About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Damn it, I wanna see her dancing! That pic of her face, she looked like she was chasing a parked car on all fours, and caught it!

  2. How to move her eyes independently.

    The kids got crisis counseling, LOL. Do they get crisis counseling after reading National Geographic?

    Reminds me of an old joke — Jesse Jackson is protesting National Geographic . . . yeah, he saw his grandmother in the centerfold.

  3. The kids got crisis counseling, LOL. Do they get crisis counseling after reading National Geographic?


  4. What a coincidence! I was just reading an article about her cousin Andrew the “Englishman” over in jolly old…


    Forget about the zombie apocalypse. I’m more worried about the cross-eyed nigger apocalypse now. Doesn’t first mammy Moochelle also have a crossed eye? Seems very ominous…

    Anyhoo, it would seem that congenital defects are not necessarily limited to YKW.
    Who knew?

    Deo Vindice

  5. The White Race needed to get Crisis Counseling when they collectively decided it was OK to go along with the Hebes to foisting Nigras off on ’em, in the first place.

  6. Teacher? Every article I’ve read claimed she was a parent who went on stage on her own. Where did the information that she was a teacher come from?

  7. Any thoughts on one of your precious White South Africans murdering his girlfriend? Rest assured, we in the anti-racist movement will use this incident to the fullest extent to undermine sympathy for Afrikaners.

  8. The parolympic runner Oscar Pistorius, for those of you too busy looking at black people to read the headlines.

  9. @ The parolympic runner Oscar Pistorius, for those of you too busy looking at black people to read the headlines….

    White males are so demoralized that they lash out… obviously.

    Isn’t “environment” the cause of all troubles?

    That case is exactly to the point. The campaign of demoralization against men has made them lash out blindly, just as we’re told the cause of any violent minority actions is their ill-treatment in life.

  10. No Oscar was probably a pushy control freak.

    He should never have been allowed in the Olympics and been made famous. If he’d been left to his paraolympics he’d have some fugging humility.

  11. I’ve met smart disabled guys his age, they often seem to be angry bastards. The woman that Paul McCartney married was unpleasant too. They mellow with age.

  12. I heard that story on the AM radio and no mention of race was included in the news blurb. Imagine my surprise to learn the race of the mother. (Not really)

  13. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    February 19, 2013 at 9:56 pm
    Any thoughts on one of your precious White South Africans murdering his girlfriend? Rest assured, we in the anti-racist movement will use this incident to the fullest extent to undermine sympathy for Afrikaners.

    Jack replies:

    Yes, I had thoughts on this story.

    Very sad, very, very sad indeed – an inspiring story, a boy who loses his legs and his mother encourages him not to give up, to learn to walk, even run, play sports, compete in sprints against the best athletes in the world and then….

    he falls down and murders his beautiful White girlfriend.

    My thoughts are simply sadness, but also recognition that South Africa is an extremely violent country and all Whites there live every second thinking about home invasions, rape, robbery, murder. This wouldn’t have happend if this couple lived in rural nebraska.

    Also, another great White South African athlete the boxer Corrie Sanders was murdered by Black robbers invading a private party.

    South Africa has descended in to Black African hell after the Black ANC takeover off that once “beloved country”. Whites are sadly….

    losing it in South Africa.

    We run the danger of similar things happening here if White Americans stress too much on negativity, conspiracy theories.

    And how can you use this incident to undermine sympathy for Afrikanners? How can any decent person of any race want to see Afrikanners subject to genocide?

    Are you such a bad person?

  14. Re: “Rest assured, we in the anti-racist movement will use this incident to the fullest extent”:

    But is it 100% certain that P.G.R.T. really IS anti-racist? Isn’t there a chance he could be “having fun” on OD?

  15. You people need help. It didn’t say anything about her being a teacher. She clearly had mental issues. How this can be construed as black culture is beyond me. We don’t refer to multiple school shootings as white culture, even though, by definition, they are. I think racists whites really are awaiting the day that blacks put bones in their noses and start dancing around in grass skirts.

  16. Are sKoo shootings white? Have you looked at the number of Black Skoo age shooters who shoot other Onah Stoodints/aspiring rappers? Why does every ghetto shithole sKoo have metal detectors, you stupid fecking coon…

  17. Are incidents of black teens killing black teens also a form of school shooting? Doesn’t matter much where the violence happens or why just the age of the perp and victims.

  18. hey DIXIEGIRL,wtf do we have to be demoralized about,we still kick your colored asses at everyth.ing with the exception of crime and basketball .demoralized…..lmao….its fukn great to be a white man,so go eat a hot bowl of diks,you don’t know shite about white men,cause you are either a turd or a white self hating colored arse kisser.demoralized about what,we walked on the moon
    arsehole,if anything we are more motivated now on killin your blak arses since the slave days.demoralized…lol…..that’s YOU….please respond arsehole…

  19. Re: al’s post: proof that booze is the real White Man’s Burden. Put down the bottle al; it’s too early in the day.

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