About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Anti-white propaganda shows like this will become increasingly common as White people become a minority and increasingly safe to attack. It’s important to point them out to people as evidence of the way things are headed. Eventually the Hollywood and New York media will be creating programs openly inciting the murder and genocide of White people. This is early days.

    (However their attempts at anti-white propaganda will be relative to *their* values and may not always work the way they intend e.g. to them doing dangerous stuff for fun is dumb whereas to us it’s fun because it’s dangerous.)

    “JSpruce, I had read somewhere that the Cops producers chose to air the vids of mostly white perps, very few black ones… again, don’t know if this is true or not.”

    I think the quote is on here somewhere


    IIRC he said something about switching the proportions of black to white crime by making it 2/3 white instead of 2/3 black. Apart from everything else this shows they know the true proportions but still call for integration and section 8 despite knowing the true proportions – which makes them effectively if unintentionally accessory to murder imo but they also only call for it for other people but not themselves which also implies they know it’s accessory to murder – and do it anyway.

  2. Matt Parrott had a great article recently where he makes the case the Amish are contemptible and not worthy of protection from the world they’ve studiously avoided for centuries. I agree. Screw them.

  3. The Amish and Mormons are similar in using religion as a vehicle to preserve an ethnic identity and are also similar in how doing so has partially preserved them from the poisonous anti-white culture coming out of the MSM. They’ve already seceded and formed their own nation as much as is currently possible – good luck to them imo.

    Mormons should be thinking about copying them more.

    nb just noted the smirky faces of the two journos at the beginning. It’s much more noticeable with the sound off.

  4. “Matt Parrott had a great article recently where he makes the case the Amish are contemptible and not worthy of protection from the world they’ve studiously avoided for centuries. I agree. Screw them.”

    I disagree wholeheartedly. I firmly believe in devolution of power all the way down to the local community level. Matt Parrott is an uneducated hick. The questions he asks in his interviews make one cringe at his ignorance of politics and history.

  5. Matt Parrott doesn’t know the Germans at all. The Amish DO know guns, and many do hunt; they can build or repair almost anything that is non-electronic or non-nuclear, are productive rather than a drag on the economy, actually or potentially self-sufficient, ethnically and religiously self-preserving and tremendously fertile (twins are common). They are weak on education and use of technology.

  6. The Amish and Mormons are similar in using religion as a vehicle to preserve an ethnic identity

    There are ads on NYC taxicabs for the Mormon church with a closeup of a pickaninny that says “I am mormon”. The Mormon cult scares a lot of people away regardless of race, but not Eldridge Cleaver a confessed serial rapist of white women and black panther that died with full Mormon honors.

  7. Can anyone advance a real reason that the Amish should be coddled?

    The Amish DO know guns

    The Amish pay taxes, vote and are sworn to NOT defend themselves or others from BRA. Why should we defend them?

  8. MTV can make fun of my people I don’t care.

    Was I ever like that? Hell fucking yeah.

    Have I ever left a bar at 3AM with friends and a case of beer to go 4-wheeling in strip pits?

    Of course. And that is exactly why I don’t live there.

  9. “The Amish pay taxes, vote”

    I do not know of ANY that vote. Perhaps there are districts in other states that allow breaking the rule.

    Liberal, apostasing Mennonites vote, but conservative, true Mennonites consistently practice what they call “nonparticipation in civil government.” In recent years, however, they have not tried or asked to withhold a percentage of their taxes equal to what they thought was being used to finance war. They generally do not pay Social Security tax, but never collect Social Security and other entitlements and welfare. They are NOT a drain on us.

    Sauron and Saruman are aware of them, and are interested in them.

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