About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If you go through the archives Chris the focus is as much on the carribean or Rhodesia as anything else. seems like a very broad set of interests are addressed. It’s not even about BRA, so-called.

  2. TOS: very well put. America has overdosed on freedom and democracy. The States were supposed to dampen the effect of the democratic mob at the national level. We see how well that worked.
    I have no issues with an elected President, but I am a nationalist, so I believe he should have to be a member of my nation– and that part of the deal should NOT be up for election. America was meant to be a nation of white Christians, therefore, so should the president, and all elected members of government for that matter, be.
    All throughout the West, Enlightenment ideals caused the fatherlands to become republics for the benefit of the people of the nation. These republics morphed into social democracies that, without exception, sold out the fatherlands and their peoples.

  3. John,

    This is one reason why I love the Virgin Queen

    In 1596, Queen Elizabeth issued an “open letter” to the Lord Mayor of London, announcing that “there are of late divers black- moores brought into this realme, of which kinde of people there are allready here to manie,” and ordering that they be deported from the country.1 One week later, she reiterated her “good pleasure to have those kinde of people sent out of the lande”


    And why I loathe Eliz II, son of a stuttering jackass for her refusal to address the ungodly number of godless dark people in Britain.

  4. Finally, in 1601, she complained again about the “great numbers of Negars and Blackamoors which (as she is informed) are crept into this realm,” defamed them as “infidels, having no understanding of Christ or his Gospel,” and, one last time, authorized their deportation.

    Even in 1601 she didn’t do more than send letters to London. She was obviously a busy lady but the fact she made it a point to repeatedly address what we call “freegroes” then known as “negars” DURING war with Spain proves what a marvelous Queen she was.

  5. George III’s reign emptied London of blacks and sent them to Sierra Leone. Not a bad bit of Negro repatriation either.

  6. Thanks Tamer of Savages. Whenever people accuse the Left of wanting to take away people’s freedom, I’ll be sure to direct them to your commentary which proves how the far Right wants to take away freedom. I’m sure Hunter will thank you for making his plan to convince the southern white people of the need for secession in order to increase their freedom from tyrany, much harder. The midieval monarchies were more violent than any black gang-run city, with constinuous warfare and raids between nations. If we went back to that, white people would do the exact same things you accuse blacks and Hispanics of, but at a much worse level; stealing, raping and killing. There has never been a better time to be a white person; the so-called white race has never been stronger, now that most of us no longer see the need to be violent and xenophobic.

  7. Thanks for the Bartels article. Elizabeth was a fantastically racist bigot. Huzzah! Excellent stuff. She appeared to be interested in combing out black servants and vagabonds from London in exchange for English (sailors?) captives in Spanish colonies. The info about Drake capturing 100s of blacks in the Carribean shows just how advanced the Latins were in the slaving racket. All those spics and dagoes were having a ball enslaving “divers negars”.

  8. Most of the blacks in the New World got there because of the Latins. The French and English were very late into the game it seems. Almost tangental to the process until well into the 1690s.

  9. I’m sure Hunter will thank you for making his plan to convince the southern white people of the need for secession in order to increase their freedom from tyrany, much harder. The midieval monarchies were more violent than any black gang-run city, with constinuous warfare and raids between nations.

    BRA is a tyranny that the South needs freedom from. Southerners don’t want freedom from gender roles. They don’t want freedom from work either. Both are now core values in BRA. Why am I not surprised you’d prefer modern Detroit to Medici Florence? There’s less violence nowadays because white christians have forgotten how to hold territory, this is known colloquially as “white flight”.

  10. That’s a good point Tamer. A higher rate of violence directed the other way ie white on black would be a sign of cultural life on our side. An indication that neighbourhoods are being regentrified, ethnic white areas defended, feral nigs on rural sprees disciplined properly. That’s not a suggestion but the lack of white on black violence is an indication of a people in the foetal position.

  11. That is a good suggestion.

    My key points against BRA are

    1.) Country is too damn big
    2.) Too much freedom (libertinism)

    Everything bad and consequently all core arguments against the USA now known as BRA emanate from those two points. Huge unevenly populated countries can’t pretend they’re a tiny educated ancient democratic city-state. Large multicultural countries are called empires and they’re inherently oppressive but bearable with strong local autonomy.

  12. The problem seems less about freedom than about who gets to make the decisions. I.e., let the idiots speak freely, bear arms, decide for themselves how to dispose of their property, worship as they will, etc. But why let them decide how society is run?

    That isn’t a rhetorical question. I’m genuinely in flux about how society is run and laws are made. I just keep coming back to the fact that the common man is a boob who shouldn’t be voting or deciding upon laws.

  13. Thanks Tamer of Savages. Whenever people accuse the Left of wanting to take away people’s freedom, I’ll be sure to direct them to your commentary which proves how the far Right wants to take away freedom.

    I won’t bother using your quote as evidence that leftists love to generalize groups based on individual examples, seeing how they reinforce that fact a few dozen times per conversation already.

  14. Svigor is right. The average football addicted retard should no be voting. At a minimum, voting should require: a reading/writing test, a tax return, and a hefty poll tax. That would turn away 90% of the riff-raff.

  15. The problem seems less about freedom than about who gets to make the decisions. I.e., let the idiots speak freely, bear arms, decide for themselves how to dispose of their property, worship as they will, etc. But why let them decide how society is run?

    Svigor, it’s about freedom which can also be understood as licence.

    Giving idiots a license to arm themselves, talk treason and worship whatever cult they want is precisely what got us into this mess. Those people couldn’t vote initially either but state by state granted every white man the vote. Why? Because the dumb whites that couldn’t even scrape enough greenbacks together to buy a house had big mouths, big guns and their false God.

  16. We should revert to the payment of property taxes by free White males as a requirement for the franchise. Income taxes are an abomination and should be repealed.

  17. @Tamer

    “Giving idiots a license to arm themselves, talk treason, and worship whatever cult they want is precisely what got us into this mess.”

    – Funny that you would say that, since you’re doing exactly those three things as we speak.

  18. An established Church in the “his realm his religion” sense leads the professional malcontents into a cultural killzone. They are killed and waiting to rise again so they can enter Hell. Without a strong national church there is no inoculation to cultural subversion and no buffer for secular politics. Do I need to mention Jeremiah Wright?

    The right to bear arms makes sense on numerous levels, that’s just common sense.

    But religion and speech, not at all. If you are part of a religious group that says “God damn so&so country” you should have to sign an oath of allegiance and watch your Pastor hanged, NOT be made President of said country.

  19. – Funny that you would say that, since you’re doing exactly those three things as we speak.

    I don’t recognize an anti-white anti-Christian black socialist trainwreck as legitimate.

  20. – Funny that you would say that, since you’re doing exactly those three things as we speak.

    That my dissent is tolerated only another proof of BRA’s weakness. They value my tax money more than my opinion and they tolerate me to give free school lunch to Tyrone.

  21. @Svigor

    “I just keep coming back to the fact that the common man is a boob who shouldn’t be voting or deciding upon laws.”

    – If that’s the case, then he shouldn’t be paying taxes to support his “sovereigns” or risking his life to defend them in wars, either. And just who the hell decides which man is “common”? You?

  22. Tamer, all the Jesus avatars and biblical references aren’t fooling anyone, so give it up already. You’re a mischling from NYC and you’re about as “Christian” as Nathaniel Kapner.

  23. Bed-Sty is the frontline of gentrification of the outer limits of Williamsburg. Fun white hipster restaurant in Bed-Sty called “Do or Dine” started by a few Museum of Modern Art guys. The white guy in Bed-Sty or Bushwick (solid hipster enclaves) is reluctantly ‘aware’, he’s hardy and depends on a bike and might have a gun next to he guitar in his loft. All this “Malcom X grassroots” is a reaction to hipster kids doing white stuff like growing obscure vegetables, beekeeping, fixing things. Negroes hate that.

    Whites have also tagged up their neighborhoods with beautiful murals where there had been “anti-police brutality” art.

  24. Chris: By just the way I said. The boobs would have to take a test, and pay a fee. Anyone truly respectful of the institution would no so. Nothing that is free is valued or respected. It’ s that simple.

  25. Besides poll taxes, taxes are paid for the benefit society provides, and has nothing to do with any expectation to vote.

  26. BOHICA, Amurricans! Amnesty is on the way! 13 (probably more like 20) million new Americans of turd world descent! That’ s 13 million that are just as American as you, Chris. 13 million more democratic voters with their mouths open and hands out for affirmative action and give- me’ s. 13 million more straight to the racial spoils system with automatic grudges against whitey. Repubs are going to reach across the aisle to make this happen. Don’ t worry though, any enforcement requirements are window dressing for the gullible, they won’ t be enforced or funded, same as last time.

  27. Tamer is Jew in spirit and maybe in body too

    Only a Jew could have the chutzpah to blame Germans for the post-WW2 collapse of the white world under American/British Anglo leadership.

    England, the motherland for us Americans, the land that gave the world Shakespeare, Newton and so many others, is being overrun by Muslim and Asian animals.

    Er, Germans. Yes

  28. Here’ s what is going to happen, sure as the day is long: There are 2 cultural marxist agendas on the table for action now. The gun control hubbub is a smokescreen because there is no political momentum for it YET. The gun control smokescreen is meant to protect Republitards because, when amnesty is granted and nothing substantial is passed on gun control, the dumb blockhead conservitards will think they won a great victory. The heat will be taken off the traitors this way.

  29. . The gun control hubbub is a smokescreen

    Obamanation has turned gun control into something supposedly above politics. Where he’s “not worried about politics”, in the Nigger’s own words.

    What do i think the gun control circus is?

    A country that can’t come together and pray because of atheism+diversity is desperate to feel it has done something and trying to “reach across the aisle” has replaced “sharing the peace” because this country is an overly politicized godless raceless cesspit.

  30. Giving idiots a license to arm themselves, talk treason and worship whatever cult they want is precisely what got us into this mess. Those people couldn’t vote initially either but state by state granted every white man the vote. Why?

    Because the Constitution had nothing to say about enfranchisement.

  31. “I just keep coming back to the fact that the common man is a boob who shouldn’t be voting or deciding upon laws.”

    – If that’s the case, then he shouldn’t be paying taxes to support his “sovereigns” or risking his life to defend them in wars, either.

    Participation in wars is by contract, and earns one only one’s contracted benefits, as far as I’m concerned. We haven’t waged a war to defend our country in 150 years.

    And I’d rather forgo the tax revenue from the common man than enfranchise him, if “no taxation without representation” is to be the criterion.

    And just who the hell decides which man is “common”? You?

    Math would be a good start. The middle of the bell curve is what is generally accepted as “common,” for example. Somebody wrote the Constitution, and there was no plebiscite concerning its content. The common man had jack shit to say.

  32. I think the way to balance out the disenfranchisement of the common man is to take most of the power away from the gov’t, too. I.e., strictly limit its power and scope via constitution. Let those enfranchised have fun controlling their tiny, feeble gov’t.

    Again, it’s not like I have a plan, here. I’m just thinking out loud, starting with observations I’m made and conclusions I’ve drawn over the years. One of the most solid is that the common man is a sucker waiting to be fleeced and shouldn’t be given much power beyond power over his own life.

  33. Because the Constitution had nothing to say about enfranchisement.

    Others did and now there are no property requirements to vote in the entire world. Even the Saudis are phasing in female voting.

  34. Then I’ll take the one-party state any day. And it should be a hard-right, nationalist party like Franco had in Spain, or Saddam Hussein had in Iraq.

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