Tales From Detroit: Downtown Rampage


At the rate we are going, I believe that I will live to see the day when the flash mobs evolve into barbarian hordes of tens of thousands of rampaging black people as the White population ages and shrinks and the welfare state that depends on our tax dollars collapses:

Note: I can also see the sack of cities like Detroit or Philadelphia taking place in the backdrop of political boilerplate like that on display below.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There is a video game here.

    Call it flashmob!

    Unsuspecting family man forced to defend hearth and home with his Obama Approved air rifle and sling shot against a Tribe of Vibrants armed with illegal Ak47s and Tech 9’s.

  2. Ironic synchronicity? (I know some commenters here react adversely to any not-unfavorable reference to things Jewish, which is unfortunate, because it can be an impediment to contention.) Consider that the Hebrew adjective which means “Crazy,” as in literally psychotic, is “meshugga.” (Noun for an insane person is “meshuggena,” and that for psychotic ideation, is “meshiggess.”)

    Now pronounce that word, “meshugga,” slowly enough to taste the word in your mouth. Directly after that, pronounce the name of the State of Michigan, again slowly enough to taste it. It may just be part of the kind of nut that I am, but does anyone else here notice just how closely similar the words taste?

  3. @Robert Pinkerton

    ‘Michigan’ is an Ojibwa word, you fucking dumbass. Don’t comment about things you know nothing about.

  4. “when the flash mobs evolve into barbarian hordes of tens of thousands” – I don’t really see this, force projection is really difficult and logistics are involved in moving that many people around over any great distances. The food will stop coming in, and as per Katrina, the people trapped in the city are just going to wait around for help that will never come.

  5. “The food will stop coming in, and as per Katrina, the people trapped in the city are just going to wait around for help that will never come.”

    New Orleans is a special case due to it being almost completely surrounded by water. Cities with an easy walk out to the suburbs or countryside will see disorganized mobs fan out in search of pillage.

  6. Robert Pinkerton’s suggestion repulses me. I don’t use Hebrew (or Yiddish) words, even those that have wormed their way into everyday speech. Getting readers to do that–slowly–appears to be the only point of his comment.

    With regard to the possibility of flash mobs, the sheer numbers of the darker races in this borderless age makes that a possibility. So the question is this: are there any individuals or groups seriously engaged in planning — not talking about, but planning — for White survival 5, 10, 20, 30 years in the future?

  7. what, in a sane society we would have no problem with learning about the Hebrew language. In the sane society our ancestors had even a hundred years ago, people would regularly learn Hebrew to study the Bible.

    We don’t need to cut ourselves off from knowledge just because Universalists want to shove it in our faces as propaganda.

  8. negros rampaging through yankee towns make me happy. It was the yankee who armed negros and sent them to rampage through the South. Then tried to use negro as a political weapon against us… sowing and reaping

  9. Niggers rampaging through Southern towns makes me happy. It was the Southerner who brought the nigger to America, because the Southerner was too weak and lazy to pick his own cotton. Then started a war with the North and got their asses rammed bloody, and still cry about it to this day…
    sowing and reaping

  10. Re: “because the Southerner was too weak and lazy to pick his own cotton”:

    I thought it was because they could be used “create immense wealth.” In either case, they definitely BOUGHT them, from the mostly northern, and foreign, trans-Atlantic slaver traders who BROUGHT them.

  11. Charles Murray predicted rampaging hordes in the 90s. He said they’ll be clashing with the cognitive elite’s private security.

  12. “when the flash mobs evolve into barbarian hordes of tens of thousands”

    “I don’t really see this, force projection is really difficult”

    Force projection is only difficult if you are culturally or morally constrained from using terror. They won’t be.

    and logistics are involved in moving that many people around over any great distances. The food will stop coming in, and as per Katrina, the people trapped in the city are just going to wait around for help that will never come.

  13. For example when Alexander started his rampage he massacred the entire population of the first city he captured. That way all the other cities on his advance surrendered without a siege. He’d never have got anywhere near India if he’d had to besiege and capture every city on the way.

    (I think terror tends to backfire in the long run but in the short term it works very well.)

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