About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I generally don’t watch tv. I did, however, fact watch a few episodes of “moonshiners” because I have an interest in the topic. I thought it was very sympathetic to rural interests, were not condescending to southerners, and made the law look like a bunch of morons. I don’t know about these other shows though, never saw them.

  2. Watched Buckwild, and it reminds me of my misspent youth. LOL.

    I would just caution anyone to be very careful around heavy equipment, ATVs, 4 wheeling, motorcycles etc. etc. That also goes for bridge jumping, and rope swinging into rivers.

    Wait until they get to cliff diving & jumping into rivers…

  3. Watched Buckwild, and it reminds me of my misspent youth.

    Hmm. I never hear a Jew say anything like that.

  4. One thing that didn’t ring true, was the big mouthed colored woman in South Charleston, and the self described “exotic”(unless she was Syrian?). Colored folks only make up about 3% of the total WV population. Those characters were probably added for color. LOL.

  5. Washington Heights? Seriously? Wash. Heights is a communist bookstore, the cloisters, Bette Midler’s restaurant, crappy dominican food, negro projects, and swpl parks. Good luck making a show out of that, MTV.

    Anyone have parents that love them and maybe got them wholsesome entertainment like the BUTTERCREAM GANG to watch? It’s about a kid named Pete that goes into Chicago a good kid and moves back to town as a whigger and the community’s response.

  6. I haven’t owned a tv in ages, so I honestly don’t know:

    Are there any reality shows about black people?

  7. I have a TV but don’t watch it any more. All the entertainment I need is on Youtube or places like it. Real people make videos about politics and their lives and upload them for free.

    Nothing the MSM produces is real. It is social engineering and a fantasy world that never existed. Get a fast Internet connection and cancel your cable for good.

  8. JSpruce, I had read somewhere that the Cops producers chose to air the vids of mostly white perps, very few black ones… again, don’t know if this is true or not.

  9. Anti-whites, I like to think of tv as a handy jewish/lefty mind-control device 😉

    In all seriousness, tho, the patent that Verizon applied for that essentially turns your tv into a transceiver just creeps the hell out of me. Altho the patent was rejected, I’d say just give it time…

  10. I’m pretty sure I remember Dago Joe Manchin when he was young up on the Cheat River/Monte Chateau. The reason I remember him is his Italian hair-do. LOL. In those days it was a just little higher up than it is now. I forget what you call that kind of a dago haircut—but—a lot of Italian singers had that style.

    Dago Joe’s family owned an Italian store around Mannington, and he had an Uncle who liked to dress up like the grim reaper, or so I am told.

    I think Dago Joe has turned into a scold, and has forgotten what it was like to be young.

    Don’t give me any Confederate-Southern bullshit, because my bona fides would be pretty damn hard to beat in West Virginia. LOL.

  11. Are there any reality shows about black people?

    This one’s pretty good. It’s certainly done its part to urge a friend’s dad to question his niggerlover values.

  12. I saw this documentary on Youtube a couple of days ago. It asks what stupid is and why the mass media, makes so many shows about stupid people, doing stupid things.

    Stupidity “Full Movie”

  13. I don’t have TV, but I’d get one if they’d make a show entirely about that chunky, pinched-face girl in Buckwild walking around in her t-shirt and panties.

  14. I’ll be a contrarian here. These subjects are driving trucks, jumping around, partying a bit… It actually looks like Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer plus a slutty version of Becky Thatcher. This isn’t a bad thing per se. Looks like a rich lifestyle. Without the trucks, this isn’t far off an idyll in the Cotswolds or Yorkshire.

  15. I’m noting down the difference between the Virginians and the preening metro- bodybuilder Guidos. I don’t think the show is going to be similar in any significant way. Dirt biking, off road trucking, target practice of a sort, water sports… This isn’t the same. Kids being kids with some toys.

  16. I’ve seen more than this Buckwild at Glastonbury in 1990. As long as they stop doing this stuff by the time they are 20-21, what is the problem? At least they are outdoors.

  17. The Amish and the Appalachians — both are becoming favourite subjects for misrepresentation and ridicule in the mass entertainment media. Public (sheeple) opinion will be turned against these historically noncomforming white peoples.

  18. Mosin,

    You know that saying: “by the time you notice something it’s over”
    I get a nasty feeling that these shows are recording a twilight.

    But otoh the episode of Amish Mafia that I saw made me think about the Amish in a more human light. Thought it was peculiar to hear them switch to “Dutch”, kinda like yahudis. I sort of envied their tight knit clannishness. I wouldn’t worry about the West Virginian show, it’s just kids sowing wild oats and making asses of themselves on TV. Honey Boo Boo is pernicious rotten stuff though. The actors in Buckwild? They look normal enough even if they are encouraged to act up.

  19. I guess the question to be asked, (that no one else is asking) is WHY show this sort of foolishness on TV, as if it were the whole sum and substance of rural WHITE culture?

    Just like the article HW had on ‘backwoods believers,’ to find the LCD of Whiteness, merely is a Jewish (for who owns the media) ‘trick’ to show that:
    a) We are better than the goyim
    b) we are smarter than the goyim
    c) we should rule over the goyim, for those reasons.

    Reading this post made me start to think like this. I am tired of being ‘used’ by the Jews, frankly.

    Even going back so far as “Dukes of Hazzard,” (a show I personally never watched) why must we caricaturize Whites at the expense of our race?

    Why can we not do an “Obama” and simply refuse to show ourselves (as a race, you understand) in any sort of ‘negative, stereotypical’ – in short, ‘racist’ manners?
    Because we’re not black, but white? But then, isn’t THAT a form of covert racism anyway?

    Besides, we NEED to see how bad black society is, so that we can ‘effect change’. In other words, become the agents of restoration, against the “Machine” that is Communist/Liberal/Jewish BRA.

  20. This is a disgusting show.
    What’s up with that arab girl; are we supposed to believe she’s an all-American girl from W. Virginia?

    How bout the jews make a show called “The Dead Sea Shore” to victimize themselves?
    If only…..

  21. Earl,

    A pompadour? Manchin has cleaned it up. And I thought it was Charleston’s West Side that was black?

    This seems like a tourist advertisement for young people. Where would you rather live: Detroit or here, having fun?

  22. —-west virginia should just be kept hidden entirely. The fewer people who know about it, the better off they will be.

  23. Dixie,

    That was my thought. Rafting, dirtbikes, earth movers, country cabins. Throw in a band on a stage and there could be a massive music festival. It’s a mechanized Hobbit Town.

    What not to like? The only crappy thing I noticed was the Black neighbour.

  24. The other thing—

    All this attention on WV seems almost a response to whites complaint that they “don’t have anything” of their own, culturally (whites here being synonymous with “Generational American which is White Trash,” or with “nazis” which is what self-described “elites” think of Americans, meaning Generational ones)—

    So, all the shows of “redneck culture” seem the equivalent of the huge Saint Patrick’s day parade taxpayers put on for the Irish in nyc.

    The “elite” just names, labels, create an “energy flow” for a group they think needs to be managed. They “give them a voice” as long as they define what they are lock, stock and barrel.

  25. I watched Buckwild lastnite.

    1.) Shae is a smokeshow.
    2.) The girls and boys have separate houses
    3.) One of the girls smacked a she-boon
    4.) Girls have a hotdog dog
    5.) No Nigs in the friend group
    6.) They do their own stunts
    7.) Rebel flag in the pickup

    1.) Sandwhigger from Bangladesh.
    2.) One of the boys has a learning disability
    3.) Aforementioned boy hugs a she-boon and calls her sexy.
    4.) Obama magnet on the fridge.
    5.) Scripted lines.

    Giuseppe Manchini and that flippant Jew can go to hell, neither of them understand Scots-Irish culture. But that doesn’t mean it’s a worthwhile show.

  26. “Amish Mafia” and “Breaking Amish” are even more revolting than the Appalachian shows, and I don’t agree that they are “recording a twilight,” but only a distortion.

    Re: “Sauron has been made aware of Hobbit Town, West Virginshire”: Will they be as easy for Saruman and Wormtongue to enslave?

  27. The Amish shows are perplexing. These people ought to be left alone. They dropped out of English World for a reason. I don’t like the camera being shoved in their faces.
    The Buckwild show isn’t categorically the same.

    Are you familiar with the paintings of George Caleb Bingham? On one level he was patronizing the boatmen he depicted, but it still gave these river people an indelible record. It’s not the worst thing in the world.

    To some extent Tolkein was exploiting locals in Oxford and making fun of them too.

  28. @Dixie Yep. That’s the word, a “pompadour”. LOL. Thanks.

    Yeah, I guess over the years the westside of Charleston has gotten darker, because of urban re-development, and the building of interstates into downtown Charleston causing the blacks to move to the westside.

  29. @Dixiegirl “—-west virginia should just be kept hidden entirely. The fewer people who know about it, the better off they will be.”

    You and I never went swimming in the Elk River or Cheat River together, did we? LOL.

  30. John – Jews have been courting the Amish, and Mennonites. They’ve brought them over to Israel, bacusee “The amish are the only people that have not persecuted Jews”.

    Jews begin Jews, “courting” means “utterly destroys”.

    The Amish are low-land Germans. As are Mennonites. These groups have implict appeal to Whites, as they are agrarian, faithful, and “off the grid”. They are able to produce healthy food, and CHILDREN, and sustain them SELVES.

    They are independent of, and apart from Jew “culture”.

    They must be crushed.

    You can’t depict Whites as being healthy, fertile, self-reliant, and wholesome. You know – not needing Jews, and free from Jew corruption. This may give other people ideas.

    They must be broken. Break the Amish.

    No matter how kind you are to Jews, or how tolerant, how giving – they still want to destroy you utterly. They can’t help themselves. It is their Nature.

    I hope I haven’t distracted Runner Away from Savages fomr slurping too mcuh Joojizz, today. He/it seems to live on the stuff.

  31. Tolkein was not exploiting any-one. His fun-making was done out of deepest, deepest affection. We can tease those closest to our hearts.

  32. He owned a house two streets away from my grandparents in North Oxford. Put it that way.

    Yes I’ve read the Hobbit.

  33. I’m pretty certain that my Nan could well have been a Hobbit. The interior description of the Hobbit Holes not unlike the 4-5 bedroom houses around that area. Obviously not underground exactly.

  34. Tolkien was reforging the ancient matter of N.W. Europe.

    The setting of Hobbiton, Byewater, the Marish, Bree etc is in England itself – burroughs, shires, delvings, moots, baggins – as in people who have a baggins with their tea etc.

    It is important to note that New Line Cinema – backed by Jew $, of course – wouldn’t dare film the part of the LOTR trilogy entitled “the Scouring of the Shire”. In other words the Hobbits take it back from Saruman, Wormtongue, the orcs and the Hobbit shabbos goy collaborators. Tolkien’s chapter does not go into the details of what would certainly be a realistic takeback. For example, in “The Scouring”, the Hobbits who collaborated with and benefitted from the Saruman regime just go back to being Hobbits in Tolkien’s chapter.

    But the concept and dynamic of the takeback is clearly present in “Scouring of the Shire” and there is no way something like that is going to make it to a mass audience in a Jew movie – albiet, in parts, a good film and true to the Tolkien’s saga.

  35. Lynda, that’s what I was referring to — the Saruman-Hobbit collaboration regime, followed by the “scouring” — and I thought John had said, once, that he never read LOTR.

  36. Sauron and Saruman used tactics of division, turning various peoples against each other, leading them to attack each other, to make them weak and helpless against their Orc invasions. Similarly, WN niche group tactics that divide whites from whites, pitting whites against whites, weaken everyone and are counterproductive, at least on the large scale and in the long term.

  37. Wormtongues whisper into the ears of every side, reminding them of past injuries or slights and of their duty to continue to “resolve” blood feuds.

  38. tarantino-says-his-mom-dated-wilt-chamberlain

    So, his mother was just a straight-up nigger-loving whore, and that’s at the bottom of his obvious daddy issues and fucked-up psyche. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but this makes it obvious she was just a nigger-lover and a whore.

  39. Rudel: I love me some Justified. They eventually dragged niggers into the story, but they were actual niggers, who looked like actual niggers. I love the head nigger’s jigsaw dental effects, lol.

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