Buchanan on Free Trade Deals


Do you remember the free trade agreement with South Korea that Obama signed in his first term and which he promised would create American jobs?

“What about South Korea, the country with whom we signed a free-trade deal in 2012?

U.S. exports to Korea fell last year, and due to a surge in imports our trade deficit in goods with South Korea soared 25 percent to $16.6 billion.

Seoul’s trade minister who cut that deal and cleaned our clock should get a medal and the kind of bonus Americans reserve for people like hedge fund managers and the folks who ran Fannie and Freddie. …”

Here’s a video retrieved from the OD archives of the day Obama celebrated the passage of his glorious “jobs bill” in Michigan:

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I won’t claim that I was happy with the election and reelection of Barack Hussein Obama, but I did recognize a potential silver lining. This is it. The United States economy would have continued its plunge into the abyss under a McCain or Romney presidency as well (although perhaps not at the same lightning speed). The inept affirmative action mulatto may prove to be the best thing that ever happened to our cause.

  2. I think America has gotten it’s clock cleaned in every “free trade” deal. BTW, free trade is between private citizens of two countries, so this government-rigged deal is not really free trade.
    I read an article in my college periodical about NAFTA, and how it alone is no magic bullet for Mexico’s “merger” with the economies of the US and Canada. Merger, economically speaking, is the achievement of per capita income parity.
    When it comes to America, it seems nobody is asking what is good for Americans, even our own damned public servants.

  3. “Free Trade” is nothing more or less than a(nother) Jew-instigated, globalist device to wipe out the White middle-class and with it most of the Western nations. They set it up by having their pet politicians in DC peg the capital gains rate well below the higher income-tax brackets, then having the Wall St. brokers convince the CEOs to take most of their compensation in stock, options and the like. Suddenly, it became obvious to these shabbatz goyim that the quickest route to vast wealth was to sweat the labor supply (via job outsourcing + mestizo insourcing), rather than producing a good product at a fair price. And there you have “Free Trade”.

  4. Price of the Amuurikan empire. Anyway no one can call themself an alt-righter if they believe in the magic pixie dust of the consumer economy, the proleconomy. Last big ticket item I bought was an AR-15 and damn fine it is, and it meets the standards I set of quality over quantity. Before that I bought one of those DR mowers, damn another fine piece of equipment. But if you get all giddy like a girl over bling you’re probably a hopeless case anyway.

  5. “Seoul’s trade minister who cut that deal and cleaned our clock”

    I doubt it was anything to do with the Korean guy. I expect he was very surprised at the naked way the US delegation sold their country out not realising the US negotiators were working for the corporations who already had or who intended to offshore to Korea.

    Step1) America built up a massive amount of wealth.
    Step2) By creating these one-sided “free trade” deals the ruling class can effectively monetize all that accumulated wealth in the form of a credit rating.
    Step3) By offshoring to the *other end* of that free trade deal they can then steal all that accumulated wealth eventually leaving the American public with a hollowed out shell*.

    Although Buchanan’s version is probably better for a mainstream audience.

    (Wildcard, fracking as always.)

  6. “Suddenly, it became obvious to these shabbatz goyim that the quickest route to vast wealth was to sweat the labor supply (via job outsourcing + mestizo insourcing), rather than producing a good product at a fair price.”

    That’s the carrot but there was also the stick e.g. the 1980s changes making hostile takeovers easier. This meant any companies that tried to fight the tide could be taken over and brought to heel.

  7. If it takes a treaty, it’s not free trade.

    If a businesses in another country wants to do business here, they post a substantial cash bond, agree to binding arbitration, or strict liability for defective products.

    Imported products give us things not made here, protect us from shoddy Yankee made goods, keep prices down, or all of these things.

    Price supports for US produced sugar and restriction on sugar produced outside the US are why the very bad high fructose corn syrup is in so many foods and drinks.

    Trade mark protection by government needs to end as well. Buy Rolex watches for less in another country, the Rolex dealers in the US will have the US government confiscate them if you try to bring in too many.

  8. “If a businesses in another country wants to do business here, they post a substantial cash bond, agree to binding arbitration, or strict liability for defective products.” – A treaty to obey our legal system? Lets not pretend that any of these are universal ideas by any means.

    “Price supports for US produced sugar and restriction on sugar produced outside the US are why the very bad high fructose corn syrup is in so many foods and drinks.” – And those exist because our previous free trade policy on sugar had a critical flaw, namely that our foreign enemy managed to seize control of cuba and her sugar production.

    “Imported products give us things not made here, protect us from shoddy Yankee made goods, keep prices down, or all of these things.” – Which would still happen under managed trade arrangements. Korea was able to ship products here this deal was signed.

    “Trade mark protection by government needs to end as well. Buy Rolex watches for less in another country, the Rolex dealers in the US will have the US government confiscate them if you try to bring in too many.” – Be of good cheer, by next month our historic first to invent patent system will end, and only the super wealthy will be able to protect their property(and help themselves to everyone elses).

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