Memphis Renames Three Confederate Parks



Here’s the latest outrage in the Southern heritage wars:

“MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The City Council voted Monday to change the names of three parks that honor the Confederacy and two of its notable members.

The council passed a resolution to immediately rename Confederate Park and Jefferson Davis Park in downtown Memphis and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park, which lies just a few miles away. The vote was 9-0 with three members sitting out the vote.

The resolution changes the name of Confederate Park to Memphis Park; Jefferson Davis Park to Mississippi River Park; and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park to Health Sciences Park. …”

SNN has summed up the situation in Memphis … the city is now 62% black and 30% White, which means that the reigning Afrocracy in Memphis (thanks to the Voting Rights Act of 1965) has the power to lash out at Confederate symbols.

Update: Having went out in search of reaction from the Rainbows, I see that even Connie Chastain is starting to realize that these people are anti-Southern and anti-White and that the “Civil Rights Movement” was about “tearing down the white man’s world.” Perhaps this episode will stimulate racial and ethnic consciousness among SCV types?

Note: The posts have been sparse here over the last few days. It seems that I have caught  either a bad cold or a nasty case of the flu that is going around. I hope that I will be feeling better early next week.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I observe.
    I analyze.
    I conclude.
    I have no prejudices whatsoever.
    Je conclus.
    Je n’ai pas de préjugés que ce soit.
    No tengo prejuicios de ningún tipo.

  2. Leftards, Leftoids, and Holocaust Chumps:

    Liberals need to be in an echo-chamber. They can’t survive when exposed to other people’s opinions because it makes them wonder how legitimate their own are. They never hear opposing arguments because they pick and choose what they hear.

    Don’t wait for any leftoids to shout “I am Spartacus”, Instead they’ll look befuddled and claim to be good slaves.

    The inherent narcissism of the SWPL’s pseudo-moralistic posturing is so readily apparent in their inability to confront any truth that might take them out of their cozy hug box and into a stark reality that would force them to confront the self loathing that is the true motivation for their hatred of western culture.

    Make no mistake, facts hurt the left like holy water on a vampire.

    Never let a liberal change the subject until they first acknowledge you are right on the point in question. It will drive them insane.

    Leftist men are effeminate for the most part. This is because modern leftist arguments have fallen into feminine disconnect: in the effort to defend the hamster/ego at all costs, any man who refuses to see the light reverts to a faggy, girly way of behaving.

    Lacking the real financial or social status that they expected would separate them from the proles, they cling to their Liberal indoctrination and the imaginary status they think it gives them.

  3. We just continue to sit and take so I guess we will lose it all.

    Of course they will eventually come for almost anything named after a white. The useful anti-southern idiots just haven’t realized it yet and they will have no defense to object. After all Washington, Jefferson, Madison et al were all slave holders. In fact any pre ‘civil rights’ history is highly suspect.

  4. We just continue to sit and take it so I guess we will lose it all.

    So why are you? Is there any planned pushback?

  5. Ugliness is the norm in BRA, so the issue isn’t that the parks desperately need new grass. The issue is Niggers don’t like the name. Good people now have to fight a legal battle over the name instead of beautifying the park. God damn this mess.

  6. Thanks for the daily outrage. Someone should just ask, yes ask, dear Connie if she really thinks these people are not anti-white. Now I understand the desire to quibble the details and all, but fucking screw it just strip the anti-white leftards to the bone and let them bleach in the sun instead.

  7. The more Multi Culture–the more changes. Remember all the High Schools in the South who played Dixie and had Rebel Flags and the name Rebel—all changed to politicially correct crap. And what about all the streets throughout US that re-named Streets to KING BLVD.. etc, etc. Many tried to get a law to say you could not use the name of a person until they were dead 100 years, The Steam Roller of NWO crap continues and will get worse. Open you eyes and loook for the Rings…. Judeo Maosnry is the Ram Rodders for the Khazar World Plantation Empire Imperium. Their insanity of Brotherhood of Man gets more aggressive. And by the way–Martin Linstedt is right about intellectual turds and Anglo Metizos and Dum Whiggers.. V.S. Herrell is 100 percent right about Masons in his article: DIEST MASONS ARE JEWISH. Years ago in Hollywood, Florida in the Circle on US 1 Highway–The Confederate Rebel Flag was flown all the time—then the Evil Ones cried and the Rebel Flag came down. The Evil Ones have a great hatred for Pastor Buddy Tuckers NEWS FLAG. It is still around and is not forgotten…Play those Johnny Reb songs….

  8. the problem we have today is that the communist teachers union brainwashes our children to believe that knee grows are just like the time whites find out that groids are violent racists it is to late and they are murdered by nogs.the commie controlled news never talk about it because they only want to run whitey down.for black history we should teach the truth about nigroes which is the only time they were worth a shit was when they were slaves.

  9. the problem we have today is that the communist teachers union brainwashes our children to believe that knee grows are just like the time whites find out that groids are violent racists it is to late and they are murdered by nogs.the commie controlled news never talk about it because they only want to run whitey down.for black history we should teach the truth about nigroes which is the only time they were worth a shit was when they were slaves.

  10. OT,

    But regarding black mayhem in general, it turns out that black rampage shooter in California is a big Obama supporter and liberal. The media seems to be burying this.

  11. Shame, but a patch of dead grass strewn with Newports and beer bottles hardly deserves to be named after one of the greatest Americans of all time, NBF.

  12. Can anyone be surprised that as the anti-Whites grow daily in power and influence they would not begin rewriting history to suit their agenda? This is just the tip of the iceberg; soon any public acknowledgment of White, Christian, heterosexual males will be deemed offensive to some aggrieved victim group and extirpated. What is coming will mirror what happened in China during the Cultural Revolution, only that along with attempting to obliterate any trace of the capitalist, traditional and cultural elements of American society it will also include a racial component directed against Whites.

  13. Shame, but a patch of dead grass strewn with Newports and beer bottles hardly deserves to be named after one of the greatest Americans of all time, NBF.

    I think a scorched earth policy is best at this point. We can always rebuildna park, they can’t.

  14. A southern city councilman should start a motion to rename one of the infernally ubiquitous MLK blvds to Nathan Bedford Forrest Lane. Mary, if you open your window on a quiet night you’d hear the left’s howls from Ireland.

  15. I will keep making points about Jews unless HW says they’re unwelcome. Jews in general hate the South. Norman Podhoretz once sneered the Civil War was as important to him as the War of the Roses. David Frum recently expressed admiration for Northern snipers who assassinated Southern officers.

  16. A southern city councilman should start a motion to rename one of the infernally ubiquitous MLK blvds to Nathan Bedford Forrest Lane. Mary, if you open your window on a quiet night you’d hear the left’s howls from Ireland.

    Porter, I’d open the window wide right now in the freezing weather just in the hope of hearing such sweet music ! I have a dream…. 🙂

  17. Renaming Nathan Bedford Forrest Park is especially ironic in a country where streets named after plaigarist and philanderer Martin Luther King are the most dangerous. They can take his name off stuff, but they vindicate his ideas.

  18. The Jews hate the South because…..

    Go listen to that wonderful, brave Southerner, Eustace Mullins. He also said Morris Dees started out trying to defend southern/white heritage but there was no demand nor money in it. Unlike whites, Jews do put their money into their own best interests. Whites do nothing but attack and degrade each other over symantics. Just look at the harmony on this site most of the time….. clash of the egos.

  19. JP,

    What do you mean you’re striking out?

    Try Counter Currents. No one there has their eyes closed. I recommend Andrew Hamilton’s articles.

  20. 3 nigs forced a white woman into a car at gun point the other day, then drove around the city raping her.

    15, 16, 18. Nice.

    It turns out there was a similar incident fairly recently in Philly. A few blacks grabbed a white woman at gun point, then drove around raping.

    It makes me wonder if the kidnap, car-jack, rape hybrid is their latest form of entertainment (like attack-whitey flash mobs), a bizzare ritual, or maybe a gang initiation.

    New Orleans


  21. “They can take his name off stuff, but they vindicate his ideas.”

    Yes, concentration of force at the strategic point at the right time. Plus he was brilliant at the art of quarter-mastering his supply lines. The compleat general officer.

    Robert E. Lee said after the war that it was a mistake not to have earlier promoted Forrest to higher command. He was a victim of tidewater planter snobs calling the strategic shots in Richmond and continually promoting the cause of that moron Braxton Bragg. Jefferson Davis later regretted his repeated support and restoration of Bragg to high command after the latter was relived of same after his failures.

    Had Forrest been given higher command in Tennessee at an earlier point he could have well thwarted the Union forces by following up when they were retreating from defeats and prevented the fall of Atlanta to Sherman in the presidential election year of 1864. This would have given the Democrat McClellan the Presidency and the South a negotiated peace which would have saved the Confederacy.

  22. Start local movements to make the “King holiday” in to a non official day honoring “Christ the King” day. The BRA, Lib-Mins are forced in to the position of defending MLK as so some false God, idol to be worshipped. We have great propaganda opportunities showing Stalinesque statues of MLK with quotes from the Ten Commandments warning against worshipping false idols, honoring other Gods.

  23. When will Connie Chastain start blaming southern white men for letting the dispossession of southern whites occur?

  24. “He also said Morris Dees started out trying to defend southern/white heritage but there was no demand nor money in it. ”


    Dees would not take in enough money to pay the water bill if he switched over to defending white interests. Meanwhile, I learned the other day that a large number of local whites around here, including some of my relatives, are going to Sturgis this year. Arrangements for lodging had to be made a year in advance. The house one small group is renting for the WEEK is two grand. Some of the group, I was told, took out a loan on their home to come up with the money.

    This sort of thing is common. But money to defend their interest? Surely you all jest.

  25. Hope you feel better, HW.

    My childhood church was shut down, literally, and the main street in town renamed.

    I used to wonder why people didn’t talk more directly about the importance of history, and the theories behind renaming everything, that it is to erase memory.

  26. @Dixiegirl: The only history that’s important to the Western World seems to be when the evil white gentiles gassed the Jews and slaughtered the Indians and made blacks slaves.

  27. The council passed a resolution to immediately rename Confederate Park and Jefferson Davis Park in downtown Memphis and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park, which lies just a few miles away.

    If Memphis is 62% black and 30% white, then the only surprise here is that it took the black-dominated city council so long to change the names of these parks. After all, you can’t really expect blacks to honour a breakaway nation based on slavery, the president of said nation, and the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, can you?

    This is just the type of historical humiliation that blacks love to inflict on defeated white populations (if the whites who built Memphis are now only 30% of the population, then I would consider them defeated). If you want to see just how far this renaming fetish can go, just look at southern Africa: Rhodesia is now Zimbabwe, Salisbury is Harare, the Transvaal is Gauteng, Johannesburg is eGoli, Pretoria is Tshwane, and Port Elizabeth is Nelson Mandela Bay. Durban, East London and Bloemfontein have been changed to names too preposterous to repeat here, and the kaffirs also want to rename Cape Town, iKaapi, and South Africa, Azania.

    In my opinion, Americans have made a huge mistake by ceding central cities, like Memphis for example, to blacks and other non-whites. In Europe, the pattern is just the opposite: central cities like Paris, Amsterdam, Munich, etc., have been preserved as mostly well-to-do white enclaves, while the immigrant blacks and Muslims have been shunted out to crappy satellite suburbs far from the historic city centres.

    The question is, should central cities like Memphis be at least partially reclaimed by whites? Or should the white exodus continue to the suburban whitopias while leaving Memphis to be fully Detroitified by the blacks? The former option seems like a better idea to me, but how?

    One way is to merge the central cities with their respective counties. Obviously, white taxpayers living outside the central cities but in the same counties would fight this tooth and nail, rightly seeing this as a massive white-to-black transfer of wealth. But the racial composition of the central cities would be radically changed. For example, if the city of Memphis merged with the rest of its county (Shelby), Memphis’ racial composition would suddenly transform from 62% black and 30% white to 48.6% black and 47.3% white, almost equal. Maybe enough to stop black councillors from renaming historic city parks, amongst other outrages.

    Merging central cities with their respective counties could transfer dozens of black-dominated cities to white rule all over America. One of the most dramatic examples is 83% black Detroit, which, if it merged with the rest of Wayne County, would suddenly become 49.6% white and only 40.3% black. Imagine Detroit (or Memphis, or Atlanta, or Birmingham, and on and on) with a white majority (or plurality) population, a white mayor, a white-dominated city council, bureaucracy, police force, etc. What a welcome change that would be.

    If the central cities are worth reclaiming for white civilization, then this would be the quickest way to make it happen. White reconquest through gentrification, like what’s been happening in NYC, DC and elsewhere, is all well and good, but it may take decades or even generations to overthrow the existing black power structure in many cities. And by then the Mexicans will have taken over anyway, so it will have all been for nought. If you want to do it, then do it now, and this is the way to do it.

  28. jeppo says:
    …just look at southern Africa: Rhodesia is now Zimbabwe, Salisbury is Harare, the Transvaal is Gauteng, Johannesburg is eGoli, Pretoria is Tshwane, and Port Elizabeth is Nelson Mandela Bay.

    And their white farmers are dead.

    After the Marxist ANC took over South Africa, they made gun ownership depend on getting the okay from the government (mental illness, etc). The government simply denied all the applications. Wake up, stupid whites.

  29. “Tamer of Savages says:
    February 8, 2013 at 4:33 pm
    Can we stop arguing about Jews? Let’s not forget we’re being erased in our own niggerfuxuated lands. Let’s focus on solving these problems.”


    Niggers are the symptom. Jews are THE disease.

  30. I just got banned on a “Christian site” for sticking up got the teenaged “Nazi Girls” , in ME.

    Banned in 2 posts! Woo hoo!

    Read down the thread, to the Comments. I got 2 off, before the mods blocked me. I got a lot of “disagrees” – but look at all the “agrees”. Read some of the other Comments.

    All in all – a win! Heil Hitler, y’all!

  31. Denise,

    Those comments were awesome; you always kick serious ass. I wish I had your talent for the rhetorical jab.

    Really, if all that reflexive, revulsion among the adults to the salute by kids who probably didn’t even realize what it meant, if that isn’t conclusive proof this country lives submerged in Judaic propaganda then I don’t know what would be.

  32. Djorner Unchained.

    The rampaging nigger in LA he’s the real face of the erasure of the white man. What are the cooks even in the police force for? What are they in the military for? The military and cops are there to bash in the heads of foreigns. Not to give them weapons training and a sense of power.

  33. They’ve kept Djorner’s support for Obama well under the radar.

    I’m quite frankly surprised at the number of people supporting him (based on comments ) even at NY Times and Gawker. A lot of people don’t like cops for good reason. If he had stuck to killing just cops, he’d probably have even more support. Some people are interpreting him as a kind American Everyman, screwed over by America for years and now lashing out (Michael Douglas in Falling Down). Apparently for his training officer he was assigned to dyke who had a problem with men. She kicked a handcuffed schizophrenic with dementia in the face. He reported her for police brutality, and they fired him.

    Another interesting point: he seems to have mobilized pretty much every cop in southern CA. It makes one wonder how they’d handle it if 5/6 guys all went on gun rampage at the same time.

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