How The South Will Rise Again


In Forbes, demographer Joel Kotkin sees the Sunbelt South becoming even more dominant in economic power as the “new breed of carpetbaggers” flee the high tax, sluggish growth Blue States of the North and West:

“Perhaps the most persuasive evidence is the strong and persistent inflow of Americans to the South. The South still attracts the most domestic migrants of any U.S. region. Last year, it boasted six of the top eight states in terms of net domestic migration — Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia. Texas and Florida alone gained 250,000 net migrants. The top four losers were deep blue New York, Illinois, New Jersey and California….

These trends suggest that the South will expand its dominance as the nation’s most populous region. In the 1950s, the South, the Northeast and the Midwest each had about the same number of people. Today the region is almost as populous as the Northeast and the Midwest combined.

Why are people moving to what the media tends to see as a backwater? In part, it’s because economic growth in the South has outpaced the rest of the country for a generation and the area now constitutes by far the largest economic region in the country …”

Note: In my view, this raises the obvious question: why not independence? Why should the South be governed by a non-Southern majority of declining Blue States that are hostile toward our cultural values and economic development?

I can’t see this being a fortuitous development either if the influx of transplants just ends up recreating Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina in the image of Blue States like New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. Maybe their children will grow up as Southerners though like the children of European immigrants who assimilated into the dominant Yankee culture of the Northeast?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Seriously, PGRT—- have you ever wondered AT ALL, about what if —a few generations back, how your life would have been –all the things you could have read and thought and felt, places traveled— had your family not made the choice it did FOR YOU that you would be this sort, oh-s0-humbly working for a system, with no spark of resistance in you, pandering the morality that a certain people has no place, no right to exist, carrying your great moral (utterly MYOPIC) message into the world?

    “The Life Unlived” and all that?

  2. Somehow, PG recalls Prufrock

    “I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled… I have measured my life in coffee spoons….” and so on.

    I think some have a true exhaustedness (if that can be a word)— that comes from faking so long, from not being themselves.

  3. I could ask the same question Dixiegirl. Or anyone else here. Do you ever think what it would be like if you could empty your heart of all this hate for the other? I do think about what my life would be like in a different society. A lot. That’s why I’m here. And the conclusion I come to is that of course things aren’t great here, but do you really trust people like Tamer of Savages, Stonelifter and John to be in charge of civilization? Whenever there is any sort of revolution, the worst sorts of people usually end up in charge, because that’s the nature of revolution. Then the better people end up getting killed off by the psychopaths. Ask Trotsky. We dodged a bullet by having George Washington as the leader of our revolution. When a revolution is based purely on hate and fear, with you Dixiegirl as one of the few commenters who actually looks for some kind of positive vision, it is destined to end badly.

  4. Anti-Whites; lol at genocide against white children. We are not killing children and you know it. If the children do not come into existance, that’s not our problem. Race indeed does not exist and is a social construct, but I’m just trying to speak your language here, and the white race is a useful phrase because of the word association with colonialism and imperialism. Interesting comments about the Bantu John; so you don’t hate all black people equally?

  5. Silver, thanks for your comments. I am proud of what a strong man my father is; you’re probably just jealous that he understands how to get along with people different from him.

  6. Why do I come here? I admit it is a strange pathology. Yet I feel a call to remind you almost daily, that most of the white race is against you, and not only that, but a few of us are out here learning the things you know; taking the good points and deconstructing the bad; ready to put the white race back to sleep even if you start to wake them.

  7. PiGeRT,

    The white man will re engage Africa to eventually exterminate blacks.
    It’s happening already in a variety of ways.
    The Mercs on ships off the coast of Africa, NATO in Libya, the French in the Sahel, Xe in Congo… I predicted it here a year ago. It’s happening now. Africa for the White!

  8. Trotsky would have killed many many more than Stalin. I’m certainly of it.

    PGRT in your Trotsky moment you revealed your background. Only a select few of internationalists still idolize the guy. You tipped your hand there. You should admit what you are…

  9. John, 4th International is quite goyische. Jews have dropped the ideology/”law” and kept Trotsky the hero…. Like they have with the hundreds of Jewish laws that are conveniently dormant until the messiah comes. Trotskyism has been deactivated similar to mainstream Judaism. The Jews are supposed to have a high priest but use the lack of the old temple as an excuse to not select one.

  10. That’s why Jews accept “atheist Jews”. Their religion doesn’t kick in until the Messiah returns. Their priests are supposed to be sacrificing animals…. Can you imagine the PR nightmare and schisms if they actually did that?

  11. I don’t care. But I do know that quite alot more white people would be around if segregation was still the law in America. More city centers would be habitable. Indeed the remaining blacks would be in better shape on average.

  12. Thanks Tamer; and interesting analysis of Judaism. I’m not a trotskyist anymore myself and he had blood on his hands too, but my point about revolutions still stands. John, whites are killing some Africans, but your fantasies of whites exterminating all of them are ridiculous.

  13. It’s a negotiating position.

    Whites are no more exterminating blacks today than they ever were in the 1800s. I’m just making a political statement. No one even needs to public ally admit that they agree.

  14. For the record I don’t want to be in charge of shit. I want to be free of the damnyankee, free to live my life on my farm free of foreign interference with authority over and responsibility for myself, my family and our affairs

    That you think I want to be in charge is more a tell on your lust for power and not mine

  15. LOL @ “…Interesting comments about the Bantu John; so you don’t hate all black people equally?….”

    Why is “white” just a social construct, but black never is for you?

    Anyway, PG, you’re the hater. I actually went to majority non-white schools (for awhile) and was educated mostly by non-whites, lol. If you include my religion, I’ve been a less than 5% minority more than half my life.

    You miss the whole point. You seek control, not peace. And can’t even admit it to yourself, or your fear-based motivations. Seeing only one point of view (your own), insisting on controlling a public narrative—- that’s not love. Now is it?

  16. The San are a distinct group. Anthropologists think they are an isolate of the first humans. Or represent the archaic human. There’s a great pic of a 4’11” skinny one and a six ft Brit in pith helmet and shorts.

    I have no particular hate either. Just clarity of vision.

  17. Bushmen are said to have a game tracking ability that is unsurpassed by any other people. Evidently the hunter-gatherers are naturally selected for that skill in their harsh environment.

  18. A very wide range of views appears among regular O.D. commenters. I suppose Stonelifter would be at one edge, and P.G.R.T. at the other. Some of us are fairly stable in our places, others appear to “move around” but may be more complex than online commentary can reveal. Free expression is good, and attractive. I can’t abide a stale “echo chamber.”

  19. The Afrikaners treated the Bushmen reasonably well. Patronizing but certainly according them some basic respect.

  20. Silver, thanks for your comments. I am proud of what a strong man my father is; you’re probably just jealous that he understands how to get along with people different from him.

    So strong I bet he developed his views while living in the heart of niggertown, right? Right? Well, heh, we both know that’s not what happened. Hey, I’m fully capable of ‘getting along with’ niggers when there are two of them and ninety-eight of me, too. The reason niggerlovers merit the vicious contempt they’re held in is their insistence that the childlike delight they derive from exchanging meaningless banter with a solitary nigger or two can apply to a living arrangement in which the vile, worthless apes are the swarming majority.

  21. It’s a negotiating position.

    Whites are no more exterminating blacks today than they ever were in the 1800s. I’m just making a political statement. No one even needs to public ally admit that they agree.

    That’s a good point. It is more politically expedient to explicate the most extreme position than may be clear at first glance.

    As far as the globe goes, it would be better for entire world to adopt a basic ‘pro-white’ stance in preference to the basic ‘pro-black’ stance it now maintains, even if the only reason is the desire to keep niggers out of one’s country, which is a desire obviously more consistent with the former stance. The pro-black/blame whites position now in force throughout the world makes a surrender to nigger demographic pressures all but inevitable.

  22. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    February 3, 2013 at 10:55 pm

    “Anti-Whites; lol at genocide against white children. We are not killing children and you know it. If the children do not come into existance, that’s not our problem.”

    Yes we know that an anti-White, you think White GENOCIDE is a laughing matter.

    GENOCIDE has nothing to do with killing. That is the “Hollywood GENOCIDE”, because it suits their Pro Israel agenda.

    No where in UN Law does it say GENOCIDE is “okay” if you use Demographic Warfare against a RACE, instead of firing squads. If your intention is to make a RACE DISAPPEAR it is GENOCIDE.

    “white race is a useful phrase because of the word association with colonialism and imperialism. ”
    “race indeed does not exist and is a social construct”

    As an anti-White, you say Whites only exist as a RACIAL when you are INCITING against us. Then when Whites ask for the same rights as every other RACE, suddenly we do not exist.

    This looks like a big contradiction to the average White, but it is entirely consistent with your anti-White behavior.

    You fell off your moral high horse long ago. You hate Whites and there is nothing more to you.

    Yes dear readers, this Mommy Professor trained punk, is only here because he HATES Whites.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  23. PG—- really? “White is a social construct.”

    You have impoverished people by making them pay for your family, to live off of them (you are a generational tax supported family)—- the people who pay for you can’t even afford to eat good food!

    Doesn’t that make you the Aristocrat? Are you really an aristocrat, PG? We’d better call you Lord PG, right?

    And if “white” is a mere social construct — AND YET YOU USE THE IDEA OF RACE— as you have, to JUSTIFY getting your State Dependent Paycheck, (based in how much whites owe you, even though you may be white, lol) then isn’t that usually called FRAUD?

  24. What evidence is there that the South will be allowed to remain as it was when the outsiders metastasize into it? I lived most of my life in the Midwest in one of the cities ruined by diversity. I do not know the solution but I know that without some organized (self-organizing) method/plan/set of practices White Southerners will be submerged and overrun.

  25. Proud Globalist Race traitor
    Why does anyone continue to answer and try to debate the JEW TROLL??

  26. The thing is Clement,we will never get the chance to prevent being swamped with diversity if we stay in the union

    It is the union that wants diversity, open borders, amnesty etc and not the South, yet we pay the price for the yankees lust for diversity

  27. Clement says: I lived most of my life in the Midwest in one of the cities ruined by diversity. I do not know the solution but I know that without some organized (self-organizing) method/plan/set of practices White Southerners will be submerged and overrun….”

    Where there was massive immigration (over 20% and there are places with 50% northeast migrants, doubling the population of southern towns in short time)— the change was total. That seems to be how it works.

    The “conservatives” among them think they are “in line” with the “south,” but they have absolutely nothing to do historically with the southern experience (obviously). B/c they are gutted, decontextualized people for whom “values” means something (as opposed to being a historical people with real ties)— they don’t even know they destroyed anything. Stepping way back, it’s an amazing feat they’ve pulled off. Is that a Trotsky thing? Replacing populations, rewriting history— just acting like nothing but you exists, lol.

    Their lack of sophistication is the underlying problem. They don’t even realize they are a very small world minority, nor that they are a fractured group… or anything.

    Sinead O’Conner’s song “Famine” –when I heard it— made me consider the famine as avoidable; not being Irish, I’d never given it thought before. But it put the whole civil war into a new light, (as famine refugees fought it for the north).

    Anyway, there’s a line in there about the government knowing exactly what percent you have to do in, or replace, or whatever—- before they don’t come back as a people.

    Maybe that percent is intentional too.

  28. 30% “change” seems the end of a place, but maybe a poster in the military could clarify if that’s the percentage that stamps out a group in an area?

  29. Still kind of curious, HW—- did the southern family you married into (having come down through the military) have long ties in the south? In other words, were they planters, farmers, fight for the south, etc.

    Chalk it up to leftist education, but how people’s historical backgrounds carry through into the present is very interesting to me. You seem more tied to the Spanish Island experience.

    Even when they intersect with brainwashing, like Lord PGRT. He’s lower middle class (comes from teachers; generational state dependent families)— the group Marx most said had been educated to work against their own class interests (in the service of Aristocrats and Big Money, which is exactly what he does, cut off from his own Reality, or being able to function in line with his own reality). Lord PGRT— in Marxist terms, is the NEW Bourgeoise— a curious animal. People talk about cognitive dissonance now, as a way of talking about how the petty bourgeoise cannot function in their own interest.

  30. Was reading about tomatoes and thought of OD—- here’s the real face of anti-southern mentality (ingrained, even though they know nothing of the war):

    “No matter how you slice it…their seeming diversity [of heirloom tomatoes] is skin-deep: heirlooms are… feeble and inbred—the defective product of breeding experiments that began during the Enlightenment and exploded thanks to enthusiastic backyard gardeners from Victorian England to Depression-era West Virginia. Heirlooms are the …equivalent of the pug—that “purebred” …with the convoluted nose…”

    Talk about packing anti-appalachian hate, dosed with Englightenment Blame.

    No mention of the war, just inbreeding, incest, west virginia, enlightenment, diversity and the dangers of the purebred….

    So— no matter what one looks at, it’s the yankee message all day.

    from (not so) Scientific American

  31. Reynauld de Chatillon says:
    February 5, 2013 at 4:31 am

    “Why does anyone continue to answer and try to debate the Anti-White TROLL??”

    He has exposed himself HERE, as an anti-White, many times.

    He has Justified Genocide against Whites many times and has never denied that what he is doing to Whites is GENOCIDE.

    So he has no moral authority HERE, or ANYWHERE else.

    He’s just another Mommy Professor trained, anti-White punk.

  32. Dixiegirl, the main problems with heirloom tomatoes, besides rangy plants and disease susceptibility, is that they are not “firm” enough and “normal” enough in appearance and flavour (or lack of it). Some city folk actually reject tree ripe plums and peaches, because they say they like them “HARD and TART.” They cannot eat black walnuts either (too much flavour). As for the analogy of “the northern mindset,” I and most or all of the people I know really don’t think that way AT ALL — neither consciously nor unconsciously — about people born and bred south of the Mason Dixon Line. Believe it or not, people rooted north of the Line don’t spend ANY of our time hating on or making fun of people south of the Line.

    Rootless cosmopolitan transplants from north of the Line are undoubtedly a problem for you. Our states’ loss of rootless cosmopolitans is our gain, and your states’ gain of them is actually your loss. BTW, my ancestors didn’t participate in the WBTS, Dixiegirl.

  33. Mosin,

    You miss the entire point, about how the language embedded in the standard msm rhetoric is anti southern. I was not talking about tomatoes, per se. (I happen to find heirlooms far superior in taste and looks, but that’s beside the point).

    Nor is it really true that the south received the “urban cosmopolitans.” The main reason for relocating to the area is he military, I’d imagine. They aren’t urban transients… in the sense you mean it there.

    Anyway, you miss the point.

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