Robert Lewis Dabney on Northern Conservatism


H/T Michael Hill

Faith and Heritage has a great post on Dabney’s take on Northern conservatism as it confronted the women’s suffrage movement in 1897:

“It may be inferred again that the present movement for women’s rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent, Northern conservatism. This [Northern conservatism] is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always when about to enter a protest very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its “bark is worse than its bite,” and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance: The only practical purpose which it now subserves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy ,from having nothing to whip.”

Here is George Fitzhugh quoting Thomas Carlyle in Cannibals All!, or Slaves Without Masters:

“Further study, too, of Western European Society, which has been engaged in continual revolution for twenty years, has satisfied us that Free Society every where begets isms, and that isms soon beget bloody revolutions. …

Have men considered whither all this is tending, and what it certainly enough betokens? Cut every human relation that has any where grown uneasy sheer asunder; reduce whatsoever was compulsory to voluntary, whatsoever was permanent among us to the condition of the nomadic; in other words, LOOSEN BY ASSIDUOUS WEDGES, in every joint, the whole fabrice of social existence, stone from stone, till at last, all lie now quite loose enough, it can, as we already see in most countries, be overset by sudden outburst of revolutionary rage; and lying as mere mountains of anarchic rubbish, solicit you to sing Fraternity, &c. over it, and rejoice in the now remarkable era of human progress we have arrived at.”

Now we plant ourselves on this passage from Carlyle. We say that, as far as it goes, ’tis a faithful picture of the isms of the North. But the restraints of Law and Public Opinion are less at the North than in Europe. The isms on each side the Atlantic are equally busy with “assiduous wedges,” in “loosening in every joint the whole fabric of social existence;” but whilst they dare invoke Anarchy in Europe, they dare not inaugurate New York Free Love, and Oneida Incest, and Mormon Polygamy. The moral, religious, and social heresies of the North, are more monstrous than those of Europe. The pupil has surpassed the master, unaided by the stimulants of poverty, hunger and nakedness, which urge the master forward.”

Here is Rhett lashing out at the North’s “fondness for novelties, misnamed progress” in the final issue of the Charleston Mercury:

“The South now lived under a despotism of consolidation, the states and their sovereignty abused by Washington. With universal male suffrage it would only get worse. “Swelling the multitude of voters” would not make liberty but be its downfall, while the military Reconstruction now in place attempting “to put the half-savage negro over the civilized Caucasian, may not be forgotten or forgiven.” History would remember it as an act of abject hatred and bigotry. The South, a more tolerant and congenial region, did not like change and revered the past, while the North, “fond of novelties, misnamed “progress,” was the slave of its own dogmatism.”

Note: This was obvious to Rhett and Fitzhugh in the 1840s and 1850s, Dabney in the 1880s and 1890s, Bilbo and others in the 1940s and 1950s, and it is still obvious to us in the 2000s and 2010s. As long as the Union exists, the dystopian slide into BRA will continue.

I don’t even have to watch television to know that Republicans/Conservatism Inc. either have already or soon will surrender on the fiscal cliff, amnesty for illegal aliens, gun rights, climate change, gay marriage, the “Violence Against Women Act,” the “Sequester.” I don’t even have to be told over the phone that their mouthpieces like Sean Hannity are slobbering over the likes of “Dr. Ben Carson” or that idiotic conservatives are behind the “What Would Django Do” campaign.

Every single bit of it has always flowed from the same source: the original mistake made by the Founders, which is the existence of the Union with the Northeast, and the dominance of liberalism over conservatism across that broad swath of Yankeedom in the Northern state.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What would you say would characterise “better reps for racially-aware Christianity” on this site? Let me guess:

    (1) They would be practically agnostic, not taking the claims of Christ seriously, which would indicate mental deficiency (simple credulity) or instability (fanaticism) and unfitness for advancing the cause of godless white nationalism; (2) they are really not “other-worldly” religious and in fact “their religion is their RACE”; and (3) they develop and employ tactics to make use of existing corrupt organisations, and even sincere believers, to join or assist the cause of godless white nationalism.

    Such “Christian” representatives would indeed be welcomed by some on this site.

  2. Such “better reps” seem to occupy a middle ground that can be respected by both sides. However there is no middle ground.

  3. CS Lewis was dead on. Either Jesus was insane or he was the Son of God.

    It takes a prof at Oxford to put it like that.

  4. “Christ either deceived mankind by conscious fraud, or He was Himself deluded and self-deceived, or He was Divine. There is no getting out of this trilemma. It is inexorable.”

    The Trilemma.

  5. I believe in Christ of the Bible

    I no longer believe in Christians ability to be anything but pathetic pussies on every topic requiring strength and determination. Church leadership, of all churches are eunuchs, soft bookish men with no masculinity left in them. Subsequently they set out to create churches full of men just as users as they are

  6. Well said, John. Those who pretend to a grey area are not being honest.

    Stonelifter, how can you believe in Christ, and say you no longer believe in Christians? How do you describe yourself then? Churches are not militias, and not ALL churches are led by eunuchs (intentional overstatement?) though I agree MOST are.

    The “Bible Belt” is supposed to run through the southern states, so one would expect a Southron political website to include SOME Christian commenters!

  7. I know, John. The movie portrays a preacher who is a missionary, a pacifist, and to top it off, alcoholic, urging all the soldiers to abandon their post. Not everything seems entirely realistic, such as the rousing “Men of Harlech” sung by all, when 90% of the force was not Welsh. The movie does portray them receiving the better counsel, to pray, and repeat the Psalm, giving them courage. Do you have that clip? I can’t find it on Youtube.

    I close my part in this digression from Hunter’s topic with this Kaplan video! “A white nationalist movement based on “race” alone, apart from the Christian faith, like a boat without a rudder, destined to run adrift and splinter upon the rocks of racial amorality — is doomed to chaos, in-fighting, and in the end, utter failure. The Christian roots of White Nations are deep and sturdy. With a little pruning, and lots of fencing about, we can make the tree of White nations grow to a great and magnificent height once again!” Rootless, godless, anti-Christian (there is no middle ground) “WN” is doomed.

  8. I watch the actions of Christians, there is no strength, no fire, no steel, nothing inside them to place my faith. We will save ourselves or be doomed and of now the church is on our enemies side.

    I don’t bother with describing myself

  9. Christ has left the church. They have lost their savor.

    Matthew 5:13.

    They will all be preaching the morality of loving their “gay brothers and sisters” before the decade is out. All it will take is a decree from their 501c3 masters in Washington. God or Mammon.

  10. The biggest argument against Christianity are these so-called Christians, who worship a very different Christ from the one I understand.

    It seems to me that Christ and the churches parted ways some time ago.

    True Christians are like orphans among the established churches, who are steeped in liberal heresy, which the more effeminate males seem to find quite appealing as emasculation of ordinary white males is a very clear liberal imperative.

    Yankee “conservatives” are only leftists who want to preserve the current leftist status quo, as Reverend Dabney so accurately observed so long ago. Lacking tradition, they can only stumble blindly before caving in to their more aggressive liberal brethren.

    We need to get shed of these people.

    Deo Vindice

  11. Their true god is Equality. Their mortal sin is racism. Their calling is social justice. Their highest Earthly loyalty is to Israel. They treat god like some sky genie who rains down blessings and not judgement. They should be wailing in sackcloth and ashes for the whore of Babylon their institution has become, instead they are in the church coffeeshop sipping latte and feeling good about their no fault divorce..

  12. All Christianity, Judaism, and Islam rides on the story of the Creation. Without a belief in creation, then take the texts of all three religions and mark them as Hebrew mythology.
    You cannot believe in both evolution and Christianity. It is one or the other.

  13. I go into the root of the word Lord.

    In English it means the Loaf Giver. This is the same thing as a War Band leader. A longShip Captain or a Ring Giver (gold beaten out into rings to wear) for payment in battle.

    The Lord is a land waster.

  14. Church leadership, of all churches are eunuchs, soft bookish men with no masculinity left in them.

    Although it does little for us Westerners, Orthodoxy has at least done a decent job of retaining its masculinity and traditionalism. Can you imagine Western Christians doing something like this?

    Or this?

  15. The God of the Bible is the God of war, the God of justice, the God who says woman should not speak. He lays waste to His enemies, is vengeful, full of terrible wrath and all thing masculine. White men have turned the Almighty into their mom. Which is why I no longer associate myself with Christians. I do not want to be lumped in with them when the bill comes due

  16. (1) They would be practically agnostic, not taking the claims of Christ seriously, which would indicate mental deficiency (simple credulity) or instability (fanaticism) and unfitness for advancing the cause of godless white nationalism; (2) they are really not “other-worldly” religious and in fact “their religion is their RACE”; and (3) they develop and employ tactics to make use of existing corrupt organisations, and even sincere believers, to join or assist the cause of godless white nationalism.

    They tell their people that they’re done for racially if they don’t obey your religion. That goes well beyond putting Christ ahead of your people; it’s well into “screwing over your own kind for a dead Jew on a stick” territory.

    If you can’t be tolerant enough to tolerate a big tent approach, I’m not interested in sharing a foxhole with you.

  17. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.

    In other words he with me when I kill my enemy. Spears snapeth in the shield wall.

  18. A long comment with multiple links has been awaiting moderation since this morning, so I’ll break it down now into three comments:

    I know, John. The movie portrays a preacher who is a missionary, a pacifist, and to top it off, alcoholic, urging all the soldiers to abandon their post.

  19. Not everything seems entirely realistic, such as the rousing “Men of Harlech” sung by all, when 90% of the force was not Welsh. The movie does portray them receiving the better counsel, to pray, and repeat Psalm 46: 6-10, giving them courage: “6 The heathen raged , the kingdoms were moved : he uttered his voice, the earth melted . 7 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. 8 Come , behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder ; he burneth the chariot in the fire. 10 Be still , and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Do you have that clip, John? I can’t find it on Youtube.

  20. “You cannot believe in both evolution and Christianity. It is one or the other.”

    – I agree. And I’ll take evolution.

  21. Here is someone of Jewish background who seems to understand the value of what so many WN of Christian background have never learned, or have rejected or forgotten:!
    “A white nationalist movement based on “race” alone, apart from the Christian faith, like a boat without a rudder, destined to run adrift and splinter upon the rocks of racial amorality — is doomed to chaos, in-fighting, and in the end, utter failure. The Christian roots of White Nations are deep and sturdy. With a little pruning, and lots of fencing about, we can make the tree of White nations grow to a great and magnificent height once again!”

    Rootless, godless, anti-Christian (there is no middle ground) “WN” is effectively anti-white, and ultimately doomed.

    Anti-Christian is un-Western, and yes, effectively anti-white!

  22. Chris, where is the conflict between evolutionary and genetic science, and Christianity? I see NO conflict at all. I am not a Creationist, and I understand the Scriptures are not a science text.

    Rather be an agnostic, Chris? What about your Catholic background, Chris? Or am I mistaken?

    I am surprised that this Southron (Bible Belt) blog discussion has no Southron standing for the Truth.

  23. “All Christianity, Judaism, and Islam rides on the story of the Creation.” That is a Talmudic sophism, and Talmudism obviously does NOT stand on the Torah, let alone depend on the scientific accuracy of literal MISINTERPRETATIONS of the creation stories of the Torah.

  24. Because there is no Christ, truth or strength left in Christianity. You are prime example of what is wrong and why we are doomed if we do not reject the modern and false version of God

  25. Stonelifter says “we are doomed if we do not reject the modern and false version of God.”

    So you are a literalist (mis)interpreter, a Creationist, then? I agree that we are doomed if we do not reject all the modernism and falsehood, but I think anti-science Creationism is one of the falsehoods we must reject.

  26. Mosin: How do you figure?
    I have not read the Talmud, but have read the Bible cover-to-cover twice and the Koran once.
    In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and all life, and lastly, he created man and woman. Everything in his creation was good and innocent, no sickness, no pain, no suffering, no death. Man and his wife were given dominion and allowed to eat of every plant that gave fruit with the exception of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, however, the Tree of Life was also in the garden, of which they ate daily and never grew old and never died.
    Satan tempted the woman (Lesson: Women are easily deceived by happy thoughts, and this is why they should not be voting) and the woman tempted the man, who was overall in charge and responsible to God. Because the man gave in to the woman’s sin (Lesson!), corruption entered creation, along with sickness, death and suffering. God did not create these hardships, man did. He was evicted from the garden and no longer was given access to the tree of life (Revelations says that when God’s kingdom is restored on Earth, man will once again eat from the tree of life and never die). The very first bloodshed was performed by God himself, who slew an innocent animal for skin to cover man’s naked sin. This began the shedding of innocent blood to cover sin.
    So you see, all monotheistic religions save Zoroastrianism hinge on the requirement to shed innocent blood for the remission of sin, and the hope of a restoration of God’s kingdom on Earth.
    Now, Evolution says that the struggle for life improves life, and that death is good because the weak die and the strong breed, this is opposite of what the Bible says God created and what He will again restore–the sheep lying down with the lamb. Could never happen with evolution.
    So evolution and creation are irreconsilable opposites.

  27. Wayne, those “lessons” ARE the MEANING of those passages, and I agree ENTIRELY with the lessons, not with the misuse of the text: to oppose natural science, especially evolutionary and genetic science, and astrophysics. Science and the lessons themselves, the meaning of the text, do not need “reconciliation” and are not at all “incompatible”!

    Stonelifter, if you mean by “the first principle of the Bible” that God created the heavens and the earth, and man, etc., well, I don’t disagree with that at all. I believe in God, the creator and sustainer of all things, who sent his only Son…. I DISAGREE with the obviously wrong interpretation and misuse of the text.

  28. But, Wayne, it doesn’t sound like you are neopagan or agnostic after all. I’m relieved.

  29. @Mosin Nagant

    I was raised Catholic, but I consider myself an atheist. Christianity, like all religion, just doesn’t hold up when subjected to scientific scrutiny.

  30. The “first principles” of the eternally-secure predestinated evangelicals are: (1) anti-science Creationism, (2) pro-Zionist global imperialism, and (3) the modern premillennial misinterpretation of the Apocalypse. These don’t resemble the teachings of Christ.

  31. Mosin: Christianity can be a beautiful and beneficial belief system, but not in it’s current form.
    Regarding evolution, if God created evolution, the advancement of life through death and killing, and death and bloodshed were present in evolved creation from the beginning, then there is no original sin, thereby no reason for a savior.
    Now to believe in evolution but that it magically stops at the human species is leftist religion. It must be one or the other, evolution or creation.

  32. Well, this way we get to know each other, Chris. Science is good, but scientific scrutiny is unable to determine whether the gospel is true. But “he that willeth to do His will, shall know of the doctrine, whether it is true.”

  33. Evolution is established fact, Wayne. Not something we choose to believe in or not, and it does not make anyone “Leftist” (I am surprised you didn’t use “Wordist”) to know that. The validity of the meaning (of the lessons) of the beginning chapters of Genesis is not diminished at all.

    Evangelicals must give up those three false “first principles,” mentioned in my foregoing comment, and begin following Christ consistently.

  34. I love it when leftist Marxist anti-white blockheads cop a condescending attitude with Christians, propping up their sodo-marriage, feminist, equality fanaticism which they pretend to base on purely objective, intellectual scientific fact. When they do this I shift gears to pure Darwinist mode. Not only am I then impervious to their What Would Jesus Do, turn the other cheek, false morality (none of them believe it, but try to guilt trip us), but I completely destroy equality (exists nowhere in nature), lay out why gay behavior would have extirpated itself if it were really a genetic trait and not just a filthy habit (which it is), and explain why whites have the civilization they do through evolutionary theory. It’s fun to see how quickly the supposedly progressive scientific left jumps ships and runs to the alter of religion when I do this.

  35. Evolution is not a fact, but a theory. A very convincing one, but theory nonetheless. It will never be proven.

  36. Modern Christians believe in evolution, but that it somehow just magically stops at the human species.

  37. Who says evolution stops at the human species?

    Evangelicals beat on natural science with their obviously false interpretation of Genesis, while they use all the technology it affords, including the computers, fast, horse-less transportation, medical, advanced weapons, etc. Meanwhile, they ignore the lessons of Genesis, and the rest of the scriptures with their immorality and divorce, materialism, etc. They support the chief opponents of Christianity around the world.

  38. I see it as a war cry.

    The film is well off in so many ways. I like the casual racism in the film. it’s probably unfair to Witt, but there you are. The Sargeant’s seem good at the biblical stuff too. It’s good to lay waste to the blacks. Not ideal but it is good.

  39. Many comments that need attention on this post. I’ve been busy this weekend, and am only now reading it.

    Dabney was a Southern Presbyterian. His comments on ‘conservatives’ conserving nothing is the most valuable quote in a hundred years. For it clearly posits the LIE that men of God were doing NOTHING to stop the forward march of apostasy in the USA, precisely because they were NOT men of GOD, but merely hirelings for the ‘state religion’ of Protestant sectarianism in the USA. In reading Gary North’s free NOOK downloadable book, “Crossed Fingers- How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church,” [ICE, Tyler, TX, 1996.] outlines philosophical, religious and practical ways to stem the tide of what can be subsumed under the heading ‘Liberalism.’

    Many people either disparage the nation, as well as her faith, but don’t see any answers. Others blaspheme God for denying/doubting Christ’s incarnation- but that’s even more absurd. The only way to fight an opposing theology (and liberalism IS a theology- of the Devil, himself!) is with a BETTER theology.

    That won’t be found in Protestantism, so the critiques of American Evangelicalism have a measure of truth in them. But it isn’t Christianity that is at fault. It’s the VARIANT on Christianity. For America (for the South) to ‘rise from the ashes’ we need to jettison (as Ezra had the Israelites do) our ‘strange flesh’ and ‘bastard children’ from within our midst, if we are to be the people we should be. That includes the fallacy of Western Rationalism, and the accursed ‘filioquist’ paradigms of the West, whih gave us the Rationalism, then the ‘Universal Brotherhood’ memes, and finally ‘Equality’ as you see referenced in the Dabney quote. Women are inferior to men, Blacks are inferior to Whites, and Sodomites are accursed by God.

    Get those parameters back in line, and suddenly many of your ‘problems’ will disappear. Of course, public stoning of faggots, race separation, and restoring Patriarchy will all lead us to a war, or the easier way, secession.

    But isn’t the latter what y’all want? Or are you just talking through your blow holes?

  40. “I believe in Christ of the Bible. I no longer believe in Christians ability to be anything but pathetic pussies on every topic requiring strength and determination. ”

    Stone- I’ll say it as clear as I can. You DON’T believe in Christ of the Bible, because you will not submit yourself to Jesus, who is the Christ. For it was Christ who submitted HIMSELF to the ‘ruling elders’ of His Day, and He was God.

    Moreover, you have been a hired mercenary- you’ve said so. You’ve shed blood for PAY. I’m going to be blunt here. The only biblical character related to that occupation? Well, Judas comes to mind. Until and unless you abandon that endeavor, I (for one) as one of those ‘meek clergy’ would forbid you at the Altar of the Lord, until you repented. So, don’t blather when you have no cred, Stone. It only makes you look a fool.

  41. ““A white nationalist movement based on “race” alone, apart from the Christian faith, like a boat without a rudder, destined to run adrift and splinter upon the rocks of racial amorality — is doomed to chaos, in-fighting, and in the end, utter failure. The Christian roots of White Nations are deep and sturdy. With a little pruning, and lots of fencing about, we can make the tree of White nations grow to a great and magnificent height once again!” Rootless, godless, anti-Christian (there is no middle ground) “WN” is doomed.” – Mosin

    Why do you think the Orthodox Churches call their canon collection, ‘the Rudder’? It is to guide the barque of Christ through the stormy waters of heresy and outright schism.

    Cambria wrote of exactly what you are describing, Mosin, this weekend:

    “The charity of honor that pervaded Christian Europe did not eradicate evil from the face of the earth. What happened was what Burke and Hughes described: savage ferocity was mitigated and vice lost half its evil because there was a Christian counter-response to every evil that men did. Now, when there is no Christian European counter-response to evil we see unmitigated savage ferocity and vice triumphant. The mother of that tormented nine-year-old child had pleaded to the school administrators to help her son, but her pleas fell on deaf ears because liberals have no conscience: they belong to Satan. Had a black mother protested that white boys were bullying her son, the white boys would have been summarily executed without a trial. Had the Asian filth who tormented the English boy accused a group of white boys of the same crime they were guilty of, the white boys would have been driven off the face of the earth.

    This world of unmitigated evil in which colored savages torment and murder white people with the approval of the liberal oligarchy will continue to flourish so long as white Europeans are separated from the type of honor that is connected to charity. It always saddens me when I see small remnant bands of white youth trying to organize a white resurgence under the banner of a pagan intellectual such as Nietzsche. There is no charity in such undertakings, hence there is no enduring fire in the heart. The reason charity never faileth is because that charity of honor connects us to Christ, and without Him all causes, no matter how brilliantly conceived, are doomed to live for one brief moment and then die, just as we are doomed to live for one brief moment and die unless our Redeemer, out of divine charity, steps between us and death, granting us eternal life.” –

    He’s right. You cannot fight an Obamanation on purely racial BS alone. You must wed the people to their Ethnos, but only as it is tied to their Pnevmos! Body AND soul. Not one- nor the other. Both. that is why Jesus Christ is the only story of a sacrificing God who incarnated Himself to ‘one of us’ so that he could ‘save HIS people from THEIR sins.’ Not the sins of the ‘world.’ Just the ‘world’ of his day- the Caucasian lands of Megala Europa.

    Jesus is not called ‘The White Man’s God’ for nothing. So, pagans that demean/downplay true Christianity are the most Willing accomplices of Der Negerfuhrer there ever were. Such types make the Yid’s heart glad, and embolden Satan’s Minions to even great Genocide of the Chosen People- the White Race of Adamkind.

  42. “Modern Christians believe in evolution, but that it somehow just magically stops at the human species.”

    Wayne- are you confusing micro-evolution (which is real) with Macro-evolution (which is false) on purpose, or don’t you understand the two?

    Darwin’s theory was not to demonstrate a SCIENTIFIC theory, but to posit an ALTERNATIVE RELIGION- the utter religion of HUMANISM- that blacks were the equal of Whites, frankly.

    And when a Jewish scientist makes the statement that Adam’s appearance 6-10,000 years ago does NOT conflict with evolution, well, I stand up and take notice!

    So, I think you need to clarify, sir. Thanks.

  43. “I was raised Catholic, but I consider myself an atheist. Christianity, like all religion, just doesn’t hold up when subjected to scientific scrutiny.”- 313 Chris

    Maybe some hominids DO evolve from stupid apes…. just sayin’.

  44. King David was a man of war who killed for profit and yet was beloved by God

    You are one of those eunuchs and we do not worship the same God.

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