Memphis Renames Three Confederate Parks



Here’s the latest outrage in the Southern heritage wars:

“MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The City Council voted Monday to change the names of three parks that honor the Confederacy and two of its notable members.

The council passed a resolution to immediately rename Confederate Park and Jefferson Davis Park in downtown Memphis and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park, which lies just a few miles away. The vote was 9-0 with three members sitting out the vote.

The resolution changes the name of Confederate Park to Memphis Park; Jefferson Davis Park to Mississippi River Park; and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park to Health Sciences Park. …”

SNN has summed up the situation in Memphis … the city is now 62% black and 30% White, which means that the reigning Afrocracy in Memphis (thanks to the Voting Rights Act of 1965) has the power to lash out at Confederate symbols.

Update: Having went out in search of reaction from the Rainbows, I see that even Connie Chastain is starting to realize that these people are anti-Southern and anti-White and that the “Civil Rights Movement” was about “tearing down the white man’s world.” Perhaps this episode will stimulate racial and ethnic consciousness among SCV types?

Note: The posts have been sparse here over the last few days. It seems that I have caught  either a bad cold or a nasty case of the flu that is going around. I hope that I will be feeling better early next week.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Tamer – good luck. Learn, and LIVE. You don’t owe anything to any-one but members of your OWN. Get what you can, but to NOT die for the BRA.

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