About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is pitch perfect.

    No complexity, simply stating “we will be better off”.

    It’s true, and we just need to grow the numbers to get there.

  2. Yes to Freedom of Choice and Yes To Hiring who you want without quotas…Yes To Renting to who you want, Yes to Buying and selling property to who you want to….But you know what…..in the end it comes to this: Freedom Comes Thru Blood, Not Paper and the Law of Survival is above all Man Made Laws…..

  3. This was a clear cut, to the point statement. I found it to be really well done.

    People need to wake up faster!

  4. Brilliant, young man! To the point, and stated with utter confidence.
    This is critical. We have been on the defensive for decades. Do we believe in our message, or do we not?

    Do you mind if I stick this on my blog?

  5. Yeppir. Absolutely perfect. What I would give to be able to see these spots on local tv networks.

    John Bonaccoursi, don’t forget Southern Nationalist News Network. I have found so much excellent history there. Thanks to Hunter Wallace & Palmetto Patriot (SNN) because I never knew where to look!

  6. John Bonaccoursi, don’t forget Southern Nationalist News Network.

    You’re right, KGeorge. I thought about that after I posted my comment above. I don’t want to short Palmetto Patriot.

  7. Hi everybody; I’ve been reading this website for a while and I’ve been really getting educated. I had no idea that blacks had such higher crime rates than whites, and how many more blacks are on welfare compared to whites. I am learning more about the idea that the white race and the Southern white people have a specific culture which we have been missing out on. I grew up in the South but I never even thought about any of these things; my parents make a few racist comments once in a while but they go to a church which sends people to African missions. Anyway, I do have some concerns though. I have a best friend who is black. He is totally different than the black people described on this site. I won’t support secession if I think he will be mistreated. We have been through everything together; he is more my family than a bunch of white people I don’t even know. Also my brother is married to a Hispanic whom he met while going to college in Texas, and I am dating an Asian girl who is the daughter of an Indian doctor in town. I really feel she is the right woman for me; she understands me more than any of the white girls I’ve dated. What will happen to all of us if the current system collapses? Is everyone just going to get so angry at the race mixers that some really bad things could happen? Lots to think about. But yay for southern cooking! Anyway appreciate any responses.

  8. Who is this guy kidding?

    Have you seen South Carolina’s Political leadership?

    I mean come on.

    You guys have a Dot-Head as a Governor

    A Globalist Pole Smoker as One of Two US Senators

    Your Second US Senator is a 47 Year-Old, Unwed Nigger (who may also be a closet faggot) appointed by the aforementioned Dot-Head Governor.

  9. Mike,

    I don’t think your imaginary negro friend is going to like secession at all. You need a day or two in a pillory where good whites can peg you with spoiled eggs. Then you could always try to start a new life where people are unaware of your shameful past. Maybe you suffer from low-T and just can’t handle a real white woman? Get that checked out and tame yourself a shrew or join a monastery. Cheers.

  10. Indians are not exactly the problem. Hindus have a caste system. They aren’t fundamentally different. Blacks really are a troublesome element though. Watch your back with him.

  11. “Yes, I’m a baptized Sikh woman with facial hair,” Balpreet Kaur, a college student

    That is what Nikki Haley would look like without laser hair removal. No thanks, John. Having a good curryshop just isn’t worth it. Sikh men are obsessed with our women and in New York (where most white women are total whores) they defile them with impunity.

  12. @Mike in Mississippi

    Dear anti-White in Mississippi,

    It is silly of you to ask us about policy to end your White GENOCIDE program, when you guys won’t allow a discussion of this issue.

    Screeching naziwantstokillsixmillionjews! whenever Whites want to discuss what is good for Whites, is not allowing a discussion.

    Discussion comes before policy, don’t you agree?

  13. To Mike,
    Can’t wait till we reach its zenith of a perfect world where every critters crawled under a rock will come together and we’ll live in peace and happily ever after. No more wars and crimes.Before 1960s them non-diversity European lived in the dark ages.

  14. I have a best friend who is black.

    No white is entitled to befriend a non-white.

    Also my brother is married to a Hispanic whom he met while going to college in Texas …

    No white is entitled to marry a non-white.

    … I am dating an Asian girl who is the daughter of an Indian doctor in town.

    No white is entitled to date a non-white.

  15. How are you going to convince the majority of southern whites about secession when the majority of us don’t feel exactly the way you do and follow the exact same rules of life? You have to convince us why we should change our lifestyle and abandon our family and friends, and in some cases spouses.

  16. Re: Mike

    1.) First, the OD commentariat comes from all corners of the United States and various ideological backgrounds.

    2.) Second, it is up to the people of the states to decide whether to secede and what laws they would have after secession. In your case, it would be up to your fellow Mississippians.

    3.) Third, secession isn’t about any particular individual. It is about the future of our people and specifically what kind of world we want to leave behind for our children.

    4.) Fourth, you will find that most people on this website want to preserve the White South as it has historically existed for future generations of White Southerners.

    5.) Fifth, these people (myself included) don’t want to spend our elderly years living in a Third World country like Mexico or Haiti.

    I suppose it is up to you to decide which side you are on. Do you identify with your own people? Are you concerned about the fate that will befall them in a majority non-White society? Are you ready to see what Mississippi will be like under a black majority government?

    I know plenty of “good black people.” There are “good people” in every race. That doesn’t mean that I want as a matter of public policy to see Alabama or Mississippi ruled by black people because it is already like that in some cities and counties and it would be an absolute disaster if that were to happen statewide.

    Personally, I have never harmed anyone on account of their race. I know enough about the temperament of White people to know what kind of harm is going to be imposed on them within the next twenty years unless they wake up and turn back before it is too late.

  17. Mike,

    If secession doesn’t happen within the next ten to twenty years, I can paint a picture of what life is going to be like in Texas, Mississippi, and Georgia in the 2020s and 2030s, and every single day I wake up and post on this website because the thought of that world coming to fruition is terrifying.

  18. That’s right.

    You don’t feel exactly like we do. You don’t see any need to change your lifestyle. You don’t follow the same rules we do.

    The same is true of alcoholics until they wrap themselves around a tree. As a civilization, we are going to wrap ourselves around a tree unless we change our ways within the next ten to twenty years. We can either assert ourselves as a race or we can lose control of our government to people who don’t have any inhibitions about asserting themselves as a race.

    Can you imagine what it would be like if Mississippi was run like Detroit? Is that the kind of society you want for our people?

  19. @Mike in Mississippi

    How would you or anyone know, what the majority wants, when you won’t allow a vote or discussion on the White GENOCIDE issue?

    No vote or discussion was allowed when the anti-White elite, decided to open the borders of all White countries to non-White colonization and forced integration.

    What they have been doing to White people all over the planet, is GENOCIDE according to international law. See here:

    “By ‘genocide’ we mean the destruction of an ethnic group . . . . Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups ”


    No vote or discussion is allowed even today. If anyone tries to discuss your White GENOCIDE program, anti-Whites like yourself start screeching naziwantstokillsixmillionjews!

    So you can’t claim to represent the majority, when like all bullies, you have never allowed a discussion.

    Even so, what the majority wants is irrelevant when it comes to international law. The majority cannot vote to commit GENOCIDE against a minority for whatever reason.

    So my question to you Mike, what are your policy suggestions to end the White GENOCIDE program?

  20. I am totally new to even thinking in these kind of racial terms, so how am I supposed to give policy suggestions? Thanks Hunter for your reasonable response. I thought it was ironic that I got so many angry responses when the video says “yes to southern hospitality!” The analogy to alcoholics is helpful for me though. I need to think about things for a while. I am starting to be convinced about the problems with black people in government, so that’s what is helping me to think about being on your side. I guess we really don’t know what the majority thinks. I can’t say I know everybody in the white South, but neither do you. However you admit in other posts that most white people are still brainwashed, so I take that as an admission that if the vote were held today, it would probably be against secession. Still there should be a vote, but if we allow just any votes, it could get out of hand; what if people started to complain because we don’t have a vote about whether to join Canada?

  21. Also a lot of the problem is that we have to have a balance on how much individual rights each person has. It seems like a lot of people here think that the individual should make economic decisions for themselves, but the state government should be able to decide whether individuals have the right to something like interracial marriage.

  22. Up until a year ago I’d have identified myself as a liberal in the American context or a Labour voter in the English context. Possibly as an anti-racist of some sort (though I’m big on imperialist colonization). When I saw what the authorities did to Emma West, I realized that blacks mean to do us harm and take away our countries from us. Blacks don’t distinguish between Nazis and Liberals, Republicans and Labour. They just want what we have and will destroy the means of production to possess the cargo. They are NOT like western man. They can do a good imitation but they are cargo cultists.
    You may find your Hindu girl (if that is true) ends up realizing she’s Indian. They view their soil as sacred too you see. Even if the young ones a secular the conservative mindset always develops later on.

    Now? I’d either vote BNP or UKIP.

  23. Mike, why would you want your home to look like South Africa? Whites in compounds…surrounded on isolated farms? Or spiritual death in remote suburbs? When you could just reintroduce segregation?

  24. Mike,

    Study the Emma West case. She had her country taken away from her in her own lifetime.

    You sound pampered and not at all concerned with the grinding destruction of the white working classes who have been abandoned by their masters of the universe.

  25. It’s not as simple as “just reintroduce segregation.” It would have to have the cooperation of not just a majority of whites, but almost all whites. Otherwise since a lot of whites have at least one person they are close to who is from a different race, they would just try to include that person and make them an honorary white person. Also who will be defined as a white person? I have a friend who has a black grandparent but looks and acts white. Would everybody have to get genetically tested and anybody with a certain amount of nonwhite blood could not be considered white? With all of the ethnic infighting on here, how could I possibly expect a new Dixie government to resolve these issues peacefully? I really do want to keep a white-controlled country; I’m convinced about that now; but I don’t want to jump off into the complete unknown without thinking of these questions first.

  26. If you live anywhere near the Mississippi Delta, you should already know what a black majority government looks like, and why extending that system statewide would be an absolute disaster.

    I’m sure there are individual black people who are good people. I know good individual black people here in Alabama. I also know that over 90% of black people define themselves racially and vote as a racial bloc to advance black interests.

    Black people took over Birmingham in 1979. There hasn’t been a White mayor in Birmingham for 33 years. Jefferson County (AL) recently filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history.

    Remember, White people think of themselves as individuals. Black people don’t think of themselves as individuals. Think of the social and economic consequences to future generations of White people of allowing black people to take over Mississippi before it is too late.

    We are morally obligated to future generations to save them for such a fate.

  27. I grew up in a working-class family. If I’m pampered, what does that say about the huge amount of white people who won’t even listen to what you are saying? Thanks I will look up Emma West.

  28. What Anerican uses the term working class?


    Well anyway, black people function as a political bloc. There is no way to reason with them. They do not vote in ways that are recognizable to white Europeans or white Americans. There is no left or right debate to have if you attach a black population to the equation. Eventually our own working classes are going to be annihilated in the brown tide. That’s what I mean by pampered, if you don’t see the destruct of the ordinary folk in the demographic projections you are either black, brown or yellow and don’t care, or you are a member of the upper middle class and identify as someone who is essentially immune from the impending collapse of your own people. if we don’t turn it around we will be like the beseiged Afrikaners in our own homelands.

  29. If Blacks voted close to 60/40 whites would probably relax a great deal. But blacks insist on their bloc vote.

  30. Mike in MS – are you in your 20’s? The racial beliefs that we discuss, in this website, were regarded as NORMAL, by most Whites, and by members of other Races, at late as even 50 years ago. 40 years ago…

    This has all changed due to a dedicated and 110% wholly DELIBERATE campaign waged against Whites, as a specific racial group – and Whites alone. the White Race has been subjected to an unprecedented psy-opps campaign, that’s been running for decades. The conditioning is completely co-ordinated, and it’s been done via the American Academy, and the media.

    Start studying “Cuultural Marxism” study Why Who How.

    You must have your own doubts, about the benefits of Multi-culuralism. You sound as though you are sincere. You wouldn’t be asking questions, if not,.

    I like people of other Races, by the by. I just love my own kind. I LOVE my family members and friends. I love our Race’s genius, I love the way we do things. We are far from perfect, but other Races are certainly not any more worthy of existence than we are.

    Your Hindu girlfriend – sh’e a Caucasian. She’s not White, though. If she’s from a higher caste, she’s probably fairly White. She probably values your Race more than you do. Non-Whites love and appreciate Whiteness. as an Asian woman, she knows that you will treat her far better than most men of her own ethny. White females , in particular, have been specifically targeted to engage in miscegenation. Young White females can be very screwed up; they’ve had their natural maternal intincts diverted to caring about assorted Orcs, instead of directing their energies to producing thier own children. Young women are rewarded for acting like whores. They are never taught about all the harm that comes to them, for doing so. Your Hindu gf would be SEVERELY punished by her family members, if she steps out of line. I can understand your attraction – but once you have children, thousands and thousands and thousands of years, to make you “you” is gone forever. Why don’t you care about that?

    Your brother? Did he breed with a Mestiza. or a White Latina? There’s a difference.

    Your “best friend”? He’s a Negro. You sound young-ish. I’ve known young White women, in different places and different times, that were gang-raped by their Black Best Friend, or the males in association with same. No matter what yo’ve bene through, he will turn on you at the worst possible moment, for no reason at all. I’ve seen it happen, more than once. He will ALWAYS go to his Race, in the end. He is the most alien, of Racial types, and you will discover this for yourself one day. I just hope you are not seriously hurt, in the process.

    Members of other Races want what Whites create. They are swarming us. All they will do in the end, is destroy everything our Race has ever done. Were other Races able to create the same types of civilizations that our Race creates – they would have done so already. Don’t we have a right to exist, as Whites?

    Our people are literally disappearing from existence. That is why I do what I do. The most heart-breaking aspect of being a “racist” for me, is the fact that I have to convince other Whites, like you, to simply EXIST. It’s maddening. This has never happened in the history of the world.

    As a White male, as events accelerate – YOU are going to be persecuted worse than any other type of person. Your GF will not save your hide. What do you think life will be like for YOU, in the next decade, if trends continue on their course, and if Whites don’t get some living space?

  31. This guy is posting in bad faith. A non-racial realist in Mississippi with a burning concern for his quadroon friend isn’t going to have an “a-ha” moment on the internet. Sorry guys.

    “What Anerican uses the term working class?”

    Not a white Mississippian.

  32. Thanks Hunter and Denise. My mind is being blown with all this information. I appreciate your helpful responses, really. I need a few days to think about all this but I’ll keep you updated on my journey. It really concerns me though that so many people think I’m not really who I say I am. I don’t want to post exactly where I’m form but it’s a mostly white town; there are some black people but I guess our town is just lucky; we don’t have major problems with them. If every white person who is thinking like me (and there are millions of them) gets accused of being a weak person or fake or not really a man, how is that going to help? Most people aren’t as patient as I am. Yes Denise, I’m in my 20s. Now I’m thinking back to my school days when it seemed like every week, the teachers talked about Martin Luther King. How could I be expected to know about all this when I have that going on every week?

  33. Interesting comments about my girlfriend; yes she is from a family which was higher caste. I think my brother’s wife is mestiza but with some white blood. But again, where exactly is the line between white and nonwhite? Will it be mostly based on genetics or the way someone looks/acts? It’s hard to hear that about my best friend; I truly think he is different from the black people we are talking about. He even has a lot of problems with what’s happening in his community. But I understand what you’re saying.

  34. @Mike in Mississippi

    Are you comfortable with the fact that White people will disappear from this Earth forever, if current policies targeting us, are not changed?

    Massive immigration and forced integration, is demanded of all White countries and only White countries. That means only White people have no place in the future these anti-Whites want.

    This is not “anti-racism” or “progress”, this is GENOCIDE.

    So are you for White GENOCIDE, or against it?

  35. I want whites to stay on this earth and in control of our countries. I just realized this recently though because I had no idea there was a problem. I was already against illegal immigration anyway, but this doesn’t resolve the Negro question much, since there aren’t as many immigrants from Africa. Plus we’d have to figure out what happens to Hispanics and Asians who are citizens. Then of course the Native Americans, and let’s not even get started about the Jews right now; I’m just figuring all that out right now too.

  36. Mike- you are obviously new to all of this. The reason you are getting accused of not being who you say you are is because so many sites get trolled by al kinds of people. All kinds of subverters troll these White sites. They are trying to catch us, or goad us, into saying something that would get the site shut down, and the posters liable for prosecution onder “Hate Crime” laws, etc.

    Also – some folks like to troll for fun, to cause trouble, and infighting.

    Your “voice” is authentic, thus far. Your questions sound very sincere. I think you are who you say you are. I will do so until I have a reason not to.

    My comments about your girlfriend? I’ve known all kinds of people, in my life. I have been interested in other culture, and stories, since chilhood. I’m a voracious reader. Ive read all kinds of things…..this is why I appreciate my own cultural history so much. My own people.

    I am middle aged. The cultural indoctrination was juuuuust beginning to be mainstreamed, when I was a child. I was still taught real history, in school, when I was a kiddie. I have seen the changed occur over time. I saw how schools were being dumbed down, by the 1980’s….I know you are a product of relentless indoctrination. You don’t know this yet – but the Great Quest….the GREAT OverArching Quest, for Western Man, is the search for Truth.

    You are asking questions here. You are simply fulfilling YOUR genetic mandates. You will learn this, if you stick around.

    Don’t worry about the “mean” remarks. That’s just a part of the the process. A testing process, of sorts. We are so used to being trolled, that we don’t want to get suckered, hence the flippant cynicism. It could be a lot worse. Dear Lord. I dived into Stormfront feet first, with NO background info, right after 9/11/01 – and you would not believe the hazing I got. It’s OK. Live and learn.

    This is good crowd. Top notch commentary, once some-one’s settled in. Even Runner Away from Savages has some excellent commentary, outside of It’s Jew worship. Hunter’s BRILLIANT. He’s a real person. I’ve met a LOT of the actual folks that post on these sites. You’ll learn a lot, on this one.

    Re: your personal life. I hope you meet and fal in love with a wondetful young White woman, and replicate your own DNA. If you do wind up with your Hindu – you could do worse. Don’t knock her up until you weigh these issues, though. Your sister in law – if she looks “Mexican” she’s a Mestiza. She’s an Orc. Do you know what an Orc is? I’m not trying to be insulting – it’s just true. Orcs are Orcs. Their DNA is all over the map. You never know what they will throw off, when they spawn. (I may sound harsh, but if oyu bother to learn about genetics – you will understand.) I’m not talking about mere “looks”. I mean intellectual and technical abilities. There is a reason why a lot of Latin American countries just sort of spin their wheels. Mexico has been around longer than the USA, as a Nation. Mexico has the same resources as California. Mexico has NEVER been able to get ti together – because the popoulation is nothing but Brown Orcs, overall The White DNA has bene corrupted by the Brown. It’s so RANDOM, and feral. California used to be the Golden State – because it was WHITE. California had the fifth largest economy in the WORLD – 5th, above all other Nations, when it was owned and operated by White people. Now – it’s become Mexifornia. The implosion is the direct result of the populations replacement. The Orcs don’t do any better, because they do not possess the genetics to permit them to “do better”. Your brother has thrown away eons of genetic gold. Tragic.

    I know you love your friend. The thing is – he is not you, and you are not him. He may be a very good fellow. I’ve known lovely wonderful Blacks. They seek White company out because they know how awful other Blacks are. I’ve had Black friends like that. His job is to upbreed his own people. I’m sorry to day this – but he will turn on you sooner or later. I’ve seen it happen too many times. It’s really consistent.

    You are like my adult nephew. He loved rap, when he was a teenager. He’s had tons of pals, of all ethnies. They knew about his “racist” aunt, too. Some of his Black pals would be furious with me. I would make all kinds of comments about what would happen, with each one of them. What they would do, before they did it. I was always right. One of his coolest pals married a Negress. My heart broke for this kid. He was smart, “hip”, saavy. A Hipster. Really thoughtful and interesting. I saw what a cold-eyed Nigress gold-digger his fiance really was. She and I said “Hello” one time. We’d eye each other, when we were in the same place. She knew I saw right through her crap. She was well-spoken and “professional” in demeanor – but she was just a polished up Ghetto Ape. She knew I knew her score, and she loathed me. The feeling was mutual. I very gently warned this young man, once time, to cancel the engagement. We genuinely liked each other, as people. He didn’t want to be disrespectful to me, and he didn’t know how to react. He was offended, and insulted – but….it’s not working out. She is a remorseless beast, who rides him for money, and he just works and works and works, to get away for the house. He’s getting old overnight. He looks 40, now. She’s gonna kill him, spiritually suck the lfe right out of him, if one of them doesn’t leave.

    Another friend of my nephew, was a “cool, laid-back” Black guy. He was always around. He was polite, and funny. My nephew and this young man knew each other since High School. They spent a lot of time togethe,r over the years. They gradually grew apart, as they grew older. My nephew began paying attention to politics, as events began to affect his adult life. My nephew campaigned for Ron Paul, last year. The Negro pal got all offended, cause why wouldn’t my nephew want Obama to be re-elected? My nephew tried to explain that it was all about policy, etc – but that didn’t fly. The Negro began all this absolute CRAP about “racism” – “”You hate Obama ’cause he’s Black”, etc. I think ths was the MOST shocked my nephew has ever been, in his entire life. He was flummoxed. They had a HUGE fight (the nephew is a loud-mouthed Celt, like his Auntie) – and that was that.

    I’ve seen it happen too many times, in too many ways. I regard Whites and Blacks as two separate species. The genetics are too different. Your pal will turn on you one say. I’m sorry.

  37. Mike and many others are emotionally cripple. Separate illusion from reality of Good black Bad white. I know good blacks, but they still have teeth.

  38. @ “….You may find your Hindu girl (if that is true) ends up realizing she’s Indian. They view their soil as sacred too you see….”

    Many self-centered Whites don’t understand other groups like their groups, too.

    “Mixing” usually works best in youth (where concerns are building material lives, since the different people can “work together on goals,” share “getting jobs,” starting out, etc..)

    Later, when one might want to step away from materialism—– and into the world of “community,” then tensions are inevitable. By then, some have kids and feel compelled to stay together for them, although they have nothing in common in regard to HOW THEY WANT TO GROW, nor share community interests beyond just ‘houses, kids, cars’ —getting those things.

    This gave rise to the “Serial Monogamy” we have now— and STOLE from millions the relationship that should have been their greatest joy.

    People keep getting divorced, to match up with people who can “grow with them,” (we even SAY it this way) but no one discusses that this change is due to the social engineering (i.e., not being guided toward marriages that can last).

    Instead, they are told the only reason the majority of people didn’t divorce in the past was because they were “oppressed.”

    But they were in better marriages to begin with, is the reality. In marriages they could “grow” in.

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