugger in the groin. A pistol to blast his guts out too.

  19. I find absolutely nothing serious about beating a dead horse. Yes. The South hates the North. I know this. There are irreconcilable differences. I respect the South’s right to hate the North. I simply found it more productive here when most of that was going on over at the other site. Of course I respect Hunter’s right to do whatever he wants. I’m simply putting in a vote for a return to geographically bifurcated themes.

    You want to know how many Yankees get turned by reading about how much the South hates them? Zero.

  20. Denying himself the festive joys of Kwanzaa, the Irish Savant has used his holiday to bestir himself and take thought to map out an action plan for Whites who are inclined to take back our nations, lands and communities. As all, I am sure, are aware, Ireland now has many thriving Somali and Nigerian communities in County Cork, County Kerry etc. They are arriving daily by the container carton.

    There seems to be big money (that would be from Guess Who) financing the immigation of Africans to the Emerald Isle for the purposes of cultural enrichment and the unique multicultural contributions that only they can bring to a host White nation – gangs, carjackings, home invasions, rapes, murders and the vuvuzela. Did I mention voodoo and a market for shrunken animal uh, shall I say, parts, in County Cork? Very useful, it would seem for calling up demons and casting bad luck spells.

    Yes, Fr John, I see you there just ready to hit the keyboard. So before you launch into one of your papist tirades, – I am aware that anti-pope John Paul II has blessed voodoo rites and probably everything from snake venom to baboon testicles associated with those rites at the Assissi abomination. This would be one of the many reasons why the Roman Catholic Counter Revolution is moving ahead on all fronts. For example a new seminary to serve the Traditional Catholic communities, what Bishop Williamson calls ‘oases of faith’ is going to be built in Boston Kentucky by the priests recently drummed out of the SSPX for opposing the Superior General’s efforts to re-unite with the Rome of the antipapacy (1958 – ?) Just saying.

    Contributions may be sent to
    Our Lady of Mt Carmel Chapel
    1730 N Stillwell Road
    Boston, KY 40107

    To return to Ireland. The African invasion and population replacement agenda is
    of course, subsidized by the government once the cultural enrichers arrive. They are being paid to thrive, breed, detroit, menace, drive out and replace the native White population.

    Savant is calling for action plan contributions. These points will work in the US as well as they will work in Ireland and I commend it to all of you.

  21. “Indeed, as Obama showed, the two great tranches of the Democratic coalition are well-educated white voters and voters of color, of whom most primary voters are still black.”

    The BRA engine will continue to trundle along the track toward increasing negrification of all aspects of Amurrica. This is the fundamental change and terminal destination so desired by our well-educated northern “superiors.”

    The yankee-negro coalition remains as strong as ever, fortified by GOP “opposition.” The “party of Lincoln” has just rewarded the state of South Carolina with its first black senator since the Black Republicans yankees installed the last one during Reconstruction.

    The stupendously naive and idiotic support of many Southerners for Republican duplicity must end soon. It’s past time to jump off the crazy train.

    As for yankees, it’s “all aboard!” Time to enjoy the fruits of continuous “victories” and stop griping. It’s what your people have always wanted. Below are a few of my favorite Henry Ward Beecher quotes. You may quietly hum the “Battle Hymn of the Republic/John Brown’s Body” while you read…

    “There is nothing that a New-Englander so nearly worships as an argument.”

    “No matter who reigns, the merchant reigns.”

    “The Negro is superior to the white race. If the latter do not forget their pride of race and color, and amalgamate with the purer and richer blood of the blacks, they will die out and wither away in unprolific skinniness.”

    What we are witnessing is the culmination of the yankee dream of the complete subjugation of the South and the destruction of white Southerners (and by extension any whites who oppose the state religion of “enlightened” negro worship).

    The Lincoln Memorial, the national shrine of BRA, bears the following inscription:

    “In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.”

    The Lincoln Memorial stands in mute testament to replacement of the older vision of American destiny with the “improved” yankee vision of Amurrican utopia. A quote regarding the proposed memorial from 1901 reveals as much:

    “At the west end of the Mall, the unbroken view westward across the Potomac, which had originally been hailed as symbolic of the unlimited potential of national westward expansion, was to be blocked off by the proposed Lincoln Memorial.”

    Nearby is the new statue in memory of yankee saint MLK.

    There is no separation of church and state when it comes to the yankee BRA empire and its state religion. The destiny of Amurrica was permanently altered a very long time ago. We are now reaping the “benefits” and will continue to do so as long as we remain in the union.

    Vicious fanatics.

    Deo Vindice

  22. The jews run this country for the blacks. Now the jews with their jew owned television net works are all calling for the disarmament of Whites. Blacks won’t turn their weapons in nor will criminals, I know I am being redundant. The jews saw how successful the destruction of White America was using blacks, so the jews have insisted that all White nations import blacks from where ever and of course Whites have yield to the jews as they always have. Reminds me of when the black racist Jamie Foxx said in the movie Dejango unchained “I kill all the Whites.” The Whites in the audience laughed, because liberal Whites always think when niggers and hispanics make such statements he means other Whites, not me.

  23. Lynda, just for the record, Karol Józef Wojty?a and Ratzinger are both blood Jews. Now I expect Runner Away from Savages to pop on and rain a plethora of caveats, “That has nothing to do with anything”…blah blah blah…..

  24. The influx of black is essentially part of the IRA’s agenda. Lynda, Given your propensity for false etymology I’m surprised you did not pick up on the Ira in Irish Republican Army. Lol.

    Anyway, the IRA were just communists in green. They kicked out Brits and brought in Niggers. Well done there Paddy.

  25. Economic suffering will both harden us up and make us entrepreneurial again.

    It will be so awesome when food is expensive, because food production is our wheelhouse, it’s our forte. The YKW knows this, and that’s why they are trying so hard to control the food supply through Industrial Agriculture and GMO food.

    If ordinary White crackers can make a living producing food, that’s a very dangerous situation for Mr. YKW. They’ll try to do Kolhkhozi, the collective farms, like the USSR in order to keep their grip on the White peasantry, but we know that kolkhozi don’t work, and market forces will favor the smallholder.

    YKW tried to control the food supply to control the population, that was the point of kolkhozi and sovkhozi. They failed bad, but the corruption it engendered actually empowered ordinary people.

    Bankers cannot control the former USSR because it is so corrupt from the top to the bottom. Corruption isn’t a bad thing, it’s friggin’ awesome! Corruption jams the gears of upward wealth redistribution. In Russia and Ukraine, the man made stuff is old and drab, but the people are relatively wealthy because they refuse to be poor in order to have a socialist paradise. Americans are poor because we allow ourselves to be extracted very efficiently.

    But Obama is actually killing that golden goose, and that’s not a bad thing. He is “killing America,” but America was something that extracted and oppressed White people very efficiently, very Germanically (though I don’t blame Germans for this). Anglo-Saxons and Germanic Jews set up a very efficient system of extraction.

    I do not mourn the passing of this particular system. What comes after it will be more in our favor, and we can and will take huge advantage of it.

  26. I agree that the Democrats will nominate another Black candidate for president in 2016, and they will nominate him for the same reason they nominated Obama.

    The Democratic platform is bad for Blacks, and having a Black candidate helps to distract attention from this fact. For one thing, de facto open borders exacerbate the stagnant wage crisis and the unemployment crisis, which hit the Black community even harder than they hit the White community. Furthermore, the sexual revolution harms low IQ groups (Blacks) and medium IQ groups (working class Whites) more than it harms high IQ groups (Northeast Asians, Jews, White elites)(see Murray’s book “Coming Apart: The State of White America” and numerous articles by Kevin MacDonald on Occidental Observer). Finally, Clinton and Obama’s escapades in Serbia, Libya and Syria provide no benefit whatsoever to any Americans. Invade the world policies strain the federal budget, causing reduced federal aid to state and local governments, who in turn must raise regressive taxes (property tax, sales tax).

    Democratic platform: Invade the world, invite the world, have an orgy, and stick the working class with the bill.

    Result: Jews are advantaged, Whites are disadvantaged, and Blacks are severely disadvantaged.

    How to retain the support of Blacks and White liberals: Nominate a smooth talking mulatto to implement the platform from hell. Blacks will think they’ve finally “arrived”, White liberals will congratulate themselves on just how enlightened they truely are, and Jews will laugh all the way to the bank.

    Response of the controlled opposition: Attack Barack Obama, the man, in a nasty and absurd manner (Muslim! Show me the birth certificate!), but don’t dare attack his core policies. His Black and White liberal supporters will dig in their self-righteous heels, and the laughing to the bank will proceed apace.

  27. Good morning Denise. I’m going to brunch with some friends, some of which happen to be Jewish. I’ll work on a few caveats and post them later. Let me know what kind of damage control I have to run. Does Ms. More-Catholic-Than-The-Pope agree that the current and previous Popes are “blood Jews”? If they are why does it matter? Christians have been tying to convert Jews for 2,000 some years and raging against judaizers (Chrysotom for instance) the whole time. St. Peter, you know “the rock” isn’t he considered the first pope and wasn’t he a “blood Jew”? I guess that would mean the papacy has been a front the whole time by your standards meaning you and Ms. MCTTP have less common ground than you think.


  28. “Indeed, as Obama showed, the two great tranches of the Democratic coalition are well-educated white voters and voters of color, of whom most primary voters are still black.”

    Liberals love to claim that well educated people vote Democrat while the less educated vote Republican. As the graph below demonstrates this is a conceit, a lie that liberals would like to believe.


    It is not surprising that the majority of well educated high wage earners are not going to vote for the candidate of a party that is for de facto wealth redistribution. The exceptions to the are Asians and Jews, both of whom are motivated by animus against Whites and identify with non-White America.

  29. Nice to be reminded of Lady Astor.

    Another example there of Southerners who lost everything in the war, only to build yet another venture. “White Privilege” really means the possession of such regenerative faculties—- that one can be fleeced over and over.

    When people ask, “Why don’t the Americans do something? Why don’t they fight?”

    Maybe they have simply caught onto the reality that, in this climate, they will never be able to build or keep anything— the “protestant work ethic” became stupid in such a country.

  30. “Lynda, just for the record, Karol Józef Wojty?a and Ratzinger are both blood Jews.”

    And your proof for this is what exactly? Given your propensity to call anyone who disagrees with you a Jew, your credibility in these matters is non-existant.

  31. Blood has nothing to do with it. A Jew can be a better Catholic than a white, and a Christian can be a worse Jew than any Jew. Tamer, for example.

    So regardless of blood, we know what the modern popes preach is heresy. There are hardly any good priests left, so what surprise should it be that those that rise in that septic tank to be pope are the biggest pieces of filth.

    For the most part the Church was destroyed when there became other avenues to serve God. If you can get laid, have kids, be your own star, have your own church and make money, how does any reasonable man give all that up to join the Church? It used to have a certain glory to it, being a priest. Now it’s just a thankless job where you get to be surrounded by perverts. Decent men run from it.

    We better pray for cataclysm or get used to being a Brazilian in Brazil World where whites are the bottom of the barrel. Because I don’t see a single thing on the horizon that will save us from ourselves.

  32. The way the Jews have sewed it up I suspect it will be at least 1000 years before the white chaff is sifted and the remainder decide to start fighting back again.

  33. Re: the Jew Anti Popes – why don’t you look it up for yourself? YOU have a computer. It’s readily available info. I am no-one’s House Nigra. It’ll mean more if you look for yourself.

  34. A Jew is a Jew, and cannot “convert”. The ONLY reason a a Jew masquerades as a Converso is to subvert and destroy within. So how is the Catholic Church faring, with Jewish Popes?

  35. “I am no-one’s House Nigra. It’ll mean more if you look for yourself.”

    Well I can’t look up the neighborhoods you say you lived in in Philly. How about coming clean on them as I previously asked?

  36. Obama is simply not leaving the white house, ever. The powers that be will keep him there *legally* by putting his wife into the office of the presidency. They are already floating this idea in the media, and showing her polling very well.

  37. “the nation renigged because of negro vote, the White woman vote and the yankee vote. yankees gave the negro the vote and gave us suffrage for White women”

    I’ve posted before. Steve Sailer’s data clearly showed White Married Women went Romney 61%.

    Meanwhile, Single White men (the ones who suffer the most from anti-White policies) voted against Romney, against their own best interests, to the ASTONISHING level of 49%. Mon Dieu!

    Therefore it’s just as accurate to blame minorities and single White PEOPLE as it is to lay blame on all White women.

    Steve Sailer’s data shows that not only does marriage yank White women rightward, it yanks nearly as hard on White men.

  38. Oh, and Lower Middle Class working women, so-called Waitress Moms went HUGELY for Romney, even moreso than white-collar male Engineers.

  39. How long will it be until secession becomes a common sense political position in Dixie?

    In 12 years, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina and several other red states will be blue with blue leaders calling the shots. It will be common sense position among a powerless minority. Not to throw cold water, but it is what it is.

  40. Lew,
    No one ever voted in a revolution. You need to break out of the voting politics mindset and learn about practical politics.

  41. Is the pope Catholic? Since Paul VI – no. Archbishop Lefebvre referred to Ratzinger – then a Cardinal as “not a Catholic”.

    These are objective statements. There is 1. the Catholic faith as always and everywhere taught and defined by the Church. And then 2. there is what is taught by Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI – the UN is the last great hope for mankind, all religions lead to God, the Catholic religion must be overhauled to be in agreement with the synagogue and so forth. In short – the new religion of the Conciliar church.

    Applying the standard of non-contradiction, it is clear that the Conciliar papacies contradict and nullify the Catholic faith in teaching and in the Conciliar changes of the luturgies.

    So first and foremost – the Conciliar papacies are heretical. And secondly (as one would expect) John Paul II and Benedict XVI have Jewish antecedents. They were / are cryptos in the Church – what was traditionally called ‘the hidden stream’.

    There have been about 40 anti-papacies in the history of the Church, but the anti-papacy established 1958 and currently in occupation of the Vatican is the worst of the lot.

    There have been many excellent Catholics among Jews who have converted and renounced Judaism. One of the greatest of their number was Benjamin Freedman. A great Catholic and a great American. His audio tapes are still available on the net and are essential for understanding the Judaic imperium and its subversion of America.

    It is a common misconception that the Jews are the Israelite and Judahite peoples of the Bible. This is false. The Jews say in their own encyclopedia that they are descended from Esau, the patriarch of a people who miscegenated the bloodline of the Patriarchs among the Hittite (they get the famous schnoz from the Turkic branch of the geneology), the Canaanite and Kenite peoples. Their land was Edom, Idumea – pronounced Yidumean. As in the Yids.

    They infiltrated the apsotate Israelite peoples in Babylon. So there is some true Israelite blood in the brew and they used these bloodlines to immigrate into Judea under John Hyrcanus I and II. As one might expect they overthrew the Judahite Hasmonean monarchy and installed their own king – that would be the Herods of the Bible. The Books of the Macabees recount all this history.

    You know the story – they murdered the ethnic ruling class, overthrew the Hasmonean monarch, did a deal with Rome through their Babylonian banking connections, got the Romans to install their Jewish AntePater as king, took over the priesthood of the Israelite covenant faith. Herod was into ethnic cleansing of the Judahite and Israelite peoples of Judea (the tribal land of Judah).

    The Jewish aristocracy is descended from Solomon through his Idumean / Canaanite wives. The mother of Solomon (it may be recalled ) was Bathsheba (the wife of Uriah the Hittite ). Their nobility has now infiltrated the native European aristocratic houses – most of which they have annhilated in their Revolutionary Era post 1789. They call their nobility ‘the Rex Deus’. The Hosue of Anjou, for example, is a Rex Deus lineage. There is a deal about all this crapola in the Jewish fables of the Grail and the Da Vinci Code and so forth. The last chapters of their Protocols of Zion are concerned with this subject exclusively.

    The Church knows very well who are ‘the Jews’ – never who they say they are. And by the same token, the Church understands what St Paul calls ‘the Mystery of Israel’ – that is who are the peoples descended from the Patriarch Jacob and their new Creation, the Church, the Israel of God of whom God calls “my dominion”.

    The fact that the Church is presently in eclipse is a sign that things are going to get Very interesting.

  42. Jagdflieger says:

    Liberals love to claim that well educated people vote Democrat while the less educated vote Republican. As the graph below demonstrates this is a conceit, a lie that liberals would like to believe.


    It is not surprising that the majority of well educated high wage earners are not going to vote for the candidate of a party that is for de facto wealth redistribution. The exceptions to the are Asians and Jews, both of whom are motivated by animus against Whites and identify with non-White America.

    To touch up on more inconsistencies. Liberals say and often pouf up their pride when everyone’s talking about better living via social mobility via hard work, intellectual cultivation, and earning that Education to distinguish us from those Ignorant Rednecks, and take on the image of the Sophistacated Socialite Better Than Those Uneducated Plebs. But they too fight for the right of the Little Guy (Rednecks) and want to tear down those Evil Rich via wealth redistribution French Revolution style.

    And if Education really does fight the diabolical Evil in this world, Ignorance is the cause of all our suffering, why don’t Liberals think up a revolutionary idea to solve Humanity’s Dark Side, like following from this chain of logic, they could starting teaching everybody in Publik Skools the knowledge of how to easily pick and unlock locks, or the secrets to hotwire any car, so we know how it all happens, and we don’t ever repeat those evil mistakes for future generations? Just like they taught extensively in PS history classes all the creative Evil Racism committed by White ancestory to the tiniest detail, and that will magically resolve and remove the Evil out of future generations?

  43. they could starting teaching everybody in Publik Skools the knowledge of how to easily pick and unlock locks, or the secrets to hotwire any car

    The lib’s already did that when they crusaded against chaingangs in the 50’s. What do you think coloreds do in the revolving door prisons? “Revert” to jailhouse Islam and swap stories with other criminals.

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