Tales From Detroit: Taylor Section 8 Riot


There was another ominous Section 8 riot in metro Detroit over the weekend.

Remember the average White household has a net worth of $97,000. The average Hispanic household has a net worth of $1,300 and the average black household has a net worth of $4,900.

There will come a point in the near future when there are simply not enough middle class White taxpaying households to sustain the welfare state for the surging non-White tax consuming underclass.

What do you suppose will happen in Detroit on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Scary stuff. They breed faster than Whites. They are a world majority, we are a world minority and they always come to us demanding free stuff, because they can’t do anything for themselves. This is not going to end well.

  2. Rush preaches it today:

    “Last week, Salon.com had a story called, “Welcome to the new Civil War — Lincoln’s Unfinished War Rages On, As The Neo-Confederacy Tries to Turn Back the Clock on Women, Gays, God and Guns.” Have you asked yourself why is Hollywood is so gaga over Lincoln, the movie? Why is Bill Clinton all of a sudden out there at the Golden Globes last night being brought on stage to thunderous standing ovation to talk about Lincoln and what he did during the Civil War?

    What did Lincoln do, as far as these people are concerned? He wiped out the South. But he didn’t finish. According to Salon, he did not finish. “Lincoln’s Unfinished War Rages On…” So what the left is admitting that they are doing today is, once again, trying just finish it off. Lincoln did not fully finish. The South is trying to go back to the old America which don’t exist anymore. They’re turning back the clock on women.

    They’re turning back the clock on gays and gay marriage. They’re all focused on God and guns in the South. They love both of them! So the South has to be wiped out again. I’m telling you: Essentially, there is an all-out effort being made to marginalize conservatism, because it’s the last remaining shred of opposition to what most who live in Washington want, both Republicans and Democrats.

  3. Dittos Rush!

    It’s amazing what happens once you stop doing the Jews bidding!

    In other news, tax fugitive Depardieu praises Putin’s Russia:


    “The wind blows freely [in Russia],” Depardieu said. “I think its powerful temperament stems from this. And that’s what it’s like with me, that’s how we’re similar. One must be very strong to be Russian.”

    Let’s not forget that the ancient Aryans came from the Ukraine / Southern Russia.

  4. Hunter, are following the buffoonery in Mali? BRA trained the Mali military to fight Al Queda, just last weekend those same soldiers that were trained staged a coup and are fighting to convert the whole country to sharia law. I’ d laugh if it was not so damned sad . The French bombed them, fearing extremist Islam throughout Mali, which is also absurd, seeing as they do nothing about it in France.
    How did it come to this in the West?

  5. The average Hispanic household has a net worth of $1,300 and the average black household has a net worth of $4,900.

    The Hispanics had been better off than Negroes for a few years but with such low averages it’s a coin-toss between them. Can you believe these graboids were given loans? I hope these folks enjoyed being home-owners while it lasted, no more playing house, back to the coffle.

  6. Once Hispanics finally give up the quaint notion that they actually have to work to get money, their income will begin to match the blacks.

    In America, working can be a real drain on net worth.

  7. “What do you suppose will happen in Detroit on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working?”

    – What is always destined to happen when two incompatible species are forced to share the same space against their will, and outside forces are no longer present to interfere with natural law reasserting itself.

  8. You were a racial liberal up until last spring, British John. I was fighting with niggers from the Jeffries projects when I was seven years old.

  9. Have a little pity. Most of the Congoids and other urban degenerates in that newsflik – including the MSM scum – will shortly be rotting, dead meat. Like those White Kids Obama/Holder massacred at Sandy Hook school.

  10. Actually I think BRA could “racialize” Mali, I think its the whitish Tuaregs who are revolting against some darker looking types and the Tuaregs have hitched onto mooslim extremists.

  11. The Sudan business was a loss for the whiter part of Sudan. It created another black land.

    Racial liberal?

    Not quite correct. I never took antiracism seriously as a part of a socialist utopia. I saw perhaps three blacks in my first 18 years. And the behaviour of the blacks in 2007 and the general hypocrisy of the Obama primaries were sickening to me in 2007. I can’t say I’ve ever got on with blacks. My leftiness was rooted in watching Maggie Thatcher destroy coal miners in Newcastle and Steel workers in Sheffield. People not unlike West Virginians.

  12. What do you suppose will happen in Detroit on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working?
    Declare Detroit Autonomy, free of honkies racism.

  13. @ “Lincoln’s Unfinished War Rages On…” So what the left is admitting that they are doing today is, once again, trying just finish it off….”

    A polite way of saying Genocide. Genocide is against the LAW. Nor does Genocide have to be a “race,” per se, but under the law it means defined groups, which the Generational Southerner obviously is, bound by trajectory to the country, occupation (historically rural, farming, planting), home country origins (usually England, Ulster, some German, i.e., often identified as anglo-saxon), and very frequently by religion (protestant), and with Colonial identification overlap.

    To finish that off—- is Genocide.

  14. —– I have met SO MANY White people, with above-average IQs, and very much to offer (which isn’t really the point, but still…) WHO DID NOT HAVE CHILDREN, because they, simply, could not afford it (they felt.)

    Rather than go on public aid, they simply DO NOT reproduce. Unless they can make enough money for five other families and themselves, basically, they do not have kids.

    Toss in— that it’s ten times as hard for a Southern family (for the reasons Gayle cites above, via Limbaugh, involving them being “finished off” through policy-oriented stumbling blocks put in front of their survival)

    Wonder what the “birth rate” for that group is versus the white northerners, really.

  15. Rather than go on public aid, they simply DO NOT reproduce. Unless they can make enough money for five other families and themselves, basically, they do not have kids.

    High taxes are killing white families. It saddens me to no end that those good people too proud for welfare are tax-slaves for filthy packraping animals.

  16. Pakistanis in England who get caught welfare cheating often say that the English are too proud to sign on for every penny that they are entitled to.

    Whites don’t tend to like being overseen by case workers. Same here same there.

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