The Color of Crime: Chicago (2010)


In 2010, Chicago was 32.9% African-American, 28.9% Hispanic, 31.7% White, and 5.5% Asian:

Chicago: Racial Breakdown (2010)


In 2010, African-Americans accounted for 76.2% of murder arrests and Hispanics accounted for 19.3% of murder arrests in Chicago. In other words, 95.5% of murder arrests in Chicago were African-American and Hispanic.

The Color of Crime: Chicago (Murder 2010)

Criminal Sexual Assault

In 2010, African-Americans accounted for 65.7% of arrests for criminal sexual assault and Hispanics accounted for 27.7% of arrests for criminal sexual assault in Chicago. In other words, 93.4% of arrests for criminal sexual assault in Chicago were African-American and Hispanic.

The Color of Crime: Chicago (Criminal Sexual Assault 2010)


In 2010, African-Americans accounted for 85.5% of arrests for robbery and Hispanics accounted for 10.8% of arrests for robbery in Chicago. In other words, 96.3% of arrests for robbery in Chicago were African-American and Hispanic.

The Color of Crime: Chicago (Robbery 2010)

Aggravated Assault

In 2010, African-Americans accounted for 70.7% of arrests for aggravated assault and Hispanics accounted for 21.5% of arrests for aggravated assault in Chicago. In other words, 92.2% of arrests for aggravated assault in Chicago were African-American and Hispanic.

The Color of Crime: Chicago (Aggravated Assault 2010)


In 2010, African-Americans accounted for 74% of arrests for burglary and Hispanics accounted for 18.7% of arrests for burglary in Chicago. In other words, 92.7% of arrests for burglary in Chicago were African-American and Hispanic.


Source: Chicago Police Department, 2010 Annual Report

Note: Feel free to compare with The Color of Crime: Chicago (2009)

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 2 Lutheran congregations, 47 Buddhists, 13 Hindu.

    —-No wonder Generational people do not “feel at home” in the areas where they were able to live and raise children just 30 years back.

  2. —You have to feel sorry for small town Americans, most of whom are protestants (or were until very recently). They have –often– no idea how different the cities are from their own areas, and how culturally out-of-synch their children would be there. They are told, “we’re all American” over and over— but in reality, they have been an TINY MINORITY in such places for some time (often under 5% in the cities, for wasps).

  3. —-maybe the numbers didn’t track with both catholic and black being about 70% since the site I linked was a county (Cook County) site versus Chicago city only, (and I guess would include Chicago suburbs where the bureaucrats, etc., live)

  4. @Dixiegirl Once again you have it figured out. The people in the rural & small town mid-west and rural & small town south really only have a hint of how far & fast the metro areas have gone dark & third world Catholic brown. A new dark age is upon us.

  5. What’s the point of mentioning Catholicism? I may not know which schismatic fraction everyone here was reared in, but if you’re white you have Catholic ancestors. At least Mexicans yield to European theologians, unlike Niggers.

  6. Looks like Asians are disproportionately violent too. See the stats on them! Sergeant Shultz he see nothing!

  7. I dispute the green sliver under “murder” at least in part. Killing a feral Nigger in Chicago should at the very most be a manslaughter/imperfect self defense charge. Nig on Nog crime shouldn’t be tracked at all.

  8. This article didn’t report the fact that Chicago has exactly 1 – one White, heterosexual White British American guy me – trying to hold on, maintain standards, raise the flag, honor Easter, 4th of July, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas – just me, alone, trying to do my best, abandoned, abused, if not for Chicago’s patriotic call girls I would have long gone insane.


    We’re still here.

    14 Words

  9. The Color of Crime series is the most important part of this website. I was a little bit of a race realist before and had seen some crime in chicago, but these statistics show me that what I saw is really worth believing. Like our friend Mike in Mississippi who posted the other day, this modern-day reporting is what I think will convince the most whites to support us; not the high cultural nonsense about needing to pass down the ancient white genetic DNA and special way of life bla bla bla. Anyway I have a problem; Im from Chicago and I support southern independence; I grew up in North Carolina and I’m hoping to move back there, but my wife is not as much of a race realist as I am. She has a sister who is married to a Mexican; actually my son from a previous marriage is also dating a Mexican. My wife also has a nephew who is a PHD student and is similar to the PGRT poster I’ve been seeing around here; and they are extremely close and he is a bad influence on her. Anyway sorry if I’m boring you; keep up the good work.

  10. BRA has responded to many petitions but not the secession petitions. That makes the inauguration and the State of The Union de facto responses.

    Will Obama say “my fellow Americans, for the first time since Lincoln, there is a plausible secession movement in America” to the joint session of congress? Probably not.

    What will our response be? While we wait for the recession, we are still in a state of agitation, infrastructure building, and guerrilla marketing. Thus I propose a flag and banner campaign: cheap, easy, and comfortable, just like signing an on line petition.

  11. What is missing here is the reasons why these people are committing crimes. its a cycle, they’re almost always poor and have no education and have minimal ways to get out of it. It is not an excuse but the system is set up like that way.

  12. Anyone who thinks people are genetically predisposed to crime is hopelessly ignorant. Some white kids from the British estates act like violent savages just like some black kids in Chicago. It’s a culture problem. Hood “culture” is poisonous and can infect kids of all races. I’m not talking about Hip Hop per se, but it’s definitely germane to the conversation. I’m speaking as someone who grew up in Chicago and has been assaulted, robbed, etc., by black people. What race conclusions should we draw from the fact that Charles Manson, Adam Lanza, Timothy McVeigh, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Adolf Hitler are all white? None I’d hope. The same should apply to all races.

  13. Firearm laws only effect people who obey laws. The only laws that work are when you PUT AWAY THE VIOLENT CRIMINALS with zero contact outside the walls. NOT humane, maybe, but the victims and their families do NOT care and the rest of us should not either. Mandatory life sentences work and it not racist if they are committing violent crime. The law abiding deserve to be safe even if the bleeding hearts call it racist. VIOLENT PRISON NEEDS TO BE THE FINAL HOME FOR ALL VIOLENT CRIMINALS, THEIR LAST CONTACT WITH LAW ABIDING SOCIETY. The bleeding heart process has failed completely.

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