Live Thread: BRA’s State of the Union 2013

District of Corruption

In his 2013 State of the Union Address, Obama announced that he is working on the “Trans-Pacific Partnership” free trade agreement and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union:

Note: It came as no real surprise that Obama demanded action on gun control, climate change, and amnesty for illegal aliens.

“Our economy is stronger when we harness the talents and ingenuity of striving, hopeful immigrants. (Applause.) And right now, leaders from the business, labor, law enforcement, faith communities — they all agree that the time has come to pass comprehensive immigration reform. (Applause.) Now is the time to do it. Now is the time to get it done. Now is the time to get it done. (Applause.)

Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made — putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.

Real reform means establishing a responsible pathway to earned citizenship — a path that includes passing a background check, paying taxes and a meaningful penalty, learning English, and going to the back of the line behind the folks trying to come here legally. (Applause.)

And real reform means fixing the legal immigration system to cut waiting periods and attract the highly-skilled entrepreneurs and engineers that will help create jobs and grow our economy. (Applause.)

In other words, we know what needs to be done. And as we speak, bipartisan groups in both chambers are working diligently to draft a bill, and I applaud their efforts. So let’s get this done. Send me a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months, and I will sign it right away. And America will be better for it. (Applause.) Let’s get it done. Let’s get it done. …

Now, even as we protect our people, we should remember that today’s world presents not just dangers, not just threats, it presents opportunities. To boost American exports, support American jobs and level the playing field in the growing markets of Asia, we intend to complete negotiations on a Trans-Pacific Partnership. And tonight, I’m announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union — because trade that is fair and free across the Atlantic supports millions of good-paying American jobs. (Applause.)”
Barack Hussein Obama, State of the Union 2013

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Blacks destroy everything good that is meant to appeal to the public in general. The two faced whites in charge know this, but give in to the terror of the anti-whites.

    Just think how popular the Southern seccesionists would be if they just told the country they would not allow the anti-whites to terrorize people any longer? But since they won’t they ramble on with abstract minutae or the daily outrage.

  2. As we all know well, if we want to dissolve BRA we must first dissolve the real power structure in this country……. the Jew elites and their bribed goyim. This SNL spoof on the influence of Jews over our elected reps is hysterical:

  3. With all of those things you list, Hunter, plus many more I’d guess; it’s pretty obvious what tonight’s circus will be about.

    That’s to tell white America that negroes, coloreds, hispanics, and all the rest have successfully stolen the US and that there is nothing we can do about it.

    We must demonstrate that not only can we do something about it, we’re GOING to do something about it.

  4. What can we do to get our cause (secession) passed as soon as possible? I don’t want long distant 5-10 year plans– we don’t have that long. We need to seriously think about getting secession passed in atleast 1 ex confederate state in 2014. I think that needs to be a serious plan moving forward.

  5. “Michelle Obama will be escorting illegal aliens to the State of the Union address. Marco Rubio will be giving the official Republican response … in English and Spanish. And Rand Paul will be giving the Tea Party’s response which will urge Republicans to “embrace immigrants.”

    Didn’t know the state of the onion was on tonite.

  6. Nothing will change until we can create dynamic secessionist or nationalist organizations. That’s not going to change until the people who post comments on these websites start joining such organizations.

    You can’t expect any organization, whether it be SN or WN, to make any headway when its target audience is simply too scared to join.

  7. Tyler Wilson says:
    What can we do to get our cause (secession) passed as soon as possible?…”

    People attacked in an openly documented way, and who have had genocidal attempts made on them— DO NOT secede. They ask for repartitions. That’s how it is done nowadays. Secession is an old thing. Now, the oppressed group demands a reservation and tax support.

    The whole idea of secession is not up to date, imo.

  8. I’m watching this— maybe my only time watching a “state of the union” speech.

    Biden is wearing a green ribbon, and Pelosi is, too— why? Wiki says it’s for the “Levellers” in england.

    Maybe it’s something else? Biden also forgot to dye what is left of his hair, and the purple tie looks really bad with the green. In fact, all 3 ties clash.

    Did Presidents always stand up in from of these Throne-Like Chairs that are now behind him? Where Biden and Boehner (sp?) are sitting. They really do look like thrones.

  9. I’m shocked, shocked! That I tune in around 15 after and he’s still shucking and jiving in the isle. Good god can a nigger ever be on time?

  10. Biden is also sticking his eyeglasses in his mouth. Omg! He is using them as a prop, but they make him look old, not smart. And putting them in his mouth is gross. Didn’t his mama tell him not to stick things in his mouth.

  11. Is that a picture of the jew-ass-ass Tit-Antic going down or is Obongo just glad to see me?

    Obongo is before the CONgress, talking about being “Partners in Crime” with the Repubs. I’m listening to it on PBS, which is the least objectionable place to watch it as opposed to M$NBC — the Obongo Channel — or Faux jews — the Dumbya Bushy Channel — or CNN — the Hibernigger Limey faggot Pers Morgan Channel. At least with PBS you will get less relatively gliberal whigger and mamzer yak-yak as they play Frontline or AmurriKwan Experience already in the works.

    Obongo is going to reform ‘health care’ through Obongocare, Free Health Care for niggers and beaners, and making whiggers pay for it while cutting Medicare for elderly whiggers.

    Such a deal.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  12. Obongo proposes, Reality disposes

    Let’s see. Obongo is proposing to do something about ‘climate change’ while the Chinks and Dotheads will continue to build a coal-fired generator about once per week or less. Who’s going to pay for this?

    Whiggers. A declining Whigger middle class in both numbers and wealth.

    [G]Immiegrunt ‘Reform’, i.e. bringing in even more greaser and beaner and nigger and gook Turd Whirrrlders to live offn Whigger, yet somehow that will enable “good paying” AmurriKwan jobs and enabling a thriving Whigger middle class.

    Passing this Violets against Wymmin Act and making sure that the split-tails make as much, nay more than elderly Whigger males.

    Raising the minimum wage. Why haven’t Whiggers thought of this before? We can vote ourselves rich.

    Declaring Victory in Afghanistan and getting the hell out by next year. That is how we ‘won’ the war against Owl Kaida.

    Maintaining the ‘be[a]st military the Whirrrld has ever known. Equallz treatment for all jewps, and putting the girleys on the front line as they won’t ever get theyz’ nuts shot off.

    More ZOGbux into edjewmaction to make sure them muds know a lot of shit, like how to vote once you gets legalized and vote for Whigger to pay for it.

    Now on how to protect us’s most valuable resources, like niglets. niglets are shooting other niglets. In Chicago. An honor niglet who played at Obongo’s inniggeration. Then went home to be kilt by another niglet. The horror, the horror!!! And far rather than imposing niglet cuntrol, we need to make sure that Whiggers don’t have semi-automatic pistols and rifles in order to forestall the inevitable Zombie niglet Apocalypse.

    Well, this sounds all very well and fine, but whatever Obongo proposes, Reality will dispose.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  13. We’z in it all together, just make Whigger pay for it all. & Chris Djorner couldn’t be there as he’s attending a BBQ — his own.

    Posted above, then seen some toothless ol niggress skank gumming it up for the cameras. Didn’t anyone tell it to wear itz dentures?

    Then some whigger piglice who did something about the Sick Temple shooting last year. Whigger piggy did something about that, like stop a bullet or two.

    I was hoping for Chris Djorner to show up for a kudo for “fighting waycism” but Officer Djorner couldn’t cum, even for the State of the jewnion Address, even though he likes Obongo and Michelle and Pers Morgan and all the gun grabbers. He was busily attending a barbeque as the guest of honor — his own.

    So at the very end, Obongo told us that we’z in it all togehether. The muds and jews get everything and Whigger is expected to pay for it all, . . . somehow.

    Well, now we have the gliberal whiggers on PBS yapping about stupid shit Obongo said, as if it is even remotely attainable. Spend more, print more, tax more, and we will all get to the Promised Land even though it is innundated under a Mud Flood.

    Next, Repulsivecunts, both beaner and whigger yap about how Whiggers should embrace theyz’ immolation. Such a deal.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  14. More of the same ho hum. His is a cult of the childish lead by crazies, typical cult. But not impossible to overcome, but not like Conservative Inc has done so far by only targeting Obama. Its his supporters that are the weak link.

  15. “Dixiegirl says:
    February 13, 2013 at 2:25 am
    Biden is also sticking his eyeglasses in his mouth. Omg! He is using them as a prop, but they make him look old, not smart. And putting them in his mouth is gross. Didn’t his mama tell him not to stick things in his mouth.”

    Oooohhh…Dixie…I’m certain Old Goy Joe has put far worse things in his mouth, than his glasses……

  16. It is interesting to hear a Repulsivescam beaner tell us how to make AmurriKwa rich by making it Turd Whirrrrld

    I find it amazing to hear some beaner ‘Republican’ yapping the party line about how AmurriKwa will get rich by doing the same old thing that didn’t work by sticking to the same old thing. Not mentioned is that ZOG/Babylon has doubled since Dumbya took office and that Obongo is simply kicking the can down the road.

    Now yapping about budget showdowns, which the Republicans could have solved because they control the House of Representatives. They could have simply decided not to pay anything at all, especially on Obongocare.

    There is actually talk about this beaner, not a ‘native-born’ AmurriKwan shitizen any more than Obongo being the prospective nominee of the Repulsivecunts. All of which goes to show that it won’t be anything organized by whiggers that saves the Whigger Rayce, but rather Civil War II, The Great Collapse, the Great Tribulation destroying all the excess carrying capacity to where only 10% of the whiggers or less and none of the muds/mongrels/mamzers and jews have anything left to eat or to [d]rule.

    The gliberal whiggers on PBS are admitting that there are no ‘rising tide’ to raise all boats, much less the Cockroach Hilton Houseboat. But these gliberal whiggers are saying that, gasp, taxes on whiggers, as well as spending cuts on ‘entitlements’ that elderly whiggers consume, are necessary, and so they are.

    So who will pay for it? Nobody. Not even Whigger. Rather the printing presses will roll, and the ZOGbux will be worth as much as a Zimbabwe Trillion ZIMbux note.

    Them whiggers need to be disarmed lest they should pull a Chris Djorner or even stop slaving for ZOG/Babylon.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  17. There was nothing in the speech acknowledging our liberty, morality, culture and religion. It was all about what good deeds the Federal government will do (or force us to do) that are either forbidden or never mentioned by the Constitution.

  18. Mosin – I listened to that “Live Feed” viddy for a bit. What country is that taking place in? I can’t identify the country…

  19. He just said he thinks there might be “as many as six to twelve congressmen” who go against the tide. Sounds like they will be helplessly outvoted.

  20. Made an effort going in to stay hopeful and positive, went down in flames and ejected. Don’t even know where to begin, except to say that all that clapping over nothing must be something similar to what hell is like.

  21. I was hoping for Chris Djorner to show up for a kudo for “fighting waycism” but Officer Djorner couldn’t cum, even for the State of the jewnion Address, even though he likes Obongo and Michelle and Pers Morgan and all the gun grabbers. He was busily attending a barbeque as the guest of honor — his own.


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