Southern Poverty Pimps


Michael Lind has a new anti-Southern article out in Salon:

“Contemporary American politics cannot be understood apart from the North-South divide in the U.S., as I and others have argued. Neither can contemporary American economic debates. The real choice facing America in the 21st century is the same one that faced it in the 19th and 20th centuries — Northernomics or Southernomics? …

Needless to say, private sector unions that pool worker bargaining power are anathema to today’s suave metropolitan successors to the slave-owning plantocracy. The whole point of the Southern model of economic development is to create a non-union region from Virginia to Texas, to which companies can be induced to move from states with unionized workforces. Besides, unions engage in collective bargaining, in violation of the Southern ideal of employer-worker relations, in which the master gives orders and the fearful worker obeys without question. …

It is all a system, you see. Southern conservative policies toward immigration, labor unions, the minimum wage and social insurance don’t reflect supposed conservative or libertarian ideologies or values, even if conservative or libertarian intellectuals are paid to dream up after-the-fact rationalizations. These policies are reinforcing components of a well-thought-out economic grand strategy to permit the South, as a nation-within-a-nation in the U.S., to pimp its cheap, dependent labor for the benefit of local and foreign (non-Southern) corporations and investors. …”

It sounds like sour grapes to me.

“Northernomics” doesn’t work anymore. Just look at California, Michigan, Illinois, and New York. The White people who live there and the businesses located there can’t stand the high taxes, the high unemployment, the higher cost of living, and the poor public services so they end up moving to states like Texas and Florida where they can live in a bigger house and don’t have to pay state income taxes.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yup, all them dumb Southrons getting pimped out. He kinda makes it sound like the South operates similarly to China, which debt bubble aside, does pretty well for itself.

    He’s on the right line of thought though. A country within a country. How about a country and another country? Then the North can put tariffs on Southern goods and reap the benefits.

  2. Sounds like just another justification for peaceful divorce to me. It would be a win-win for sure. How does this cretin feel about that?

  3. I mention to the people I work with how glorious the Union would be without us tobacco chewing, banjo plucking, gun toting, Bible thumping, xenophobic, homophobic, racist Southerners holding them back. Imagine what a Marxist paradise it would be. Marriage equality, followed by affirmative action for fags, more turd world immigrants for their daughters, gun-free, hate free states, the only hate reserved for white male Christians. What’s not to like.

  4. He is right about the N-S divide, but wrong about the reason for it. The South represents cultural pride and respect for heritage, the North represents forced multiculturalism. It simply comes down to race, like nearly everything else. To be Southern is to be white, they know this. To be Northern means you live in a Northern state, nothing more.

  5. I could make an argument that since the destruction of the Confederacy Yankee/American “truth is marching on” do-gooder, equality from the end of a gun barrel has taken over the entire West by way of WWI and WWII.
    Strangely, Japan killed more Chinese than Germans ever thought to kill of Europeans, and most of it happened before the war started for us. Moreover, Japan not Germany bombed us at PH–yet only the Germans are vilified today, and have been forced to become multicultural. Why?

  6. He’s bitching because the Northern way of doing things (civil rights, immigration, meddlesome government, labor unions) is responsible for annihilating Detroit and destroying the White middle class in California, Illinois, and New York City which is why the people who live there are moving to Texas and Florida.

  7. There is a place called California which could have a thriving oil industry like Texas or Louisiana but chooses not to because it is a Blue State. The progressives who control the state have other economic priorities like banning foie gras, raising taxes, letting criminals out of jail, choking agriculture for the sake of endangered minnows, in state tuition for illegal aliens and fag equality.

  8. Full court press on Pistorius this Morning.

    The coverage suggests that the chance of a white SA prosthesic runner killing his girl is approx 100%. If you happen to meet anyone for this demographic please avoid them as they are considered a serious lethal threat. please ignore your local news. Look over here in Joberg.

    It’s funny watching them have to find a white killer who lives thousands of miles outside US borders.

  9. RAPID ECONOMIC GROWTH (including industrialisation) has not only been “a creator of immense wealth” for some in some southern states, but also a curse (like air conditioning and chemical pest controls) since it has attracted millions and millions of immigrants and transplants.

    But NOT ALL southern states share the rapid growth and prosperity and concurrent high rate of demographic change of Texas and North Carolina. The article is simplistic, but overall, can be used to support your thesis.

  10. The BEST PLACES (not STATES, but places which lie WITHIN states) are those with NO “growth” or even negative “growth,” combined with relatively poor access to government and charitable services, untouched by the interstate highway system, rugged terrain or otherwise unsuitable for large-scale agiculture or other mega-scale corporate enterprises, with not too much fine scenery, little or nothing of interest to tourists, not famous for anything — and having a still culturally and demographically uniform, cohesive, home-loving, rooted-in-place electorate that consciously votes for liberty over “prosperity.” If you know of such places, please don’t tell but help keep them secret.

  11. I should have included (with the above requirements): “…and predominance of traditional, orthodox, conservative, Biblical (and other synonyms) CHRISTIANITY…”

  12. This is pretty standard marxist critique, with the added cultural marxism of anti White Southern bias.

    But, like standard marxism, there a large degree of truth buried amidst the lies:

    The US South since World War II has sought an economy based on having low cost labor, lower labor costs than the North. This push to be the low labor cost producer always works to drive down wages for White workers and invite the traitorous business elites who bring in even lower cost non White workers.

    Henry Ford fell for this strategy when he welcome massive Black negro workers to work in Ford factories up North to provide lower labor costs than White union workers.

    And as Hunter Wallace has written, there are traitorous agribusiness owners in the South like the Georgia Onion king who is brining in Mestizo illegal alien sub minimum wage slaves who he insists are vital to his business as (free White) loccal workers will not work 7 days a week from sun up to sunset, working in hot fields with no benefits.

    It’s the standard “they do the jobs that other people don’t want” – which ends up being all the manual labor and then the children of these “happy NW slaves” destroy our public schools, form NW gangs, become an anti White socialist/marxist political force – most people know the story.

    So, the moral of the story is:

    We need a balanced capital/labor system, with constant attention to racial preservation, what is best for “our people” as a group.

    Look at the Japanese. The Japanese have Japanese agricultural workers and are willing to pay more for fruits and vegetibles to keep Japan Japanese.

    The Rand Pauls of our country can not be trusted to keep the South, White Southern.

    Anything goes capitalism results in White genocide.

  13. Rand Paul and other conservatives-in-name-only cannot be trusted to conserve ANY part of the country. We need freedom, not laissez faire.

  14. “In Chicago, they blame Sarah Palin, the Pilgrims, and the Second Amendment for gun violence that is caused exclusively by blacks and Hispanics.”

    that’s what you get, when you have an Israeli dual agent/i mean citizen’ as mayor!

  15. HW- I’ve tried to post a comment to this post, referencing a URL. And it does not show up, after I post. If four or five of the same/similar comments appear, please delete. It was not my intent to spam.

    I’ll try the comment as I originally wrote it, later today.

  16. Washington state- very blue in Seattle, blue in adjacent counties, red elsewhere- had a referendum on a state income tax a couple years ago. The super plutocrats pushed hard for it, Bill Gates Sr. was on TV about every five minutes saying how great it would be. But it went down 60-40, which I see as partly a sign the rich people there don’t want to pay, but also as resistance against totally Californicating the place. Liberal whites want to keep the place implicitly white, and keeping the state government in check is part of that.

  17. Mosin Nagant says:
    February 20, 2013 at 3:21 pm
    Rand Paul and other conservatives-in-name-only cannot be trusted to conserve ANY part of the country. We need freedom, not laissez faire.

    Jack replies:

    Well said. Could you do me/our people a favor?

    Can you call Rand Paul’s Washington Senate office and in a polite way tell a staff member that you were extremely disappointed in Rand Paul’s speech embracing near open borders immigration.

    Quote from RP’s insane/treasonous comments saying the GOP had to embrace every #*$(*@# person in the world who wants to come to America to work.

    I made this call, the staff member was defensive, but heard my comments.

    Here’s Rand Paul’s Washington office, you will get to speak to live people.


    Please quote Rand Paul’s immigration treason and note that he did not compaign on amnesty for illegals.

    “We … must be the party that embraces the immigrant who wants to come to America for a better future,“ Paul said. “We must be the party who sees immigrants as assets, not liabilities. We must be the party that says, ‘If you want to work, if you want to become an American, we welcome you.’”

  18. The economic portion of Lind’s argument is correct even though he mixes it with Jewish/Liberal cultural attacks on the South.

    Don’t be misled by GOP “free market” bromides.

    No state income tax=Sop to corporations who don’t necessarily create jobs in the state, and indeed often don’t.

    In Louisiana, we have Bobby Jindal. He is the anti-Huey P. Long. Whereas Long spent all of his energy battling Standard Oil and east coast banking while fighting for the economic interests of working class Whites, Jindal spends all of his energy screwing working class whites. All Jindal needs to do to get the conservative rubes to go along with his corporate agenda is use rhetorical window dressing about free markets and less government. Southern economics is GOP national economics at the state level.

    Rick Perry is a lot like Jindal.

  19. Jack Ryan: Thanks, I did call. I’ve received a letter from him before on immigration. He stated that no American should have pay one cent for an immigrant. He wants to ensure America attracts STEM majors only, and only then after the firm hiring them certifies there is no qualified American.
    Of course this is all pure bullshit. Rand worships the Invisible Hand, but shouldn’t the Invisible Hand cause American universities to produce the STEM grads, if there was such a demand???? And does anyone believe any of this “certification” bs?
    Rand Paul and the Chamberpot of Commerce Party simply want labor to be as vacuous as corn or grain or coal.

  20. “We … must be the party that embraces the immigrant who wants to come to America for a better future,“ Paul said. “We must be the party who sees immigrants as assets, not liabilities. We must be the party that says, ‘If you want to work, if you want to become an American, we welcome you.’”

    Forget the imugration; address Taxation without Representation and the low birth rate.

  21. I have come to the point where it no longer annoys me to read claptrap like this. I *enjoy* listening to lefties whine and cry, knowing that their beloved unions are drying up and manufacturing wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole. Next, they’ll be claiming that we “stole” their economic opportunities from them. (“inducing” Pah!)
    This is the same old abolitionist-style divide-and-conquer, but the South has the jobs and they don’t. I believe we’ve got better sense.

    Considering how weak-minded “progressives” are, I think Wayne has the right tack: convince them that they are better off without the South. And make it so insufferable for transplants and wetbacks to live here that they can’t move fast enough.

  22. Michael Lind sez:

    Tight labor markets are anathema to Southern employers. They want loose labor markets that create a buyer’s market in wage labor. That is why, at a time of mass unemployment among low-skilled workers in the U.S., most of the calls for expanding unskilled immigration in the form of “guest worker” programs are coming from Southern and Southwestern politicians. Guest workers — that is, indentured servants bound to a single employer and unable to quit — are the ideal workers, from a neo-Confederate perspective. They are cheap and unfree.

    Is that true? Are Southern politicians, who are mostly white Republicans, pushing the hardest for more unskilled immigrants, aka “guest” workers? Do these “guests” ever leave? Alas, to ask the question is to answer it.

    If what Lind says is true, then the Southern business elite and their bought-and-paid-for political stooges are just as contemptous of the white working class as their Yankee counterparts. Lew is right: where is Huey Long when y’all need him? But I guess once a slave power, always a slave power, eh Southrons?

  23. Lots of corporations have moved to the South. Those corporations have also created tons of middle class jobs here. In the 1930s, the majority of Southerners were dirt poor sharecroppers who worked in agriculture, but today only a small fraction of the population works in agriculture.

    The right-to-work laws, a cooperative government, hostility to labor unions, and the lower income and property taxes is why the Sunbelt has led the rest of America in economic growth and foreign investment for over 50 years now.

    The major flaw of the “New South” economic strategy is that it works far too well and all kinds of negative consequences have followed from that:

    – The high rate of economic growth in the South is a magnet for illegal aliens, non-Whites from other parts of America, non-White immigrants, and White liberal transplants from other parts of the country.

    – Because of the federal civil rights laws that were passed in the 1960s, there is nothing to stop non-Whites from taking over and strangling cities like Birmingham, Atlanta, Memphis, Richmond, and New Orleans, and the New South “too busy to hate” attitude which subordinated everything to economic growth undermined the resistance to integration in Atlanta and other cities.

    – Like the Gilded Age North, it concentrates social and economic power in the hands of global corporations like Coca-Cola that have no allegiance to any ethnic group.

  24. Is that true? Are Southern politicians, who are mostly white Republicans, pushing the hardest for more unskilled immigrants, aka “guest” workers? Do these “guests” ever leave? Alas, to ask the question is to answer it.

    Clearly, no.

    The political opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens is based in the South. The Northeast and the West Coast are the most supportive regions. Jeff Sessions and David Vitter are the two best senators on immigration.

    Lew is right: where is Huey Long when y’all need him? But I guess once a slave power, always a slave power, eh Southrons?

    No one here would actually want to live in Huey Long’s Depression-era Louisiana for economic reasons. Even if you wanted to live under a generous welfare state, there are far more social programs in Bobby Jindal’s Louisiana than Huey Long’s Louisiana.

  25. Jack,

    Even in Georgia, the Onion King guy was on the losing side of the immigration debate. Georgia passed an immigration law like Alabama and South Carolina. Most Southern states now have E-Verify laws.

  26. All Jindal needs to do to get the conservative rubes to go along with his corporate agenda is use rhetorical window dressing about free markets and less government. Southern economics is GOP national economics at the state level.

    Agree. The conservatives in the South are such morons when it comes to this issue. They get none of their social issues catered to while they go along with this slave economic system they have which floods us with immigrants.

    The entire American political system is bankrupt. Every jot and tittle of it including its economic policies.

    I refuse to go along with any of it.

  27. The “New South” economic model has nothing to do with the plantocracy.

    The planter class valued their leisure time, resisted industrialization, opposed urbanization, lionized the agrarian lifestyle, took a dim view of “hard work,” and ridiculed Yankees for chasing after the dollar.

    The “New South” model was always based on slavishly imitating the industrialized North in an earlier phase of its history.

  28. Yankees and Southerners have switched roles.

    If the Southerner of the 1850s was accused by Yankees of laziness and being opposed to industrial progress, the Southerner of the 2010s works too hard and is too supportive of industrialization and corporations.

  29. Hunter, have you read this long and detailed article about secession by “Jeffersonian”?

    He wants to divide America into Red and Blue nations on a county-by-county basis. To me it seems like a geographical nightmare, with all kinds of Blue islands in a mainly Red ocean. Basically it would be granting effective sovereignty to 3,033 tiny statelets (the number of counties in the US) to choose which federation to join, Red or Blue.

    How would it work with Harris County, Texas (home of Houston and largest in the state) for example? Harris voted for Obama last year, but only by a whisker, 49.4% to 49.3%. Would it join the Blue nation on the basis of that wafer-thin margin, or would it join the Red nation like all its surrounding counties, thereby disenfranchising the plurality of its voters?

    Multiply problems like that from all over the country and you’ll see the reason why secession-by-county could never work. The problems he sees with Blue counties in Red states and vice-versa would only be replicated a thousand-fold at the county level, with Blue districts in Red counties and vice-versa. And how exactly would the roughly 2000 Red counties and 1000 Blue counties federate amongst themselves? Would there be a Blue Texas and a Red Texas? Or would the 254 counties in Texas become individual states themselves, with, say, 200 of them joining the Red federation and 54 joining the Blue federation?

    That’s why the only realistic way forward for secession is at the state level. Texas, all of Texas, should become an independent nation-state. It shouldn’t be subdivided and it shouldn’t join any new federation. And that goes for all 50 states. It’s not a Red or Blue issue, it’s simple state sovereignty for all its citizens regardless of their political leanings, race, religion, etc. Liberals, Mexicans, blacks, Jews and gays could stay in an independent Texas if they wanted, or if they didn’t like the new, ultra-conservative Lone Star Nation free from the shackles of Washington DC, then they could leave. Preferably en masse 🙂

    Even though I don’t agree with the specifics of his plan, kudos to Jeffersonian for coming up with this comprehensive blueprint for separation. Anyone planning any type of secession needs to do the same as he did: think through the details. Be prepared to answer any possible questions that might arise. Study ongoing separatist movements like Catalonia, Scotland, Flanders and Quebec for ideas on how to proceed politically. Study successful examples of secession from around the world, like Singapore from Malaysia or the Czech Republic and Slovakia, to see how they ended up dividing the house.

    The comments on the article, which first appeared at VFR, are worth checking out too.

  30. ” To be Southern is to be white, they know this. ”
    Funny claim considering the blackest States in America are all in the South.

    Rank State African-American Population (2010)[1] % African-American
    1 Mississippi 1,074,200 37.30%
    2 Louisiana 1,452,396 31.98%
    3 Georgia 2,950,435 30.02%
    4 Maryland 1,700,298 29.44%
    5 South Carolina 1,290,684 28.48%
    6 Alabama 1,251,311 26.38%
    7 North Carolina 2,048,628 21.60%
    8 Delaware 191,814 20.95%
    9 Virginia 1,551,399 19.91%
    10 Tennessee 1,055,689 16.78%
    11 Florida 2,999,862 15.91%
    12 Arkansas 449,895 15.76%
    13 New York 3,073,800 15.18%
    14 Illinois 1,866,414 14.88%
    15 New Jersey 1,204,826 14.46%
    16 Michigan 1,400,362 14.24%
    17 Ohio 1,407,681 12.04%
    18 Texas 2,979,598 11.91%
    19 Missouri 704,043 11.49%
    20 Pennsylvania 1,377,689 10.79%

    Georgia has more Negros than 22 other states combined!

  31. Jackson,

    Let’s see the list for percent non-white. What many states lack in blacks they make up with beaners, sand niggers, rag heads and gooks. What about the Latinos, East Asians, Pakis, Indians, North Africans, and Arabs?

  32. There are more blacks in Illinois than Mississippi, more in Michigan than Alabama, more in New York than Georgia, more in Ohio than Louisiana, and more in Pennsylvania than South Carolina.

  33. “There are more blacks in Illinois than Mississippi, more in Michigan than Alabama, more in New York than Georgia, more in Ohio than Louisiana, and more in Pennsylvania than South Carolina.” The former also have more whites than the latter, and proportionately more whites, and state-wide distribution (by countie) in the former is more uneven than the latter, I think.

  34. “There is a place called California which could have a thriving oil industry like Texas or Louisiana but chooses not to because it is a Blue State.”

    California actually does have a oil industry, I would know, I collect royalties.

  35. Jackson: I meant Southern culture being an implicit culture of rural whiteness. That’s really why the leftists hate us, and hate the Confederate flag–because it is of, for, and by white people. In BRA, remember, there can’t be a white only anything, either explicitly or implicitly, lest it be targeted for diversity.

  36. I’m really not worried about blacks, they have been in the South a long, long time. I worry about the turd world invasion and the worst enemy of them all: self-hating whites. Southern culture, as Appalachain, is known for it’s rural whiteness–our symbols, music, history, speech, past times, food, etc. Essentially, anything the DWLs call redneck, hick, backward, etc.

  37. As it has been mentioned at this site before, I do not in anyway hate blacks, or even dislike them. I take them for what they are–different, and rightfully separate from us. I do hate WHITES who worship black culture and behavior, however, and who enable them against us. I hate WHITES who forced integration on us, and flooded us with 3rd world immigrants and will soon side with their turd world allies to grant more amnesty, take our guns (another symbol of the rural south), and force us to recognize sodomy as equal with marriage. Those I hate.

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