Texas Nationalist Movement: People Are Frightened And Support For Secession Is Growing



It is heart warming to see secession entering the mainstream. I suspect the recent vote on the “fiscal cliff” and the upcoming debates on gun control, immigration, and the debt ceiling are eroding the foundation of the Union:

Note: Who sounds “crazy”? The Texas Nationalist Movement or Obama and House Republicans?

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ll repeat the prediction I made 6 months ago on this and other sites: Obama wins the election. Then, post inauguration, 60 days to Fort Sumter. At the rate the gun-grabbers are moving, we may not even have that much time. Invest in lead.

  2. The black journalist looked disgusted. Interesting reactions from her, she almost seemed to be thinking that “geez this whitey thinks he’s in control here still.” he sounded very reasonable of course. He’s obviously a seasoned spokesman.

    What sort of Texan accent did that guest have?

  3. @StukaPilot

    I’m not as concerned about the gun-grabbers, as I am annoyed with all the idiot gun-hoarders who are making it difficult for yet-unarmed white people to purchase anything at a reasonable price.

    The level of price-gauging I’m seeing on auction sites is obscene. Try finding an M14/M1A, and I mean the junky Springfield Armory kind, for less than 2 grand… ridiculous. These hoarders aren’t doing themselves any favors either — I guarantee Big Brother already knows full well exactly who has bought what, and where they live. A few dozen well-timed, simultaneous ATF raids, and there’ll be no need for anti-gun legislation. Those assholes are doing Obama’s job for him.

  4. “Who sounds “crazy”? The Texas Nationalist Movement or Obama and House Republicans?”

    Nothing crazy about wanting to get away from the federal beast and its two corrupt political parties. As you have mentioned before, it’s just common sense, and only the completely batshit crazy (i.e. “those people,” as R.E. Lee used to refer to them) would find it objectionable. After the next few years of BRA on steroids, even they might want to change their minds.

    God blessed Texas. Yes, indeed…

    Deo Vindice

  5. “Try finding an M14/M1A, and I mean the junky Springfield Armory kind, for less than 2 grand… “

    Try Fulton Armory. They have decent M-14s, M-1 Garands, and M-1 Carbines built on U.S. Government receivers.

  6. fulton is over ran with orders as well. phones off the hook, webpage shut down etc etc.

    I maintain at this stage of things, all the decent, race realists Whites are already armed and it’s them kind of Whites trying to do even better for their kin that’s driving the gun run. well that and White folks total lack of faith in the gop to stop the yankee’s an their pet negro’ s assault on liberty

  7. StukaPilot: Not going to happen, not for at least 10 years, probably more. American are still too comfortable. The average white American is not hungry, has his entertainment, roof over his head, their kids are in schools, they have stability. The small business class sure as HELL ain’t going to do anything, and of course, we already know where the white elites stand.
    Look for friction to start when they begin to see their children as a hopeless minority AND the AA laws still on the books (trust me, non-whites are NOT going to get rid of them), their kids get 2nd, 3rd and 4th choice jobs and college choices, all as they and the memory of their ancestors are villified and spat upon by everyone else.
    I don’t know how this will end, but I see nothing good coming of it. Sadly, WE won’t do anything, it will be our children or their children who make the sacrifice, shed the blood, and make a stand…or be 2nd rate citizens, hated minorities, and tax cows for the multiculti Amurrica.

  8. Sorcha Faal is now saying that Obama has 800 Viper Kill Teams and they will start attacking in February. Hunter: I agree with Martin Lindstedt about this issue. His 10000 Warlords Program and the implosion of the Third and Final Babylon. He is right about Mamsers and Whiggers and how he explains the militia movement in the 90s. Sucession will come—but it has to get a hell of alot worse than it is now. Then, just maybe some Whiggers will morph back into WHITE MEN….Cornwallis told Washington what the deal is—and its true about Judeo Masonic Control. The reason they killed Joseph Smith is because he brought back true White Adamic Masonry. The real Mormons have always been at War with the USA. You got the right idea Hunter…keep on Keepin On!!! Good Work..

  9. It was interesting that he spoke of “fear.”

    “White Guilt” is somebody else’s phrase, and maybe not even that much a part of white psychology, if people were honest. (It is what is assumed Whites SHOULD and would feel— if they entirely bought the one-sided myopic narrative of history constructed front a non-White point of view.)

    In reality— even in the South, most Southerners do not even know if they were connected to slave owning families, nor do they find out, and rarely seem to express genuine “guilt.” That is what they are told they are supposed to feel, but that’s all.

    Pioneer families hold to the show of “guilt” even when their own families were wiped out by Indians and other frontier predators. Often, they don’t know their family reality anymore than the southerners.

  10. Hunter and everyone: Check out this on google search: SHOULD YOU LEAVE THE USA BEFORE THE COLLAPSE? WORDS OF WISDOM FROM SOMEONE WHO TRIED by Mike Adams…http://www.naturalnews.com/034404_preppers_collapse-bug…Then read 10-20-2012 THE CASE AGAINST MIKE ADAMS HEALTH RANGER http://fourthdimensionalrecovery.wordpress.com/2012/10/21/… Many say that Mike Adams is a Monsanto Agent. He moved back to Austin, Texas and is Alex Jones right hand man. Keep in mind how the Justice Department has a training School for Agents to infiltrate and set up phoney orginaizations. The training is for CONTROL, MONITORING and NEUTRALIZATION. It covers both left and right plus White and Black Nationalist Movements to 20 Billion Aleternative Medicine that Mike Adams was trained for.

  11. John-What will future archeologists say about the decaying American Imperium?

    Marvel of ancient Romans coliseum- Unearth north America millions of miles of roads, railways and the suspension bridges. A distance earthlike creatures already detect intelligence glittering earth lights power grids delivers electricity.

  12. Hopefully, now that the holidays are over, people are ready to address real world problems.

    Secession will gain a majority with the next recession.

  13. Almost two months old but typical: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-schweitzer/secession-movement_b_2191701.html

    “Anybody signing a secession petition should be deeply ashamed (…) By definition, nothing could be more un-American than an attempt to leave the Union. Secession is treason. Waving the American flag while promoting the effort to tear down that flag through disunion is untenable. Make a choice; be a proud American or a proud Secessionist. You cannot possibly be both.”

    But ALL can agree on the last two sentences.

  14. I want to suggestion some other word besides “secession” ? How about “autonomy” with states given much, much more power to control affairs in their state, something like the Swiss Cantons have.

    Secession brings back the whole idea of another US Civil War, yeah I now romantic folks in the South love LOVE the Civil War, Civil War battles, Civil War dress, like to fantasies about using many of their guns now against YANKEES, Liberals – this plays in to the revolutionary fantasy world of men.

    But most White folks in Texas, the South, anywhere aren’t really going to support an all out Civil War in the US 48 states, especially women. Women are the majority, after they turn 40 they get frumpy, their husbands, boyfriends aren’t interested in them anymore and they go in for Liberal politics. That’s a big reason for the loss of States like New Hampshire in the Presidential election.

    Yeah, SECESSION, scares most people and is too much trying to bring back the past.

    The past is history.

    Try for something like the Lega Norte in Italy, which is winning economic and cultural autonomy from the Italian South and the Northern League gets much more power on immigration in to their territory, doesn’t let Arab Muslims cause trouble.

  15. It’s also a negotiating position to advocate secession. Blacks have essentially isolated themselves from any ideological considerations. They can’t claim to be democratic and 100% vote Democratic.

  16. The “Left” is the boogeyman of our lives, its mainly we on the right if we dare say that who empower this nonsense. They are a joke, not a whit of intellectual thought eminates from them, they profess to cowardice and yet we basically allow them to dominate us because we have an authoritarian complex.

    Have you ever read or listened to a leftists? Did they make any sense? Were you impressed at any level? My guess is that they remind you intellectually of teenaged white girls, but since they have titles you thought that is just the way it is. You notice if they dare show up on any non-lefty moderated board they usually run away crying. And that is just with poorly trained conservatives shouting “facts.”

  17. It’s illegal to seceed. It’s not treasonous to discuss it. No more than a Scot who advocates for independence.

    Independence is a good word too.

  18. Whites and Asians defend from approx 200 individuals who rafted across the Red Sea. I would hazard a guess that theywere escaping a Martin Luther King or Lincoln or Cromwell or Obama of their very own. Was it treason to escape Africa?

  19. Sorry for the typos, I’m running a fever with Chicago flu, everyone has it here.

    It should read “secession”‘ not “succession”‘ but maybe we need this new word secession with success – “succession”.

  20. It is not illegal to secede, only to secede unilaterally.

    It requires the legislative process as a prerequisite to have either a legal secession or the legitimacy to secede unilaterally.

    “Partition” is the better word as it avoids the intellectual immune system in a way secession cannot. It also describes what needs to happen and what will happen better. Houston will be carved out of Texas as it is majority anti-White; white neighborhoods in Houston will be carved out of Houston and be part of Greater Texas, for example. Southern Illinois will join the new nation, and rural counties in the Pacific Northwest will clamor to join the new nation as well. The divisions in this nation are well known and they do not follow the existing state boundaries.

    One huge selling point on the new nation is lower taxes: not a percent or two but half and more. The new nation will be the recipient of capital flight on a biblical scale.

  21. ozark rebel says:
    RE: The headline. People are not frightened, we are concerned and pissed off!…”

    Anything but the old saw about “guilt.”

    I like the word “Autonomy.” Even state’s rights has started to sound iffy, due to the harangue of “empowerment” types about their endless “rights” (to free stuff). It’s given “rights” a bad name.

    Freedom, autonomy… and Voice. Voice is one of those words they have spent money on. EVERYONE is supposed to have a Voice.

  22. “SUCCESSION scares most people and is too much trying to bring back the past.”

    “Succession,” which is secession misspelled, confirms the suspicion many have that most “successionists” (secessionists) are not intelligent, and are little to be feared.

  23. “Southern Illinois will join the new nation, and rural counties in the Pacific Northwest will clamor to join the new nation as well. The divisions in this nation are well known and they do not follow the existing state boundaries.”

    It has always been obvious that the division with which we are most concerned here does not follow the Mason Dixon Line or any regional or state boundaries, yet it is pretended that it does.

  24. “Secession will gain a majority with the next recession.”

    Always looking forward to “the next recession,” and the Collapse, and everything “worse that makes better” — and NOT to religious revival!

  25. “The South” includes all of the following states:

    Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Carolina.

    The “South” includes parts of the following states: Virginia except NOVA, southern Delaware, Maryland except Baltimore and the DC suburbs, West Virginia except the northern panhandle, southern and parts of central Missouri, eastern Oklahoma, Texas minus Aztlan, most of Florida except the Miami area, and some adjacent counties settled by the Scots-Irish in southern Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

  26. That’s overreaching. You’ll never end up with all of that. Texas w/Oklahoma is the only Southern remnant which stands any chance of leaving the Union. Outside of that, Alaska could secede as well. The rest of the country is too racially-mixed and jumbled and chaotic for any large region to form a true nation-state.

  27. Re recession:

    I am not looking forward to it, I am just pointing out that with the reelection of BHO, secession is on the table as a solution to the problems of the day for the first time since Lincoln. What will cause people to consider and then embrace secession? Dissatisfaction with the status quo. Like it or not, most people are creatures of comfort.


    The thing that folks don’t realize is that BRA is very unsustainable. No region will want to go down with the stinking, sinking ship. BRA has a negative population rate that is stabilized by emigration from Red States and foreign lands. It is a fiscal house of cards as we all know (see especially California). The “loyalty” of the blacks and Hispanics to the Jews and liberal whites depends on the never ending flow of tax money from Red State Americans. Without that, the natives will get very restless and the rule of law will be on very shaky ground. Red Counties will flee BRA.

  28. RobRoySimmons says:
    January 6, 2013 at 3:42 pm

    “The “Left” is the boogeyman of our lives, its mainly we on the right if we dare say that who empower this nonsense. They are a joke, not a whit of intellectual thought eminates from them, they profess to cowardice and yet we basically allow them to dominate us because we have an authoritarian complex.

    Have you ever read or listened to a leftists? Did they make any sense? Were you impressed at any level? My guess is that they remind you intellectually of teenaged white girls, but since they have titles you thought that is just the way it is. You notice if they dare show up on any non-lefty moderated board they usually run away crying. And that is just with poorly trained conservatives shouting “facts.””

    This is all true in my experience. What we are fighting is SILLINESS. The key word to describe the left is SILLY.

  29. It is not that difficult to understand.
    Texans and any other that are discussion splitting away is a logical (not crazy) step.

    The country was founded on certain principals. These principals are all but gone as it stands today. Taxed on everything, taxes raising, people living pay check to paycheck are now screwed and for what? To support a huge top heavy government that is in turn just passing laws on everything under the sun to keep us in line and unhappy?

    So yeah, I FULLY understand why people would want their state to seriously consider secession. This government of today, is certainly well past their intended roles and so many uneducated voters, voter frauds, MSM pushing and subjugating people into believing the lefts utter bullshit it doesn’t seem likely that this dictator would be ousted in time to really get away from this insanity. (Yeah this current government, LIBS and GOP are way too insane.)
    The only way it seems possible to get back to the original American values and rights IS to split away and the state/country do for itself…. It MIGHT also be the best way to rebuild the USA after.

    States breaking away will become prosperous under a liberty & Constitution oriented small government. That is a fact documented by American history itself.

    States left behind to die under the Leftie, socialistic hand out regime will indeed quickly find one thing….
    It really IS the lefties making life suck. This Progressives and Leftie Dems ARE to blame for the starvation, high taxes and extreme loss of freedoms.

    Maybe then these lib loving people will see that Liberty is the way and the Constitution IS their friend.

  30. “The ‘Left’ is the boogeyman of our lives, its mainly we on the right if we dare say that who empower this nonsense. They are a joke (…) What we are fighting is SILLINESS. The key word to describe the left is SILLY.”

    Overstatement but interesting.

  31. “The rest of the country is too racially-mixed”

    Not Oregon, all our niggers are concentrated in North and East Portland. Hardly any niggers in Idaho or Washington either if you don’r count Seattle. The Mountain West and the Great Plains are White too.

    There are actually more niggers in the South than anywhere except specific urban shit holes like Detroit.

  32. @Rudel

    What the Pacific Northwest lacks in niggers, it makes up for in gooks and beaners. Plus, your PNW whites vigorously embrace miscegenation and multiculturalism.

  33. I went to a local meeting of the TNM a couple of weeks ago, and this gentleman was presiding there. He was modest, low-key, and pragmatic, not some fire-breathing ideologue or pie-in-the-sky revolutionary. The audience (about 50 people) was not the group of camo-clad militiamen I was expecting. It was mostly scared-looking bourgeois people, a few of who had brought their kids. (I wore a shirt and tie, so I’m sure they all fingered me as the Fed narc.)

    I believe Texas secession is possible, but not yet. White people are scared, but not scared enough. White people are suffering, but not suffering enough. Things are going to have to get worse before Joe and Jane Texas get up from their table at the barbecue joint and mob the state capitol in Austin demanding secession.

    Of course, the prospect of Things Getting Worse looks bright for 2013. I wonder how bad they will have to get before they get bad enough for change to occur.

  34. In reality— even in the South, most Southerners do not even know if they were connected to slave owning families, nor do they find out, and rarely seem to express genuine “guilt.” That is what they are told they are supposed to feel, but that’s all.

    In my case, it seems like the vast majority of ‘murricans bearing my surname are of the picaninny persuasion. So it doesn’t seem like much of a mystery for me. 🙂

  35. I want to suggestion some other word besides “secession” ? How about “autonomy” with states given much, much more power to control affairs in their state, something like the Swiss Cantons have.

    The Constitution grants practically none of the powers that the fed gov has assumed unto itself today.

    Strict constructionism is in the ball park. A series of Constitutional Amendments reinforcing the original and desired elements of the Constitution, along with some new ones (e.g., a genuine enshrinement of the individual and communal right to disassociation) would do the trick.

    Obviously a fresh constitution would be more toward the ideal. E.g., I’d like to see black and white constitutional limits on the total tax burden (including all levels of gov’t combined), a strict limit on size of gov’t in terms of numbers employed and share of the economy, et cetera. We know so much more about human nature, politics, science and technology than we did back then, and a fresh start would seem to be the best way to incorporate all the new knowledge.

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