The Cost of the Union: White House Identifies 19 Executive Actions on Gun Control

District of Corruption

The Obama administration has come up with 19 different ways it can unilaterally take away your guns.

Note: Rush Limbaugh recently discussed an article in The New Yorker on his radio show about how triumphant Northeastern Democrats plan to finish off a politically marginalized White South within their Union.

“The White House has identified 19 executive actions for President Barack Obama to move unilaterally on gun control, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of House Democrats on Monday, the administration’s first definitive statements about its response to last month’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Later this week,Obama will formally announce his proposals to reduce gun violence, which are expected to include renewal of the assault weapons ban, universal background checks and prohibition of high-capacity magazine clips. But Biden, who has been leading Obama’s task force on the response, spent two hours briefing a small group of sympathetic House Democrats on the road ahead in the latest White House outreach to invested groups….”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rhetorical Question: Are any of these regulations within the jurisdiction of the Executive, that is to say, without Congress, under the Constitution of 1789 (as amended)?

  2. I think this is being set up as a phony Republitard victory to offset the amnesty they are going to cave on. The 2nd Amendment will more easily be taken down by democratic methods using 13 plus million new Amurricans. The Democrats know this. All in due time…

  3. Wayne, yes, the same thought occurred to me.

    Once the new democratic voters are settled in, the rest is easy peasy. Even our states won’t be a refuge anymore: Texas will be a goner, and it was to be a leader of the secession movements across the country.

    As an aside:

    Does anyone else wonder about the in-your-face brashness (to say nothing of the complete disregard to constitutional law, as far as gun rights are concerned) with which this issue and the immigration issue are being carried forward? Is it just because they know that Repubs don’t have the balls to oppose them? Or are they *trying* to PUSH us?

  4. The Constitution?

    Lincoln proved it was “constitutional” to do pretty much anything he wanted from arresting his political opponents to burning Atlanta and Columbia to the ground to seizing billions of dollars in private property to killing hundreds of thousands of people.

  5. The Zoroastrian rump of post-Muslim conquest Iran fled to India as the Parsees. A small relic population of Zoroastrians are allowed to live as second class citizens in Iran. That’s it. That’s all that remains of the ancient Aryans. Some are passable as white, like Freddy Mercury, but the majority have Browned Out.

    The average white American needs to think long and hard about this century, and what the world is likely to be like in 2100.

    What is after thought?

    Hopefully action, and not fading away quietly.

    Hopefully the hair is standing up on the necks of the Limbaughs and Romneys and Ryans and Hannitys, and they are having that “moment”, that “moment” when they realize that Ayn Rand and William Kristol were false and you really can’t shit all over your own people in the name of ego mania and hyper-individualism and survive.

    Limbaugh’s young enough to personally witness the fire go out if we don’t get our f-ing act together and start doing what the other side did in the 60s, which was raise hell until we get our way.

    I think Limbaugh realizes he could face a Romanov moment in that multi-million dollar mansion of his if the surging tide of mud isn’t dealt with.

    And it isn’t going to be pushed back with his typical locker room humor, dog whistles, and bait-and-switch “conservatism”, but with gut wrenching sacrifice and reform.

    Not coincidentally, the Aryans faced the same problem from their conquest and settlement of the mud races of the Indus Valley and the Persian Gulf. Their answer was Dualism and the war of Light against Darkness (see Lord of the Rings for Zoroastrianism in a nutshell).

    We need to screw up the same courage and really connect as a people. Too many whites I have known are just self-absorbed f-cks, the honest decent ones don’t do so well in the rat race. We need to reach down, lift up, and lock shields with the length, breadth, and depth of our people and turn the tide against The Darkness. We need 80% of whites; anything that moves us towards that number is Good, anything that moves us away is Evil.

    We always fare better with Dualism as opposed to Universalism. We all cannot be creatures of the Light, sorry Yankees.

  6. Afterthought, we also need less soaring rhetoric and more specific action plans 😉

    I have my own thoughts, which would not be popular here (they involve linking up with statewide GOP infrastructure). I would ask you to offer yours, if you feel comfortable doing so in a public venue.

    If not, I understand 😉

  7. Ayn Rand and William Kristol were false

    Rand is a good intro to economics, economic history and anti-communism. Her “philosophy” is false. She’s a hump&dump before Freedman & Rothbard.

  8. John, the national GOP has not been our friend. Absolutely.

    On a statewide level, tho, they’ve been our only bulwark.

    It’s important to distinguish between the two.

  9. Gayle is completely correct and agrees with others here such as Rudel.

    Let the RNC worry about losing presidential elections. Hijack the local parties to spread secessionist memes.

  10. Obama is smarter and more determined than I thought he was. I underestimated him. He’s playing the Republicans like retards. They are like sitting ducks up there.

    I think it’s very important that we no longer give up any ground. As the calls for compromise get louder and louder, get more and more strident and determined.

    You’re going to lose everything in so doing, and probably die poor and starving in a ditch. Your kids and family will despise you. And you will probably win nothing.

    But you might win something. Speak, speak, speak, speak. Assume that anyone who disagrees isn’t worth a shit anyway.

    In short, do everything Jack Ryan tells you not to do.

  11. In taking the country, the left threw their lives on the line. Shoot, they didn’t care if they had a warm bed to sleep in or if the were thrown in jail. Hell, they SPIED for foreign countries, had traitors in the government, they even threw actual BOMBS.

    And we’re going to retake the country by ingratiating ourselves with the local party apparatus? Look, I agree. I’ve seen things happen locally and statewide. The Republicans will never elect another milquetoast candidate. That is good. That’s a huge step. HUGE. But more than anything it will take SACRIFICE. Not of time, not of money, but of soul and social standing. You’ve got to ingratiate yourself with the dirt between your toes, admit you’ve lost, and start from there.

    Basically you’ve got to be willing to die. Not as a matter of violence, which is the easy way, but as a matter of relinquishing your cherished self on the altar of truth and sacrificing everything you are to see its light eek a bit further out into the darkness.

    It’s just too late for anything less. Anything less is games.

  12. Landshark, again: specific, realistic, implementable ideas, if you have them.

    Action plans.

    Anything else is just wasted air, at this point. A luxury we can’t afford.

    And again, I understand if you don’t want to share them here. Just make sure that you share them somewhere. Because translating lofty ideas to concrete plans that can be implemented in the here and now, matters.

  13. Sorry for being obtuse, Gayle. My idea to be implemented here and now is for anyone who wants to change the world, especially in a way it doesn’t want to go, is to pull the rug out from under themselves immediately. My plan for you, right now, is to become incredibly unpopular among your community, your schools, your leaders, your boss, your family, your children, your spouse, your friends, your banker, your mechanic, your handyman and your lawn guy by speaking bold, unpopular truths. Right now.

    If you turn the world behind you, you can run for office. If you don’t, you can get put in a mental institution or die a broken person.

    This is what the world demands of those who would change it. Everything.

  14. Hm. Amazing how unpopular it is to actually think about something that’s actionable. And how much energy people will put into dancing around it.


  15. I think the state of New York is going to experience a sizable exodus of whites into neighboring states like Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, which currently don’t have such draconian gun laws. Hell, even Michigan just did away with handgun purchase-permits back in December.

  16. Rand was a feminist, and a believer in the multi-cult. However, she perfectly nailed how a complex high-functioning society like ours can collapse, and the “train-crash”, which I thought was the best part of shrugged, perfectly nailed the union hive-mindset that allows disasters like that to happen.

  17. “Gayle says:
    …John, the national GOP has not been our friend. Absolutely. On a statewide level, tho, they’ve been our only bulwark.”

    They arent, look at NY, their local GOP refused to oppose the new assault weapon ban which was approved by the house and senate today. It goes so far as requiring 7 round magazines (down from 10) and making it a felony to own 3 or more firearms.

  18. Hunter complains about Lincoln arresting political opponents, when his friends Tamer of Savages and Wayne dream of a future where your own political opponents are arrested, with no way for ordinary people to change the government. Both the far right and far left agrees that the masses are pretty ignorant, because they are too moderate. It’s true that you have a slight chance of turning the white masses toward you in an economic crisis. That’s why miscegenation is such a key part of my plan of action. Before it’s too late, we need most white people to have nonwhites somewhere in their family. Once that happens, it’s all over; us universalists have won on this issue. This will require cooperation of blacks, Latinos, Muslims etc, but there is a minority; the “Talented Tenth” as Du Bois called it, who will help us.

  19. We must start neighborhood watch programs in every community, in which all members proclaim their support for miscegenation as the great solution for society. All white people opposing miscegenation must be put under surveillence by people in their own neighborhood. All homeschooled families which are thought to be attempting to endoctrinating their children with racial pride in the white race must be put under particular surveillence.

  20. Nothing, nothing will stop us universalist whites in fulfilling the plans of our Jew masters.

  21. ever since the War of Northern Aggression, the only check on the federal government’s power is another branch of the federal government. another gift from those people

    Landshark, the gop is the original leftist big government party. obama is not playing them, the party is returning to its roots

    Gayle, some of us have tried the reforming the gop at the local level. how many times should we try the same failed tactics? in the military we are taught to never support ( give resources to defeat) and to always double down on success. let’s come up with something new vs the same old same old

  22. Landshark’s posts on this thread are the real deal.

    Everyone knows my basic opinions irl and people are receptive if they don’t hold my views already. But I don’t try to convert weirdos or non-Whites. Talk to good Whites.

    Hard truths Landshark. Great posts.

  23. The phrase anti-white will put more sand in the gears than any tertiary issue that can be dreamt up.

    That will kill the universalist utopian non-sense, that shit should die anyway, heck its what we talk about before all the genius level thought here wanders off into tailgating on tertiary safe subjects.

  24. Good post Chris313.

    There is a very good chance that people willing rate to areas with rules that they can abide.

  25. “Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    That’s why miscegenation is such a key part of my plan of action. Before it’s too late, we need most white people to have nonwhites somewhere in their family. Once that happens, it’s all over; us universalists have won on this issue.”

    It wont change anything, my cousin is mulatto and I’m still here. As you would expect, my aunt was a single mother.

  26. These executive orders just nible at some gun rights.

    My suggestion is to practice responsible “gun safety”. Instead of a high clip auto hand gun, get a solid revolver.

    Instead of a military assault riffle, get a lever action (Riffleman looking riffle). Shot gun is best for self defense and can and has been used well in “The Brigade” type situations.

    Don’t hunker down in some “compound” with stockpiles of semi auto/full auto machine guns and racist literature, government conspiracy lit.

    Learn to use effective leftist tactics and weapons that use force, threat of violence but don’t use expensive, bad PR military assault riffles. Look how the Left took over American college campuses by learning how to “shout”, pull fire alarms, make phone calls, chants, taking over whole departments.

  27. Proud Globalist is refreshingly honest about his intentions which deserves respect. He’s the only anti-white with enough gumption to post here. Other anti-whites, for instance those at “Racists say the darndest things” quote our posts and call us white trash. They’re too scared to post their anti-white thoughts here.

  28. My suggestion is to practice responsible “gun safety”. Instead of a high clip auto hand gun, get a solid revolver.

    Instead of a military assault riffle, get a lever action (Riffleman looking riffle). Shot gun is best for self defense and can and has been used well in “The Brigade” type situations.

    My suggestion is do the opposite of the above quote.

  29. Gun safety is the safety having an arsenal affords a man; whereby he and his sons may protect their sisters/wives/mother from dangerous people, primarily Negroes. Not trigger-locking a peashooter inside of a safe.

  30. “Amazing how unpopular it is to actually think about something that’s actionable. And how much energy people will put into dancing around it.”

    Translation: I need a plan that doesn’t involve being unpopular.

  31. The Jack Ryan strategy: Smile and submit.

    And what the hell is this:

    “Shot gun is best for self-defense and can and has been used well in “The Brigade” type situations.”

    – “Brigade type situations”? LOL. Jack, why do you always insist on trying to give credibility to Harold Covington and his stupid, silly, bullshit? What are you, 13?

  32. Morgan or someone said that no one in the NRAhas answered the question “why do you need a 30 round SLR with a NATO issue cartridge?”

    The Korean shopkeepers in LA holding off mobs are the answer. If you house is attacked by a mob you need something like an M16 or The FNFAL to defend your property. America has witnessed enough mob violence. The modern military rifle
    Is precisely designed to allow one man to deter or gun down a charging mob. Unfortunatly lunatics have abused this self defence tool.

    I do think that the American tradition of keeping an up to date firearm in the house has
    Reduced burglary and has kept- through a deterent effect-mobs from destroying cities and citizens.

  33. Shotguns worked well for Whites near New Orleans with gangs of Blacks looking to loot.

    The 12 guage shot gun is much better for home defense than some military assault riffle and will not get you in to anything near as much trouble as a military assault riffle.

    Get to know responsbile, respected gun owners in your community, network, try to find out what the local community considers to be normal, responsible – don’t hang out exclusively on the internet with loner/revolutionary fantasy types and understand there will be people coming around to try to set you up, suggest violent talk that will get you put away like Matt Hale.

  34. @jack ryan

    “..don’t hang out exclusively on the internet with loner/revolutionary fantasy types..”

    – As in, Harold Covington — who’s pathetic, revolutionary fantasy crap you made a point to mention not two posts ago.

  35. Jack,

    No one is trying to take away your boomstick yet.
    That’s after they get the semi-auto rifles, what you call “assault weapons”.

    Having a nice gun collection doesn’t make someone a loner conspiracy nut.
    Nor does it mean they’re about to be entrapped either.

    This obsession with being considered “normal” is weirdly indicative of how someone already on the fringes of their community thinks.

  36. Mass immigration of non-whites will finish us all, demonizing the South is just a divide and conquer tactic, the far left/Jewish/non-white coalition of hate considers the Stars and Stripes to be just as “racist” and worthy of destruction as the Stars and Bars.

  37. @Jack Ryan

    Are you using shotgun thick slugs though because they will shatter a nigger’s skull unlike anything below a .44?

  38. Thanks Tamer. I appreciate that. Yes there are a lot of cowards in my movement. I’ll definitely check out that Racist Say the Darndest Things website though.

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