Memphis Renames Three Confederate Parks



Here’s the latest outrage in the Southern heritage wars:

“MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The City Council voted Monday to change the names of three parks that honor the Confederacy and two of its notable members.

The council passed a resolution to immediately rename Confederate Park and Jefferson Davis Park in downtown Memphis and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park, which lies just a few miles away. The vote was 9-0 with three members sitting out the vote.

The resolution changes the name of Confederate Park to Memphis Park; Jefferson Davis Park to Mississippi River Park; and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park to Health Sciences Park. …”

SNN has summed up the situation in Memphis … the city is now 62% black and 30% White, which means that the reigning Afrocracy in Memphis (thanks to the Voting Rights Act of 1965) has the power to lash out at Confederate symbols.

Update: Having went out in search of reaction from the Rainbows, I see that even Connie Chastain is starting to realize that these people are anti-Southern and anti-White and that the “Civil Rights Movement” was about “tearing down the white man’s world.” Perhaps this episode will stimulate racial and ethnic consciousness among SCV types?

Note: The posts have been sparse here over the last few days. It seems that I have caught  either a bad cold or a nasty case of the flu that is going around. I hope that I will be feeling better early next week.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The rampaging negro is also semi trained. 6 trained men…

    The cops would/ will catch up sooner or later. They do keep running down the leads and get “lucky” after awhile

  2. The niggers are calling him a hero.

    I am here to change and make policy. The culture of LAPD versus the community and honest/good officers needs to and will change. I am here to correct and calibrate your morale compasses to true north.

    Those Caucasian officers who join South Bureau divisions (77th,SW,SE, an Harbor) with the sole intent to victimize minorities who are uneducated, and unaware of criminal law, civil law, and civil rights. You prefer the South bureau because a use of force/deadly force is likely and the individual you use UOF [use of force] on will likely not report it.

    Niggerboy has a point. The court-backed big lie of BRA ie “Niggers are white people with black skin” doesn’t jive with reality. Djorner isntruing their compass because the LAPD is hypocritical. Any government employee expected to prevent Niggers from acting like Niggers is by definition a hypocrite.

  3. When I lived there, most of the LAPD I ran into were Marines.
    Not overtly racist but you tended to understand that they were aware of the black problem. Service abroad in various hotspots would have prepped them to understand their role in protecting whites.

  4. Turns out the Djorner is a gun control advocate.

    Why does any sportsman need a 30 round magazine for hunting? Why does anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a AR15 rifle? This is the same small arms weapons system utilized in eradicating Al Qaeda, Taliban, and every enemy combatant since the Vietnam war. These do not need to be purchased as easily as walking to your local Walmart…

    (. . .)

    In the end, I hope that you will realize that the small arms I utilize should not be accessed with the ease that I obtained them. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

  5. Read the openly terroristic comments of the niggers on that LA Weekly commentary.

    I hope the Hispanics get on with driving every nigger out of the city. Drop the bomb exterminate them all ‘eses!

  6. Djorner’s question answered.

    When 30 (or 1 to 30) nigs come round your house like a zombie horde you need a 30 round magazine. The cops won’t stop the rioting and ethnic cleaning for you.

  7. Nigger cop that assaulted white guys in the academy for being racist. Check.

    Propensity to cry while on duty which in a catch-22 means he is sane. Check

    The utmost concern for those he is sworn to “protect and serve”. Check

    Why wasn’t he promoted? This is 2013

  8. In New Orleans, incompetent black officers degrade law enforcement. They tend to be too dumb to do any part of the job other than bash a person’s head in.

    A lot of times the DA can’t prosecute crimes the because black officers don’t follow the procedures. Many are too stupid to grasp the nuances of criminal law, so they compromise evidence. Many can’t write an intelligible report that documents the crime (most of them being barely literate). Black officers are frequently caught sleeping in their cars, or blackmailing prostitutes for sex. Then, some are just flat out corrupt.

    Because of affirmative action and quotas, a percentage of blacks are required by law to be promoted into high positions no matter how inept. Whole neighborhoods end up protected by units led by incompetents — all the way to the chief of police.

    Best part is, when the DA is actually able to prosecute, they have to prosecute in courts dominated by dumb, dumb black judges. So most of the black criminals, including seriously violent felons and murders, end up back on the streets.

    Just SOP in BRA. I doubt it’s any different elsewhere.

  9. A lawyer friend told me the bare minimum IQ for a competent judge is 130.

    He said it’s a dirty secret in the legal community how lawyers make fun of dumb quota-filler black judges.

  10. BRA like any government is legitimized primarily by its monopoly on dispensing death at home and abroad pursuant to its laws of criminal justice/war. BRA’s bogus laws that coddle minorities, especially Niggers interfere with its obligations to its citizens and fighting men. Extra-judicial killings undermine governments; the inveterate inability of BRA to effectively deal with feral Negroes since its establishment by Abraham Lincoln will eventually be its undoing.

  11. Djorner’s question answered.

    When 30 (or 1 to 30) nigs come round your house like a zombie horde you need a 30 round magazine. The cops won’t stop the rioting and ethnic cleaning for you.

    John, Djorner himself writes in his ‘manifesto’ that he shouldn’t have been trusted with weapons. Gun control is just another attempt by Yankees (any race denier North or South) to resolve a contradiction in BRA. That contradiction being Negroes are vested with citizenship yet can’t be trusted with firearms.

  12. My blood is still boiling over the anti-White city council’s renaming of these historic parks. I guess they think that changing the names will some how change history, or improve the lot of their people. But lo and behold, the morning after they voted on the name change, as I drove to my job in this once-fair city I found it to be the same crime-ridden cesspool it had been the day before. Not a damn thing was different–certainly not better.

    I work with urban youth, and although many of them expressed concerned that the KKK was coming to town to “kill people,” none of them had any clue why. When I explained to them the situation with the parks, none of them had the foggiest idea who Nathan Bedford Forrest or Jefferson Davis were, much less where the parks were located.

    So much for the theory that black underachievement is tied to constant visual reminders of past oppression at the hands of evil Confederates.

  13. Cops what are they good for? Only one thing to enforce the rules of the State after the fact, by rules I mean any edict posted by any beurocrat, politician or fellow cop.

  14. Have any of you read Djorner’s Nigrafesto? It’s actually brilliant, in it’s own way. It’s a flawless illustration of that absolute insanity that Multi-Culturalism IS. It’s al about the internal mayhem with all the competing ethnies and ideologies, in the LAPD.

    By the by – cops shot 2 newpaper delivery women, because their vehicle looked like Djorner’s

    Read the details. Fortunately the women were not killed – but the cops unleashed a hail of bullets, and did not kill them, and they….ahhhh…mistook 2 FEMALES for Big Black Djorner. Think about this.

  15. “Read the details. Fortunately the women were not killed – but the cops unleashed a hail of bullets, and did not kill them, and they….ahhhh…mistook 2 FEMALES for Big Black Djorner. Think about this.”

    Fuck the LAPD. It’s just one of their Negro chickens coming home to roost. He’ll never testify in court as he will be shot on sight. I hear they have brought in the Feds. One can only hope he knocks off a few more pigs before he is gunned down.

  16. I’m tracking this Nigger via his fan club in facebook.

    I never expected so many people to share my fellings about Chris’ injustice. There are only a select few who have been brainwashed by the media into thinking just what they want us all to think. Just to clarify, I am a white male from a northwestern state, who is far removed from all of this, and yet I can still see the pain the LAPD has caused the people of California on a daily basis. I hope gets to complete his mission, or is able to escape and evade his would-be executioners.

    Can I be a group admin, Rudel?

  17. Not all the news is bad. Black racial problems in and around LA are way, way less than they were in the 90s.

    The LA police force is still headed by the ex NYPD savior Bratton?

  18. “Can I be a group admin, Rudel?”

    I’ve got no particular love for Dorner, he’s just one more nigger with a chip on his shoulder. I just hope he goes out in a blaze of glory and takes some feds or asshole big city cops along with him.

    I welcome the coming societal breakdown in all its forms as it will awaken Whites. Expect an increasingly frequent oscillations between government crackdowns and local resistance (from whatever race.) What we have now under BRA is not worth preserving.

  19. What I find surreal is my money turns Negroes into killing machines, yet when I decide to join the military they discover what was supposed to be a sealed record from when I was 14 and hold it against me. That was the only run-in with the law I ever had and it was for FIREWORKS. Now I must submit what is known as a “moral waiver”….. I’ll probably wind up in the Dirlewanger brigade.

  20. “I’ll probably wind up in the Dirlewanger brigade.”

    It’s a bad moment to join up. Budget constraints mean they are going to be cutting back on troops in order to keep those expensive weapons systems alive. The Marine Corps has already announced that they are cutting back to 170,000 men (or should that be persons? LOL)

  21. While the topic is focused on miscellany, I’d like to mention there’s a reason I read Larry Auster. What that reason is escapes me at the moment, but his highlighting of the Devo Patrick blizzbabble included this link, which doesn’t seem amusing at all until you realize it’s actual reality.

    In it, we see some bald blathering negro whose owner has dressed in a suit—I presume this mascot monkey is what the people of Massachusetts call a “governor.” To his left is some aged female mime, or possibly a misplaced airport flaglady summoning a large commercial aircraft to its landing strip…the flailing gesticulations are beyond my reckoning to say for sure. Behind the sartorial simian appears to be some large black moth attempting to gain flight with only one wing. The humor is in watching this clammy, corpulent, calorie compiler futilely attempt lift-off throughout the entire…what, speech?

    One day America shall have it’s own crumbling statue…and on the pedestal these words shall appear: Look upon my works, ye morons, and despair!

  22. John, after I’m sworn in at MEPS I’m done with politics for the forseeable future. I’m just getting it all out of my system now. I have never advocated violence. Having an unpopular political opinion is acceptable, so long as it isn’t expressed in uniform. And I’m not a “white supremacist” I just address negro crime.

  23. “I’m sick of being a civilian and it’d have been better to be a soldier during the fall of Rome than to have never been a Roman soldier.”

    Those were my sentiments exactly when I enlisted. Plus it’s just about the only way you will be able to afford range time with automatic weapons although from what I can tell from your posts, if you make it you will most likely be in some sort of technical job in front of a computer screen or using high tech test equipment.

    Then again there is always the Foreign Legion. They seem to be seeing some action in Mali right know.

  24. It’s not just niggers. A lot of whites are supporting him, all kinds too.

    Again, I think a lot of people hate fuckin cops for good reason. How do you put 30 bullets into a middle aged and elderly woman because you think they’re one 270 pound negro?

    It shows they don’t give a shit. The LAPD has gone into high gear to protect their own; they’re shooting on sight, to kill, probably because there’s some truth to his charges. They don’t want him living to tell his story.

    This could go on for years. Eric Robert Rudolf gave them a run for their money for years.

  25. I met a traveller from an obamaland
    Who said: Two vast and trunkless Jordans of stone
    Stand in the MLK mall lot, Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered golden grill lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of a black in remand
    Tell that its sculptor well those parole petitions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless blings,
    The hand that mocked them and the white that fled:
    And on the pedestal these rhymes appear:
    “My name is E Z E, MLK of Kings:
    Look on my goldie chain ye YT and despair!”
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, phat and bare
    The EBT and Section 8 stretch far away.

  26. Good luck Tamer, start rucking now if you want to go 18x. There are lot of places to research what you need to do now, I know some men at quite

    No race/ political speech there

    You only need a secret clearance for most 18 slots. You shouldn’t have any trouble with that.

  27. “I am on track for 19d, 11b.”

    11b dude. Who wants to burn to death inside a steel coffin? Plus, don’t you have to be in for a while before you can apply to be a Green Beret?

  28. I don’t care for either of those places Tamer. Not much real masculinity in either, both are anti racist etc etc

    Not anymore Rudel, you can go right into their training program now. It’s a good start, real advantage since veteran SF men get you prepared for SFAS etc. And yea, no thanks to being trapped in a track…

  29. Heard. I’m trying to find sites worth reading that I don’t have to be surreptitious about on base. Mostly religious and cultural sites. Hopefully we’ll see eachother in the Ghan some day. Please keep me in your prayers, at least until I know if I’m all set for Ft. Benning.

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