Birmingham and Secession


Paul Kersey writes:

“Black people will always follow white people wherever they may go, because the conditions found in a white community are preferable to the conditions found in a black community (even in a black-run city like Birmingham, the city that was so important to overturning white morality in not only Alabama, not only America, but the entire world).

White people can create thriving cities and school systems, but if black people can’t do the same in their communities, then they must move to (and eventually overwhelm) the white communities — then, they will vote as a monolith when their numbers rise and elect into power black candidates with a black-first agenda.

This is the future for Birmingham’s white suburbs.

Secession, of any kind, must be 100 percent racial in origin and motivation.

If not, it will fail. …”

As long as the Union exists, any scheme by Whites who are fleeing from black dysfunction (such as moving to Shelby County or Metro Atlanta) will ultimately fail because the places which they are moving to are just as answerable to the same master, which has the same political agenda, as the places from which they are fleeing.

In Vestavia Hills, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act of 1968, the EEOC, the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, the Voting Rights Act, the Immigration Act of 1965, the Great Society welfare state, the “disparate impact” standard, the Obama administration, Shelly v. Kraemer, Brown v. Board of Education, Loving v. Virginia, Katzenbach v. McClung – innumerable innovations imposed on the South by the federal government – are still in effect.

The master in this country is Washington which answers to the White majority in the Northern and Western states. Step by step, the White majority in the Northern and Western states have sent politicians to Washington – most recently Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 and 2012 – and charged them with the responsibility of taking “liberty” and “equality” to ever greater extremes with regards to race.

As long as the Union exists, Vestavia Hills and Alabama or Sandy Springs and Georgia or Franklin and Tennessee will always prostrate themselves before the set of politicians who rule in Washington, and resistance by Whites to the encroachment of black dysfunction will be proscribed under the law. Should the resistance by Whites ever go  beyond mere grandstanding, Washington will send in the military like it did in Arkansas in 1957, Mississippi in 1961, and Alabama in 1962.

The cycle would be broken tomorrow if the real problem was addressed: a consolidated government of unlimited powers lorded over by Washington, which like a puppermaster with strings attached to all its subordinate governments, forces every state and community in the country to submit to Black Run America.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Let’s put the noble goal of secession to the side for now. It’s a project that, truth be told, is highly unlikely to ever come to fruition, and even if it does it will be decades in the making. So what should the white people of the Birmingham MSA do NOW?

    As I see it there are three options, listed here from best to least worst:

    1) Relocation

    Contrary to Hunter’s previous assertion, Birmingham hasn’t been rebuilt in Over the Mountain. The 73% black city of Birmingham is still home to the vast majority of the metro area’s major businesses, banks, insurance companies, utilities, construction and engineering firms, federal, state and county bureaucracies, major law firms, hotels, convention centres, transportation hubs, industries, hospitals, museums, art galleries, other cultural institutions and myriad tourist attractions.

    If whites were serious about relocating out of Birmingham, then they would have moved all, or at least most, of these crown jewels of the local economy out of the city to Over the Mountain. But they haven’t. So the basis of the white-majority metro area’s economy is still based in the 73% black-majority city of Birmingham. Over the Mountain is merely where the white workers of Birmingham sleep.

    The whites of Metro Birmingham could have copied the example of Sandton, South Africa, where most of the Johannesburg central business district relocated to starting in the 1990s. But it would be politically impossible in today’s climate for the entire financial-commercial-industrial-institutional-governmental complex to be relocated from black Birmingham to white Over the Mountain. And besides, the relocation to Sandton only happened because South Africa’s new black elite were scared shitless of the crime in Joburg CBD. And Sandton is still within Joburg’s new, gerrymandered city limits. So relocation, though the best option for Birmingham’s whites IMO, is politically untenable at this point.

    2) Gentrification

    White gentrification of black-dominated urban areas is one of the most hopeful demographic trends of the past two decades. White pioneers are slowly taking back important cities all across America. Unfortunately, these whites are mostly homosexuals, hipsters or SWPLs, not exactly the bedrock of white civilization. And it is happening very slowly, so that it will take decades to take back even the choicest cities like NYC or DC, much less the laggards like Birmingham and Cleveland. And though this white influx may raise property values and lower crime rates, the type of whites who are gentrifying these cities vote in lockstep with the blacks that they are displacing. So while gentrification is all well and good, it is not the solution to the main problem: displacing black political power in America’s major urban areas.

    3) Consolidation

    There are cities like Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Baltimore, Richmond, Cleveland and Detroit where blacks rule the roost, and their entire metro areas suffer as a result. Then there are cities like Nashville, Jacksonville, Louisville and Indianapolis where whites rule, thanks to city-county consolidation. Which would you prefer?

    Consolidation is the best way to overthrow black political power in America’s largest urban areas. The question has to be asked: Do you want to keep running away after blacks take over one major city after another, or are you ready to fight back and reclaim what your ancestors built and which should rightfully be yours? Do you want to live in a declining metro area, even in a whitopian suburb dominated by a black central city, or are you sick to death of blacks destroying once-great cities like Birmingham and Detroit, with the rot spreading out to their entire metro areas? Quit running and start fighting back. Don’t concede the economic engines of great states like Alabama and Michigan, etc. to the blacks.

    Soon I will provide an example of city-county consolidation where even though the city in question became less white after consolidation, it became more conservative. That’s how effective city-county consolidation can be for whites/conservatives.

  2. City-county consolidation only works if you don’t have DWLs and “Hispanics” combining their voting power with Blacks to oust YT.

  3. You can put achieving secession on the side, but people must think in terms of secession. If you do not aim for your target, you will lose everything. Small victories must be won on the path to a larger victory, instead of today, where small victories are the end goal. When secession is your goal, all the other issues will fall into line. What can be done on this issue to advance the goal of secession or self-determination?

  4. “what can be done to advance the goal?”

    One simple, easy thing to do is talk about it in public, aloud — calmly, sanely, intelligently. Run the numbers and the processes at work in front of others, logically and in detail. Don’t be angry or “hateful”, just lucid and clear-thinking. Secession is vital not because you hate blacks, but because it is the only real option for white survival. The left is trying to literally drown us, to submerge us in a sea of brown. The left is genuinely and unapologetically exterminationist towards whites. Since the left may now have a mathematically permanent voting majority, whites have only two options, secede or perish.

    A good psy-ops way to practice these public conversations is to go with a friend who secretly agrees with you to a Starbucks or some place where you know your conversation will be overheard. One of you plays the well-meaning DWL, the other plays the secessionist. Then you slowly, politely, rationally overcome the fake DWL’s objections, one by one, and the fake DWL finally “agrees” with you.

    The point is for others to overhear that the secessionist is not a nut, which will plant seeds in their minds.

    After you’ve tried this a few times, you can start having actual conversations with others. Target fence-sitters first, not real DWLs.

  5. Let me be the first to bring up the trouble your pal Matthew Himebach and a Confederate sympathizer named Scott Terry have been causing at CPAC. It’s really heating up now. I’m glad to say, and you won’t be surprised to hear, that they weren’t received well. The Democrats are using this to hammer the Republicans.

  6. It will never happen for the following reasons …

    1.) First, Birmingham and Over the Mountain already share a consolidated government, Jefferson County, a fiasco which is currently the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history, and which has White suburbanites irate over the outrageous sewer rates.

    2.) Second, the Whites in suburban Jefferson County are moving to Shelby County and St. Clair County to get out from underneath their hated consolidated county government with Birmingham.

    3.) Third, Over the Mountain and North Fulton once shared a consolidated government with the blacks in Birmingham and Atlanta, and most people who live would rather live under their own local governments with their own school districts and public services, rather than share power and tax dollars to prop up tottering afrocracies.

    4.) Fourth, Birmingham was a steel city and the loss of the steel industry means that the White suburbs are no longer tied to its fate anymore than they are to Tuscaloosa down the road.

    5.) Fifth, the people who live in Over the Mountain care about good schools, good public services, high property value, competant government, safe neighborhoods, etc. — they don’t care about statistics which lump them in with Birmingham whose underperformance drags down the wider region.

    6.) Finally, Birmingham is a four letter word in the White suburbs whose people would love to see Murderham fail.

  7. Lol.

    Let the Dems hammer away.

    If these two say the right things they will wake up a few people.

    In the end the GOP is just taking Democratic c**k up their arses so this sort of outburst of racism is the best medicine.

  8. 1.) First, Birmingham and Over the Mountain already share a consolidated government, Jefferson County, a fiasco which is currently the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history, and which has White suburbanites irate over the outrageous sewer rates.

    How is it that majority white Jefferson County went bankrupt but majority black Birmingham didn’t? I agree that this doesn’t bode well for consolidation.

    2.) Second, the Whites in suburban Jefferson County are moving to Shelby County and St. Clair County to get out from underneath their hated consolidated county government with Birmingham.

    So they’re still in the greater Birmingham area, and still reliant on the region’s economic engine which is located in the 73% black city. And how long will it be before the blacks follow them out to Shelby and St Clair counties?

    3.) Third, Over the Mountain and North Fulton once shared a consolidated government with the blacks in Birmingham and Atlanta, and most people who live would rather live under their own local governments with their own school districts and public services, rather than share power and tax dollars to prop up tottering afrocracies.

    The situation is quite different in Atlanta and Birmingham because Atlanta is being gentrified while Birmingham is not, and there is a white separatist movement (Milton Co.) in Fulton County that I don’t believe exists in Jefferson County. I agree that the local people in both places–concerned with short-term pocketbook issues rather than having a long-term vision of a white-majority, white-ruled central city–would probably be against consolidation. It would have to be imposed from above by the GA and AL governors and legislatures.

    4.) Fourth, Birmingham was a steel city and the loss of the steel industry means that the White suburbs are no longer tied to its fate anymore than they are to Tuscaloosa down the road.

    I don’t believe the steel industry is totally extinct in Birmingham. But regardless, the white suburbs are indeed tied to the economic fate of the black-ruled city because that’s where most of the jobs are, in all industries and professions.

    5.) Fifth, the people who live in Over the Mountain care about good schools, good public services, high property value, competant government, safe neighborhoods, etc. — they don’t care about statistics which lump them in with Birmingham whose underperformance drags down the wider region.

    Of course they care about these quality-of-life issues more than anything else. They wouldn’t lose any of these things under consolidation, though their property taxes might go up. They wouldn’t lose control of their whitopias to the blacks, rather they would seize control of the economic hub of the entire region from the blacks.

    6.) Finally, Birmingham is a four letter word in the White suburbs whose people would love to see Murderham fail.

    I don’t think that’s true. David Sher and his ilk sure don’t feel that way. Why would whites living in the same metro area want to kill the golden goose, the city where most of their jobs are? The decline of the central city can only hurt the suburbs in the long run, just like it’s hurt the suburbs of other black-run cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, Richmond, Memphis, New Orleans, etc.

  9. In the late 1990s, the Conservative provincial government in Ontario decided to consolidate the larger cities in the province with their counties. They wanted to cut costs by eliminating redundant layers of municipal government, and they wanted to deal with more compliant (i.e. more conservative-leaning) mayors and city councils. The basic idea was, Toronto is too important to leave to the leftists who actually live there, so the boundaries must be redrawn until the city’s population is politically ‘better’.

    And it worked. From having a long line of destructive leftist mayors, since consolidation two of the three mayors of Toronto have been conservatives. In the 2010 mayoral election, you can see from this map that the liberal candidate (Smitherman) got his support from the wards making up the original city, while the conservative (Ford) won the election by winning big in the more populous annexed areas.

    Paradoxically, the original city of Toronto is about two-thirds white, while the annexed areas are only about 45% white, making the consolidated city 52.6% white as of the 2006 census. Does this mean that whites voted for the liberal Smitherman while non-whites voted for the conservative Ford? No. It means that whites and non-whites in the central city voted for the liberal, while whites and non-whites in the outlying areas voted for the conservative.

    Now the demographics of Toronto are very different from those of any major American city. For example, it is only 8.4% black and 2.6% Latin American, but more than one-third Asian. In the US, and probably Canada too, blacks vote monolithically for leftist candidates regardless of whether they live in the central cities or the suburbs. But non-black minorities (NBMs), as Steve Sailer has pointed out and as we can clearly see from the Toronto election results, tend to follow the political lead of their white neighbours: liberal in the inner cities and more conservative in the outlying areas.

    This is why city-county consolidations in the US have not only ‘whitened’ the cities in question, but have made them far more conservative as well. The liberal inner city whites and NBMs of Nashville, Jacksonville, Louisville and Indianapolis are now greatly outnumbered by more conservative whites and NBMs in their outlying areas following consolidation, just like what happened in Toronto.

    Having a healthy, white-majority and conservative-leaning central city has beneficial effects for the entire metro area, as opposed to the economic stagnation usually found in metros anchored by a decaying black-majority city. Black holes like Detroit, Cleveland, Memphis and Birmingham should follow the examples of the above-mentioned cities and consolidate with their counties. Simply put, city-county consolidation represents the political victory of white rule and conservatism over black rule and leftism.

  10. Cam’s post for this week, has this bit of unerring wisdom.

    “In this century and the past century when we refer to the rational, moderate men, we are talking about the conservatives. They treat all mankind as generic units sharing the same values as they do. When things go wrong, as they did in the last Presidential election in this country, the conservatives do not question their universalist principles and say, “Maybe all races are not alike, maybe the European people are different from the people of color.” No, instead they start thinking about “winning over the blacks” or “appealing to the educated Hispanics.” And on and on go the good, solid, well-meaning, intelligent conservatives. They will still be blathering when the stew pot is closed over their heads. If you avoid the race issue, if you don’t fight for God, for England, and St. George, you might avoid conflict in the short run, but in the long run you will perish because by denouncing your race you have denounced your soul. I believe our Lord summed up the tragedy of the moderate, rational men: “He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” You can’t step outside the realm of the spirit, which is what a man does when he forsakes His people for generic mankind, and still hold on to a place in this world or the world to come.”

    Jeppo, you’re crazy. HW, secession is the ONLY alternative. One look at that ‘diversity map’ linked at SWB’s most recent post –

    shows that the multiculti’s heresy (for it IS a religion) is everywhere- and where it’s not, it is trying as hard as the ‘true believers’ can, to ‘make it so.’ (think Capt. Picard, STNG).

    Jeppo, I’ve realized that NO Nigger will EVER be my equal. EVER.

    My mantra here, has long been:

    Secession. Today. Now. Forever.

    Nothing can change them- not even the White Man’s God.
    [Jer. 13:23]

  11. re: jeppo

    1.) It is due to that scandal over derivatives and sewage rates that was negotiated between Larry Langford, William Blount, and Wall Street.

    2.) Birmingham’s economic engine was the steel industry which is long gone. The people who live in White suburbs in Shelby County like Pelham and Alabaster don’t feel anymore connected to Birmingham than they do to Tuscaloosa.

    3.) Not really.

    Fulton County (GA) is 48.1% White and Jefferson County (AL) is 53% White. In Birmingham, suburban Whites live in Over the Mountain and Shelby County and St. Clair County whereas in Atlanta they live in North Fulton and the surrounding Atlanta Metro Area.

    The major difference between Birmingham and Atlanta is that the White suburbs incorporated in Jefferson County a long time ago whereas they just started doing so in recent years in Fulton County.

    Virtually no one in Sandy Springs wants to go back to the old system where the black controlled majority government in Atlanta siphoned off millions of dollars to prop up the dysfunctional blacks in South Fulton while doing nothing for the White taxpayers in North Fulton.

    And then … only for the sake of meaningless statistical abstractions like the “Birmingham Metro Area,” which are created by lumping in Birmingham with the White suburbs, as opposed to tangible measurements like property value, quality public services, school quality, safe neighborhoods, the unemployment rate, etc.

    4.) Not true.

    If Birmingham and Jefferson County were consolidated, it would mean empowering blacks again over the police and fire department, over transportation and parks and other vital public services, over a consolidated school board with Birmingham City Schools, over the finances of the consolidated region, etc.

    No one is going to go along with that when the blacks in Birmingham are marginalized at the local level in the White suburbs. Consolidating Jefferson County with Birmingham wouldn’t do anything but empower a DWL-negro majority – exactly like the one that existed in Birmingham in the 1970s under David Vann – over the entire Birmingham region.

    5.) I’m not sure why you believe that most of the jobs are located in Birmingham. Unless you work at UAB or Regions Bank, Birmingham is now as irrelevant as Detroit to the Whites who live in the region. The economic center of gravity in Atlanta has also long since shifted from downtown Atlanta to North Fulton.

  12. David Sher and his ilk want a DWL-negro majority over a consolidated Birmingham-Jefferson County – like Birmingham as it existed in the early 1970s before it went 365Black under Richard Arrington – that would marginalize the thriving, conservative White suburbs.

    No one in the White suburbs is stupid enough to go along with that scheme either in light of what happened to Birmingham and Jefferson County.

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