Shacks and Hovels: White Guilt and The Demise of Southern Heritage


Connie Chastain writes:

“That deliberately doesn’t tell you what my purpose was in bringing up those past living conditions in that place, although I made it clear in my Facebook comment. Anybody with average reading comprehension skills could understand my purpose, and how my questions about the subject related to the future. So the comment pasted above is deliberate deceitfulness on Griffin’s part; and his comments in the thread that resulted from my question were chock full of the same kind of lies. The brain of habitual liars renders them unwilling to distinguish truth from falsehood, so that nothing they say can be trusted”

You brought up those “past living conditions” on the LoS Facebook group because you falsely assumed that you had a bulletproof argument that segregation rather than the “content of their character” was responsible for blacks living in “shacks and hovels” in Lowndes County.

From the 1930s to the 1990s, those “shacks and hovels” were torn down from one end of the South to the other (including Lowndes County) and were replaced by public housing built by the federal government. In Atlanta, Techwood Homes (demolished before the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta) was built as the first public housing project in the United States in 1936. Rosa Parks was living in public housing in Montgomery when she refused to give up her seat on the bus in 1955.

Did the creation of public housing solve the problem of concentrated black dysfunction and substandard living conditions in America? No, the blacks turned the public housing that had been built for them after the 1930s into crime ridden slums. The “projects” became synonymous with violent crime, drug dealing, prostitution, etc.

What’s more, when the blacks pushed the Whites out of Detroit,  St. Louis, and Atlanta’s suburbs like Clayton County (GA), they took over housing stock previously inhabited by wealthy and middle class Whites and recreated them in their own image as blighted slums surrounded by check cashing and title pawn stores.

By the 1990s, the stubborn persistence of chronic black dysfunction had thoroughly discredited public housing in America, so a new effort was begun by liberals to tear down the projects and disperse their black inhabitants in “mixed housing” throughout the lily White suburbs via Section 8 housing vouchers.

This brings us back around to Memphis:

“Betts and Janikowski have two dogs, three cats, and no kids; they both tend to bring their work home with them. Betts had been evaluating the impact of one of the city government’s most ambitious initiatives: the demolition of the city’s public-housing projects, as part of a nationwide experiment to free the poor from the destructive effects of concentrated poverty. Memphis demolished its first project in 1997. The city gave former residents federal “Section8” rent-subsidy vouchers and encouraged them to move out to new neighborhoods. Two more waves of demolition followed over the next nine years, dispersing tens of thousands of poor people into the wider metro community. . .

About six months ago, they decided to put a hunch to the test. Janikowski merged his computer map of crime patterns with Betts’s map of Section8 rentals. Where Janikowski saw a bunny rabbit, Betts saw a sideways horseshoe (“He has a better imagination,” she said). Otherwise, the match was near-perfect. On the merged map, dense violent-crime areas are shaded dark blue, and Section8 addresses are represented by little red dots. All of the dark-blue areas are covered in little red dots, like bursts of gunfire. The rest of the city has almost no dots.

Betts remembers her discomfort as she looked at the map. The couple had been musing about the connection for months, but they were amazed—and deflated—to see how perfectly the two data sets fit together. She knew right away that this would be a “hard thing to say or write.”

Let’s review:

1.) Black dysfunction and substandard living conditions, what you described as “shacks and hovels,” existed in rural areas of the Jim Crow South.

2.) Black dysfunction and substandard living conditions followed free blacks from the South to the ghettos of Northern cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit where Jim Crow didn’t exist.

3.) Black dysfunction and substandard living conditions followed blacks from the “shacks and hovels” and the “ghettos” into the public housing that was built for them in the North and the South from the 1930s to the 1990s.

4.) Black dysfunction and substandard living conditions followed blacks from the ghettos into the “blighted neighborhoods” in Detroit, Atlanta, St. Louis and other cities where Whites used to live but were pushed out after the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

5.) Black dysfunction and substandard living conditions have since followed blacks out of public housing and into the White suburbs in Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham and other cities which exported black crime via Section 8 housing vouchers.

How many years has Lowndes County (AL) had a black country government now? How much money has been squandered there by the federal government since the beginning of the “War on Poverty”?

What do you Rainbows have to show for your folly aside from the smoldering ruins of Southern heritage in Memphis, vandalized monuments in Selma, and liberals like Michael Lind crowing about “The White South’s Last Defeat”?

Note: In case you are wondering, my purpose is to rub your nose in your own pile of shit in Memphis. I hope as many Southern Nationalists as possible come to see Memphis as the fruit of the Civil Rights Movement.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Great post! The only dishonesty here is from the rainbow confederates, who refuse to accept that the Earth is not flat and the Sun is not the center of the universe.
    If the LoS would realize that NOBODY respects a dishonest suck-up, then they could come clean and make some headway.

  2. “Both Griffin and the floggers are self-appointed thought cops who believe everyone should be bullied into seeing things their way” isn’t borne out in reality: On Griffin’s blogs there always seem to be allowed considerable freedom of speech and difference of opinion!

  3. Key quotation from the Atlantic article you linked above: ” ‘It used to be the criminal element was more confined,’ said Larry Godwin, the police chief. ‘Now it’s all spread out.’ “

  4. Fine, go ahead and be obsessed with this poor woman’s writing and spend all your time fighting with her, while us white anti-whites and Yankees keep endoctrinating your children and strengthening the Jewish/BRA agenda. You’re obviously right about most questions about the Confederacy, for what it’s worth.

  5. It is good strategy to destroy the near enemy.

    I think that eliminating other groups on the right is a good idea. Sort of a “Macrophage”
    Cleaning out the bacillii that has infiltrated the right and the Confederate camp in particular.

  6. She almost sounds like a Stalinist in her comments. The use of “liar” in particular shuts off debate.

    Indeed this lady can’t name either the black as the blunt force and the Jew as the brains, at least openly. OI vey! What would uncle Schlomo think of the naughty Rainbow if it named the Jew or castigated the black.

  7. “She is perfectly free to come here and defend her opinion”

    She doesn’t have the balls as is generally. Timid society of will to live.

  8. Chastain went on and on about the shacks and hovels in Ft. Deposit. I even personally drove down there from Montgomery to find these alleged shacks and hovels and all I could find was public housing and abandoned White middle class homes.

  9. PGRT, it’s “Indoctrinate your children,” not “endoctrinate.” And to the point: didn’t you mention you come from a long line of State Dependent Schoolmarms? Not only are children given idiot ideas, but they don’t learn to spell, either, (apparently).

  10. This women is a typical example of the basest of scalawags, all too common among Southerners of a certain generation…

    “Past living conditions” is the usual extremely disingenuous liberal bullshit which requires a willful abandonment of obligation to truth and personal integrity.

    Having come to the “correct” view according to her yankee masters, she tries to silence anyone wishing to challenge the unquestioned assumptions of where the responsibility for black failure truly lies.

    There was no shortage of poor whites all throughout the South during the Jim Crow years. The difference between the shotgun homes of poor whites and those of negroes was simply that of upkeep and no other reason. Niggers let everything run down since they can neither abide nor sustain civilized existence.

    Overprotected white women like Chastain will ultimately lose their overprotected status due to their support for BRA. The price for their continued slumber of denial is both exorbitant and just. The beast they protect and refuse to see will devour them.

    As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

    Avoid the groid.

    Deo Vindice

  11. A few years ago I worked on a public housing project. The buildings were extremely well done. Expensive fixtures throughout.Tile floors. Much better built than local apartments. They were destroying the place even before moving in. Broke windows. Copper ripped out. A disgrace.

  12. Worry about negro living conditions is what happens when you fall for the false notion negros are human vs the reality of all non Whites merely being a natural resource for Whites to exploit

  13. Whether you live in a castle or hovel …without money your extremely limited about every action you take in life…yes even cleaning and fixing can be difficult. I would not think living in “public housing” would feel very secure. People need to feel personally valued. In order to feel valued one must be afforded the opportunity to make choices, work, and create for ones self a chosen life style. Anger, depression, desperation, and feelings of hopelessness can suck the soul, the will, the drive, the motivation, the caring right out of a person. Welfare is not an answer to all of that for any one. The other issue is that Children are very destructive little people unless they are continually monitored. Imagine a single mom who is feeling hopeless keeping up with anything. Unfortunately sex and drugs may may mom feel great for a little while but her reality worsens. There was a time in black families when they were moving toward middle class…that was when they were creating their own businesses in their neighborhoods and when there were actually decent paying jobs in areas where Black families lived. All we can really do is to be certain everyone has an equal opportunity…to develop skills, get a real education, and has decent roll models. It’s tough for everyone… There is good, bad, beautiful, and ugly in all races and in all economic strata. I really have to add that some of the comments left here are quite hateful and very bigoted and only show lack of experiences in life and perhaps an extreme lack of critical thinking skills.

    • FECK OFF! Nigs have been given MORE than EVERY opportunity. Nigs have PREFERENTIAL – not equal – but PREFERENTIAL treatment in education and employment. The more they are GIVEN – the WORSE they ARE. I am years over listening to Bleeding Heart SICKOS like YOU, who still expect Whitey to feel sorry for and DO for the vile, repugnant, vicious, destructive DNA BONE STUPID shitskinned jigaboo NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGERS!
      Appalachian Whites have the lowest income and opportunities in the entire country, and don’t wreak nearly the havoc Orcs wreak. I want total segregation. SHITSKINS OUT OF MY WORLD. Assholes like YOU go with THEM.
      There. Capiche? NOW GET OUT. And OUT you WILL GO, Nigger Evil Lover.

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